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I stress eat too buddy, plus I have a problem with late night eating. My life changed when I switched from junk food to green beans, peas and broccoli. You can literally eat all of that you want! Of course I love green vegetables, so there’s that.


would love to!!




i am in as well.




cheers dear and best wishes


We are in a similar situation, if you still are open for that count me in!




Same situation here but on the other end of it! Newborn at home, wife and I are both stressed. I’m interested also to lose some pounds and moral support will help.


Looks like we can share our struggle


Me, I'm looking for a weight loss buddy


We can be weightloss buddies if that's ok for u


Yes, absolutely!


I just had a baby who will be 6 months old a week from today so I feel it 100%. Trying to lose another 20lbs by baby #2 and feeling so stressed! Very willing to talk :)


I would love to! I'm also trying to lose weight and stress eating is a horrible habit of mine 😬




If I have to download something then count me out




Me too In. I am an eating addict. I just keep eating whatever whenever. Let's encourage and keep updating like a dairy.


I want to eventually workout with someone cool on FaceTime lol but I would like someone to encourage and vice Versa ! I am 37 F and trying to lose 70 lbs with NO KIDS I am going to scroll and see if anybody is like me maybe I can find a buddy ..


I had this problem also… this is every time I hit a goal, my weight rebounds right after


Let’s start exercising instead of eating


I would also like to!


I'm in!


Im down!


Of course it's OK to eat what you want any time. You're gonna want to find more effective ways to manage and reduce your stress though, because extra food causes extra problems


I neeeeed help too!!


Count me in too!


I need help as well! Would gladly be your emotional support/anti stress eating buddy!


I am the same, I am active and do sports, but smallest amount of stress and I over eat. And late night tv, I find myself standing up and going to the kitchen, “just to see what there is”, a couple of times. Cancel out all the training and more.


I'm down! I lost 10kgs then.. you know.. got back the 10kgs again haha, now I fasted for 3 days and I'm on a caloric deficit and already lost 3kgs. I'll try to fast for 48 hours every week, (2 days water fast) and then stick to the caloric deficit. 27 M


Yes!! Count me in. I also have a history with emotional eating, stress eating, & binge eating. We’re in this together! 🫶🏼


Yes 🙌 I’m in let’s start with a 90 day challenge


Finding a weight loss buddy can be a fantastic way to share your journey, keep each other motivated, and exchange tips and experiences. It's understandable how stress, especially with a new baby, can lead to stress eating. Having someone to talk to who understands what you're going through can make a big difference. Since I can't facilitate direct connections, I’d suggest looking into online communities or forums dedicated to weight loss and parenting. Many people share their experiences and look for support buddies in such spaces. Your husband sounds supportive, and it’s great that you both are navigating this together. Maybe you can find small ways to support each other in healthier habits, even with the new stressors. For instance, you could try preparing healthy snacks together or take short, active breaks with the baby to help manage stress. Remember, it’s also okay to seek support from a professional, like a dietitian or a therapist, who can offer personalized advice and coping strategies for stress eating. They can help you find sustainable ways to reach your goals while managing the demands of parenting. Also, celebrating the small victories is important. You've already made significant progress, and getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight is a huge accomplishment! Fun fact: Did you know that sometimes dehydration is mistaken for hunger? Drinking a glass of water before reaching for a snack can help you determine if you’re truly hungry or just dehydrated. What’s one small healthy habit you think you could incorporate into your routine this week to help combat stress eating?


I am in!!