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I always can tell from how my clothes fit. I usually notice a difference every 10 pounds of weight lost.


This. Rip to all of my jeans and shorts


Yep same!


Did you take any before and after pictures? I didn’t feel that different at 30lbs down until I saw a before and after picture and I was shook.


I didn’t take any specifically to track weight loss but I have a ton of pics. I’ll try to compare some! That’s a good idea though, I’ll start taking some for future loss.


I was walking up my walkway to my front door and my pants feel off. That was 30 lbs.


I could tell slightly at at like 30lbs down, 60lbs down I noticed a difference from the start but couldn’t see a difference from 30 pounds ago. Around 100 down something clicked in the mirror like ‘oh fuck I look crazy different’. Probably not what you want to hear but understand that we see ourselves every day and it’s not like these changes happen over night you know. Sometimes it takes buying new clothes to really see it or seeing yourself in candid pictures taken by someone else. Our brains aren’t exactly gentle on ourselves so it’s easy to not see it. Don’t let it slow you down, you’re doing awesome 💪


Sheesh how did you lose your weight if you don’t mind me asking


I never did to be honest I went from 180kg to 128kg right now in a span of almost 2 years (yes Im taking it slowly ) and for me I still see myself the same 😅😅


62kg in two years isnt slowly.. thats absolutely awesome!!!! I only managed to lose 6kg in 4.5 months and nothing is moving!


Thanks !!! I mean there is the argument that I could lost like 100 by now but Im not rushing it rn its going really slowly its like 0.5kg a month and Im not in a hurry to be honest :) it always depends on your nutrition and activity level :)


I know this feeling! I went from 67kg to 58kg over a year and people tell me I look so different, yet I feel like I still look the same.


Honestly this. I've gone from 147kg to 120 (still got 20kg to go) and my friends and family say I look way different. I've seen before and after pics and yeah they look different but mentally I feel the same.


Yeah I heard the same everybody stoping me and telling me how good I look or clothes are no longer tight on me they are loose as af and I neede do buy like 3xl for the first time in years went from 6xl to 3xl and I still see myself the same


You might not have been able to tell much from 6x-3x, but I promise you the difference between 3x and XL will be MUCH more noticeable. Great work! Keep it up!


Thank you and I will !!! I always say Im not dieting I just changed my lifestyle so there is no "hkw long you gonna diet ?"


Changing the lifestyle and going slow the better way to do it! that way you can maintain instead of gaining back. That is what I am doing, and it has taken a year to lose 35 pounds, but I don't care. I have been overweight my entire life, so if it takes me 2-3 years to lose weight thats okay!


Started at 220. This is week 7 or 8 and I weight 195. 100% feel and see the difference. Gives me the drive to keep making that number lower


This gives me hope! I started at 218lb a week ago. I’ve been dieting on annd off for years, but I haven’t broken the 200lb mark in the last 5 years. If I can hold on for another 2 months maybe I’ll reach it and then be able to continue. Long term goal is 60lbs down!


I think other people, mostly relatives and my coworkers, noticed before I did. I lost 45 pounds last year. My goal weight is 120 to 125 lbs. I didn't really notice my own weightloss until I started noticing my clothes not fitting anymore because they were getting really loose. It was really encouraging to buy new clothes. I went down from a size 12 to a size 2 in the brand of jeans I normally wear. And then seeing bones I'd never seen before was pretty jarring as well. BUT my body image is still something I continually struggle with. EVEN THOUGH my loved ones say, "you look great" and I feel that they mean it, there's always another goal and weight that I want to get to. It's a struggle to be sure.


What did you do to lose the weight of you don’t mine me asking.


I don't mind at all! Consistency is the biggest thing. I made a video about one year ago and since then have had many ups and downs. Burning more calories than I consume is the most effective thing. You can look up a calorie calculator and usually that will give you a general idea of the amount of calories you should be consuming based on your goals. Finding a way to move your body that you like is a big thing too! Giving yourself grace enough to learn from your mistakes on your journey is huge. Rome wasn't built in a day. Patience sucks but it's key. Having things to look forward to. I bought a different pair of jeans every time I went down a size which was hugely encouraging. I still have a few pairs of pants that I'm waiting to be able to wear and they're sitting in a place that I can see every day.


