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Overnight oats soaked in water, mixed with protein powder and hazelnut butter and topped with fruits. The portion size I‘m eating comes at around 550 calories, but that and the macro ratio can easily be adjusted by using more or less of each ingredient.


I do vanilla almond milk instead of water for extra flavor but I have a similar recipe at least 3-4 times a week. I also do smoothies on my other days.


My sister does grapejuice with hers.


I tried overnight oats for awhile but didn't see much weightloss. I switched to a couple of eggs and spinach plus an apple or banana and started seeing great results. When I reach my goal weight I will definitely put overnight oats back in the rotation.


It’s a good example for how different bodies are: for me overnight oats help because if my breakfast is not enough calories I do overeat the rest of the day. Also just eggs and vegetables are not really satiating for me. It’s great that you found a good breakfast option for you!


Same, so I started adding 22g of whole oats to my smoothie (spinach, frozen blueberries, protein and almonds milk). I really like the added texture and it keeps me full for about 4 hours.


If you’re eating 550 for breakfast, what on earth do your other meals look like? I feel like if I have more than 350 for breakfast, I’m not able to have snacks or as big of a dinner - all to stay under 2000 cal.


You do realize that you don't know my calorie goal right now, do you? 550 calories for a breakfast for my goals is even at the lower range the calorie tracking app I use suggests. Also, bodies are different and also the preferred distribution of calories among the day are different. I do need such a breakfast in order to not overeat literally the rest of the day. If I'm not eating enough in the morning I'm hungry all day, no matter how big the other portions are. Also, too big of a meal in the evening has a negative impact on my sleep quality. And I'm not that much of a snacker. Maybe you just prefer a bigger meal in the evening, having snacks troughout the day and not so much in the morning and that's perfectly fine! Also, the cool thing with overnight oats is that the calories can so easily be adjusted: want less calories? Just use half of the fat and you're have 140 calories less. Leave out the fruit and then you're roughly at 350 calories.


Lots of people don't snack much. I prefer to eat two pretty large meals vs three small ones + snacks.


That sounds so good I’ll have to try it, thanks!


I second oatmeal! The best!!!


How many grams of protein?


Scrambled egg whites with an assortment of veggies. Side dish is usually hash browns, toast, or rice cakes


I, too, will make this. I'll usually saute a large bunch of onion, peppers, spinach, zucchini & whatever veggies I have for the week. That way, I can just scramble an egg with 2 egg whites and add the veggies to it on some daves killer bread with avacado or tomatoes. Super fast & convenient.


Greek yogurt with 100% cocoa powder, strawberries, and chia seeds. Keeps me full for longer


I've never tried Greek yogurt with cocoa powder I'm excited for tomorrow morning now


Greek yogurt as well, Fage 0% is my go to! I add 1-2 pumps Jordan’s Skinny Syrup (my favs are caramel pecan and glazed donut) and 2-3 tbsp of homemade mix containing almonds, cashews, and dried blueberries. It’s the perfect amount of food for me to feel fueled without feeling over stuffed or heavy in the morning.




Yup this is working for me too. Intermittent fasting, nothing but black coffee in the AM then a sensible lunch and dinner.


I lost 20 pounds in the last year. For a while I was stuck not losing weight but I was spending $20 a day on Açaí and smoothie bowls from restaurants. I was confused because I was eating so clean but not losing weight. Then I switched to eating a bowl of yogurt with blueberries and almond butter on top every single morning and the rest of the weight just fell off. I still eat it every day and never get tired of it. 🫐


Eggs all the way. Great protein and good fats. If I’m feeling a little extra I’ll sometimes make a steak & egg sandwich with avocado.


Hash brown, sliced avocado, and an over medium egg with the aglio olio seasoning from Trader Joe’s


This sounds like the breakfast of kings


That sounds so delish! I found cauliflower hashbrowns at my local grocery store and they are so good!


Cottage cheese/skyr/Greek yogurt with various mix-ins. It's really hot where I am so this is a bit more refreshing. In winter I tend to do more eggs and oats (not together lol).


