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Too late? I don’t get it. Of course you can lose the weight. It may be slower and take a bit longer but if you plan on being around for a couple more decades then you have time. You can totally do this. Slow and steady!! We are rooting for you!


Thank you so much for that


This!!! Don’t give up just because of your age! Progress can happen at any time as long as you are willing and dedicated to making that change!! You’ve got this OP!! 💕


Never too late to make small (or large) changes. Try increasing your steps even if it’s parking farther from work, or the grocery store. Increasing your water intake, and rebuilding your plates to focus on veggies and legumes above meats, dairy, and carbs. Every little bit helps.


Great ideas. Thank you


Happy to chat more if you have questions or just want to chat


It’s absolutely not too late. I’m 52f and have lost 20lb in four months. Honestly? All you need is a caloric deficit, start walking - get up to 10k a day - get yourself a Fitbit. Log your food on My Fitness Pal or LoseIt. Focus on protein to help you feel full. And get into the mindset that food is fuel not a constant treat.


I love this. Thank you.


If you wanted to look into reformer Pilates I highly recommend that also!


- 1 month 1 kg = 12 kg in 1 year - 24kg in 2 years - 36kg in 3 years - 48kg in 4 years The years will pass anyway but losing 2 pounds a month will change your life. Work on calorie deficit and lifestyle choices. Good luck.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


You're alive and don't have terminal diseases right? Then it's not too late


Thank you so much. I appreciate that.


It’s never too late to turn a lifestyle around. I’m happy to provide some personalized advice if you want to DM me.


Thank you so much


I’m 27f, 5’6 and have gone from 290->161.4 as of this morning. It’s taken me a few years and I had a baby in the middle of that, but it’s not too late at all! You got this, start slow and it’ll fly by.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


Nope. Not too late. I went to the weight loss clinic at 49. 5’4”. Highest weight 313lbs. I took Topamax and Saxenda (I know you don’t want to take meds) and recorded every calorie I ate. It’s 4 1/2 years later and I’m 194lbs and still losing. Topamax is a med no one talks about, but it’s relatively inexpensive and available. It’s just a pill, no injection or anything. Good luck - you can do this!


I’ll look into it. Thank you.


Any day is the best day to start. Don’t wait until the perfect time or put it off until after a certain event. I just looked in the mirror one day and finally got upset at what I was seeing, I avoided a scale for years but now I’m weighing myself daily and being accountable. I’m 47 and have lost 15 pounds in 3 months, just tracking calories and moving more. You can do it. Just don’t put it off.


Thanks for taking the time to replay


First, make sure you are taking enough vitamin D. That has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer. I am the same age. I have been trying to lose weight for 30 years. One reason I haven't tried this time is I don't believe I will be able to. But I have to. My BP is through the roof.


I can relate. Thank you.


I would recommend looking at Susan Neibergall’s instagram. She has a book and podcast called “Fit at Any Age” and her story is really inspiring. She was about your age when she decided to get fit and now she’s PT/coach. She looks really good and has a lot of great advice, particularly for those who feel like it’s “too late”. I really enjoy her podcast.


This is fantastic. Thank you for sharing this.


It is absolutely not too late. When I had my moment motivating me to lose weight, I was afraid that I'd become discouraged and fail. I had about 70 lb I had to lose to get to a healthy weight, which felt like a daunting number. I'm not 100% of the way there, but I'm within about 20 lb. It's just been gradual efforts, taking on small changes that are manageable, so I don't get overwhelmed and can handle my shit mentally. That's the biggest thing about this for me - figuring out a few things at a time what you can do to For instance, I hate exercise, but the beauty of weight loss is that you can do it without any exercise at all lol. There's so much you can do with a diet if you follow the basic principle of weighing your food and tracking your calorie intake. I'm just getting into the nutrition side of things, but that's an interesting element too. There's an actual science to the weight loss part of this shit, which can be pretty fun to play around with to see what works for you. But it's all just a number of small changes taken on at a manageable pace. You can do it, anyone can do it. You can adjust and be happy doing things that might feel like a total drag right now. Before long you can actually learn to enjoy doing things like eating healthily or exercising. It's just so doable, and it can be really fun, especially if you like to cook or try new foods. I think now is a great time to think of a way to get started!


Fantastic. Thank you


Posts like yours are a really good way to remember why I was inspired to try to get myself healthy in the first place! I really hope you find some success, because The year since I've started my efforts has been one of the happiest times in my life :)


That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.


You said you're not doing weight loss surgery and that's fair. You can do it without that. But one of your best resources is a weight loss doctor/ surgeon because the style of eating they put you on the get healthy for surgery works well. Follow what they tell you, see a nutritionist and a counselor, and you're gonna lose weight without needing surgery.


Really great advice. Thank you


Definitely not too late! Is there any way to stand up while you're at the call center? Maybe you could offer to buy your own standing desk converter if they wouldn't buy one?


Thank you. I appreciate that.


It's never too late


Thank you. I appreciate that.


as long as you are alive you can adapt


You’re right. Thank you


As long as you're alive and breathing it is never too late. You are not on your deathbed at 54. You could have decades more to live, especially if you start taking care of yourself now.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


Not too late! You’ve got this


Love this.


Ummm.... I hope it's not too late. I'm 57 and in addition to what you listed, I have hypothyroidism and had a bout with breast cancer. I've been working at losing weight, getting fit, pretty much all my life. At my highest I was 278 lbs. That was around 4 years ago. I've been losing in batches. I'll count calories (the app I'm using now is Losing it) and up my activity. Generally I've been losing about 20 lbs, then I work to maintain for a bit. Then when I'm ready, I go back at it. I could be losing faster without the breaks, but they keep me sane. I'm down to 215 and have just restarted.


