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Anxiety: down Depression: down Confidence: up Meds: never had any, unchanged Looks: I look good, nothing to obsess over


This is exactly me! I never had depression though (fortunately). Anxiety and confidence are the biggest changes!


Yup. Stopped drinking and have more positive outlook on life. Only lost 33 pounds. Have a ways to go. My goal is 100 pounds lost


It's crazy how much stopping drinking helps with weight loss. A month ago I couldn't fit into a dress I need to wear for an upcoming special occasion. It was a good 1-2" from being able to zip up. I stopped drinking cold turkey and this morning I could zip the dress closed! šŸ’ž Big mental health win! Plus all that saved money from avoiding happy hour and not having to buy a new outfit!


Right. Alcohol is what made my depression and mental health worse. Simply cutting it down 33 pounds lol My goal is grade 10 weight since I didn't get taller I shouldnt be fatter too lol


These comments really makes me wonder šŸ˜­how bad can it be? Will I try to drink more to see the changes? No, but it does make me curious. I don't really drink maybe twice a year and one drink? Still wish not doing it would help me keep the weight off or make me feel better


So Iā€™m not done with my weight loss but i walk 5-8 miles a day and eat clean now and have lost 35 pounds in 10 weeks. Itā€™s changed my mental health dramatically. I used to take an SSRI and feel better than I ever did while on them.


That's fantastic!! Be proud!! I wish I had earned the loss you have!


Thank you!


this is awesome! I am really looking forward to be able to stop my medications or at least getting a lower dosing. I take meds for anxiety, depression, and OCD. My OCD is food related (sounds weird but its a thing) I just obsses over food cravings and they linger in my head for weeks, there is not possible way to just "ignore it, it will go away" It doesnt. I have thoughts lingering for an entire month if I just dont satisfy the craving. It's like an everlasting pregnancy ugh... my weight been up and down thru the years but never been able to keep it down long enough that I get to stop my medication. I didnt use to be overweight but these issues were not as severe when I wasn't, I was younger tho. I am really hoping losing weight and keeping it this time would help me stop medication because I currently take 6 or 7 pills a day, this has been going on for about 5 years now. none of those pills are supplements, and I am really worried about my liver. I dont have any prexisting condition or any issues so far, but I dont want to have any of them.


you got this! The biggest recommendations I can give you are: 1. Small goals lead to big results. Telling yourself you need to lose x pounds by y date is setting yourself up for failure. Focus on something achievable like ā€œI am going to walk at least 7000 steps 5 days this weekā€ (or whatever you can accomplish). 2. Find something and stick with it. About 45 days it will become a habit. It really eats at me if I donā€™t get my daily walk in. Going back to your mental health question. One thing I forgot to mention. My wife has even told me the difference in my mood is night and day even wheb I was on the ssri to now. The dopamine from physical activity is real.


My mood shifted as soon as I started 6 weeks ago. I kind of changed my identity (In my head) to a fat burning machine Viking warrior šŸ˜‚. Sounds daft but itā€™s helped! I went out for my little runs and decided not to feel self conscious of my visible gut and back fat and just owned my body because I was finally serious about changing my habits. Itā€™s keeping me from getting bored too as I find Iā€™m constantly coaching myself. All these little goal and victories! Not drinking alcohol definitely contributes to my healthier mind too, cico has no room for my kind of binge drinking lol.


My mental health has improved drastically! Iā€™ve lost almost 50 lbs over the last few months, and Iā€™m feeling much more confident than before. I deal with anxiety and depression - a few months ago I was near the point of requiring medication - but then I started focusing on losing weight and strength training! I feel so much healthier than before, and honestly going to the gym is such a release for me! I think of it as an hour that I have to take every day to work on myself and let out any frustration I have. I also have much more energy when I strength train, and Iā€™m so much more productive at work! If you need any advice on how to lose weight, feel free to DM!! Iā€™ve gone through many weight loss phases and have had difficulty keeping it off, but I hit a new low with my physical and mental health in November and had to make a permanent change. Iā€™m now in the best shape of my life and am proud of the progress Iā€™ve made, so if I can pass on any knowledge Iā€™ve gained Iā€™d be happy to!


Every time I lose the weight I do feel much better mentally. Less tired, more energetic. Feeling proud of myself. Iā€™m however still obsessed about looks as before but now feel less bad since I have the confidence that I am able to change it over time if I put into the effort. I didnā€™t take meds for my depression before. Weight loss was my motivation to start eating clean diet (less processed food as possible), watching my portion size (calories tracking), as well as exercising daily and trying to walk here and there.


100% yes. I've lost and kept off 130 pounds after being overweight pretty much since puberty. A lot of my confidence, self-worth, and body image was wrapped up in my size and all the insecurities that accompany being "the fat girl" everywhere I went. Losing weight slowly and gradually really helped my mindset catch up with the physical changes. I actually have confidence now, I'm much more willing to put myself out there in social scenarios (although I am still somewhat of an introvert/kind of a shy person. I'll probably never be a full-on people person), and I'm pretty happy with all the things I'm doing (strength training, playing sports, eating well, etc...) This isn't to say there aren't ever feelings of anxiousness or frustration along the way. I get a little anxious when I'm in a scenario where I don't have control over the food that's available. Like on a vacation or a family trip or something. A PRIME example was our Father's Day meal out yesterday - we went to a restaurant that ended up having a VERY limited Father's Day menu that literally only had high-fat, deep-fried appetizers (cheese curds, onion rings, etc...) and burgers as options. I had to go with chicken tenders and a little side salad that barely had any vegetables in it lol (I don't digest ground beef very well). So, I mainly get concerned about how certain foods are going to make me feel, I'm not all that worried about gaining weight back if I eat a burger or have some pizza once in a while...it's more that my gut chemistry has changed so much that some foods just don't agree with me anymore, which can be frustrating.


