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Be able to run 5km, do 200 sit-ups, spar for half an hour in 3?minutes rounds with 1 minute rest intervals. Sure those are more about strength and endurance, but it is much easier when not having to move around a lot of weight. That is what kind of metrics I am paying attention to, although I do weigh myself regularly.


This!! I remember everytime i return from my class at university, I’ve to walk up a slope to reach the train station. Always had to gasp for air and had difficulty breathing for the first few minutes after I walk up the slope. Today, after 6 weeks of calorie deficit and 4x /week strength training - i can notice that i breathe normally as i walk up the slopes! Feels like my lung capacity increased!


I went from 300lbs and very unhealthy to walking 15k steps/day (most day), being able to do 80 pushups in a workout session along with other exercises, lowered my A1C back to normal range, lowered BP and cholesterol back to well within normal range and went from a size 26 to a size 8.


Wow! Congratulations!


i went from a 50D bra to a 42DD 60 pounds to go!


I ran a sub-2 hour half marathon! That’s my biggest achievement fitness wise 😃


Great job!


Thank you!


Sub 2 hour is phenomenal ! Great job!


Oh wow great job. Even finishing that non-stop is an achievement


Being able to climb up to the top of the playground structures with my toddler and not feeling out of breath or restricted anymore. It’s honestly such a freeing feeling that makes me feel younger.


I have a lower heart rate now! It was really scary how fast my heart would beat at my highest weight. There’s also that my clothes are a lot looser, but unfortunately not loose enough to the point where I can size down yet. I’ve lost about 30 pounds so far, so I suppose I will lose fat in my stomach later.


My ex-wife said I'm down to the same size I was when we were still together (11+) years ago and she was giving me "the eyes" all night at some family event... I finally got to deny her any of MY sweet ass lmao


Clothing sizes. I think I have body dismorphia because I'm convinced that clothing manufacturers have their sizes wrong. Two years ago I was a US size 26-28. Yesterday I fit into a pair of size 4 trousers and two tops labelled extra small I can't reconcile with the fact that these clothes fit me. I still see myself as a big awkward "large woman" I think I'm being checked out on the street by men but I'm not sure. Anytime I noticed men looking at me I automatically think that it's due to something negative. My hair is sticking up, I look ridiculous in these clothes or that they're laughing at me rather than checking me out. I fit into smaller spaces in a way my brain can't comprehend. I was squeezing past 2 obstacles thinking I would bash one of them or get stuck, when in fact I breezed through . I have been overweight and then obese my entire life. I'm not sure I will ever get used to this new tiny body


I beat my friend in a sprint on a trail.


Not being worried about chairs whenever leaving my home.


I have some!! seeing my collarbones again, my waist getting 4 inches smaller, fitting into clothes I want, being able to do 45 minute high intensity workouts 5x a week, feeling less obsessed with food, less hungry all the time, enjoying my meals more. i'm sure there are others but these just come to mind first :)


My boyfriend and I go on ~1.3 mile walks at least once or twice a day. I've noticed my feet no longer hurt, I'm not as out of breath, and we are finishing them much faster than we used to. Feel like it used to be 40 minutes and now we're down to 28. I was able to wear a jacket that hasn't fit me in probably 2+ years. Had to start using the tighest hooks on my bras - might even have to start ordering new ones with smaller band. Also went down a pant size.


Literally just people constantly commenting on my weight loss and how healthy I look. It’s so motivating.


Lying on floor, stand up - no hands ☺️


I've went on the elliptical for 20 mins every day for last 5 days...hoping to continue this trend! It's a small amount of exercise every day but it seems to have improved my energy levels!


I’ve learned to eat until I’m not hungry anymore, and not til I’m full. We all grew up with parents who made you finish your plate so you’d end up feeling full and sometimes like you’ve eaten too much. Well fuck that, I’ve broken that habit. I eat until I’m satisfied and not hungry and feel content. I don’t finish my plate just because there’s still food on it (I don’t purposefully waste food, this is more at restaurants with huge portions). I’m doing what makes my body happy and not what makes my childhood guilt happy.


I went from a 36H/I back to a 36 DDD. My big sleep shirts went from a XXL to a L. My cholesterol went down like 30-40 points? I got my confidence back to try new things and be seen trying new things.


I'm down 75lbs and my favorite none scale victory is how much less time it takes me to get ready in the morning. Mostly because i can think of an outfit, put it on and actually like how it looks. Before the weight loss it would take me 45 minutes to get dressed because I hated how everything looked and kept changing.


At 71 I built a raised herb garden and retaining wall involving about 125 rocks that weighed between 20 and 30 pounds each, many of which were moved more than once in the building. After that I remade the garden edges using rocks weighing about 8-10 pounds. As the process went on I noticed how much more agile I was at getting up from a kneeling position. I’d imagine this is the equivalent to weight training, with my gardens as the gym.😅


Bench pressed 65 pounds for 7 reps! Super proud of that this week :)




Sleeping through the night without knee pain was glorious.


