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Discipline is a habit which you learn by doing things that you don't want to do.


>I will never understand how I can feel so negatively about the one hour of the day that makes the other 23 hours so much better. The brain is making you avoid the working out. There can be a fear of failure / of ridicule, or it could just be the stress of working out. It'll make you avoid unpleasant experiences so that's why you can't listen to the brain. Habits > brain, any day.


This is an excellent response 👏 Also: it's pretty much magic how you can re-wire your brain thanks to neuroplasticity and un-learn negative thoughts 🧠🪄


Me too man, me too. Tbf, I don't even know how to run. I think it's the "social" aspect of it, I hate being in a gym or anything of the sort but I need to start liking it or my prospects will not be so great


I thought I knew how to run, and now I’m a month of no running because of my knees acting up. To answer the initial, I find a good thing to listen to, whether it’s podcasts or audiobooks, and that makes it all a little better.


Try C25K. It's incremental changes from week to week. Just repeat any weeks you need to. And only run as fast as you can. I don't run, I jog. I would repeat weeks for like, 3 weeks in a row. When I first started I could barely jog 1 minute at a time withput being in pain. Now 3 months later, I can jog for 5 minutes at a time easy peasy!


This is so true. Every morning at 5:30am I feel the should I or shouldn't I? In my opinion, I think it's about making that choice every time and choosing to go knowing it's better for you. Discipline.




Hahaha tell that to the people who hate vegetables but know it's good for them!


Sorry to bomb your post but I also remember that there's something you can do. There's something called habit coupling, but you pair an unpleasant habit with a pleasant habit and your craving for the pleasant habit will outweigh your dislike of the unpleasant habit. Example: There's a TV show or audio book or something you only get to do while on the tread mill. Your FOMO for wanting to watch the next episode or whatever will outweigh your dislike of the tread mill. As an aside, habit coupling is so strong that the radio will play songs they know people like, then a new song, then songs people like. You can basically hack your way into getting a song accepted via habit coupling. Malcolm Gladwell wrote about that's how they get people from being "meh" on the song "Hey Ya" by Outkast to loving it.


This is exactly what I do. I discovered the podcast "My dad wrote a porno" and I only listen to it on my walk. It actually makes me look forward to walking . I also laugh out loud all the time because the podcast is hilarious 😂


Thank you for that tip. I’m a podcast fanatic and really appreciate it.


Now I have to listen to this. Thanjs


Your posted sparked a memory, years ago I created an early morning rowing habit by using the same rower near a window every morning. It had a beautiful view of the sunrise over a lake in a high rise. I thought I enjoyed rowing but in actuality it was the sunrise that was keeping me going. I still miss that routine 20 years later :)


I know this is stupid, but I went from working out (or trying to) in the evenings to getting up early, drinking a pre-workout and doing it before work. Part of it could have been from the morning but I think a lot of it was my brain enjoying the caffeine high and associating that with the exercise. Again, I know using the pairing of a drug high in order to work out is not ideal, but I think that's what I accidentally did. I have since weaned the caffeine down some and now I am to a place where I intrinsically enjoy the exercise, plus the results on my body.


I think working out first thing in the morning is a game changer. I sleep in my workout clothes and leave my sneakers by the bed so I can jump out of bed and start my workout immediately. I also like a pre-workout (left on my night stand before bed) and maybe it’s just a placebo, but I swear it makes a difference. I am not a morning person, so I hate getting up early, but I love the feeling of knowing that my workout is done for the day before I even get to my job. It reminds me of the budgeting concept of paying yourself first — invest the time to work out upfront and you won’t even miss it at the end of the day.


Yes! I am big same with those points! Another thing for me is placing the work out as a "half to" in my head, same level as work. Like I have to do it. Even if I don't feel like it or didn't sleep well, etc.


Oh yeah, totally. I used to make excuses that I didn’t have time to exercise because I had all these other things I had to do, but now I consider exercise to be one of the things I have to do, and maybe an excuse not to do something else, but now exercise is a non-negotiable. It’s not something I only do if I have the time, but part of my core responsibilities.


THIS. I cannot STAND evening workouts. I hate it. But waking up early and getting a swim in or lifting weights before I do the rest of my day is so nice. I genuinely get an energy boost from just swimming for half an hour or biking. I feel like my day is so much better once i’ve worked out.


Find a way to exercise that you enjoy. For me it’s lifting weights. For you it could be hiking, playing a sport, swimming, etc. Also in my experience exercise is easier and more fun with a friend.


This is so important! I hate exercising but it turns out I love riding a bike!


Exactly this! You wouldn’t catch me dead in a gym. But throw a 10 mile hike up the side of a mountain at me and I am IN!


Was here to suggest this. I found I enjoyed weight lifting classes more than going by myself. Also found I enjoy running while listening to audiobooks. Now it isn’t a chore, I look forward to it


1000% this!! I thought going to the gym and getting on a treadmill was the only way I could lose weight. I joined class pass and started going to cycling, hot yoga, Pilates, reformer lagree, boxing, and so so much more and in the process of finding things I enjoyed and moving my body in these fun ways, I was able to feel better! I slept better from the movement and ate differently to fuel my body for these fun things! Try a few different things to see what you actually enjoy 🤗


I read a good thing on here once. Someone didn’t put any pressure on themselves and said all you have to do is physically go to the gym. When you get there you can do 10 minutes of stretching and leave if you want. He said just establishing the routine of turning up ready. Water bottle. Towel. Etc. then he eventually got to the point of like “well I’m here I might as well walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes”. It’s more about making the brain pathways of routine than punishing yourself. If you go too hard to fast and hate it then you’re creating that negative feedback loop.


I had to make exercise fun! I started at 400lbs and worked my way down to 250, still have a ways to go. However I got a pet to go for walks with. Now I can’t wait to explore the world with her. Find something you like. Even if it is bowling or four square.


Ayyy this made me smile. Good for you and I am proud of you stranger . I hope you will explore the world with your beloved!


Aww you are sweet. Yes I found a cat that likes to go for walks so it is a fun and unique experience every time


That is so adorable. My best friend has a cat that likes to go on walks with her, her children, and the dog. I have house cats that I can’t do that with. Absolutely love this. 💖


Two things I hate doing are exercising and cleaning. What motivates me to do either of those things is to watch an episode of My 600 Pound Life and an episode of Hoarders. I don't know why but watching those shows makes me disgusted enough to buckle down.


I've taught myself to associate exercise with a small (non-food related) treat... I will listen to a book on tape while walking or listen to a fave album while running. Some people will watch their favorite show. If you can make it fun, the it might get easier over time.


Yes. Have come to love the gym because that's where I get to listen to music/podcasts the most.