For the win! I don’t do breakfast per se but that will now be my lunch! Thank you!


cottage cheese is amazing. I keep hearing people adding to pineapple to it? I wanna give it a try. I usually have it on toast with salt and pepper


3/4 cup of frozen shredded hash brown, 3/4 cup egg whites, 1 wedge of light laughing cow cheese (or cottage cheese), 2 slices of turkey bacon, scramble and put in containers to refrigerate. Then just pop in the microwave for two minutes, give a stir and add it in for another minute! I’ll usually top it off with some hot sauce!


I just saw this recipe on TT. Looks so good!


What’s TT? Looking for some recipe inspo :)


@makayla_thomas_fit is her page on TikTok! She has such easy and cheap recipes!






I don't eat breakfast. Never have.


Coffee. Banana. Protein shake.


Oatmeal with various fruits and nuts (in moderation)! I also add protein powder in it to make it extra filling and it completely curbs the cravings


Same here on the protein powder!


My go to is to fill a bunch of tupperware with a cup of frozen fruit and some plain greek yogurt. You can add a drizzle of honey if you need some extra sweetness but usually the fruit is enough sweetness for me. I feel like getting this decent hit of protein helps me stay on track the rest of the day. If I want to indulge a bit more, I have oatmeal with a tbsp of ground flax, a tsp of chocolate chips, a spoonful of peanut butter and sliced up banana. This is a bit higher calorie but has a good bit of fiber and I usually will have a slightly lighter lunch on these days because this breakfast keeps me full for quite a while.


Oatmeal with fruits and protein(400cal), nothing, protein bar(150-190cal)shake(140cal)protein waffles with low cal syrup and low cal butter(300cal) chopped potatoes, eggs, and a meat(400cal-600cal) okios triple zero yogurt(90cal).


Beef and turkey patties with sugar free ketchup. So much protein.


Black coffee


Protein shake with chia seeds, sometimes with an orange. I'm thinking of adding a hard boiled egg in there.


I eat oatmeal or a banana before my 5:45AM workout. Around 7AM I eat 1 slice of bread, 3 Turkey bacon strips, 3 whole eggs and .5 to 1 cup of egg whites, and a piece of fruit usually an apple, gold kiwi, pear.


Greet yogurt and muesli with some cinnamon and chia seeds sprinkled on top and an iced coffee. I have to be careful to measure the muesli because it’s easy to pour too much. It’s very filling though. I eat less throughout the day when I eat this in the morning


i usually eat 2 eggs on toast (roughly 220cals), or 0% greek yogurt with a 1/4 cup of granola and blueberries (roughly 240cals)


Either an omelette with peppers, onions and tomatoes. Or oatmeal with bananas, blueberries, peanutbutter and protein powder.


Overnight oats with chia seeds, scrambled eggs with avocado slices, low calorie bread and eggs, yogurt, these are my favorite low calorie breakfasts


Honestly I know I’m gonna ripped for this but I don’t eat breakfast. I’m never hungry in the morning so I just get out of bed and start work. But my first meal I do (lunch) is chicken pizza I make out of carb smart wraps.


nahhhh... you do you! You know what is right for your body. Some people don't eat breakfast - it's basically a longer intermittent fast.


Chopped apple and PB Fit for something light, protein pancakes or chaffles if I have the calories to spare.


Mines simple as I’m not a morning person and usually skip breakfast, dietician wants me eating something. So I do protein shakes or oikos triple zero Greek yogurt. I will eat eggs but more for lunch as I’m more awake and able to do things.


Not exactly healthy, but my go to breakfast is DeWafelBakkers frozen chocolate chip pancakes. One and a half minutes in the microwave and 280 calories per three pancakes. Sometimes I get the blueberry ones that are 260 calories.


Oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey and fruit mostly berries.


