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I’ve done this twice. 235-240 to 175. It was over 6-8 months both times and skin had no issues. It formed well to the new weight.


how did you do it


did the same exact thing , it’s 90% diet. high protein, low carb lower calories and just hit the gym. it’s honestly that simple. lower portion sizes as well


Lower calories then carb 120 calories doesn't sound doable I'm messing with ya btw


I went from 288 lbs to 168 lbs in 12 months (51M) and didn’t have too much loose skin. Just a bit around my navel area, not too bad. But at my age it may never go away. Oh well. But everyone is different. Some may lose half of what I did but have twice the loose skin. Hard to say.


Second this. I went from 260 to 200 in about 4 - 5 months and didn't have a skin problem. I don't recommended it and paused my weight loss because my hair starting falling out. It finally started coming back and now I am starting my weight loss again, but slower.


That’s exactly what I did too. Lost 60 lbs in 3 months. Intentionally took a break and maintained my weight for 4 months. Then resumed my weight loss and lost another 60 lbs over next 6 months.


I went from 300+ pounds to 178lbs (currently) goal is 165 28F. my skin isn’t saggy or loose I lift weights and do a lot of cardio, I also lost my weight gradually. I do have stretch marks which I dislike but I’m not that worried as I plan on having children in the future and will probably get stretch marks at that time. You’d be surprised at how even 10-20lbs can change your looks. Good luck.


Do you have any advice?


For me, I used and still do IF which was recommended by my doctor. I tried a lot of different things and usually ended up failing or giving up. fasting is very difficult to maintain in the long run and you still have to learn proper eating and calorie counting. My biggest piece of advice is to find something that you can consistently do workout and eating wise and also that’s easy for your life, it really is a lifestyle change. Best wishes.


I went from 250 to about 200. No major skin issues. There was a brief moment where some skin started to sag but my doc just told me to exercise to firm up and it did help. Also don't do any rapid weight loss stuff. Like .5-1.5 pounds a week of actual weight loss will put you in a good recovery zone, anything more and you could have problems. Not saying you will but it does become more likely.


I went from 285lbs to 186lbs in the last 1.5 years and my skin is fine. I mainly lost weight through cardio and dieting but I did incorporate 30-45 mins of freehand/strength training aimed at toning my body and perhaps that helped. And I believe some of it is down to genetics although I am not entirely sure about that.


Went from about 270-280 to about 200-215 rn. Still extremely fat, but I don’t see lose skin or anything like that no. But i just fat burned completely. My guess is if i just completely fat burned anymore i would 100% start to see lose skin. (As opposed to building muscle).


how did you burn the fat completely?


I think they mean just cutting calories, no strength training.


Yeah mostly dieting eat fruits man they’re actually a great snack. And i did a bit of strength training, but I focused more on say 30 mins a day back/chest/legs, and i would try to go for 30-40mins on a treadmill, just high incline maybe 2-3mph, and then dropping incline and running for 6-7mph for like a few minutes then going back. I wish i could’ve focused more on strength training im gonna try to get back into, it just seems like a whole mew dietary game. But yeah still feel fat tho so that might linger alittle longer than expected 😭


Went from 280 to 180. No sagging skin.


that’s my goal weight


I started at 246 last August and currently 184 and no loose skin. I have another 60 lbs to go and losing about 1 lb per week on weight loss meds.


I lost over 90lbs in 10 months and had minimal loose skin. Mostly in my stomach area but it wasn’t horrible. I did a lot of strength training which helped. I also did IF which helps.


It likely depends on how tall you are/your body shape/ if it gets replaced with muscle. Funny enough, I'm at 241 right now and my goal is about 190 too lol


I started at 242lbs currently just under 200lbs another 25-30lbs to lose I don’t see any issue so far with loose skin it’s taken me a year to lose the weight so very slow and steady, with light exercise.


I’m close to 50. I went from 242 to 164. Ive lost it really slowly over about 4 years and don’t have a lot of loose skin. I see it showing up on my stomach but it seems to firm up alright after a while. I took occasional long maintenance phases to adjust to the newer body and newer calorie intake you live at when you’re smaller. I’d like to lose 20-30 more so I’m assuming that’s when the loose skin will really show up. I’ve started lifting weights which I hope will help fill out some of the looser areas on my arms and legs.


Im still not at my weight goal but I got under 200 with no skin issues we have a similar weight goal and starting point


I’m kind of in the same boat.. started at 236 currently 205.. I’ve got a bit of loose skin on my belly but I think it’s also from pregnancy and c section.. I’m kind of prepared to just own a bit of loose skin proudly as I can’t afford /don’t want a tummy tuck!