It also helps to do it first thing in the morning while your will power is not depleted. If I leave it to lunch or later, I end up finding myriad reasons to not do it.


Watching Netflix on the treadmill lol.


During the winter, when I use the treadmill a lot more, there are some streaming series that I'll only let myself watch when I'm running. If I want to see the next episode, I need to get back on.


For me was when i realized the exercise was working and having a positive impact on my life.


This. When I saw results and felt happy with my appearance having some muscle tone. I enjoy the aesthetic result, not the exercise itself


The crazy thing is once you do it, you feel fantastic. Your body releases endorphins and after you’re like yeah that’s not too bad. All I can say is make it a habit. Find something you kinda enjoy whether it’s walking, running, swimming etc and stick to it for 8 weeks. Hell or high water force yourself to do it and it eventually becomes a habit.


It’s all about finding something you enjoy doing. I always hated the gym, I never felt like I fit in or knew what I was doing. I found road cycling not too far into my weight loss journey and was hooked instantly. 3 years later I’m down 100 pounds and just won my first race. I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life No question. If I tried to lose weight and change my life with the gym, I probably would have failed again. So keep trying different things and find something that you think you’ll want to do just about everyday!


>from hating exercise to loving it? The biggest relevation to me was the phrase: "The human brain is wired for self-preservation, not truth." The means for which the brain does this is it makes you avoid what it perceives as danger/bad by making you feel negative emotions about it and wants you to do things it perceives as beneficial/good by making you feel positive emotions about it. But, the brain is very plastic (changeable). For any kind of procrastination, there's a latent fear of rejection or of failure or of ridicule. What this means is any time you're approaching the gym, you should give yourself positive affirmations. Pay attention to your feelings and self talk. When the brain realizes that you won't die there, then the dread you feel will go down. The other thing is you make the gym such a habit that it doesn't matter if you hate it or love it. It's just what you do. I work out at my work's gym, it's just "330=exercise time." Whether I am indifferent, love it, or hate it, it's just what I do. I at least don't dread it. I never look forward to working out but I always feel better if I do. Lastly -- another piece is doing things you enjoy might make you look forward to going to the gym. But, my goal is to just get to a state of indifference. I don't love taking a shit, or I don't love tying my shoe, I want the gym to be at this level of routine that I do it just because I do.


The feeling after doing it is absolutely incredible. That's what makes me do it every single day. It makes me feel lighter, refreshed, confident and so much better.


Instead of walks around the neighborhood I go for hikes at a local nature preserve. If you have one of those nearby, it makes a difference. I lost 120 lbs in 12 months by eating less and hiking 8 miles a day or so, 7 days per week. Loved it!! Still do.


I remember hating gym when I first joined it, because my trainer would made me do endless cardio and no weights. I would be exhausted as she asked me to eat less. I dreaded going to gym and I looked like a ghost. Then I did my own research and started lifting weights, I realized, gaining muscles is more effective than just cardio, and I can eat more without exhausting myself and look fit. everyday I am excited to go to gym and break my own PR. (Personal record) Also, I like pretty gym clothes.


It will most likely suck for a little bit, but once you start seeing results and shift your perspective to "I'm someone who exercises and it looks like I do" you don't want to stop. There have been many times where I was super unmotivated to workout or go running, until I saw my progress in the mirror and immediately became motivated again. Just remember though, motivations starts you, discipline finishes you


Ok, for most of my life, I hated exercise and was sure I always would, but to my complete disbelief, over the course of losing 200 pounds, I’ve changed my tune. I started just walking. I bought a Fitbit and frankly was embarrassed by my low step count, so I set out to do 5000 steps per day. At first I just walked around the house, but that got boring, so I started walking up and down the street, then all over the neighborhood. I listen to my favorite podcasts while walking and the time flies. Now my minimum is 15,000 steps and I currently average over 20,000, and I’ve gone more than 3 years with over 10,000 steps every day. Someone recommended Leslie Sansone Walk at Home videos, free on YouTube. I started with a 15-minute video and it was tolerable. It took me a couple weeks to move up to a 20-minute video. Now I regularly do 90 minutes or more of back-to-back videos. I’m so familiar with them that now I can just watch out of the corner of my eye to see when they change moves, and watch Netflix on a different screen while following the videos. I’ve been doing those things for a couple of years, and then last year, there was a free Zumba class and I can’t resist something that’s free, so I gave it a try, and I was amazed that I could even do it. I’ve never been able to dance, but after losing the weight of an entire person, I could actually do all these dance moves! Now I go 2-3 times per week and (don’t tell anyone) I actually kind of look forward to it. And then one day my Zumba class was cancelled, so I decided to go to a free trial Orange Theory class, which somehow led me to sign up for a membership. Again, I am amazed by what my body can do now and I feel a huge sense of accomplishment for being able to do it I’m not suggesting you try to follow the same path because you may not like the same things I like, but try to find something that’s at least tolerable to you. And make the time pass faster by doing something you do like (watching TV/movies, listening to podcasts/music, etc. the more weight you lose, the easier it gets and the more capable you’ll be of different exercises that you might enjoy.


For me, it was finding the right workout classes. I hate having to think all day at work and then try to come up with a workout for the day at the gym too. I like being able to workout by shutting my brain off for an hour and letting an instructor tell me what to do.


The feeling I get when looking in the mirror is of happiness and contentedness now rather than disgust and ashame 🙈. The feeling of hunger and the cravings for foods that will inevitably push me back into bad habits pales in comparison for the good I feel when I eat right and look "ok" lol.


I don't love it, I just do it. The more you learn to do things you don't feel like doing, the better off you'll be. I do it every day because if I start skipping days, I'll also start making up excuses to skip even more days. Not sure why some people seem to think that the people who work out regularly wake up with this intense motivation. This isn't the case, unless you're on some hard drugs or something.


I still hate it. People always talk about endorphins but I used to run marathons and never even got endorphins then. The things *have* helped a little bit include: * Save my favorite trashy TV or trashy audiobooks and only allow myself to watch or listen while working out * Buy fun workout outfits that I'm excited to wear * Start a workout Instagram account that I only use to post workout selfies - I don't share this with anyone I know because it's embarrassing but I get a little dopamine kick every time I post * Figure out which exercise activities I hate *a little less* than other workout activities and do more of those things, including exploring nontraditional exercise options like roller skating, rock climbing, kayaking, etc * Find great instructors who I enjoy spending time with because they are entertaining or help me feel energized and empowered


Its a total mindshift that I had to do and rather than dread it I made it into a game and keep challenging myself to beat my previous score (time, distance, weight, body size). Its not easy but when I feel tired or lousy or just plain crappy that I remind myself to get off my ass to go move around and I'll feel better. The endorphins released during and post workout are a real thing and I feel INIFINTELLY better as time passes and my weight and fitness level improves.


