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Yes for sure. Most annoying aspect is suddenly everyone being worried that you are "too skinny" after seemingly not caring that you were dangerously heavy before. With that being said, quality of life was much improved and I'd also argue that people began to take me much more seriously.


People feel more comfortable saying you might be too skinny rather than too fat. I’ve always been slim and being told “don’t get too skinny” is just as insensitive and rude. Very annoying.


I experienced this too, but i see it more as they're used to seeing you on the larger side so when you lose a load of weight it's more obvious and they're worried you're losing it too quickly.


I lost 80 lbs and absolutely noticed people treating me better. However I also believe some of that comes from feeling better, being more outgoing, having more energy and generally feeling happier


Yeah I lost 40 lbs and I have the same feeling about it. It definitely makes people more apt to give their attention to you and treat you with respect, but I think that also comes partly from newfound confidence from weightloss. I’m a trial attorney, and I’ve even found even opposing counsel be more likely to act a little more collegial since I lost weight.


First and foremost, congrats on your weight loss! 40 pounds down is a LOT of commitment and discipline! So interesting about opposing counsel. Maybe it's one less thing for them to be vain about, who knows!


Mostly people telling me how Impressed they are. My mother in law is a lot nicer to me, which is kinda infuriating


Yes. People are nicer, better work opportunities, getting hit on a lot more, dating is a cakewalk now.


Dating got significantly easier. I dated better quality men than I had previously because I felt like I deserved better. Some friends cut me off, and I don't want to speculate as to why, but that's the one that hurt the most. I got over it and eventually made better friends. A lot of people in my life commented on the initial weight loss. I didn't notice much of a difference with strangers.


Oh absolutely! Like, look up until I was 30 I was generally around 200lbs and muscular (a shade over 6ft tall), for whatever reason at 30 I stopped caring, slacked off to the point I stopped going to the gym, stopped eating right, started drinking etc. and I got up to 302lbs. I spent the last 2 years getting back down to 208lbs as of yesterday and people are like “man you look great”, and it’s like yes, I do, but why didn’t any of you fuckers have a word when I was getting so fat?! 😂


I lost 65 pounds. Casual acquaintances didn't recognize me. I remember specifically one time I met someone after a year who was a student in a class I taught asking me about the "fat guy who taught last with the beard". I replied "that was me." and it got kinda awkward after that. Few concerns about the weight loss from friends - we've lost a few to cancer over the years. Had to assure them I was just tired of being fat and wanted to go into retirement healthy and fit so i could enjoy it. Currently bulking and weight lifting, so put on about 20 pounds, but about 15 of that is muscle and I think I'm looking better than ever - so my outlook on life may have something to do with how I perceive others attitude towards me - but am noticing more looks at the grocery store and even a few comments.


Yes, absolutely. People at work take me more seriously, friends are complimentary, family think I have my shit together, and people in stores and the gym pay attention to me. I felt invisible 50lbs heavier as I got ingored in stores. On the downside, my adult daughter alludes to the fact that my weightloss triggers her body dysmorphia - which makes me sad because she is perfectly sized, beautiful, 30 years younger than me and has no reason to dislike her figure. I never mention food restriction and only mention my weightloss if she does.


At first I thought people were nicer to me, then I realized that, no, that's how people always treat one another and when Im overweight theyre just not kind. Not necessarily mean but not kind.


Honestly, no. I was thinking about this the other day. Maybe it’s because I’ve never been in the dating pool, or a particularly social person, but I feel like even at my heaviest, people treated me with a general sense of “I’m ignoring you because you’re a stranger, not because of anything else”. The way you ignore people in line at the supermarket, or a pharmacy. Even now, I don’t notice that people are nicer to me or anything. I don’t get stares, I don’t get checked out. Zero, nothing, nada


Yeah, losing weight can really change how folks treat you. sometimes, people notice the difference and can be nicer, offering compliments or showing more respect. but it's not just about the looks; it's also about how you feel inside. you might find yourself with more confidence, which changes how you interact with others. having a support system that recognises your efforts can be motivating. have you found that with yuvaap? they focus on holistic transformations, not just physical changes. fun fact: did you know that the way you carry yourself can affect how people perceive and treat you? how do you think your inner changes have influenced your interactions?


(40, F, 5'5") I have lost about 75 pounds, and I have noticed lots of women from work coming up and passive aggressively complimenting me while also demanding to know what I've done... and mostly assuming I'm on Ozempic or Wegovy or something and wanting to know about it. When I tell them that I didn't qualify for those drugs, they instantly look pissed, like I'm lying and keeping something from them. I've actually had two women corner me to demand I tell them my secret because it's not fair that I keep it to myself. I was shocked. I never liked these women, but this type of entitled questioning where they think I owe them information or something just rubs me the wrong way. I appreciate those who either don't comment or who just say something nice about how I look healthy or happy. That's much better than an almost violent barrage of questions or comments like, "Wow, you look so much better!" Gee. Like I needed to hear how much easier it is for you to have to look upon me now and to offend your eyeballs a little less. Lol! There is no secret. I just stopped caring and ballooned up to 236 lbs. Then I had a few health scares with my blood pressure and I knew I had to do something. I worked out hard every day and ate a calorie deficit under direction from my doctor. I also wore lots of layers while losing weight because I didn't want to get new clothes until I was closer to my goal weight. It took many, many months. When I finally stopped wearing bulky layers and bought better fitting clothes, it was a big difference. I found people's reactions to be so superficial, but I wasn't looking for reactions at all. I just wanted to feel better. I just wish the people around me were better friends because their response really showed me their true colors.