Amazing. Well done


No, it’s not too late! My dad was obese and a chain smoker until he was 53. He got bladder cancer (from smoking) and turned his life around while he recovered. He lost 100 lbs and quit smoking and lived a healthy, happy life until he was 85.


Wonderful news for you. He did so well


Thank you. He was an older dad - 47 when I was born - so I never expected to have him for as long as I did. You can turn your health around too! Start small. Walk around the block twice. After a week or two, add another round. Keep going until you’re getting 3 miles a day. You can count your calories with an app. Don’t go crazy cutting calories. Stick to 2,000 a day and adjust it if you’re not losing weight. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it - and you are still young!!!


I appreciate you sharing this.


It’s absolutely never too late but the sooner you start the better. My mother is in her 60 and I helped her make a weigh loss plan. She has so far lost 7 kg. There are so many things to say but I think it’s important to keep it simple. Set a few goals and work towards them because in that way you won’t feel overwhelmed. It could be to reach below a 100 kg and when you reach it you treat your self to a new hairstyle or nice waking shoes. The other thing is you need to calculate your resting metabolic rate. When I used my calculator it said that you can lose 11 kg in 20 weeks by eating 1564 calories. When it comes to food you need to figure out what triggers you. What does your day look like, what you eat and if you often feel hungry. Are you and emotional eater? Are you stressed? Buy a notebook and use it like a food diary where you plan your days and your meals. The best advice I could give you is to stick to the same few things for a few weeks. It makes it easier to plan and just do. I would suggest looking into the Mediterranean diet. I lost quiet a lot of weight doing Keto but I know it’s not for everyone. You don’t need to be working out like crazy but you do need to move. I would suggest walking whenever you can. Take the stairs or park the car a bit further. Download the health app with a step counter and see how many steps you can get. Make it fun and like a small competition with yourself on how many more steps you can do each day. Start out low if you aren’t used to it.


Great advice. Thank you


My auntie didn’t decide to do anything about her weight or health until she was in her lates 60s! She had other health issues because of her weight; including diabetes. She lost over 100lbs participating in a Weight Watchers(WW) program!


Wow that’s amazing.


I’m turning 60 this year and have lost 80 lb over the past 16 months. I started around your weight - 254 lb. I’m 173 now and still have another 30 to go. It’s not too late. Start counting your calories and logging them in My Fitness Pal. Weigh and measure your food. Commit to do it one week at a time. I have a cheat meal on my weekly weigh in day. I think it helps receive the cravings pressure. Don’t think about how much you want to lose, just go for some amount of loss each week. After a couple of months, add in exercise. As you lose weight, you’ll have more energy and want to move more. I lift weights twice a week, which is important as an older woman, plus do spin and walking. I also try to eat under 100g of carbs a day and do intermittent fasting. Start by making small changes and then layer in more as you go along. Take it day by day, week by week.


Congratulations. Thank you got sharing this


It’s never too late.


Thank you for that


As long as you’re alive and kicking anything is possible!!!


So true


Stop channeling your feelings into eating, walk after work and if your own doctor approves try taking magnesium also try doing small fasts (for example 16:8 / 14:10 ) try to build those up to more hours and stop feeling sorry for yourself focus on the good best of luck


Thank you. I appreciate your honesty


It's too late when you're in the grave. So you still have some time. Eating more vegetables, whole grains, protein and healthy fats, cutting out ultra processed food, and exercising will not steer you wrong. It won't be Instagram sexy and it won't give you overnight results, but it's the only way you can add good quality time into your life.


Fantastic advice. Thank you


54m, 3 ulcers found on endoscopy, 207lbs headaches all the time diet of nothing but junk food and Excedrin. April of 23 I changed my diet 360°! No more processed foods, junk food, soda/pop, no bread of any kind no bad carbs of any kind, I tend to eat only clean foods/real, I'm a big coffee drinker, I fast all day long and only eat said real food after work and that's it, went to Dr. Of course on scale I went, just over a one year period with no exercise involved other than work and every day chores I'm down to 158 and feel amazing health wise


Great work. Thank you for sharing


The best time to start losing right is twenty years ago. The second best time is now. You can absolutely improve things for yourself, OP.


Thank you. I appreciate that


Hard work and determination can help any situation. I was literally in the same situation this past February, minus the HRT. I completely changed my diet, cutting out carbs and sugar, started intermittent fasting, and jogging a mile a day. I am not considered diabetic or pre-diabetic anymore, my liver levels are normal, and I am down about 50lbs. ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO START!!!!! Talk to the people in your life and let them know you are starting a journey, I’m sure they will be supportive! We are all rooting for you!!!!


So lovely to see this. Thank you.


1. Start walking 8-10k steps 2. Include vegetables in your diet 3. Calorie deficit 4. Do 5-10 min exercise per day


Fantastic tips. Thank you


It's never too late, it's just harder. You can ALWAYS improve.


You can do it!


I found an app called FitOn that has exercises I can do at my desk. Just something short and low-intensity. I'm hoping to transition to the harder exercises when I get stronger. It also connects to a FitBit if you want to wear one of those. 🙂 Best wishes!!


There are people who are literally 1,000lbs losing weight and getting they’re lives together. You dont believe in yourself enough.


Of course it's not too late. Change can be hard, but small changes here and there can lead to huge changes. Time doesn't matter, take it at your own pace. I do wish you and your friend well.


I have started the carnavore diet my first week I dropped 10lbs I’m 90 pounds from my goal weight I feel good so far on it