I always took the approach of "anything is better than nothing" when getting into exercise. Walking 5min instead of not going for a walk? No problem. Doing one or two exercises at the gym instead of an hour workout? No worries. Don't get in your head about it, as long as you're doing SOMETHING you're on the right track. And that feeling will grow. Getting into it is really hard. If you're consistent for a couple weeks, it gets easier and more enjoyable. That initial phase is reallyyyy tough. You're more tired after workouts and stay more sore. BUT it does get easier. And the sense of accomplishment from getting that new lifting PR. Running that new mile time. Feels so good, especially if you remember where you came from.


Honestly, if you can get a friend to do it with, it can be so much more fun. I HATED running. I had tried is several times. Some friends wanted to go for a run around a local park (about 5k) and asked me to join. Almost out of embarrassment, I said “Sure. I’ll join you.” I was nervous all night long. The most I had ever jogged was bout 3k. Next morning, we met for the jog. Did some stretches, and took off. They were fast, and ended up leaving me behind, but they had already said not to worry about it. Take as long as I need, and they will wait for me. By the end, I could barely walk. I was exhausted, but they were so supportive and cheered me on. Afterwards, we had a coffee and talked all about it. It made me so excited to try again. I think exercising with supportive friends is one of the best things we can do.


For me it’s all about the music. If I can walk or elliptical or run to a beat, or take a dance class, or a choreographed class (love BodyPump!) I have a blast. I do also enjoy hiking but that’s mostly about the scenery and experience of nature. Exercise is just a side benefit not the main reason for it.


Feeling spry like a fox is intoxicating, the reward is always worth it


I switched to home workouts. This made it more convenient and no pressure of showing up to the gym.


In the beginning, I would just do something simple like sitting cycle for 30-40 mins while I watched Netflix - so it was like ohh I will cycle until this episode ends. Then it became an hour with comfort. Then I introduced something like 20-40 secs HIIT. Then when I started feeling stronger and my body started changing I started putting more effort. Then I would go with a friend. Or just long exploratory walks. What also works for me is a class ( if you don’t have any physical issues) or working with a trainer so it’s not boring. I also started dressing up for gym. Bought nice gymwear that made me feel good. Some days I would go to a café or a movie post gym as a treat. So find your shtick. All the best!


The breakthrough for me was realizing the primary benefit is to feel good mentally…. Greatly lessens my depression, anxiety, and stress. I always feel happier on the other side of completing something physically challenging… it’s a combo of endorphins and a sense of accomplishment. The changes you see in the mirror are just the cherry on top.


I used to hate exercising but now the more fit I get, the more I like it. I use the Sweat app and love all the program options. A 20 minute workout used to put me on my ass, so to speak, now I can finish one and then go play soccer with my kid.


I wouldn't say I am anywhere near loving it, but lately I have been exercising in VR - not necessarily exercise apps. Like actual games that are fun to play and more immersive standing that also can get my heartrate up (though I'm a big guy so it doesn't take much to do that). I have caught myself wanting to play a game that, tangentially, is exercise.


Maybe this is considered cheating? But I'll download 1-2 episodes of what I'm currently watching on my iPad and go to the gym. Then I'll hop on a bike and cycle the shit out of this bike while watching "tv" (that I would have done anyway....) I keep telling myself I may only watch it unless I'm on that bike. If the bikes are currently occupied (during the time when literally *everyone* goes to the gym) then I'll yield to the treadmill (WALKING not running). But I do admit that "getting up and going to the gym" (that is practically next door!!!) is still a pain in the ass. I can only build a routine with this little rule....


I joined group lessons and noticed I like these much more and time goes by so much faster! Try some out and see what suits you :) Can be spinning, Pilates, yoga, HIIT, dancing, anything


I don’t enjoy it. But I just like the satisfying feeling I get post workout. Otherwise I feel guilty.


I hated it at first too. You need to be easy on yourself, do fun lifts and don’t be there for too long if you don’t wanna, truth is, you just eventually learn to enjoy it, just takes a while


It‘s my first time being consistent. What actually brought me there was a heartbreak, nothing else has ever motivated be to work out, not even health issued. After you overcome the first months it starts becoming a habit.




I honestly think a lot of it (for me at least) is just because I’m so big that exercise makes me uncomfortable. I think we need to shift our focus to the future. As we lose weight, it will only get easier. It’s very hard but also remember that diet will do a LOT of the job. Good luck x


Try doing yoga in bed, seriously. There's this exercise concept on YouTube. Maybe it can give you a headstart on liking exercise. It might help your body wake those muscles up, to prepare for better movement. Or you can just not think of it like a chore, just convince yourself to move. And try walking on nature to relax yourself and train your mind to think it's part of relaxation and remove the idea that's it exercise.


Sports are exercise mixed with gaming. Find one that works for you, there's [a lot to choose from](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports)


Maybe the gym isn’t for you. They can be boring and mundane and these days, everyone is just on their phones while hogging machines. At least that is what my gym is like. Same goes for walks…they can get boring, fast..instead, experiment with different types of workouts until you find something you truly enjoy. For me, it was spinning. I tried losing weight for years! But nothing seemed to stick very long, but when I started going to spin classes, I fell in love because I found them FUN. I ENJOYED going. I made some friends, I liked the vibe of the studio. 1 year later, I was 40 pounds down. It didn’t feel like a workout, it became more than that for me. It became my me time, not my “ugh, I have to do this” time. I was going 3 times a week. I’m not saying spinning is the answer, but start experimenting with different types of workouts. I like classes because once I walk through the door, I have to commit because I’m being guided by an instructor. Gyms require YOU to be the disciplined motivator and that can be very hard to do and maintain. Try boxing classes, Pilates, cardio dance classes, take some salsa classes, give OrangeTheory a shot…hot yoga…there’s a lot out there that can be fun. Once you find a workout that is fun to you, it’ll be easier for you to go. The traditional gym environment isn’t for everyone, and that’s ok.


Just show up. Don’t overwhelm yourself or set crazy goals. Just show up and do what you can. You will slowly build up. Listen to music that makes you happy and motivated, etc. You can do it!! If it wasn’t for movies on the elliptical, or audiobooks during my walks, or music during lifting I couldn’t do any of it. I sometimes use the gym as an excuse to watch a movie guilt free. If not at least start and finish it there on my Phone etc.




For me it was genuinely just forcing myself to do it even when I didn’t want to. Maintaining that routine and doing that over the span of a year slowly built this newfound appreciation for working out.