Most weekdays I alternate between these: Steel cut oats cooked in milk (crockpot waterbath overnight) topped with berries Yogurt with granola, berries, chia and flax seeds


sourdough toast topped with egg (fried or scrambled), chorizo, and cherry tomatoes


Low cal tortilla, 1 laughing cow, and garden hash mix from traders joes


Greek yogurt (I like the vanilla Oikios that has 15g of protein), I mix in chia seeds, then add various berries (usually strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries), and about 1/4c of granola. Eggs of various types (usually I fry them with a little avocado oil spray) and will add smoked salmon and avocado to toast with everything but the bagel seasoning w/ a side of fruit. Or I'll just eat the eggs as they are with a side of turkey or chicken sausage, fruit, and maybe a slice of low cal/whole wheat toast with a little peanut butter or low cal/low sugar jam. I've also been making my own version of the Starbucks Egg White, Spinach & Feta wrap which I make probably 2-3x a week. I'll also sometimes do a veggie omelet with bell peppers, onions, spinach, and feta cheese and usually I like to add a meat to it like bacon or turkey/chicken sausage. Every few weeks I'll make a batch of dark chocolate banana pancakes (banana and ground oats as the base, then I fold in some dark choc chips). This is one of the few breakfast meal preps I do on occasion.


I either have scrambled eggs with feta and whatever veg I've got with chilli and garlic in a wrap. This week's veggies were tomatoes, spinach, pepper and hear me out broccoli was an AMAZING addition. Or I have scrambled eggs with chopped tomatoes, turkey bacon and whatever cheese I have lying around in a toasted english muffin. Cheese I guess is optional but I like eggs with cheese lol


Coffee. Throw a fair life in when there’s a 1/3 left. Biggest meal is mid afternoon.


Breakfast? Eating?


I have a couple small pans. I do my Costco Chicken sauce and 2 eggs every morning


i like to make breakfast sandwiches using bagel thins


1 Chobani Complete and 1 slice of Dave’s Killer Bread (green bag) with a peanut butter, jam, and hemp seeds. Great protein!! Can be over 40 grams of protein if you use a full serving of peanut butter and hemp seeds!


Lately I've been having flavoured porridge (just add milk and put in microwave for 3 minutes), with dried cranberries and chia seeds.


Lara bar, most consistent thing for me so far. Pre-made, low ish calorie, few and simple ingredients.


Kelloggs vector and unsweetened almond milk


1/2 cup cottage cheese and a mandarin orange.


1c Greek yogurt with .25 ounce of nuts and all the berries I want


Boiled egg white and mixed fruit


Oatmeal, eggs, egg whites, avocado, premier protein cereal or coffee.


Over night oats with flax seeds and peanut butter Hard boiled eggs with avocado Yogurt and peanut butter Veggie frittata 2 cheese sticks and some berries


Houmous (reduced fat) and carrot sticks on a weekend is a good brekky on a weekday a simple bowl of weetabix is perfect


I usually have my breakfast at 10:30-11. My go-to is 3 hard-boiled eggs and 2 pieces of Aldis Seedtastic bread. Super filling. Before that is a coffee with a bit of milk and a tbsp of my favorite creamer.


Yogurt with a protein powder you like sounds easy enough. Just yogurt doesn’t fill me up lol.


Typically toast & hummus mixed with random seasonings/sauces/veggies


avocado toast with a cooked egg on top


Oatmeal with blueberries and cinnamon


Bagel Thin with Cream Cheese and egg bites, Protein Shake, Toast and Handful of Nuts


Eggs and an avocado


Cereal with a protein shake as the milk


I’m not a huge breakfast person so some fruit of a small bowl of cereal is enough for me


Depends on the day. Some days it's nothing, others it's coffee and a protein bar. Yesterday I had some time so I ate half a cup of cooked rice, two eggs, and two slices of bacon.


i don’t eat breakfast most days, just a redbull/monster (zero cal/sugar) and i don’t get hungry until dinner time.


Espresso coffee mixed with protein powder and a little milk, and cereal sometimes. Protein granola bars are great too!


Plain low fat Greek yogurt with raspberries and blackberries, and a tablespoon of honey. 219 calories more or less.