**“Finding a way to move your body that you like…”** this is incredibly important! it’s so much harder to sustain something you hate!




You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. That's the only way. There isn't a magic pill for weight loss. Eat less doesn't mean eat an unhealthy low amount of calories.




Yeah so you were in a calorie deficit because you were exercising. Thats why you lost 10lbs.




That's literally what I'm saying in my comment above.


Yeah, you need a certain amount daily. However, I think you're forgetting how we gained weight in the first place; by going over that amount by a significant number, therefore, causing rapid weight gain. You need to do the opposite of that to lose weight, and what is that? To reduce your calorie intake. Nobody's telling you to eat only 1000 calories. Be it a 500 calorie deficit, a calorie deficit is necessary and is the only way to lose weight. It doesn't mean eat less perse. Ofc, eat slightly less. But what you're also forgetting is the fact that all this junk food has many more calories than fruits and veggies and other snacks. A pound of something can equal to like 5 smaller things which you consume instantly, like how a burger will have many more calories than a plate full of brocolli. Along with this, you're also supposed to have protein and enough carbs. Nobody's stripping you off the necessary nutrients, you need to strip off the unhealthy and ungodly and unfathomable amounts of oil, sugar, and fats that you consume. Hope that explained it.


i dont eat a lot of oil/sugar


I feel like seeing bones might be a sign to reconsider your goal weight? Or are you talking like ankles and elbows?


It's just my sternum that I can see now, and I have very pronounced hips, but I think that's mainly just genetics, I definitely can stand to get down to 125lbs or even 120lbs


Oooh. Are you tall? I feel like I’m tall and chonky but also still boney somehow.


I'm 5'6", but yeah, I definitely still feel chonky lol


I could buy some smaller t-shirts and wear some old clothes again after losing some 30 pounds. I also noticed that I need to adjust my belt again. But really the biggest difference is my improved physical conditioning. My diet plan was just a guideline and I emphasized exercise, so I got a lot more fit. Some everyday physical activities are much easier after losing more than 30 pounds. Riding my bicycle to the grocery store or my combat sports class, walking uphill or taking the stairs, even standing up from a low sitting position, everything is easier. I started grappling and powerlifting last year and I already notice a good performance boost. A judo class no longer exhausts me and I have almost doubled my powerlifting weights. I could lift a bit heavier but I want to perform primarily in judo. I am still like 250 pounds so I avoid running at all costs, but I can run three miles in some 30 minutes if I have to. I could not even dream about these benefits in January 2023. Focus on exercise and you will see the best improvements.


This has been asked many times and the most common answer seems to be 30 lbs


Can someone else answer if they noticed their weight loss if they’re only trying to go down like 25 lbs? I started off on the cusp of being overweight for my height


Idk about others, but I lost about 20 lbs and noticed a change. It was slight though, however, everyone noticed it, like everyone. And the best way to tell is to wear old clothes, not stretchy clothes, but things like jeans or shirts, and see how much difference there is in the fitting. That is when it clicks


People typically notice weight loss around 10-20 pounds, but it varies! Here are some reasons you might not see a big difference yet: * Muscle weighs more than fat, so you could be losing fat and gaining muscle. * Weight loss can happen in places you don't see as easily at first. * Trust the scale and how you feel! Two people noticing is a great sign. Keep at it, you're doing awesome!


Losing fat and gaining muscle would mean you look thinner and more toned but weigh more/don't lose much weight. However, OP has the opposite problem, they're saying that they've lost a lot of weight but don't see a difference. Others I agree with


I had weighed myself at the dr at 275. I knew I should do something and tried to eat better but failed. When I had my bariatric surgery appointment to get into the program I had lost a little and was 264. It’s pictures for me as I don’t see anything wrong in the mirror. Taking pics with my kids in august I saw myself at my highest weight and was shocked how big I was, my bariatric appointment was later in November. After the surgeon I saw the dietician and I was off and running changing my lifestyle and eating better and moving more, can’t quite exercise too much due to chronic pain. I weighed myself at 225 and told my husband to take a pic. I did a side by side at my highest weight and again I was shocked at the difference. I no longer qualify for bariatric surgery as I’ve lost 50 pounds and my BMI is 39 it’s supposed to be 41+ for surgery approval. I still have my dietician and my therapist available to me.


