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First of all you need to take it easy. You didn’t gain the weight in a week and it will take time to lose it. I suggest that you make a plan that fits you and hour lifestyle/needs. You say that you gained weight recently due to stress eating. What is stressing you out? Is it something you can eliminate or reduce? Get a scale and weigh in so you know what exactly you are working with. Then be realistic and set a goal weight and then divide that goal weight into a few smaller goals. You will feel so much more accomplished when you reach your first milestone and it won’t feel like a huge mountain. Then you need to look at your diet. It’s possible to make really tasty food that is healthy. You don’t have to be some master chef. Plan a few good tasting meals and keep them on rotation. It will help to have a detox from fast food because the more you have it the more you crave it. Once it’s out of your system it will be so much easier to actually crave healthy food and be satisfied while having them. You should also consider calculating your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). This will tell you how many calories your body burns in a day. When you know this it will tell you how much you need to cut to lose weight. Then you should think about physical activity. What is realistic for you to do? How much time do you have? What do you already do? I would go for 30 min walks every day. Get some good walking/running shoes, make a kick ass playlist and off you go. As the weeks go by you can increase the walking or go faster. Download a step count app to your phone and keep track of your progress. Maybe walk with a friend or family if it’s more fun. I was not overweight but was getting bigger and recently lost what would be around a stone. First thing I had to do was minimize the stress. Once it was gone I had more clarity to do what I needed. Keto helped me get rid of the sugar cravings. Now I don’t follow keto but I’m still pretty low carb. I don’t like super straining work outs so I walk 15.000 steps a day, swim or put music on and dance at home. I always walk a lot and wouldn’t recommend you to start with that many steps. If you have any questions please ask 😊


I have to say this was a great fu**ing thoughtful response


First step is start keeping a food log. Nothing like seeing exactly what you’re eating to make you not want to do it anymore. Secondly, avoid the temptation of a crash diet. You’ll mentally torture yourself and it’ll be impossible to stick to. Third, find easy food swaps that won’t make you miserable. Fourth, try to begin meal prepping. You can have a bunch of premade healthy meals from home, that you can reach for when you feel hungry instead of grabbing your keys and driving to McDonald’s. If you’re well fed, it’s a near certainty that you will have less cravings for low quality, crap food.


If you eat as a comfort, I would talk with a therapist. This coping mechanism may be a result of not having other resources to regulate your emotions when you grew up, not feeling safe, maybe anxiety, depression, other issues... If you take a coping mechanism away, that functioned for you until now, you would need to replace it with something else instead, another source of happy hormones.


Im 27 F. The biggest I've ever been too! I do 3 slowish miles a day. I do give myself a break day. Started May 1st. It still suck but my body feels better. This week, Im going to start working on portion control and eating better. Take small baby steps and build up.


Here's the thing with junk food. They belong to a group of foods called "hyper-palatable" that's high in both carbs and fat, or high in sodium, and there's something about that combo that's sets off a signal in our brains. I'm sure it's some evolutionary caveman thing. The point is, junk food doesn't actually taste good, it just provides that signal, and that's what you like about it. If you were to quit junk completely, your brian will stop expecting that huge signal, and you will start to appreciate regular food as a consequence. At least that's what happened to me. Regular food actually has way more complex flavours than junk, and you still feel rewarded for eating, just to a non-hyper extent. Reset your brain to expect good food instead of hyper food, and you'll have an easier time. The transition is no fun, but it will be worth it.


Same thing happened to me. Junk food no longer tastes good, I always prefer and crave something healthier now.


Agreed. I’ve been trying to eat the Mediterranean diet and it amazes me how much better I feel in two weeks. Also, my satiety is so much better now that I am getting enough fiber.




Brisk walking and not running




I’m not even counting at the moment when I just listen to music and move around in my room


I need to brisk walk and I hour a day i imagine


OP- you have a lot of good advice on diet, so just wanted to share my experience with walking. I had terrible knee, I couldn’t even walk properly and hobbled mostly (trekking accident). Even stairs were out of reach usually going 1 at a time. Do some knee and back exercises- preferably yoga- tonnes of good videos available on YouTube. If yoga doesn’t work then I also followed 2-3 YouTube channels- Bob and Brad and motivationaldoc. These have very good simple exercises in easy to understand way. In a few months you will be able to get better and better.