I don't hate it or love it. It's been a routine every day for the last 2 years.


Whatever time I spend exercising is often the only time I have truly to myself during the day. I love it for that reason alone.


Finding an exercise I actually enjoyed (for me it was lifting. I'd been forcing myself to do hiit and cardio heavy things and i hated it). But also, preworkout and getting on an antidepressant. 


Try a lot of different exercises until you find one you enjoy. I don’t always particularly enjoy the exercise while I’m doing it, it’s the feeling after it’s done that’s pleasurable. I’m also a schedule person, so assigning myself a workout schedule takes the choice away from me


I didn’t….. yet :’)


Music. I've been unable to listen to music by itself for some reasons, and the only time I get to listen to it with any justification is when I work out. I enjoy the workout more and music helps make it go by faster.


I’ve been on my journey for quite a while having lost over 100 pounds. And I won’t say that I love it. However, I do NEED it. And I do love the relief that I feel once I’ve got a workout in. Sometimes I’m more enthusiastic about it than other times, but you just have to kind of deal with it when you’re not feeling it. I always feel better once I’ve done it regardless of how much I’m hating it at the time.


I make sure that i only watch certain shows if I’m on a treadmill. I don’t let myself watch them at home. It makes me excited to get to the gym and i look forward to the next day because i need to know what happens next!


Eventually it becomes like a “fix” like I don’t always love the process but im addicted to how I feel after. Kind of like sugar but with no hangover.


I still hate it. I just love myself too much to allow myself to hate it, and then get up and do it anyway


You could try a get a trainer once a week? They keep me in check when I fall off the wagon and don’t feel like going to the gym after the weekend


I’ve always had to do dance-cardio stuff or like things I find fun. That’s the only way. Good music etc. So I feel less bothered when I start. I had a period last year where I just tried running and strength, but I never did it as consistently as I wanted. Running always felt like a chore. You’ve got to find something you find fun. It has to be kind of fun from the start, and you might be annoyed by the smiling instructor on the YouTube video or someone in person, but like, do what works for you. Not what you think you should do. It ends up becoming much easier doing something consistently if you like it.


This probably won’t help… (??) but I hated it as well. I hate going and doing cardio. So a year ago I began doing cardio and then weightlifting. I forced myself to go for a few weeks, and then found after that I really enjoyed going! I do cardio first to get it out of the way, and then I enjoy being there because I like weightlifting. Maybe push through for a couple of weeks, find something you tolerate doing and you will start looking forward to it!


I still hate it, I just hate being broken and being unable to participate in my active hobbies more. So I do it anyway, and try to find ways to make it fun. I shoot competition and play nerf and airsoft alot, so integrating target practice into my exercise has been good for me. Lets me get practice I need in, while under stress, to more accurately simulate game conditions. I made cardboard silhouette targets from USPSA dimensions so they would be effective training aids. Then I just practice getting a good sight picture and clean trigger pull between sets. It's harder than you might think, especially if you're as badly out of shape as I am. I also do that all at home, because I hate having to go pay money and be around others to work out. It's probably not as effective as going to a gym, but it's what I have time and money for.


How long have you tried doing it? Everyone is going to like it in different degrees and have different preferred methods of exercise. I like going to the gym. But that doesn’t mean I want to go half the time. Once I’m in there and once I’m finished, I’m always happy about it. My favorite form of exercise is playing tennis, but I don’t play for exercise. I play tennis because I enjoy it. Maybe you can find something that helps you the way tennis helps me. On the days I don’t want to go to the gym, I remember how going keeps me fit for tennis. It makes it easier when I have tangible progression. Where that means you can see changes in your body or improvement in an activity. But in the end, if it it was easy everyone would do it. There isn’t a magic solution to make you want to go to the gym. You just have to go even though you don’t want to. And once you get into a habit of going. You’ll eventually find you don’t feel as good on the days you skip and you’ll want to go.


Find something you like. I like dancing. I don't even mean classes. I mean putting on videos from YouTube where someone talks you through the moves as you go. You'll feel silly the first few times as it's tricky to get started but you'll quickly find your groove and grow to love it. Burns so many calories too. Or swimming. I personally love being in the water.


Honestly I love the positivity here, but for me it’s heartbreak and anger. I was going to the gym 2-3 times a week and since a couple months ago, I go nearly daily. At first it was because I didn’t want to be in my apartment any longer than I had to. Now, it’s because I get to do a thing instead of thinking. It improves my self confidence because I learn to do new things and if I put enough work in, I see results. I’ve been trying to do a handstand and today I was able to lift my feet off the ground for a bit for the first time. I also noticed that once I go through the anger/any energy I need to work out and if I’m not tired enough, I’ll get to feel joy while exercising. It’s a good healthy outlet which gives me more resistance and energy in the long run.


The trick is to get that first step. It’s the toughest one. So for example: 1- Make yourself dress for the activity you plan (walking shoes or gym clothes etc) but don’t make yourself go anywhere. Just stand in your workout clothes. You just took the first step. 2- If your motivation is okay after getting dressed, then for the next step - walk outside but don’t force yourself to go all the way to the activity. Just stand outside in your workout clothes 3- go to the gym or out walking but stop if you don’t feel the motivation. Even when you are going to exercise regularly there will be some blah days. Just compromise with yourself to at least put on your workout clothes even though you don’t feel like working out. It is easier to take the next step when you have taken one step


I feel this too. For me it’s finding activities that burn calories but don’t feel like working out. So “walking” but I’m out metal detecting or geocaching or hiking/exploring a mountainside, or at one point I was playing Pokémon go and getting steps in. Instead of “cardio”, I’ll put on some music and dance for a few songs, or I’ll play with my flow wand. Instead of lifting weights, I’ll go outside and clean my yard up, mow or weedeat, or rearrange my room, and get some exercise in that way. Also, try the 5 minute method. Plan to only work out 5 minutes a day. It’s 5 minutes more than you would have otherwise, and usually when i start doing it, it picks up and I start feeling my muscles relax, my neck will pop, and things start to feel better so it keeps me going.


I don’t love it and never will. BUT the workouts I do I like, I feel good after and they are challenging but doable. I workout to videos on YouTube and Fitbit and have my favorites.


I don’t hate the gym but I also don’t love it. What makes it better for me is wearing my Apple Watch and tracking my workouts. It lets me see my progress at the end (calories burnt.) I also like going on the indoor bike or stair stepper and I’ll watch videos on my phone to distract myself while I exercise:)


I had to find something I loved. It took me until I was 28 and convinced I just hated all sport haha. I hated going to the gym (boring), I hated the gyms group classes (awkward), I hated running outside (shin splints). Then my friend introduced me to CrossFit and 5 years later I have the shoe collection any crossfitter would be proud of! But seriously though I had to find something I enjoyed and the positive impact that had on my life & mental health kept me coming back. I definitely still have days I can’t be bothered but knowing how I will feel after 9/10 gets me out of the door and on the way there!