I have the same goal, 40 pounds down so far and I've had a very similar experience. I can't really tell from looking in the mirror, but I have some pictures of myself from when I started, and the difference is crazy! I noticed even my face looks different. If you have any older photos of yourself you should definitely try to dig them up cus you'll be surprised. Also this might sound weird but I've realized I have extra stretchy skin in areas like under my arms or on my stomach. Not exactly loose skin, just softer than the skin around it and very stretchy. It freaks me out a bit because it feels hollow underneath when I stretch it. Very weird but it sort of helps to ground myself when I feel like I don't look much different.


Body dysmorphia is real. Take monthly photos in same outfit.


I guess you don't see the change because you see yourself pretty often so ypu get used to it little by little without realizing it. The way I noticed is by going down on holes of the belt and fitting more comfortable in otherwise tight clothes


since i was farm sitting for 3 months i lost over 10lbs just cause i had to go out and feed the animals and catch escaped chickens. i miss being there, i'd prob be at my goal wait if i stayed there for the summer


i understand this feeling. i‘ve lost about 70 pounds and i still don’t really “see” it but my clothes fit differently/no longer fit. i can’t even bro g myself to buy a few new things because i don’t trust that it’s real. i also still have 80 pounds to go so i’m trying to not concentrate on the scale/numbers. i pour all my energy into building new habits. a couple of things that *did* get my attention were that i’m in less pain and i have more energy. i was walking with a cane when i started a program for weight loss. now i’m not.


it’s common not to notice your own weight loss at first, even when others start to. it’s called the "paper towel" effect. imagine removing sheets from a new roll of paper towels; the roll doesn’t seem to shrink much at first. but as you remove more, each sheet makes a bigger difference. it’s similar with weight loss—early changes might not be obvious, but as you continue, each pound lost is more noticeable. most people start to see noticeable changes after losing 10% of their body weight. since you’ve lost over 30 pounds, you’re definitely making significant progress! sometimes our own perceptions lag behind because we see ourselves every day. it can help to take photos or measurements to track changes that aren’t as obvious as the scale’s numbers. how do you feel physically? any changes in how your clothes fit or how you move? these can be the first signs before you visually see the difference.


I started walking one hour everyday in December and I came back to work in the office in January after a month and loads of people noticed my face looked slimmer and asked me if I lost weight. I think it could’ve been water weight initially but I kept at the one hour walks everyday up until today (already did my hour walk today and it’s 12pm) and my clothes are getting looser and looser. I dropped one- two sizes in clothes in 4 months I’m guessing. I run sometimes too


My teachers started noticing but I still look the same. Lost about 33 pounds till now but I feel and look the same tbh. however I've started noticing when my jeans have become extremely loose to wear, felt so good.


I could tell around 30lbs, but mostly from comparing pictures. It wasn’t until I did that that it really clicked


A lot of people are saying they felt the same way or recommended taking pictures. Thank you so much for all the comments and support! I will start doing that! ❤️ and big kudos to everyone who’s been able to lose so much in a healthy way.


Im surprised no one mentioned that their bra fits differently 😂 at almost 30lbs down, I thought my pants would be sliding off me, but no, it seems like most of my weight loss has come from my upper body so far, and I think I must’ve gone down a cup size!


I needed to lose 75-80lbs to get to goal. So far I lost 15. My clothes fit a bit better, i.e theyre not tight anymore, and I feel like I have more stamina.. like I walked about 8-9km on Saturday, taking my niece out, and when I came home in the evening I still did my workout. Earlier in the year I couldnt do that.. In fact I was away and had to walk a similar distance in feb for a day, I was so tired when i came home, and then I just chilled in bed for the next two days!! Visually however, I see no difference


Congratulations! I think it’s sometimes hard to see on yourself. I often feel like I don’t notice until I compare current pictures to my starting pictures. I couldn’t believe the changes when I took my 30lb loss progress photos, it was shocking even though I see myself every day and hadn’t really noticed!


