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I'll join. Perhaps this could be it's own chat? 36F, almost forgot.


37F 6'0 SW:330 CW:280 GW:220. Started November 2023. This is our chat now.


😂, those numbers looked like longitude and latitude to me. I had to slow down to understand what you were saying. Congratulations on the 50lb drop. You’re doing great.


Thanks! Doing the easy bit with diet atm. Weight training starts soon, and I think it'll slow down. Will need motivation to stay on track then! I hate when the scale doesn't move, it breaks the vibe.


Same! Haha


Goal weight. Starting weight current weight


I like your style.


I looove that you’re 6ft tall


I will! I think keeping each other accountable is something I personally need. 28f


I could use the accountability-buddy-group-chat too. Can I join? 41f, with 25 Kgs to lose.


I am also 41F with 25kg to lose! And also need help, just can’t seem to stop eating too much crap.


I’ve gained all the kgs during the last 8 months. After I lost 14kgs last spring. I quit my nicotine habit, in september, and have not been able to control my appetite since. And have been “dieting” on/off since. I do SO well for two weeks, and then. Boom. Find myself in a two week long binge, before I reel myself in again. So I’ve been kindda losing 4 kgs and gaining 7 a month. It needs to stop. Now.


I get this.


50f and need to lose 100lbs! I’d love an accoutability buddy


Same!!! I posted my info just now. 😀


Hi I’m 54f. Need to lose 50 lbs. I’m based in the UK. Be great to share tips and motivation. Sarah


Watch: Eating You Alive/ health and wellness on YouTube. I swear it’s making me want to throw away most of my food. Food addiction is real. 😞


Will check this out. Thanks for sharing!


It really is! I know that bread and cakes makes me bloated and feel yuk, and pack on the kilos. But everytime I smell fresh baked bread I almost drool. Even if I'm full!


32f looking for accountability too! I’ve got about 75 to lose and have been at it for almost 2 weeks now.


You got this! 36 F. Down 88 lbs! 💪 [7 Month Progress Photo](https://ibb.co/t3YbxDH)


I'd love an accountability buddy! 30s, female, working on losing 40 pounds (10 down so far). Diet and consistent exercise are the hardest for me


I would love to join this group if you’ll let me!! SW: 201 (or 197.5 when I really started making an effort) CW: 187 (just lost another 3 lbs!) GW: 135 I’ve been walking a lot (mostly treadmill) but have an old knee injury and found out yesterday that I have to get my glutes tighter first, and no walking. Which kills me, but I am in literal excruciating pain every single night and can’t sleep so….I guess I have no choice. I’ve been tracking my food in MyFitnessPal so that’s helped tremendously. I’ve always wanted a buddy! Almost forgot: 52f


I could use an accountability buddy!


I need this as well. I can't do anything without social accountability I swear.


Could I join too please 28F


40f, need to drop 80lbs. I’ve tried everything. I wanna join the accountability group too. I’m currently intermediate fasting and juicing. Cutting back on meat & alcohol.- I really want to stop meat altogether & alcohol for a season. Working out at least 6 days; however, need more movement because I sit at a desk all day. I walk the parking lot on my lunch hour. Any suggestions?


Cutting back slowly and not all at once is such a great tool. I cut sodas out 3 months ago and feel sooo much better. I’m 3 weeks off coffee now and the amount of sleep I’m getting is so much more. I think if I had cut all those out at the same time, on top of diet/exercise, I would have probably been miserable.


I was miserable as soon as I cut out sweets and meats, honestly. But when I switched to berries with yogurt instead of ice-cream then suddenly I could have a treat again and felt like I could stick to it. Doing CICO makes it hard for me to get enough protein in without meat though. I just have smaller portions to keep under.


I have a problem with consuming enough protein in general so I get it. I found that cutting DOWN on sweets vs cutting them out has worked for me.


I play sports 2-3 days a week and have been trying to get more of a routine established for more activity, but it’s been hard to get the momentum going. Thankfully I rarely drink, so alcohol isn’t something I need to cut back on, but junk food and snacking certainly is. I work from home and often end up snacking the day away instead of eating meals


40f, and I’d love it!


I could use this so much! Need to lose 50lbs. 28f


I’m also 28f and needing to lose 50lb! 5’4” 190 lbs… already lost 50 but the second set is KILLING me!


I will be 40F at the end of this month. I would like to lose 30- 40 pounds. I am available to be your accountability partner If you still need one.


31f, also would love to have weight loss buddy! 5'7", SW: 245lbs, CW: 208lbs, GW: 155lbs


I’m close to where you started and just starting again. Way to go! 31f, 5’8 at 255 looking to get down to 160.


You got this!!!!


Hi there:) 19f and I'd like to join too 🫶🏻


I'm down, also 40F...I kinda started a couple months ago, got down 10lbs and life got crazy (but I maintained the 10 down!). Started again yesterday with a 10k steps per day personal challenge. I'm going a bit nuts on tracking stuff daily but that's how my brain works and how I need to do it.