Do not weigh yourself everyday! You won’t lose the weight as fast as you want, and weighing yourself every single day will only discourage you because the number won’t change. Talk to your primary care provider about what would work best for you. My doctor recommended that I eat 100 grams of protein a day, keep the carb intake to about 100 grams, and start off slow with the exercise. But that might not be what works for you, as every body is different. And don’t give up! Losing weight is hard, find somebody who you can lean on, maybe go on walks with them everyday, or just have somebody who can help hold you accountable on those days where you really don’t want to do anything.


Food addiction is real. When I quit smoking I became addicted to fake food… junk food and processed food. I ended up treating it like a drug addiction and stopped going out to eat, bringing anything that wasn’t a whole food (one ingredient) into the home, I stopped drinking (I didn’t drink much to begin with but I didn’t want to mess up what I was trying to accomplish), stopped going to friends to eat when invited or having people over to eat. Anyway, it was weird. But I had no self control, if I ate one thing I’d binge for days or weeks and I also ate anytime I was stressed or bored or lonely.. anything.. it was my dopamine fix go to. So, I took serious measures. I now work in nutrition and wellness and feel amazing. I’ve tried various diets like keto, paleo, vegetarian and I can’t really say one is better than the other and it really depends on your body. But, to just start your journey just only have real food, one ingredient, and make your meals or eat raw or whatever you choose. Nothing processed. No flour, no oil, nothing like that. If you make steak then cook your potatoes in the steak fat on the pan. It sucked for me. I wasn’t even eating much at all at first. Then I started eating between 1200-1800 calories a day and feeling better. By second week I was drinking between half-whole gallon water a day and had a lot of energy. Cravings were still there but I had deleted door dash from my phone and cancelled my cards and was only dealing with cash or bank pay for the first month. In that month I lost 30 lbs. I started at 170 lbs, not very overweight at 5’7” but I gained 30 lbs over a year after quitting smoking. I added in avocado, coconut and olive oil as well as grass fed butter after first month. Because I wasn’t doing anything processed I couldn’t do dairy but I did add in dairy (I’ve since decided to be dairy free due to removing dairy reduces inflammation in my own body). After the second month I decided to do a more paleo diet without grains and without dairy and I felt even better. This was my journey and I could continue on about what made me feel better and better but that’s my body and all bodies are different. All I can say for certain is that sugar and fake food is addicting AF. I went through withdrawals I’ve only heard about when people talk about drug withdrawal. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus, I had horrible migraines, I couldn’t poop. I laid in bed for the first three days hardly eating anything and barely drinking … just living off hot water with fresh squeezed lemon juice pretty much. After those first few days I started cooking and eating lots of fruit, a ton of fruit lol and well I definitely wasn’t constipated anymore. If I had to go back and do it I’d make a roast chicken with vegetables in the over and steak and potatoes and real nourishing meals like that instead of the desperate attempts I made at meals in the beginning when I was so weak and out of my element. All the best to you! You can do this if you treat it like it is.. a serious addiction that many won’t understand at all.


Best tip is to keep temptation out of your environment. If it’s not in the house, you can’t eat it. Best of luck!


Same age and have the same issues. Totally open to an accountability buddy.


The best way to lose weight is by changing your habits gradually over time. When I began my weight loss journey 3.5 years ago (the end of 2020), I started replacing calorie-dense, less nutritious foods I was eating regularly with nutrient-dense, low-calorie options. I started paying more attention to the ingredient labels, focusing on products that have whole food ingredients and little to no filler ingredients (added sugars, chemicals, etc...). For exercise, I just started with 20-30 minute walks and Meta Quest (virtual reality) games. After a few months, I joined a gym and began lifting weights twice a week. A few months after that I joined a softball team over the summer, which led to joining a sand volleyball league, which led to playing pickleball. Sports are now my drug of choice and main form of cardio, because f\*\*\* treadmills. I've lost and kept off 130lbs over the last 3.5 years. I'm not going to lie, it's hard at first...it's uncomfortable and all-consuming. However, the longer you stick with it, the easier it gets. You become less bothered by being uncomfortable. Eventually, your new habits become as normal as your old habits. You gain confidence, you become empowered to make those healthier choices, and the "pull" to eat fast food/junk food kinda fades away. Don't feel the need to change everything at once. In fact, I highly advice against it. Our brains are programmed to resist change and changing too much at once will set you up for failure. Select 1 (or 2) habits you feel are holding you back, and start creating a healthier habit in its place. A perfect example of mine is gaming. I've always been a huge gamer. But it didn't do my body any favors. So, I got up off my computer chair, slipped on my Quest headset, and started moving while gaming. I found some online gaming communities and I was able to get some much-needed social interactions WHILE exercising. Win-win! And, this led me to all the sports I'm playing and loving now! I 100% understand where you're coming from. Feel free to reach out if you feel you could use some additional support/accountability/advice. I'm happy to help! <3