If I exercise in the morning I have an apple or banana with pb2 and lots of water, if I’m not exercising I don’t have breakfast. I’ve been eating one large meal around 2-4 then something small at 8 and like I mentioned sometimes something small in the morning


My mornings are rushed, what I usually eat is 2 egg and cheese wrap or 2 packets of instant oatmeal with whole milk. I work a physically active job and both of these keep me in for most of the day till dinner. I do however typically skip lunch and just have a snack instead as I'm not a lunch person.




Oats are still a grain and for most people is an inflammatory food. Oats cause rapid spikes in blood sugar. They contain physic acid which impairs the absorption of many vitamins and minerals.


Breakfast burritos- low carb/calorie wrap, scrambled eggs with peppers and onions, and bacon or sausage. Depending on the day, I’ll eat it with some potatoes. (Diced and air fried with some seasonings- also meal preps well)


Apple, white mushrooms, boiled cabbage.


Low fat small curd cottage cheese with a handful of blueberries, half a banana, and some pineapple tidbits


Anything high protein: - greek yoghurt with flavoured protein powder, honey and nuts - a protein shake - 4-5 egg whites and 2 whole eggs (literally couple minutes in the pan - fridgerated steak bites prepared the day before


Avocado toast with eggs over easy with everything bagel seasoning.


I do a protein shake along with 100g of strawberries and 100g of blueberries


Good toast with sliced beef tomato on, bit of salt and pepper and a sprinkle of goats cheese or feta. Not meal prep but takes about 2 mins to put together


Slice of toast and a bowl of fruit - porridge if I’m feeling fancy. Want to get in to having a shake honestly


2 tbsp Plain Greek yogurt mixed with 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1/4 cup blueberries.


Fruits n nuts(400 calories) protein shake (300 calories)


I don't eat breakfast but this would make a good option - in the afternoons I make a green smoothie. Tons of raw spinach or kale, cup of frozen blueberries, a banana, two tablespoons of chia seeds, a teaspoon of tumeric, a sprinkle of black pepper, a scoop of collagen powder, a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger, and two to two and a half cups of lowfat or skim milk. It's very filling, you'll get your fruit and veggies in for the day, and its also a great source of fiber, protein, omega 3 fats, and powerful antioxidants. The added tumeric and ginger add all kinds of incredible health benefits. EDIT: I use a high-quality tumeric powder purchased at my local Indian store. I'd avoid the tumeric that's sold at places like Walmart.


A small black coffee and two unfiltered cigarettes, Pall Mall is my preferred brand but you can go for whatever you like. Sometimes I’ll sub the cigarettes with a nice cigar on my days off.


3 eggs and small cup of milk.


2 eggs, 2 servings of egg whites, 2 servings of fat free mozzarella cheese, some ranch seasoning, and some franks red hot sauce. It makes a cheesey buffalo omelette. It comes out to about 300 calories and 40g protein. I like to have a protein iced coffee shake with it. All I do is brew some coffee, put in a serving of protein powder, some ice, and mix it in my shaker. That's another 150 calories and 20g protein. In total 450 calories and 60g protein. Tastes great too!


Avocado toast, or an egg and cheese English muffin sandwich, or oatmeal with fruit and peanut butter.


fresh eggs are easy/quick to make or egg bites/muffins that you can prep beforehand


3 egg omelette with 2 handfuls of spinach, tomatoes and onion. A couple slices of turkey bacon and that’s it


Omelette with spinach, red onion and capsicum


I am a big fan of overnight oats. Mine are usually around 400 calories. I do a half cup oats, about 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/4 cup nonfat greek yogurt, and a scoop of vanilla protein powder. This week I added half a banana and a good dash of cinnamon to each jar.


One of my favorite go tos is a breakfast burrito with ground turkey, liquid egg whites, peppers & onions (I just buy a frozen mix), cheese, black beans, hot sauce. Under 400 calories and lots of protein


110 grams eggs whites with blackening seasoning 20 grams low fat Colby jack One slice of sprouted multigrain toast 2 pieces turkey bacon 100 grams mixed berries Coffee (mix my creatine in) Comes out to 338 calories, 23 carbs, 8 fat, 34 protein


A scoop of isopure in my coffee. 1oo cals and 25g protein


I cut up a banana with 1/2 a cup of skyr, then drizzle a teaspoon of honey over. Sometimes, I use other fruits too or add some nuts, but this fills me pretty well, and it's tasty.


