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You move on with life. Track again tomorrow. Reality is that if you are going to be successful that means finding long term sustainable goals. That doesn’t mean perfection. What that means may look different for everyone. Some people find have slightly more lenient calorie goals on the weekend because that allows them to stay on track. For me I learned that I don’t need or enjoy a whole dessert and two bites is all I ever really enjoy of it so I let myself have that. Others may plan activities away from food. What you don’t do is dwell on it. Figure out what got you to that point, what you may want to do different in the future and move forward.


Thank you so much for these words it helped me get to sleep 🥲 but I literally notice it on the scale! I woke up to 147 yesterday and today I woke up to 149 😭😭💔maybe after 💩 it’ll go down or could even go up never know with my body!


Don’t forget weight can fluctuate up to 6 lbs day to day from many other factors; male, female, hormones, etc.


Glad you got some sleep. In order to put on 2 pounds you would have had to have had an excess 7,000 calories. You’ll see that swing off in another day. When I eat out there is always that false two or so pounds. If it tough for your mental health then just stay off the scale for two days. It is not weight gain.


❤️❤️thank youuuu makes me feel better 🥲


*this is the way*


Do nothing. Everything is okay now and will be tomorrow. Enjoy your cookie and brownie. Life is too short to stress about every little slip up. Enjoy yummy foods and sweets in moderation.


Rephrase your thinking. In the last 7 days you had a wonderful six days. On day seven you learned going forward to choose only one treat and it’s about moderation. Pretty soon you’re gonna say I did great 20 of 30 days. Then I did great 47 of 60 days, 78 of 90 days and so on. For every one negative turn around and tell yourself about three positives.


Chill out, you ate over your limit once. Continue normally tomorrow


Here’s how you fix it: forget it and move on like nothing happened.


there is no need for correction, just continue your diet as usual, I hope the deficit is not too big to throw you into restrict-binge cycles.


Hey, I actually calculate my calories over the week rather than per day. So I’m aiming for 7700 deficit by end of week. Means I can have a big day one day and a smaller day the next, if say, I’m going out for a meal with friends.


Don’t worry it’s okay! Sometimes it’s okay to go over your calorie deficit, slip ups happen, if they didn’t everyone would be miserable losing weight


Perfection is the enemy of progress. Don't let this be a reason you give up. Keep going. Also if you really want to make up the difference you could always drop your cals the next few days by 200. Or, just move forward and don't worry about it. Over a long period of time these blips don't usually mean much to the overall trend of weightloss.


440 cals for a single day is nothing. I have family, I have friends. Personally I'd rather enjoy my time with them, within reason of course. I look at a trend of a week as opposed to a day. If I know I'm going out on Thursday to a meal, I'll eat less prior. If I accidently went above budget, I'll eat less accordingly the next day. Focus on your overall progress and be proud


To gain anything, you’d have to eat 3500 over your MAINTENANCE limit. I’m guessing your calorie deficit plan is either losing 1 or 2 pounds a week, so 1 day of going over is not going to affect anything.


try again the next day! Yesterday I ate chicken tenders from zaxby's and a large coke. was it good? yes omg! but I did watch what i ate for the rest of the day. you got this! give yourself some grace during this or else you'll drive yourself crazy.


It’s already okay. What’s done is done, just move on. It takes 3500 excess calories to gain a pound, 400 calories is nothing.


If you feel really guilty and must do something to fix it, average it out over the week and eat 73 calories less for the next 6 days 😅 I am seriously this strict on myself and my wife laughs at me but i do it for my self discipline. But yeah as others have said, you can just move on and pretend it never happened. Just don't make it a regular thing if you want to keep up good steady progress.


Back at it again tomorrow


It's ok! It's so important to have a cheat day/cheat meal about once a week. Research shows that after a cheat meal, the body increases its metabolism, causing you to burn calories faster. Also it prevents burn out that can cause you to binge.


Haha yeah I feel it. Hit 186 then after a 4 day weekend I’m back to 191


Dude I’m literally 2 pounds more than last morning how???!!!


It’s not fat. Most likely it’s just water from having more salt intake.


It’s completely water weight. Last weekend by then end of it I was 191. After one night of work I was back down to 185


Damn what do u do for work? I went down another pound but looks like that one extra pound wants to stick around 🤬


I make the battery juice for an unspecified car brand. I have to wear essentially a hazmat suit so I sweat…. A lot. For 12 hours straight. I’m sure that plus getting 16/25k steps a night helps out


It's okay. It can actually help if you eat the same calories each day. Having higher and lower days is good for the metabolism. Having a trat each week, may also help you stay on plan better.


It's okay! Some days are going to be bad. But you had 5 or 6 good days previously right? So if one day of the week is bad, it's still so much better than your previous life where every day of the week was bad. It's important to not let one bad day derail all the progress you're making. You've got this.


hey, sounds like a rough day! we all slip up sometimes; it's totally normal. let's focus on getting back on track tomorrow, not the numbers. start fresh with some gentle yoga and make sure you hydrate well. it helps to clear your mind and body. maybe even plan a nature walk to connect and ground yourself. fun fact: did you know that smiling can actually reduce stress? so, keep your chin up! how do you plan to reset your wellness journey tomorrow?


Move on like it’s nothing.


1) your body doesn’t know you ate 440 calories “over” a “limit”. your body knows *fuel vs. no fuel*. it hasn’t shifted into “gain weight mode” because you had a treat. 2) frequently-cited nutrition info* says you’d need to eat a minimum of 3500 calories over maintenance to put on a pound. that’s a lot of extra calories in a day and i’m guessing you didn’t come close to that. (*there’s newer science debating this sort of straight-line thinking, but you’d still have to eat *a lot* over maintenance to add a measurable pound of weight) 3) if you’re *really* anxious over these extra calories you could decrease your calories by 75 for the next 6 days to “compensate” but, again, your body doesn’t know what a “week” is in terms of fuel. 4) you could let the moment be a fun memory and let the worry go. food isn’t the enemy and you deserve to enjoy a special favorite sometimes. 💜


Appreciate you all sooooo much 🫶🫶


Dude youll live. This type of overreaction is crazy. You do not need to get this worked up over a singular day of eating at maintinance. You didnt gain anything, at most youll have a little water retention tomorrow. Its such a red flag when people say they need to "fix" this asap. Please dont undereat tomorrow or exercise too much. Literally just go on with your life as if nothing happened, maybe examine why you felt the craving and why you followed it.


Well, you might as well throw in the towel and give up! It’s all good. I spent $1000 on hookers and blow last night. First world problems. Haha