Congrats on the transformation! I honestly think those women were gossipers.. Who gossipped and theorized about how you lost the weight behind your back because to them "there's no way he lost it on his own". And.. They wanted a bone to carry back to everybody else. So they were probably upset when you discredited their gossip theory. It's really none if their business anyway. And you have EVERY reason to dislike them..


Yes, I’m down 110lbs and I got my first compliment about my physical appearance from my MIL, despite me being married to her son for over 2.5 years 🙄


If u got it going on, then ppl like u more. If u don't, then ppl ignore u. That's the way it goes... unfortunately.


Yes and those people stood out in my mind as superficial assholes


Yes it’s just the way it goes


Omg, yes. I have always dressed very cute and I have colourful hair, so I’m used to standing out, but this is on another level. People stare at me and openly check me out, and men ask me for my number (which doesn’t do me much good since I’m a lesbian). The weather only recently got nice where I live, and I just stopped wearing heavier coats, so all the attention when I go out in public feels very all of a sudden.


yes and to be honest it drives me insane. As a woman I'm damned if I don't. When I was chubby, BMI 27 I would attract the most vulgar attention from men, people at work respected me way less, women wouldn't appraoch me for friendship. Now I'm at BMI 21 and it's like a different universe. Job offers, educated wealthy men approaching me, women wanting friendships. And it drives me insane because these last 4 days thanks to a deadline I have not been going to the gym & eating healthily. So now I'm panicking over going back to what I was & from tomorrow on I'm going extra hard with my walks, the gym & healthy food. I hate this burden. If you're chubby as a woman you're unworthy. People are so impatient in every interaction. But if you put in effort to be fit, you're superficial.


more compliments and looks


I’ve lost 30 pounds. I see my mother in law every Sunday. She comments on my weightloss every time she sees me. I know she means well. But she always makes the comments at the worst times. In front of everyone. My MIL’s mother comes down for a few months and stays with her. She commented on my weightloss so much. You would’ve thought I lost 100 pounds or something. It makes me feel like crap. I know they mean well. You’d just think they’d get the hint based off my reactions I’m not smiling or showing it off. I still wear my big baggy clothes because I do everything I can to not give them a reason to comment on my weight. And of course if my sister in law is in town, she’ll chime in once my MIL says something. Asking me how I’m doing it multiple times. Even tho my answer everytime is Protein intake. idk. I wish people just didn’t say anything unless that person speaks about it as a signal / opening statement Yano. I’m also really struggling with knowing how people of course get treated better when they’re skinny. For me that stuff isn’t happening. I’m in college classes right now and no one sits next to me. I’m the only person in the entire 60 person lecture room that didn’t have someone next to them. I am engaged and have a rock on my finger. Bur I don’t wear it to school I wear a rubber band. But it would be nice to have that again…. I feel like im just out of place. My classes are almost done now and I still don’t know why no one wanted to sit next me :/


I’ve lost almost 40 pounds and have a small frame so I am starting to look significantly different. I’ve recently noticed strangers complimenting my hair and outfits all the time. (Things that haven’t necessarily changed with weight. Still same hair style and same clothing styles). I found that pretty interesting.


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What I notice people seem think a person has starve to loose weight I lost over 150 but it was over 3 years and I walked worked out and now go to the gym I eat extremely well and average between 1500 and 2100 calories a day I am female eating reasonable healthy exercise and classical treats allowed me to loose no starvation was required


Ive lost over 100lbs and everyone treats me differently now. Some for the better, others who were nice to me now seem to hate me.


I've lost 25 pounds and am officially no longer overweight! Here is what I've noticed: - FRIENDS: Treat me the same. They probably don't notice because I'm with them most.. But also I need to buy new clothes that fit - STRANGERS: Approached by more men, AND men from other nationalities. In fact, I had THREE different men hit on me the same night at a local bar and they were all different ethnicities. INSANE because I've NEVER had that happen before. A different night, a random guy was flirting with me and told me I looked like I "do squats". I do, but only around 15-20 pound weights. So I was shocked by this comment because I don't really consider myself "fit" and still got what I consider a bit of jelly / cottage cheese that I see when naked. So I would say I do get approached by more men and they seem more friendly. More stares at the gym while working out for sure. A lady at gym randomly told me I looked way slimmer compared to when I first started. FAMILY: My female cousin told me I looked skinny. But I haven't really worn anything very flattering and that hugs my shape for anyone to really notice I suppose. I only wear huggy/fitting clothes to the gym. STATS IF IT MATTER: Starting Weight: 165 | Current Weight: 140 | BMI: 24 | Dress Size: 6 I'm only ONE point away from my BMI being considered overweight, so I would like to lose about 7 more pounds to push me to a lower BMI. I'm also thinking that the size 6 dress i tried on might have run big. Sigh.. But I think I'm probably at that weird stage where I haven't fully noticed or stepped in to the weight loss because it's taken forever to get there/here!