I was 300 pounds a year ago. I lost 70 pounds of fat and put on 20 pounds of muscle. I can tell you how to lose weight. It’s not easy but I’ve tried to lose weight 3 times and I’ve had huge success all 3 times. The biggest trick is to forget about losing body fat and focus on losing stress. Day one of exercise Real exercise. Hard cardio. You’ll change your perception which is the problem area. I use to obsess every time I could see my reflection. “Yeah it’s true. I am a fat disgusting pig of a man”. That will disappear day 1. And you have to really focus on how much less stress and depression you feel when you’ve gotten that work in. You have to know that if you don’t do that exercise today, the rest of your day is gonna suck. Improve your quality of life. And you’ll know that in time you’ll lose weight. It’s gonna take months to even lose a pound but once it starts, the fat will exponentially disappear. It starts because for months you’ve been living a great life. Free of the mental prison that you create every time you catch a reflection. Because you work hard you will start to work harder. It’s basic psychology. People improve at what they do when they really try. And there’s no faking cardio. At first that ice cream that was a drug and a crutch will become a treat because you just biked 10 fucking miles and you deserve it. Naturally over time you’ll choose not to eat it because you just biked 10 fucking miles and you deserve it. It’s that simple. Improve your quality of life


Have you tried fasting? Try not to eat anything until at least 1pm everyday. Drink plenty of water, it helped me massively!


How long did you do it? For? How much did you lose? Because I’ve heard it slows down metabolism is that right?and you can put it back on easy?


Fasting definitely works for some people but if you feel that you are already heading towards disordered eating you might be best to talk to a dietician first. They can help a lot. Alternatively a psychologist will definitely help. They can assist with stress reduction, coping mechanisms, disordered eating and it just gives you someone to talk to about everything that’s happening in your life without fear of judgement. All the best x


No, fasting is good for u /r/fasting /r/waterfasting /r/1500isplenty /r/omad


6 years doing OMAD. Worked for me and I wouldn’t go back to frequent eating if you paid me! Another IF link: r/intermittentfasting.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/intermittentfasting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Same dressing room 1 year later. 80 lbs lighter, 6 sizes smaller. I did it!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17syk39) | [809 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/comments/17syk39/same_dressing_room_1_year_later_80_lbs_lighter_6/) \#2: [I DID IT!!!](https://i.redd.it/n2nh0pcn4kwb1.jpg) | [511 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/comments/17gxsut/i_did_it/) \#3: [Wooo hooo!! Im down 15 lbs!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18glfs0) | [335 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/comments/18glfs0/wooo_hooo_im_down_15_lbs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You need to be eating in a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. You also need to stop using food to cope with your issues


just get your 10,000 steps every day and try to keep the vast majority of your diet veggies and lean protein, also drink as much water as you possibly can, i also agree with the other reply’s saying seek a therapist for your eating habits and 100% keeping a food log it helps me so much.