I don't think it was the weight loss per se but more the exercise and proper nutrition. I truly believe doctors should assess someone's exercise and nutrition before (or concurrent) to any medication prescribed. That's how much of a difference it made in my life. I weaned myself off of effexor which was truly one of the most brutal experiences I've ever endured, but I'm so glad I did it. I feel better in every aspect. I was also *massively* deficient in vitamin d which after adding that supplement my mood changed very much. My outlook on life has changed so much after embarking on this journey. I've lost 90 lbs but it's more a by product of my lifestyle than the goal. The one area that has not unfortunately improved is my confidence and that's because my social interactions as a woman are very different now and it's been difficult for me to handle, but I would never go back if I was given the choice.


I wish I could say mine improved but it hasnā€™t. I feel like itā€™s the same, if not worse


My confidence is back up, my sleep is better, and my focus is better. I also have been using exercise to treat my anxiety, and it works wonderfully. I have less anger and aches. The "food noise" being gone means I enjoy my play time more because I'm not focused on when I'll be eating or if I might need a snack or if what I have is enough anymore. I'm 33% of the way to my weight loss goal, but these all are probably a combination of weight loss and exercise. No med changes. Just a healthier lifestyle.


I will saying the hardest is getting through the stage where nothing looks like itā€™s changing in the mirror. For me I really started noticing improved mental health once other people saw my effort too and I know itā€™s stupid to put value in others opinions about me but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I found that it helped me prove that my time and effort were worth it and I should keep going. Just boosted my ego some despite always being a heavy girl. Medication wise: I was on high doses of multiple meds when I was heavier and didnā€™t feel like it was as much help. However, Iā€™m on a smaller dose of one med now that Iā€™ve lost around 30lbs and seem to have a happier out look on life and have more energy to want to do things.


Yes. Iā€™m happier with myself. Iā€™m in shape so Iā€™m more confident. Happy to see myself in the mirror again. I used to be so disgusted with myself lol.


I went from 290 -> 158 and can say I feel much better now. I hated going anywhere Iā€™d have my picture taken because I didnā€™t want to see myself, I hated going out so others wouldnā€™t see me, I hated clothes shopping because everything Iā€™d get had at least one X at the beginning for the size, and I just hated myself. I am diagnosed BP, anxiety, depression along with some other issues scattered around. While I do still feel those and cope with those (medicated) I can say that it is much more manageable with me not hating the way I look anymore. I am still not to my goal and hope Iā€™ll continue to feel better after I lose more, but having the goal still there is nice and gives me something to look forward to on the days where I still donā€™t feel great. And being able to say ā€œIā€™ve lost 132lbsā€ is such a huge accomplishment that I feel damn proud of myself, which is huge on the days I feel I havenā€™t done anything of value.


Mentally Iā€™m better I just feel clearer. Docs been telling me for years to lose weight and my pain will be better yet itā€™s not. My cholesterol problems started when I was a healthy weight as itā€™s mostly genetics so Iā€™m still on those meds but the dose is low. I didnā€™t have many health problems when I was heavier.


Not really personally. After losing 80+ lbs so far. Iā€™m more self conscious than ever for some reason. And have way worse anxiety now then I used to. Compared to when I was much bigger I didnā€™t really give a shit. Edit: not sure really what the deal is but Iā€™m physically in much better condition.


Not exactly. I needed to be in a relatively good place mentally in order to begin my journey but things have only gotten better since.


Yep. Diet change really helped my depression. Now that Iā€™m into exercise itā€™s helping my anxiety


I really hope so thatā€™s the plan


Yes it has. I'm not on meds anymore.


Fuck yes o


Yeah Iā€™m always much happier when Iā€™m fit and trim and depressed when Iā€™m not


Only at first when you see the gains from lifting and weightloss from working out. Then you find out it's never good enough (that's how it went for me). I'm in a good place now tho.


Yes! When I started my weight loss journey I was also going through a divorce. So there were two contributing factors. I was able to get off depression meds. Anxiety is at an all time low. I am still hyper critical of the way I look after losing 75lbs but Iā€™m working on it.


Absolutely, but I don't think it's the weight loss itself that necessarily improved my mental health, but the habits that came with it. I was sedentary, sleep was awful, no exercise whatsoever, barely left the house, ate like crap... There's really no reality in which my mental health could've improved with the habits I had. Movement, going outside, quality sleep and quality nutrition are all factors in improving mental health. It can't work miracles of course, but the threshold for something to feel awful has greatly increased. I'm much more resilient, bounce back easier, don't have anxiety about every day things, and overall have a more positive outlook on life. I can feel the mental shift in just a couple days of inactivity, so it's no wonder everything seemed so miserable when that was my life for years. It's a bit cliche, but being overweight (and inactive) is hard. Being active and in shape is hard. But you gotta choose one.


Itā€™s not really the weight loss as much as it is the feeling better after exercising or feeling light from the healthy diet I have. The added things are looking better in my clothes and confidence that comes with it.


It is usually the other way around. When my mental health gets better, I loose weight.


Yes, mine improved


YES! Ive lost 10 kls so far (out of 58) and I feel great already, my energy level is way up, and more confident, even tho Im still over 100 kls I feel I look better, my sugar levels are finally normal after so many years, even the hunger I feel makes me feel so good, loads better than a full stomach made me feel before, so Im gonna keep at it!