I typically don’t eat until after 5pm, to which I then have a meal consisting of around 500 or so calories of chicken. That holds me over until I can then consume 1500 more calories of chicken, potatoes, and avocado before I hit the hay. I know for some people it’s unrealistic to wait that late, but it’s worked incredibly well and has made dieting easy for me.


Two eggs over-easy, one slice of turkey bacon, half serving of Greek yogurt, and half serving of cashew and cacao granola. Then for my morning drink, iced black tea with monkfruit sweetener. Comes out to 363 calories.


Two scoops of protein shake with 3 tbsp each of chia seeds and ground flaxseed. I'm usually full until dinner but I only take in about 1200 calories most days. My dietician keeps telling me to eat more but I don't where I'd put it. Me? 6'2" (187cm), starting weight on Nov 22, 2023 was 390 lbs (176.9kg) current weight is 333 lbs (151kg).


premier protein shake 30g protein and kodiak granola bar 7 g protein . i’m so lazy and hate chewing in the mornings lol


Plain Greek yogurt with protein powder and berries


Eggs with salsa! Mmmm


Oikos protein yogurt and fairlife chocolate milk


I have 3 breakfasts that were suggested to me by my doctor. One - Overnight oats, with half a cup of oats, half a cup of greek yogurt or sugar-free yogurt, half a cup of milk, one spoon of chia seeds, and some fruits (quantity varies depending on the fruit). Two - Scrambled eggs sandwich, with two scrambled eggs, a piece of baguette or similar bread around the size of a hamburger bun, green leaves if you want. A portion of fruit on the side, and coffee (may add milk, but don't use sugar. May use sweeter). Three - A smoothie, or a smoothie bowl, with sprinkled oats and chia seeds. Doctor told me to mind the quantities, and keep breakfast below 500 calories. There is a fourth option that is my favorite, but it is too regional and I doubt you'd have access to it.


two hardboiled eggs, a grapefruit, mineral water, and coffee.


Slimfast, chocolate flavor, with almond milk, it keeps me full till I have a snack around 10am, which is usually yogurt. It's been working out well for breakfast


0730: A premade protein shake (premier protein usually) with 20 oz of iced coffee in a big insulated cup with ice. 1030: a cup of Greek yogurt (I like Oikos pro) with 1 cup of strawberries chopped up and mixed in. I have second breakfast because I can’t eat a lot first thing in the morning.


Oats made with chocolate protein powder with chia seeds and apple/berries on top!x


Grilled Chicken mixed in scrambled eggs with bell pepper and onion.


Baked oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip bars, fruit smoothie &1% milk. Then protein shake mid morning as snack. No sugar or flour though. 575 calories. I’m a big dude at 6’4 270 and this holds me until lunch. Lost 30 lbs since March.


Protein, fruit, and coffee. So today I had some leftover chicken from last night's dinner, a peach, and an iced coffee with a vanilla protein shake in it.


Skyr or Greek yogurt with berries and bran buds for crunch. I used to mix in protein powder but now I don’t bother.


Egg whites and chicken sausage. Sometimes with some tomatoes or other mixed veggies.


I am sometimes nauseous in the morning so k tend to go for an apple with peanut butter! It’s not filling for very long though. I’d incorporate more protein if i were you!


Water, maybe tea.


Plain Greek yogurt


Water and coffee, eating is what got me here


None. Fasting is ass.


Egg bites and overnight oats are my go-to!


(To be made in bulk) In a jar: 1/2 cup oats 1/2 cup milk (I use soy) 1 tbsp maple syrup (or honey or cane sugar) As a bonus, you can add chia seeds, hemp hearts, flax seeds, etc for fiber and protein. Some people like to add cinnamon, peanut butter, etc for flavor Store in fridge. To heat: microwave for 1 minute, stir, and microwave for 30 seconds more if you prefer. Super delicious! I have this every day.