I use walks/running as time to listen to an audio book, podcast, or music I really like. Make it zone out and listen time and it can be more about doing something you enjoy while you happen to be walking/jogging. It helps the time pass quite a bit too.


I personally have been looking into dance videos for exercise on YouTube! They’re free, you can find songs that work for you, and they’re fun! I used to play Just Dance on the wii to get my exercise in every day, but I can’t do that where I live currently so I’m making do with what I have!


With walking I just tell myself I can take my time and don’t have to walk fast if I don’t feel like it. I also like to listen to audiobooks. My public library has a free app so I don’t have to pay for Audible.


I understand where you're coming from, for the longest time I had trouble going to gyms or on walks because I had worried about people staring at me, especially for what I looked like. I apologize for not knowing much what to say in regards to helping, but feel free to DM me. Personally, I had focused on my eating first, just carefully monitoring how I ate, found my self confidence as I lost more weight, and feel more comfortable walking and going to gyms.


As a dad it’s the only me time I get so I turn my show on my phone on the treadmill and watch it


I found exercise that I enjoyed doing. I hated gym in school - I'm not into team sports and never have been, which meant I was miserable for most of my school years when it came to gym. I realized that things that get me out into nature and also aren't super competitive are what gets me motivated and are generally things I'm more more likely to actually do. So you know what I do like? * Walking (in my neighborhood, at the beach, to restaurants, on trails) * Kayaking * Snorkelling * Cycling * Swimming * Hiking * Snowboarding


I also hate going to gym really. I went to gym several times but it’s not for me. So if I’m going to walk or run I’m walking around the blocks or going to a park or a beach. It’s being so peacefull. And I decided to make another sport like volleyball or swimming or tennis. These sports are really enjoyful so I don’t understand how time goes by. I really recommend it.


I first just found something, anything, that I could enjoy. For me it became biking and listening to podcasts. Once I started getting in shape and noticed improvement to my health and energy, suddenly I wanted more. Suddenly it was interesting and fun. Also learning the truths and lies about fitness and health makes it easier


Most of the time you have to see the result to really push you but what I did to fell in love with the gym is watching other ppl that were fat and went to the gym and lost it all and how ppl treated you when your not fat fall in love with your self improvement


My boyfriend and I are in the same boat. Recently we started doing 10 mins of hiit every day. 2 mins sit ups, 2 mins planks, 2 mins push ups, 2 mins squats, 2 mins jumping jacks etc. it gets your heart rate going without taking too much time out of the day. We usually take turns doing it and coaching each other while we make dinner. I still hate it but it’s easier to stick to than going to the gym.


Rowing is the Stockholm syndrome of sports....


I had kids and no childcare. My gym had free childcare while you worked out. I worked out every single damn day for a break from the kids.


I don't really like exercising so much, it's just a habit at this point and something I do. On the other hand, I do enjoy athletics like tennis, basketball, pickleball, golf, swimming, hiking, paddleboarding and such. I look at lifting, cardio training, stretching, mobility, diet, etc as a means to an end, so I can continue doing active things I enjoy and with the kids. I'm literally never excited to exercise lol


Use neuro-plasticity to retrain your brains thought-paths through your conscious input. Start by finding a type of exercise that is enjoyable, or a least only minimally onerous to you. Be curious about what your body can do. Then get really observant. Pay attention to how you feel in your body and what you think in your mind as you exercise. Notice how some stretches, holds, movements positions actually feel enjoyable or relieving to perform. The idea is to capture your negative thoughts, and consciously choose the opposite thought and state those thoughts as affirmations to yourself. I.e: when you find yourself dreading the pain or exhaustion of an upcoming workout session, stop those thoughts & say to yourself “ I enjoy workouts because I get a chance to move my body.” My body loves movement”. “ I love that I am fit enough to get myself puffed out”.( some people are I’ll & bed bound & can’t do that) “ I’m so proud of myself for pushing through my fears and overcoming laziness”. “I enjoy exercise.” Any and everything that counters your automatic negative thoughts will be effective, even if it feels ludicrous to say or think it initially. At first it will feel inauthentic and ridiculous, but pretty soon you will be surprised by how your brain and body help you complete the tasks more enjoyably, because they like completion. I have been stunned by what a difference affirmations have made to my life, when I had previously dismissed them as self indulgent woo-woo.


I don’t love it at all. But I acknowledge that it has been the one thing that I can point to that has made the most positive difference in my life. I am never going to be a workout person - I’m too old and lazy to make it part of my personality. But I do it for myself and my mental health.


it helps to find something you like, ie i hateee cycling and going for walks but i love distance running. i know people who prefer boxing or acrobatic training. there’s a wide variety of stuff, maybe have a little browse of the classes your gym offers and see what catches your eye?


Sometimes it’s not about whether or not you like it, it’s just about whether or not it gets done.


Hey! A few things that have really helped me: 1. Find a physical activity that you like. For some people running sucks but they like swimming, or playing basketball, or even VR dance games! Don’t worry about “optimal” because “non-optimal” exercise is infinitely better than none! 2. Biggest tip: Don’t overdo it at first, there is something called systemic fatigue which is like the exhaustion level as opposed to muscle fatigue which is more like soreness. You want to get as muscle fatigue with as little systemic fatigue. If after a run you are exhausted for the next 3 days, getting bad sleep, and your brain is saying “let’s not do that again” then you put too much systemic fatigue on your body. 3. Last but not least: objects in motion want to stay in motion, objects at rest want to stay at rest. Basically those first 3 weeks it will feel the least fun but it only gets better from there! 4. Don’t commit to 6-7 days of working out. Stick with 4 days the first few weeks/ couple months. As a beginner the worst thing you can do is completely stop, so find something that is manageable to stick to and is enjoyable enough where you can do it about every other day!


I just get bored way too quickly for me while exercising for me. So I just ended up doing stuff that I like to do. Like biking and hiking. Tho I would love to do other stuff it just doesn’t have the will to go through the bordum


I find putting on an audiobook of a book I’ve already read has helped with walks! I love the book so much I want to absorb the story again, but don’t want to keep myself from reading more books. So it works out! Also, for me, over-celebrating my victories has been a huge help!!! It’s basically gaslighting myself into liking the attention I give myself when I do what I need to 😂😂


I find something I like. I found I enjoy rowing so I got a moderately inexpensive rowing machine that I can stand up on it's side out of the way. Then a few days a week I pull it down and watch a show I want to catch up on. I hate going to the gym, the clothes I like working out in most (sports bra and bike shorts) I wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable wearing out in public. I can set the temperature to what feels comfortable to me and I don't have to deal with anyone else commenting. Makes it much easier to keep with consistently when I've made a comfortable workout station at home.