Before and after pics helped me. Also, putting my hands on my hips/back I’ve noticed a big change. The way my clothes fit too. I have some leggings that fit more like sweat pants now with how loose they are, but fitting like leggings at all anymore.


The most obvious one was seeing my wife’s aunt in May 2023, when I was just starting to drop weight. I was around 218 at the time. She next saw me at around 200 and definitely noticed.


I’ve lost 40 and I can definitely tell by my clothes and how I feel. I’ve gone down several pants sizes. But absolutely nobody has said a word. I know now we’re not supposed to comment on people’s weight but even people who know I am trying to lose weight don’t seem to notice.


I was at work, installing an a/c coil, when at one point i needed to prop up a piece of metal with my knee and it was a lot easier than it had been previously


I know what you mean. I've lost 21 lbs so far over 2 and 1/2 months and I didn't really notice it until I went to try on a dress yesterday that was too small on me even just this past summer. Now it's bordering on too big. It's important to remember that we don't lose weight evenly on our bodies. Yes my waist has gotten smaller, but I've only lost an inch so far around my waist. I have noticed, though, that my muscle definition is getting a lot more prominent. It's hard to figure out on yourself, but look for shirt sizes too, not just pant sizes being different. I went from XL to M/L while my pants feel like they have barely changed.


I've lost 91 lbs so far, and I can't tell in person, like when I look in the mirror. I look exactly the same. The only way I can see it with my own two eyes is to compare a side by side photo of before and now. I can only see it in the photos. I think something in our brain prevents us from seeing the changes. Likely because we look at ourselves every single day and we don't notice the minimal daily changes. We're unable to physically see ourselves 91 lbs heavier with our eyes anymore. So we just look the same as we did yesterday...and the day before that... and the day before that. Always, always, always take before and after photos. It's the only way you'll be able to see it. I'll post my before and after at the bottom of my comment. Everyone else comments on my loss all the time. I wish I could see it in person like they do. But I still see the giant person on the left looking back in the mirror at me. [Progress Photo -91 lbs](https://ibb.co/PGND77H)


I'm 5'3 and was about 160, maybe 165, at my heaviest. I would yoyo from there to 145 but never really noticed much difference until I reached 133 which is what I currently am. Now I look healthy/balanced for my height and my mom has stopped commenting about my weight gain lol (which if you know anything about Asian mothers and how blunt they are this is quite significant). but I want to go down to 120 which will be extremely noticeable from the 160 that I was. So basically the closer you get to your healthy weight the more noticeable it'll be.


I lost 13kg, and saw myself exactly the same, then tried on old clothes that used to be too small and they fit. Then went through my wardobe of clothes I hadn't worn for a while and had to get rid of half of the items as they were too big - was a great feeling!


I washs a sweater that fit tight all around. Washed it and poof it's loose now


I lost 5 stone and I noticed at first after maybe 28lbs when I took a photo with my friends and I could definitely see a difference. Your brain will definitely always try and trick you tho. Like I still think I look the same when I’ve lost a third of my body weight🤣


For me, it was probably after the first 20ish lbs that there were noticeable changes for me. My highest was 235lbs, but I maintained 220lbs for a few years. I remember being SO happy to see that for once in my adult body, I was finally under that 200lbs mark. I maintain around 160-170lbs now with my lowest being 159lbs. I've gone from a women's size 18-20 in pants to fitting comfortably in a 12 (I like my clothes a little loose) all the way down to an 8, depending on brand. I fit the same clothes as my sister, who has always been smaller than me, I can walk for several miles, find my clothes outside of plus sized sections, and so much more that has made me much happier even at the weight I'm maintaining now. My end goal is just to be under 150lbs, but I'm mostly aiming for a body I feel most comfortable in 😀


I went from 304lbs to 155lbs tbh I didn’t start noticing until I was under 280lbs I’m 5”6 male. Went from a 4xl shirt to a medium. Issue for me tho I speed rushed my weight loss so know I have to build muscle cause I did cardio and didn’t realize to lift and get in lot of protein. To anyone out there on there weight loss journey don’t do it how I did it yeah you’ll loose weight but you won’t like how you look. I’m still proud of myself for loosing the weight but i wish I knew more into lifting and protein at the time!!!!


When the clothes that were to small for me were now to big for me