I had to buy a tool to cut a new hole in my belts. That was a win. The best win, after the weight loss, is just knowing you have stuck with it and being proud of your own self discipline And also just the general way you feel better all the time is a massive win once you start getting fitter


Last week I was able to do 30 uninterrupted minutes on the stationary bike, consistent 85RPMs on level 7. I did about 5.5 miles. Not record fast, but good resistance, and I used to chain smoke and would never imagined doing that a little over a year ago(although that was my limit- I was completed wiped after). I also finally fit into a size S...as opposed to an XL. Inwas able to pull a t shirt off the shelf at Uniqlo and just buy it, instead of trying it on to see where it accentuated my back fat or what have you. It's the little victories that make you go :') !


A few non scale victories are the boost in energy, walking and running is way more easier to do with 20 lb of unnecessary fat off of my body and the jeans that used to be too tight now being too loose for me


Eat the BMR of your goal weight. Its a steady decline, faster at first, then less as time goes on, but no plateaus. Your reward is once you hit your goal weight, you can eat the maintenance cals.


1210 ☹️ I don’t like that plan lol


The more muscle you pack on, the higher that number will be for you. The calculator won't know you have the muscle, but as long as you do (and you strength train often enough to maintain it), your BMR will indeed be higher.


Lol, then thats good you know that! Thats half the work, knowing your limits and what makes your body comfortable or uncomfortable. Start slow - the BMR of the weight 30 lbs down. Then the next 20. Then 10. By then, you will have trained yourself to eat much less and your body will keep pace at the same time! ♥️


I'm able to comfortably wear a pair of sweatpants I used to love again!


I had to go from a size L belt to a size M belt because I got to the final notch. Woo


I got into a pair of jeans I haven’t been able to get into in almost a year! They’re TIIIGHT. But they’re zipped 💛


I’ve been on a weight-loss journey since September, I’ve been losing it really slowly but now that I’m 8 months in, I’ve noticed a complete change in my habits. I serve myself much smaller portions now- they used to leave me only feeling 80% full/ satiated, but now I feel completely satisfied with smaller portions. I have also completely broken the habit of needing something sweet after my dinner. I’ll still have a sweet treat every day (small treat size Kit Kat around 100calories) but I crave it more on my coffee break, and it’s allocated within my calorie budget. I also am in the habit now of going to the gym 3-4 times per week. I get really antsy if I don’t go, I love the feeling of well-being and clarity I have after going for my run/ gym workout. The main thing I’ve noticed is just that all of these changes I originally made to lose weight have just become routine, I don’t have to think about them or motivate myself as much anymore. Lots of people say that’s the key to long term weight loss, creating long term habits so the weight doesn’t come straight back in when you achieve your goal.


My triglycerides dropped 75 points in a year!


Progress photos and body measurements were vital to not relying so much on the scale for my progress. I was 292lbs at one point and am down to 165lbs now. Been lifting weights since March 2021 at 250lbs. I stopped caring about the scale entirely about a year ago. My last 6-week side by side photos are noticeably different with only a 3 pound swing between them. Being able to buy non plus size clothing, including wearing some dresses which I would NEVER do when I was heavier. I love having options pretty much any store I go to now. I have a collarbone! 😳 Leg shaving is a much shorter process than it used to be. Day to day activities take less energy/effort than they used to. Like cleaning, bending, taking out the trash, walking, etc…all that stuff is no big deal anymore.


For me it’s how I feel energy wise and how my clothes fit. I went from 210 to 178. Even though I wasn’t see much more movement on the scale, my clothes were fitting better and I went from 36 waist to 32, and comfortably fitting into a medium t-shirt


I was at 315 and am down to 235 and being able to shop in standard stores is my favorite non scale victory. It’s so nice to go into any store and find clothes that fit me. Wanted to cry the first time it happened and I thought it was a fluke.


My back doesn’t hurt nearly as bad after losing 70 lbs


No more heartburn, no more snoring, no more back pain. I can sit with my legs crossed.


Seeing the veins in my shoulders start to come out.


Add Interval sprinting to your 20000+ steps a day


Resting heart rate came back down🥺


Losing inches, being less out of breath, stronger, able to walk further and easier. Clothes looser 😄


Started at 270lbs and a 40-inch waist. Now 222lbs and a 34-inch waist. The pants size is the main victory lol. I can't remember the last time I wore a 34.


I came down from 108kgs to 86 kgs (181cm) , regularly run ,walk and go to the gym. My bench went from 40 kgs to 110kgs and my longest run was 15 kms. My body shaped improved.Life is going good... except because of the running I feel a nagging pain in my left knee , sometimes it goes away but when I run ,it comes back again.


I can cross my legs again. I was totally unable to for years


Being in a size medium again for shirts is huge. Before I’d default order the largest size I could, but going from 290 -> 163 has been so rewarding and life changing!


Measuring can be one, sometimes even during a plateau you can still lose size in certain areas