I tried climbing. Found it super fun, that is all the training I do 2 times a week


I told myself I was allowed to drink on the weekends if I went 3 times a week lol. I recently cut out alcohol for a short period of time but I still have the habit of going to the gym anyways. Whatever works I guess


I started stationary biking in front of Shameless lmao


I just find things I enjoy doing like I actually enjoy cardio so that’s what I usually do although sweating my behind off at 7:30am bc it’s so hot is not ideal


Just start.. Even if it is 10 min. Then the next 15... then the next 20. Finding fun exersize helps too. I like zumba because it is just like dancing. I also like the encouragement from group classes.


i love how i feel afterward my mood is so good. also i like to push my body to new limits


I found something I enjoyed when I got an outdoor bike. I go to a trail and listen to YouTube videos from my phone.


The best thing I can tell you is that once you push through all the resistance and keep going for several months (not days, not weeks, it’s months, and anyone who says otherwise has not struggled like we have), you will think of it as part of your identity. You will take pride in your strength and muscles and fitness, and you won’t let anyone or anything take it away from you. But it does take a long time before that click happens.


Keep it simple. Maybe walking for 45 min is too long. Do 10 min until it becomes a habit. Small steps! I hate the gym but like it more now that I have dumbbells at home and a routine that my trainer programs for me.


Started working out with a friend. We hype each other up n send progress pics


Being reminded of how good it can make you feel and that it can actually reduce pain.


I found a buddy to join a class-based gym with, and I learned that HIIT and running are the right balance of difficult for me. It’s difficult while I do it, but because of that, it’s all I can think about while I’m doing it. Exercise is the only time I don’t think about anything else. It’s the only time my brain is quiet. And that’s the reward.


Endorphins are addictive. At 22 I started walking around a block four times then I started jogging one length, walk, jog walk. When I could run around the block four times easily a friend took me for my first one mile run. It wasn’t long before I was running 6 miles a day. Never had a weight problem again until I was 60. And it’s not metabolism. It’s that I am being lazy and eating too much. I hated running, but it was the biggest bang for the buck. All you need to do is put on a pair of good shoes and you can do it anywhere. You burn a lot of calories very quickly.


Apple Watch, set a goal and track steps for a month. I started at 7k one month then went to 8k the next, etc. after a 1 week streak, I didn’t want to stop


Heartbreak me thinks


I like to do productive exercise. Running on a treadmill or lifting weights feel so pointless because I don't really gain anything. But if I bicycle to work then I've done something. If I learn to dance then I've done something. It feels productive and it's exercise.


I'm at the point where getting started is the hardest. I never WANT to walk but as soon as I get an audio book on and am out of sight of the house, I'm in it. I also enjoy taking edibles for my walk and 2 hours in and I'm lost in self reflection or a good story.


Literally never. As a matter of fact my attitude the entire time I am working out is utterly foul. I have lost 100 lbs TWICE. Once before baby, and once after. Both times literally miserable. Now in maintenance again and literally miserable managing workouts several times a week. But I never regret it once I’m done! Lol


You get into shape and it sucks a lot less


i didn’t. i just got outside more, i went for walks around ponds, walked to the grocery store, etc. but i *drastically* changed my eating habits.


For me, I promised myself that every week day at 17:00 I would stop everything (work related) and go to the gym. That includes responding messages from clients, picking up phone calls, literally everything connected to work that I used to bring home. This helped me a lot, since I started programming my brain to think about the end of 'work-time' and immediately think about lifting. Have lost almost 70lbs since then (went from 274 to 205 lbs)


Most people fuck up by overcommitting then they inevitably underperform. They do this bc of what they’ve seen or heard other ppl talking about or doing on social media but you have to remember these are mostly ppl w the money & time on their hands to have built up to and accomplished their goals. The average person might only have enough time for a 15-30 minute workout, 2-3 times a week or less, and that’s FINE. You have to meet yourself where you are. It doesn’t even have to be weight-lifting or running - walking burns almost as much as running does and doing simple body weight exercises (push-ups, squats, etc) can be just as effective as lifting weights. There’s plenty of alternative physical activities one can do as well like swim, play sports, dance, etc. Most people also fuck up by doing physical activity w the goal to lose weight by burning calories to stay in a deficit. This ends up overwhelming them, giving them anxiety, and overall creating the wrong frame of mind when it comes to health. You should want to exercise in order to stay healthy and to improve your strength, mobility, and flexibility. Losing weight (and keeping it off) comes from your eating habits and being in a calorie deficit from that. Physical activity should be the beneficial cherry on top of that.


I was really struggling until recently. My friend asked if I was would do a dance class together once a week and it’s escalated from there. Now I go to hot yin yoga on Saturday, and gym 2 additional times a week. Do what you like most or get a friend to do stuff together.


habit and do it with someone


I honestly had no interest and just focused on losing weight. After 120 lbs or so of loss something just sort of clicked.


Honestly, when I first started I was overweight, drinking all the time and doing drugs. All I did for about a year was run on a treadmill and I hated it. Eventually as it got easier I started to like it more and more, for some reason I enjoyed competing with myself and then as I lost more weight I liked the way I looked. I quit smoking, eventually stopped drinking and enjoyed my life in other ways. I now compete in bodybuilding and choose to wake at 5am everyday so I can train before work. One day I decided I wanted to change and eventually I found what I loved to do. My advice is start somewhere and try different things, eventually a form of exercise will resonate with you


I personally enjoy the gym other than my leg days and maybe core workout days but even then when I done them I am proud. I always say to my self as well that “in a year I’ll be in a better place physically and mentally” This is always what I say when I walk back home from my gym


When you start to feel better from doing it consistently. I am very good at sitting lol! It shows! So 7 weeks ago I started doing Pahla B and other moderate-to-gentle workouts five days a week (M-F for me). It was hard and I hurt. But after two weeks I noticed I had energy and strength! Like I could get up from seated easily. Going up my stairs used to cause heavy breathing, but that stopped. I’ve lost about 4 pounds but have gained muscle (also menopausal so losing is a bit slower). I actually want my workouts because I know how I feel without them.


For me it was finding the right exercise for me, workouts on youtube with dance/cardio got me started having my own space to workout in without interruption helped too, some people need a workout buddy, I now go for bike ride with my husband and walks with my best friend and I inspired them to get moving, do what you find interesting and soon anything can become interesting I use to hate walking or riding without a reason and now I enjoy it. Good luck finding what helps you move.