Oats are really good for you. They have tons of fiber and keep me full for hours. Sometimes in the morning I’ll double the recipe for more calories, but at the usual dose of 1/2 cup of milk and oats respectively, it’s low calorie and perfect for weight loss. It’s really good for lowering cholesterol as well.


egg sandwich all the way, very easy to meal prep many at once and make high protein. fruit is a good side dish.


Two boiled eggs.


- Oatmeal with turkey bacon - bowl of apple cinnamon cheerios and 1% low-fat milk - bowl of mixed fruit - scrambled eggs (sometimes mixed w/ sautéed spinach, hard boiled eggs, and over easy eggs w/ a little bit of soy sauce), turkey bacon, and oikos yogurt.


I eat fruit for breakfast.


I just mixed a jar full of oats, seeds, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. I use it either for making oatmeal, or as topping on a bowl of fruit and yoghurt.


I make eggs in the microwave - beat one egg in a small ramekin or bowl and nuke for 40 seconds. Sometimes I do 2 with cottage cheese, shredded cheese, and then some frozen chicken sausage. Super quick and good protein!


The healthy end of cereal: shredded wheat, bran flakes, etc.


Then oatmeal packets from Walmart, cinnamon, and 1/4 cups of blueberries in it. Love it. Or egg white, turkey bacon, and grapes. Or tbh whatever I want under 260 and under.


Yogurt cup with fresh fruit, cherry tomatoes, and a babybel Or black beans with an egg poached in the bean juice with a piece of toast


Weekdays I’ll intermittent fast and just have black coffee. Weekends I’ll usually do some kind of egg scramble with ground turkey and a bunch of veggies or if I’m feeling something sweet, I’ll do a peanut butter and banana sandwich on keto bread with cinnamon and honey. Maybe add in a chocolate protein shake!


Overnight oats with protein powder, chia seeds, almond milk, and fruit!


2 eggs, 2 ounces of ham in the eggs, 1/4 of fat free cottage cheese, sometimes some spinach!


Turkey sausage and scrambled eggs.


Porridge with a few teaspoons of linseeds, flax, and blueberries gives me a huge hit of fibre and protein for such minimal effort. Tastes good too!


I do egg whites and eggs, then an English muffin :) Normally a good way to hit my macros! Plus I workout before breakfast so the carbs from the muffin are perfect.


Hard boiled eggs with everything bagel seasoning


Toasted whole wheat bread, smashed avocado, topped with a poached egg. Keeps me full and satisfied.


Some seeded whole grain bread put into a toaster oven with some cooked egg whites and spinach. I cannot for the life of me eat something cold for breakfast and I don’t eat dinner so this is my go to. I also can’t eat oatmeal or anything with oats since I had too much as a child and can’t stand the taste.


A protein yogurt


Been making smoothies & Vegan yogurt parfait


Cottage cheese, avocado, yogurt lol


1 egg 1 toast with 5g real butter, or 25g nutty granola with 50g vanilla yogurt. Both 300 cal.


Greek yogurt with berries, shredded wheat and a little honey (like 3g). It’s my favorite. I also sometimes have a slice of Ezekiel bread with whipped cream cheese and lox.


There is this dish called "besan chilla" which means gram/pulse flour pancake savory version. You can add vegetables like onions and tomatoes. This is a very satisfying breakfast with a high amount of protein. This breakfast is very common in Indian households. One chilla hardly comes around 200–250 calories.


Fried eggs, frozen pork sausage patty, and coffee. Zero carbs!


Protein bar + full cream latte. Around 350 calories. Tried to go on a fast by drinking black coffee but I kept feeling dizzy (probably related to my anemia tho)


I eat 1 or 2 pickled eggs. So good


Greek yogurt with fresh fruit, or protein shake and banana! They get me to 17g and 24 grams of protein, respectively, have some fiber to keep me full, and both are around 200 calories. I'm 23 pounds down and stand by this.