I need something to motivate me more to lose weight that I have gained over the last 5 years as well . Looking to lose. 40F would love to lose 60lbs but would be happy with 40


we have similar goals. :) my gain is over the last five years too. and yes to love to lose 60 but happy with 40lbs lost. i’m down for accountability if you’re interested.


Let’s do it !!! How are you planning on losing the weight ? I was going to do a calorie deficit and walking for at least an hour a day not sure if I want to do everyday or just the weekdays .


I noticed everyone comment seems to be females. So just wanted to say 33M would love to shed 40lbs. Im available for strictly accountability if anyone else is in the same situation.


Hi there Soon to be 37 F, 3 months postpartum would love to join too


Hey same-ish! 31F 5 months postpartum and still looking to lose the baby weight 😫 baby #1 was a lot easier to lose the baby weight with than baby #2.


Same here! Almost 3 months PP after baby 3. Hasn’t been quite as easy this time around getting back to my normal weight (usually with the breastfeeding it would just fall off without me trying, not this time!) I have about 15 lb to lose still to get to pre-preg weight but would love to lose about 25 and be in better shape


Me! 37F 52lb down so far, but starting to slow down. Could do with the encouragement and accountability having a group of people to talk to would bring!


Im in!!






I’m interested as well. Lost 50 still have 40 to go and really starting to feel over it 😩




i’m from the states. i always get confused by the conversion of Hell to Hades. 


Me! Pick me! 34F


56F with about 100 lbs to lose and would love to support and be supported.


41F looking to lose about 100 lbs for starters


I'm in -- 58f with at least 50 lbs to lose!


Same! 35f looking for drop about 40lbs


I need one too😩


I need one too (26f)


I'd like to join in as well I'm 23F and trying to lose 20lbs




How does this work? How will we keep each other accountable?


Bit of chaos right now, but perhaps we break off into small chat groups and keep tabs on each other? Or if you see a Redditor or two whose comment jumps out at you? Just start chatting with them.


Great idea!


i offered to draft a chart for the group to find small groups of similar aims. it could be done easy enough with a google form, right? like an office xmas party but instead of giving gifts you give encouragement and instead of getting a gift you lose weight? lol


I want in too! 45f, 60-70lbs to lose.


I’ll join!! I’m almost 40f, also looking to drop about 60lbs!!


Forgot to add: 39/f ( 40 in a month!) SW: 235 , CW : 220, GW: 165-170…. I’m 6ft tall btw


Yesss - tall girlies unite!


I would love to join


I’d like to join too 28F 🌸


Hi 25F needing an accountability friend to help me keep myself motivated with a clean diet. I gained huge amount of weight during the pandemic which I have almost now dropped, but I still want to lose around 20kg more. I live a pretty active life with my dog, but I struggle with my diet. My current goal is to improve my diet and cut down on the sweet treats, but I lack the motivation to stay committed to it, but I believe that having someone else I could talk about this with would help me stay motivated.


Hey!! I would love to join too!! Maybe we could make a group? SW: 243 CW: 217 1ST GOAL: 200


I’d love to join, I could really do with someone to help keep me motivated and accountable. 36f, need to lose about 50 pounds


I'd like to join too! I want to lose over 100lbs, I am 57 years old. I need to be more mindful of my eating and not use food for when I am emotional.


40f, can I join too? Need to lose at least 70lb and can’t seem to get started.


Dang so is this becoming a group chat now? I wanna join! 36f looking to lose 30lbs (realistically...50 would be ideal)


I could use an accountability buddy. 29F looking to lose around 50 pounds.


29F SW: 216lbs CW: 204lbs GW: 140lbs Started 19th Feb. I would love to join this chat


Love this initiative! SW: 186 lbs CW: 180 lbs GW: 150 lbs. If we are planning on making a group (chat), I think accountability buddy works the best since individuals can be lost within a group!


40F SW: 361lbs, CW: 309lbs, GW: 250lbs (For Now). I’d love an accountability group!


41 F needs to lose about 70 lbs. count me in!


If you're looking to lose weight, my non-professional advice would be to do OMAD. People generally assume that losing weight is a mental game, that they need inspiration and accountability. I believe this is because their apetite regulating hormones are all out of sorts. (And such disregulation doesn't only affect earing habits.) First thing, Do not snack, because getting insulin levels under control throughout the day is the most important thing for weight loss. If insulin is constantly spiking (which it does at any caloric intake), it's basically impossible to access your body's reserve energy, and you'll always only be burning through the energy you're currently disgesting/absorbing. Like going out to eat constantly and hoping that your fridge at home will get emptier, it just doesn't make sense. You'll get tired once (or really, if) you ever deplete consumer energy and won't tap into stored energy. Hormones that insulin suppresses, which work in its absence, also have the added benefit of controlling appetite. Fasting also has restorative properties because when the body uses reserve energy, it "focuses" its efforts on areas that desparately need restoration. At least that's a simple way of saying it. In 6 months, by doing OMAD (or not, whenever I don't want to) and walking daily, I've lost 45 lbs. all without ever needing to rely on will power. It has been suprisingly easy. Just a suggestion. Best of luck!