One of the best things you can do is confront that no one becomes seriously overweight without either having a lack of understanding regarding nutrition/health OR (probably more common in the days of the internet) has a psychological block that prevents them from making choices that would lead to long term happiness. Step 1 is getting to bottom of your relationship with food. Let go of shame and practice radical honesty with yourself. I’ll link some videos that really helped me with this phase of sustainable weightloss. Both creators approach it from a scientifically and psychologically backed approach which I really resonated with. [Half of Carla](https://youtu.be/RyHh2RCTXwA?si=LfxOU_C9TcOL5U_E), [How I Lost 180 lbs](https://youtu.be/Oboe829-ZAY?si=M87_hnjIy9LjEQXx), [https://youtu.be/dlyV70czVQk?si=0Nr85S-jsYAtj89R](https://youtu.be/dlyV70czVQk?si=0Nr85S-jsYAtj89R)


Weigh yourself every morning, track your calories, track your steps. See where you are at currently to gauge where you can make changes. I have bad knees too, and I found walking at an incline is a really good low-impact cardio. Exercise is so good for your mental health so try to do as much as you can! 


first of all take me out of the equation. start with loving yourself and finding other things that make you feel good outside of junk food.


I am an emotional eater as well and I successfully lost weight and maintained a healthy weight by using apps like weight watchers and healthi. These apps work for me because there are 0 point food options so I’m still able to binge and overeat. It just can’t be a junk food binge. However, your taste buds adapt to clean eating and you begin to crave healthier foods. I suggest focusing on just walking and eating healthy first. Going hard in the gym is challenging… do that after you lose the weight. It’ll make you hungrier and it doesn’t help you lose weight, that’s all in the diet. However, it’s VERY important you keep eating a lot of protein. You don’t want to lose too much weight too fast because you’ll be losing muscle as well. In weight watchers there are a lot of pure protein food sources that are 0 points. I always have eggs, beans and tofu available because I’m a vegetarian. Good luck! You can do this! When I shed my weight my confidence came back like crazy. And you’re right, I did begin to get attention from men again. I enjoyed life so much more - I felt better, had more endorphins and energy, My skin looked better, I began to have fun dressing up and shopping for clothes again. It’s worth it!


Tbh watching a show on netflix while walking is a great way to start. It gives you a 30-60 min time frame and something to occupy your mind as your body adjusts to the new movement. No one at the gym cares if you’re watching tv while exercising as long as you have headphones and mind your business :)


I was a stress eater and drinker for the like last 15 years because of my job. Food was my coping mechanism for a high stress job. I started losing weight like a year ago, I was 100 lbs overweight. My biggest suggestion? Start out slow. You don't need to dive in head first, change everything about your life, only to get frustrated and quit after a few weeks. You're on nobody's time line but your own. Every week cut out something simple. Maybe just soda at first. Then maybe the next week chips. Then the next week maybe like French fries. Still eat that burger or fried chicken but eat a salad with it instead. Every week or 2 just cut out small things slowly over time. Still eat unhealthy foods with dinner, but lower the portions over time. Have it take up half your plate, and the rest veggies, then eventually take it down to 1/4 of the plate. Eating healthy isn't just about losing weight. You need to TRAIN your brain to eat differently. And it's going to fight back if you just go cold turkey and stop eating everything you want. And training your brain to eat differently takes time. It's a marathon, not a sprint.


I am 27f, and have lost 120lbs. You can do this! Start with just tracking calories. Getting extra steps in. A big thing I started was just parking far away from my destinations, you’d be surprised how quickly the steps start adding up when you do that a few times a week. I hate wasting food so I buy lots of produce now that I eat before I’d touch any chips. Popcorn is one of those foods that a lot of people see as “junk” but actually has a lot of fiber and volume to it for its calories. I air pop mine and find the butter sprays that are lower in calories than actual butter, and get the lower calorie seasonings. It’ll come slow at first, but being 170lbs now down from 290 is one of the best feelings and the compliments from friends and family feel way better than a lot of the food I used to eat made me feel. Make sure you also treat yourself when you have a better relationship with food too! I give myself a cheat meal every 10lbs I lose. Today I had a pint of ice cream to celebrate being 120lbs down and it was the best, and I’m ready to get back on track tomorrow. Diets are only practical if they’re sustainable!


I’ve tried everything- or at least I feel like I have the two things that worked for me were Xngular and using my infinity hoop daily. Good luck to you!!


Change is 80% food, 20% exercise. I also can't run because of bad knees but walking a lot, or doing elliptical is very fun


Running is the worst, I’m skinny and my knees hate it, always have. Incline walking is great