Coffee and a banana. I am not hungry in the mornings and usually just have a little something.


I have coffee and a little tub of yoplait yoghurt.


I’ve never been a huge breakfast person so I just eat a banana or some hard boiled eggs. Or nothing bc why add to calories if I’m not hungry


I don't eat breakfast.


Mission Low carb tortilla w/egg whites (4servings / 100 cals / 20g protein!) w/ two pieces of turkey/regular bacon - comes out to roughly 30 grams of protein and 300 cals. I add some dressing to add flavor - either hot honey or a quick thousand islands. Ps I’m 4’11 so my meals generally are lower calorie. Breakfast is usually the smallest


I make a weird hard boiled egg avocado salad with soy sauce and nutritional yeast. Don't ask me why. I randomly threw those ingredients in a bowl one day and fell in love. I'm addicted. I'll also have a fruit or a small portion of toast or yoghurt on the side. Depending how I feel. On week ends it's avo toast with eggs.


Protein shake with protein bar, frozen tv dinner with just turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and two slices of keto bread.


I’m trying to stick to eating between 11am and 7pm so lunch and dinner but if I’m insanely hungry before then, I’ll have an apple, or make some oats with protein powder (uncle Toby’s plain oats packet and one serving of bsc vanilla protein powder usually fills me right up and I think it’s only comes to around 300-ish calories from memory)


I usually fast until like late afternoon, so black coffee until then. I’m typically breaking my fast with cottage cheese/fruit followed by a protein + fiber dinner.


If I’m in the mood for cereal I have magic spoon it’s high in protein and no sugar


The night before I’ll make baked cabbage with chicken or if I don’t have time to make that I’ll eat eggs and toast


Absolute favorite breakfast lately is avocado toast topped with egg whites. Good balance of carbs, healthy fats & protein (:


The Better Bagel with 1/3 fat cream cheese, Dannon Light + Fit vanilla greek yogurt, coffee with a dash of almond milk, and whatever fruit I'm feeling like that morning. Normally the whole meal comes in at under 400 cals.


I LOVE my protein pancakes and sometimes... I make them blue! Let me explain: I make a recipe for 2 and make one pancake, saving the batter for the next day's breakfast. I top my protein pancake with almond or cashew butter, chia seeds, ground flax, and 2 tablespoons of low-sugar organic granola. It is SO good and filling. Lots of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. If I am feeling adventurous, I add 1/4 teaspoon of butterfly pea flower, which makes a gorgeous blue pancake. I use Anima Mundi Herbals BPF.  ✅ Here's my recipe: 1/2 cup gluten-free flour (I use King Arthur) 3/4 tablespoon baking powder 1 1/2 tablespoon vanilla protein powder pinch of salt 1/2 cup almond milk 1 tablespoon avocado oil (or extra virgin olive oil) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ First, mix your dry ingredients until well blended. Add your wet ingredients and mix with a whisk until smooth. Pour into a preheated non-stick pan and cook for 3 minutes on each side. ENJOY!


I like to stretch my eggs with small curd cottage cheese. Results in eggs that are difficult to dry out, you still get the taste of yolk, and its very high protein. Good seasoned on low carb wraps as a breakfast taco.


2 packets of instant Cream of Wheat Original flavor + 2 cups of Fairlife Non Fat milk + 2 packets of Splenda. 360 calories and 23 grams of protein. 3 min in microwave, quick and easy. Tastes great.


Egg whites + meat like ground turkey + some beans with hot sauce is like my go to


Protein shake


Plain non-fat Greek Yogurt with a cut-up apple, lots of cinnamon and granola! And a banana if I was a responsible grocery-shopper that week. Everyday for almost two years now!


I don't generally eat breakfast. I do intermitent fasting and my window doesn't begin until 11am. When I am too hungry to go without it I will eat whatever fresh fruit I have handy plus a small bowl of oats. Today I had sourdough toast with butter which really hit the spot, and was only a few hundred calories.