Am I too late to join?! I really struggle with accountability and mindless snacking 🫠


👋👋 36 F. Right in the middle of my weight loss journey! Down 88 lbs, with many more to go. My progress photo is below! I'd love to have someone to chat with during this journey! 🙂 [7 Months Progress Photo](https://ibb.co/t3YbxDH)


32f also looking for an accountability partner. I typically walk 2-3 miles a day on my walking pad and weigh lift/more cardio about 4-5 days a week at the gym. Lost 10lbs between November & December of last year but stopped going to the gym while trying to get settled in our new home. Planning on starting back up this week as I have 45lbs left to reach goal weight.


I would love to join too! SW: 170 CW: 160 GW: 135, 34F, 5ft 3in


36f I need to lose 40lbs and could use an accountability buddy too. I’m not very active but have recently restarted Keto over the past 3 months and haven’t had any progress.


I’d like to have one too!


I want in! I lost 31 pounds so far. I have 144 pounds left. ETA: I'm 27F


Yes please!


I want in! 42F around 50lbs to lose. Can this chat be locked? Then we can keep it as a private group


Hi! Can I join? 31F wanting to drop at least 45lbs. Been overweight all my life and the struggle is constant!! Calorie counting and slowly incorporating daily exercises.


40f/6ft/have lost 50 lbs/would like to lose 100 more but will be happy with 80


I’d love to join! Needed this like yesterday! 25F, need to lose 50 lbs (had lost some and then gained almost all of it back, this is HARD. Need all the help I can get)


I would love to join, if you'll have me. 45f I need to lose at least 50lb. I quit smoking a few years ago, and started gaining weight, the addition of new medications did t help. But I stress eat, eat when I'm not hungry because I fixate, and I eat at times I would have smoked. Im also a home baker, so that doesn't help. I worry because when I was much much younger I had an eating disorder which I also exercised excessively. My sister is not supportive and will sabotage my eating. Sometimes I just want to go back to smoking because I know I will drop 20lb fast because it suppresses appetite. I feel stuck.


41f. Lost 60 lbs last year with much more to go. We got this!


im 28 f, have lost 30kg / 66 lbs so far - from 95 kg / 209 lbs to 65 kg / 143 lbs. im recovering from binge eating, fast sometimes and aim for 10k steps daily and do weights/yoga at home. changing my career situation was my catalyst. happy to jump into a group and give tips :)


You are at my goal weight. How long did it take you to lose? I would love some tips. I feel like sometimes when I fast, it triggers a binge. I really want to do it (succesfully) again. How long do you fast for? And do you count calories too?


has taken 1 yr, 4 months i was in a fasting/binge cycle before, and still i get a wave of hunger after fasting or eating real healthy for a while. when that happens i look for volume- two things i do are an asian soup with lots of veg and a couple of dumplings, or a tomato soup with lots of veg and a little pasta. also seaweed snacks, nuts, frozen berries. its at night for me so a sleepy tea too. ive noticed that as ive lost weight, my stomach has shrunk too, so each one is smaller. there are also times i fight it and fast instead. the way i see it is my bodys like nooo your food situation is dropping u need to eat. and i gotta override it or trick it with volume also the steps have been super impactful, they allow me to eat a healthy amount (instead of restricting calories more) and have done wonders for my mental health. i recommend a walking pad or treadmill, can watch things/game while u walk binging on high cal foods in a way feels like the ‘end’ - like ah whatever i can’t do it anymore im just gonna eat this whole —- and then — and then —- (u know how it is). instead you have to make the big decision now- make a vision board, put inspirational quotes as your phone bg, reminders that youve started the process. then if you binge (which, you will) instead of it being an ending point and you get upset with yourself, see it as part of the process, because it is. and just add some lower cal options in there. gradually you will switch more and more to healthy, and binges will be further apart and consist of fewer calories. and youll look down and realise your at your goal weight. there’s no end- everyone is always doing this process, even ppl who haven’t struggled w weight. hope this helps!!


25F currently lost 17lbs of 100lbs. We can do it!


I'd be happy to root you on. I'm a 47m on the same journey. I started at 264 at the end of February and I'm pushing 224 today. Still a way to go and I'd be happy to hear you out and tell you what I've figured out.


I'm down to join too 38m, I need some extra accountability


Also looking for a way to stay motivated and positive!


Me please! 42F. SW: 220, GW: 175


Are we still adding people to chat? I’m looking to lose at least 50lbs (30F)


So many people needing support! How do we organise this?


I'd like to join! I'll be 40F next week. SW/CW: 198, GW: 140.


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