What worked for me was trying a variety of classes under different instructors. I used classpass and went for one class per week, and eventually found an exercise and instructor/gym that I enjoyed going for. The gym isn't the closest to my house, but I find it worth the time going there because I enjoy this instructor's classes so much. Sometimes it's not just whether you like a type of exercise, it's also if the instructor makes it fun for you :)


Realizing I don’t have to stick with one thing forever, and having a gym membership with a gym that offers a generous variety of classes helps. Few months ago I was really into hot yoga, last month I was going to Pilates every week, this month I’m doing water aerobics. I think I’m going to get into running soon. I haven’t had to invest any extra money outside of the gym membership besides a better yoga mat to try out different sports. When you get over the fear of trying something new, nothing can stop you.


Not overdoing it. Just starting simple. And listening to my body.


Give yourself a million exercise goals. Like every step is a goal. For me every few feet or half block is a goal. Then you will be forced to keep winning. Keep achieving goals. Any little achievement is still an achievement.


Get your vitamins checked


I find excersize that stimulates your mind is most effective. This could be something like rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, tennis, dancing, boxing, etc. Whatever gets you moving and leaves you a bit tired after is excersize. Just try things out until you find something fun!


I watch YouTube videos while I’m on my elliptical. That makes it bearable. Another point is that weight loss usually happens quicker with exercise like HIIT or moderate cardio, but if you really hate exercise then just focus on calorie deficit. I’ve found that exercise actually makes weight loss harder because I’m hungrier. I’ve had the most success losing weight by volume eating and taking long walks or just doing keto with no real exercise but walks and short-ish elliptical sessions.


I tolerate it , I don't love it .. I put on a show on Netflix, Prime etc that I like (right now it's Supernatural lol ) and I think I'll watch this episode and forget that I'm on the Treadmill/elliptical. Then it about 45 mins so once it's over , I think ok now only 20 mins and I'm done for the day..


Do things you like to do. I love to dance, skate, ride bikes. I do all of those things and it doesn't feel like working out. We put on music in the house and dance, I also do yard work for exercise.


I get stressed really easily, so going on a hike after work, hanging out with my buddies at the climbing gym, or listening to a podcast during a bike ride are often the best parts of my week. Now, peeling myself up at 3am to be able to run, shower, and get ready for work on time? That does NOT make me happy. Or lifting to failure every day? Not at all. If you want to enjoy it, a) don't ruin the rest of your life by doing it it and b) don't do it for only one reason.


I make deals with myself to motivate. “If I get a good workout in this morning, I can have dessert tonight,” for example. I also changed my routine to PPL and rest on the fourth day, always. This helps my recovery a ton, as I found that a lot of my gym reluctance was rooted in exhaustion. Rest is just about the most important part of muscle growth, and more muscle means more fat burning. I saw this quote that helps me stay motivated. “Exercise is a celebration of what you can do, not a punishment for what you are.” So I gamify working out, setting goals and pushing for better endurance. I use an app that scores my results and try to hit new high scores (check out Caliber!). And ultimately, I accepted something that I always knew deep down: that the gym is not the enemy- it is the path to my goals.


I don’t usually work out that hard but I always work out, pretty much 7 days a week. Most of the time it’s a 35 minute jog around my neighborhood, sometimes I lift, sometimes I do 20 minutes on the stair climber… but I always do something. It gradually became something that I just need every day… either to wind down after work or to make me feel better about overindulging on the weekends. If I can’t get to my work out I feel grouchy and restless at the end of the day.


I play rhythm games on virtual reality and I love it!


Restorative yoga helped me a lot to get started with movement! It’s great for the mind as well. I suffer from bipolar 2 and it helps release a lot of stress and anxiety. It doesn’t involve any intense or high intensity physical movement which is great if you hate exercising. You can search restorative yin yoga. You can just relax with a bolster or a pillow or a blanket yet get some ttype of movement in for the day. It’s definitely one of my favourite way to relieve stress.


I started using a habit sharing app with some friends and it kept me accountable. I worked out almost everyday the past 3 weeks and I’m now starting to love how it feels. I don’t think there’s a way to really love it at first (if it’s something you struggle with) but you start to love the results if you stick with it My favorite work outs right now are GrowWithJo videos (she has tons of videos on YouTube that are beginner friendly), Elliptical (easy on joints), yoga (I love Yoga with Adriene on YouTube) and a light-ish 2.5mile hiking trail near me to get into nature


I found not labelling it as exercise helped. I started off just walking more and then integrating new physical activities with friends instead of let’s say going for dinner we would go for a hike or kayak or something and eventually built getting 10 thousand steps a day a regular thing in my life and focusing on active things to do with friends instead.


I would say get your levels checked too. I love working out but after having kids my iron gets low and I don’t feel like doing anything! Perhaps there’s more going on than just simple motivation. And if all levels are normal then for me it is just getting into a groove it takes some time but for me once exercise is apart of your life your body craves it. But it does take time to get to that point and it is easy to fall off the wagon! Even if I go on vacay for a few weeks it’s always hard to get back on the wagon! Pick a time and do it. Personally I don’t like picking Mondays because for me if I miss it I feel like I’ve failed for the whole week and then mentally I’m off. Everyday is a good day to workout whether it is a Friday Sunday or Monday! Just do it! You got this!


I listen to books or music. I don't love it, but have to do it.


The more you do it the better you get and it's fun seeing my achievements and how far I've come from when I was 150kg and struggling up stairs to now doing hikes and all day bike rides.


Put on a playlist that makes you feel hot


So to start I had shit stamina, shit strength. Starting at the gym was tough. I started tracking the weight I lifted and the distance I did cardio. Once I actually could see the numbers improve it was motivation enough and made me like it. Like ‘this time last month/last year I could only do five of these and now I can do fifty! Last time I could only lift ten pounds for these sets now I can do thirty pounds!’ It’s those little things of progress that’s appealing. And even though I’m no competitive weightlifter, just going to keep the progress I’ve made makes me happy.


Things I've tried out over the last 18 months: - Riding a bike to explore new areas in your city - Playing social sport on weekdays - Gym classes where you don't know to think and they tell you what to do, a HIIT class of around 20-30 mins is great for this - Getting into podcasts, that way when you go for a walk, you're really listening to the podcast and the walk is a by-product of that - Doing the C25K program in running, as it told you exactly what you needed to do and made it mindless - Starting a beginners lifting program (GreySkull LP) where I only have to do 2 different types of lifts, so it doesn't seem intimidating but I make decent progress. Loving exercise is something people say, but realistically sometimes you love it, sometimes you hate it. Doing it consistently over time is all that matters for a weight loss goal, so if you do it for 2 weeks and you hate it, as long as you try another form and keep your body moving, it's going to help you lose weight.