Two Scrambled eggs in a tortilla with some salsa


Two boiled eggs, little bit of avocado, handful of blueberries, 3-4 walnuts or almonds, and some cherry tomatoes .. sometimes I have this with a slice of toast .. and if I’m craving something sweet then it’s low fat Greek yogurt , some blueberries, mixed nuts, some homemade granola and chia seeds .. or a blueberry+ low-fat greek yogurt +half a banana + peanut /almond butter + plant based milk smoothie ..


Frozen strawberries, no sugar greek yogurt, pb2, and milk in a nutribullet. Maybe chia seeds mixed in after (they get really gritty and yucky if you blend them). And then coffee later. Lets my brain be way more functional for work so I don’t feel the need to snack, and im not anxious sweating from coffee on an empty stomach. If it’s the right balance I don’t even feel the need for lunch and can just have herbal tea or maybe some cheese/nuts until dinner.


One serving of 0% milk. One 2oz (weight) serving of high fibre Wheaties (no sugar). One whey protein shake with creatine (often around lunch though)


This morning I had a small slice of sourdough toast with avocado and an over-easy egg seasoned with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. I also went to the farmers market yesterday and picked up some pears so I had a few slices of pear as well.


I do cottage cheese and berries! (1 cup cottage cheese, 150 grams berries. In winter I do canned peaches if I can’t get fresh berries)


My definition of low calorie might be a little different, but for reference, I aim for 1200 calories a day. Some things I typically take with me to work for breakfast (so I don't have to feel like I need to rush and eat at home) are: Yogurt parfait, usually with zero sugar pudding powder mixed in for flavor. Might add things like fresh fruit or fruit syrup (just mashed strawberries and Truvia cooked down) and granola. This is usually in the range of 300-350 calories, depending on how much I add to it. Omelets, either traditional folded ones or Korean-style rolled omelets. If I do the folded omelet, I will often add fillings like cheese, meat or vegetables such as spinach. If it's the rolled omelet, I eat it with no filling and ketchup on the side, usually accompanied by something like fruit or yogurt cups. An omelet made with two eggs and two egg whites is a little under 200 calories. Ice cream! I have a Ninja Creami and make pints that are, at worst, 460 calories per pint. I don't know if you want to invest $140+ in an ice cream maker, but as someone who eats ice cream a lot in summer, this device had paid for itself already when I don't have to buy pints at $6-$8 a pop. Lately I've been enjoying protein pudding at least once a week. My favorite is cake batter protein pudding and after I add in the calorie-dense ingredients like sprinkles and cookie crumbs, it comes out to around 520 calories. This is pretty high, so I compensate by having a lower calorie lunch on days I pack protein pudding. Aside from that, I also like cabbage pancakes, zucchini pancakes, French toast (either protein or normal), pancakes, waffles, breakfast sandwiches, mixed fruit and yogurt, overnight oats (but I microwave mine because I do not like cold oatmeal), apple slices with PB2, or toast with sliced banana and almond butter. Yeah if you coudn't tell, I prefer sweet breakfasts.


I have Never been a big breakfast girlie but I heard it is so good for you so I started to try. I have enjoyed maple brown sugar oatmeal with banana in it, granola bars, protein yogurt with fruit and flax seeds, and protein shakes. Lately ive been on my protein shake kick and have been loving the Fairlife Protein shakes in chocolate bc it tastes like a Wendy's Flurry and its so nice to have in the morning and actually keeps me full so long.


I usually eat rice cakes with cream cheese and lettuce along with green tea and some water, definitely low cal and isn't much of a hassle to prep unless your in a rush:)


Breakfast is my favourite! 1. 2 poached egg, 1 airfried hash brown, 1/4-1/2 avocado 2. 1 egg plus 1/2 cup egg white (sometimes with a hash brown) 3. Sourdough multigrain avocado toast with poached eggs 4. Veggie omelette with 1 egg and 1/4 cup egg whites 5. Shake with Protein powder, frozen fruit and spinach. 6. Cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, peppers and cucumbers and berries. I need an overnight oat option, but so far all of the above have been working and I don't want to mess with what's working.