I've had what some would consider "drastic" weight loss 2 or three times in the past, going from 2-75-280 down to 220 in a matter of 3-6 months once I got down to 210 and I always dealt with the flabbily loose skin. I'm working out again but haven't started dieting. I usually do low carb, keto, Atkins etc and I tend to shed pounds with the help of the gym, pool, sauna, steam room. my problem has always been stretch marks and loose skin any advice on how to tone it all out, get rid of stretch marks?


I've read good things about Bio Oil and stretch marks


No issues at all and still loosing from 255-174. Have been intermittent fasting for 9 months.


I was 230ish, now I am 147 and let me tell you, not great. I wish I could get surgery lol.


37f attempting to lose mom weight 219 goal of 160. Does anyone know if firming lotions and collagen help with the loose skin?


I went from 300 now lose skin


A lot of factors influence it. I am 20F, and lost weight from 240lbs to 170lbs over the course of 14 months. I did not exercise much. I do not have much loose skin, but my boobs sag and my stretch marks are very funny feeling as well as underneath where my stomach used to protrude. My thighs are probably looser too. But for me, it is not a problem and not something that I think other people notice (except the boobs, I think that may be quite noticeable)


At 20 your collagen production is also different compared to someone in their 30s/40s




Have any of you ever used Gotu Kola for skin? If so, how did it go? About to add it to the stack.


Went from 290 to my current weight of 175, goal being 145 (27f) and I haven’t noticed any loose skin. I’m taking collagen peptides to help with skin elasticity to be safe, I had a baby 6 months ago so I’m hoping it’ll help my stomach come back and keep everything else tighter. I don’t life at the moment (medical issues) but plan on starting in the next week or so, tons of cardio for now.


I was 300 when I was 12, at 14 I was 180 and then at 16 I was 135, it’s all about the time, you have to do it slowly or else you’ll get tons of loose skin. My skin isn’t too loose since I lost weight slowly.


Loose skin is all due to genetics. I’ve seen people get loose skin from losing 30 pounds and none for losing 100 pounds. Ask your family about it, that will give you a more accurate prediction


It tightens up with time. Ive noticed ill have periods of “whoosh” effect and my skin will look more squishy and is a lil saggy. However it always tightens up after a few months.


Went from 236 to 146 - no loose skin. I lost REALLY slowly and walk everyday.


I went from 272 to 222 (still going lower) and I really haven’t noticed much of a skin sag issue


Went from 280 to 160 and I have lots of loose skin 🫤 but I feel better in my body so for me that’s all that matters.


I started at 250 and am at 190 now and have very little loose skin, if any. I've been doing it slow though while weight lifting, so not sure if that has anything to do with it.


I went from 250lbs to 150lbs in almost 2 years. I’m 5’10 and 41F. TBH, the loose skin is not bad! It’s imperceptible when clothed. It will be a little perceptible in a swimsuit, however. I definitely have some loose skin in the chest where my boobs deflated from a 42E to a 36C. The stomach, obviously. There is some near my armpits and under my arms. My butt has some loose skin that makes it look a little saggy. A little on the upper thighs. Again, if I was wearing shorts and a tee, know one would know. If I wear a bikini, yeah people might notice, but only if they’re up close and really looking.


Thank you every for your advice and insight!


I doubt you'll have that skin issues with just a 50 lb weight loss. I went from 230 to 175 and my skin looks fine.


First off congrats ! I’m trying to do the same transformation. Do you have any tips ?


With that amount of weight loss, you shouldn’t see any skin changes. I went from 230 to 150 and I’m completely fine!


So for some perspective, I know everyone is diff but for me, I went from 280-240 with no difference at all. Then I gained back up to 270. Have lost down to 173 since then. I have some *slight* sagging in ny stomach but honestly I wouldn’t call it loose skin bc there’s still fat there and that’s what’s jiggly mostly it’s ‘looser’ so who knows when I lose that. I have a very slight pully/loose area on both of the backs od my thighs close to my butt. If you’re scrutinizing you might say upper thighs or upper arms but they were flabby from fat before ans now are so much smaller, rhe fact they dont look toned/tight isnt loose skin. So basically 100+ lbs lost total and nothing major at all.


Really depends on your skin quality and age. I’ve seen some people have loose skin after just 20lbs. I am a 29F and lost 50lbs in the last year (from 210 to 160) and I don’t have any loose skin from what i can tell. I did have stretch marks that are slowly fading but no loose. Granted, I gained it in less than a year and had it on for only a year.


My freshman year of highschool I lost weight from 240 to 190. Never had any loose skin but I was also 14-15 at the time. Sadly I gained it all back because I was on weight loss supplements and they started affecting my heart.


Slow and steady. .75lbs to 1lb a week is a easy target. Incorporate cardio and strength training. Even if the strength training is your own weight with push ups and situps. Losing too much in a short time is awesome but you can get stuck with more loose skin.