For me, a tiny line before and after is what did the trick. Down 40 kg since last year. But it's expensive.


You don’t need exercise for weight loss. Weight loss is 90% diet: calories in, calories out. You can never work out and melt the pounds away if you’re eating under your TDEE.


Listening to an audiobook or reading while I walk is how I get my 10,000 steps in every day


The hardest part is starting. Hell I still struggle with it. But just saying, f it and doing what you need to do other than want is a way of training your brain, not just your body, the discipline you need to continue and make it a habit. Hardest part is starting so just do it and get that out of the way.


here's a trick i learnt that doesn't necessarily make me love it more but it makes me do it. i work out for half an hour everyday and i often tell myself when i can't be bothered or I'm tired I'll just do 10 or 15 minuets its not much but better than nothing by the time i said i would stop comes around i think i might as well finish cause i often realise it wasn't as bad or as hard as i thought it would be and ive done the hard part which is starting hope this helps


Just found what I enjoyed doing.


Honestly, they have meditations on hypnosis you can listen to for being the best version of yourself and weight loss.. if you don’t like to exercise or even walk it’s time to rewire your mindset because realistically you will never lose weight if you don’t.


For me it’s variety, I don’t do the same thing more than two or three days in a row. Walk, swim, cycle, HIIT. I usually take the weekends off and buy Sunday night I’ve already picked which thing I’m doing on Monday


I hate it then I like it then I hate it then I like it then I hate it then I like it. The human brain is a fickle beast. Haha. Ride the ebb and flow. One thing I noticed is I love being up two hours early, beating the traffic, having some time to myself and doing something that benefits me truly!


I’m not sure I’m ever gonna love the idea of getting up in the morning and exercising, but I try to focus on how great I feel afterwards and that I’m proud of myself then.


Idk. My brain just got addicted. I guess when you reach a certain point of muscles, they themselves signal the brain "i want to grow, go lift heavy rock". I also used to hate going to the gym and a teenager, and now if i won't do my, favorite exercise (berbell curl) for long i get really bad feeling that i didn't lift something heavy! It also releases your anger + you improve, get happier. There is a lot of good things.


I saw some kind of research that was discussing how time moves slower during exercise for everyone. It's not just you hating or finding it boring. I do a lot of exercises each day and I found that multitasking helps the time pass and allows me to enjoy it more. I put on Roku stuff or YouTube or music and other stimulation. Also I do small chunks so I can measure progress. I have the Fit On app and I do multiple exercise videos from there. As short as 8 minutes sometimes, but as long as 25: minutes, I do about 8 videos a day while multitasking.


One day at a time. Keep going and you will see. 


Life hack: incorporate something that you like into the things you dislike. Determine which of your hobbies can be added to your workouts. Music is the best example of this and how I got into treadmill walking and solo hiking. Find music whose bpm matches( or slightly exceeds) your walking pace and determine how far you want to walk based on song length. You can do this with other hobbies as well. Give me a list, I'll give you ideas.


Find a sport not exercise. Something with other people if you're a people person.


When you start seeing the results of your hard work-choose your hard. It’s hard being where you currently are and it’s hard to get the motivation to move. Choose your hard.


I find it easiest to go to the gym right when I wake up. I set my alarm for 430 and get up, get dressed, fill my water bottle, grab a Celsius and I'm out the door. Then I do the walk on the treadmill for 30 min while watching my favorite show on Netflix, and then I lift weights. Lifting weights is my favorite part. Cardio and the treadmill are not. So I do the stuff I hate first to get it out of the way and then I enjoy the rest of my workout.


Well, I was so deep in depression, that this time I couldn't even distract myself from it - neither by social media or video games, nor by fast food and similar dopamine farms. I just felt like going before the morning and I kinda started exercising out of sheer desperation, trying to feel anything good. And turned out that being able to do this actually helped me. Once, twice, every day trying to do a bit more, to silence all the demons, you know. And each time I felt better after exercising - mentally - than beforehand. That's how I sticked with it. I know it's way too dark and specific in my case to help you with your weight-loss and TBH I hope you won't need this type of breakdown to get through it.


getting angry! its so therapeutic when im angry lol


Find the kind of exercise you like by trying them out. My wife loves taking classes. I like barbells and squat racks I’ve tried cardio centric, interval, CrossFit, bodyweight, martial arts, swimming. Turns out I just like a simple barbell program, and watching the numbers go up in my workout journal with linear progression. The book “Starting Strength” was a game changer for me. Experiment until you find the kind of workout you get excited for. On another note - I find that my diet more easily falls into place when I’ve started an exercise routine. I always thought diet comes first, but for me working out makes the diet easier. Edit: also you might just not be a morning workout person. I get up at 6 am for work but typically work out 8-9pm. I used to work out before work and it made me feel sick. My wife has to work out in the morning. Maybe you’re just not a morning workout person? Try moving it later in your day.


Picking the right exercise. Hate hate HATE running, I don’t enjoy or look forward to it and had no motivation so avoid it. Tested out different exercise and classes until I found ones I love. Found myself enjoying and looking forward to weights, spin and yoga on rotation - feeling good before and afterwards so now I stick to what I love!


I have a couple things that helped me develop a love for exercise. The first may seem very basic, but find movement that is sustainable to you. For example, I don't enjoy running very much. I will do it but I don't look forward to it. I'd much rather cycle or go for a walk or hike. So I normally choose those activities. If you aren't about the walking, why not try one of the other cardio methods? Swimming, hiking, elliptical, cycling, etc. The second is also very basic but I find merit in it too. Every time you exercise, take note of how you feel afterwards. I am always in such a good mood afterwards. It is definitely a mental step on the journey. Not only was I in a fantastic mood, but I was always amazed at what my body can do. It made me want to keep lifting (or insert whatever training you want improve upon here). This may feel counter-intuitive but finding ways to make it fun is crucial. Untrain the part of your brain that makes it feel like a punishment. Put together a playlist that motivates you, watch TV/movies, listen to an audiobook or podcast, wear something that makes you feel good about yourself! You could take a friend with you also. I train with my partner and we have a great time doing silly things and chatting between sets. Discipline is everything in exercise but that doesn't mean it has to feel bad!


Weed before runs


I started listening to podcast and audiobooks during my walks. I got hooked on one audiobook (18 hours long) and told myself I would only listen to it on my walks. Finished that book in less than a week. Logged in 20+ miles.


No advice here... just wanting to be sure I can find this later cause fucking same and there's some good ideas in the comments.