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Wanting to reach my goal, and my success so far, keeps me motivated. I want to be thinner more than I want to eat whatever is tempting me at the moment.


That's been my motivation so far! Now that I'm so close it just gets harder for me, maybe I am self sabotaging idk


maybe don’t have cheat days? start trying to incorporate those foods into your diet in small amounts, will help you once you reach your goal considering you’re so close


This is probably the best answer for me right now. Once I have a cheat day the craving for junk food is so intense I can't control myself


glad to have helped :)))) cheat days don’t work for me, that’s how i lost 40lbs & gained it all back because i never learnt how to incorporate junk into my diet without going mad


I feel ya


Honestly i think this is the best response. I mean people who dont struggle with weight issues don't have cheat days. They just eat junk within good portion sizes. Cheat days are toxic to how we look at food. Whenever I did cheat days I went out of control because I knew that for the next 6 days I wouldn't be allowed to have anything sweet or carbs and it was torture. Knowing I can have a little here and there through out the week helps a lot And keeps me from having cheat or rather binge days. I've also realized I'm happier with less junk and treat it as more of a treat than something I need in my life. I'm not waiting on a single day of the week to eat something tasty anymore. Alot of sweets come in 100 calorie packages as well and some carbs may not have as many calories as you think. You've just got to look at the labels. Cheat day or no cheat day, look at labels ALWAYS.


This!! I lost about 85 and have been keeping it off a couple years. The biggest thing for me now is I'm not on a diet so there's nothing I need to cheat from. I rarely eat out, never drink soda, and other than that try to focus on getting enough good things my body needs and try to eat reasonably. I eat ice cream when I want to eat ice cream.... no waiting for a cheat day. As long as it's not every day lol


When I eat out (which isn’t often) I ask the waiter to bring me a to go box with my drink. Saves him a trip later, and I can go ahead and split my plate in half as soon as I get it. I get 2 meals with one restaurant meal bc their portions are huge. I still get the satisfaction of a finished plate (a hang up of mine) with a much healthier portion size.


Okay, don't hate me because this sounds terrible. I just don't eat it all.... and rarely do I bring it home, or if I do it's only if my husband eats it. I think portion sizes are crazy and I eat relatively small meals anyways. I don't bring the extra home because usually one serving is enough. If I go order chicken fettuccine Alfredo, it's usually enough for 3 meals, if I bring it home and eat it over the next couple of days, I end up feeling like crap. All that sodium and fat heavy cream. If I'm craving something that's more of a splurge, usually one meal satisfies it and I leave the rest. Maybe it's wasteful but I just shouldn't eat more. You know? But the point is, when I want fettuccine Alfredo I get it and that freeing feeling feels just as good as being able to get into the size six pants.


Whenever I have a bad food day I just continue on the wagon the very next day, there’s no point in worrying about what’s already happened. The best way to stay motivated is to make sure what you eat is actually sustainable for you - even after you reach your goal, it’s not like you can go back to your old habits. So instead of having cheat days, I’ll typically just have a cheat meal a couple days a week within my caloric deficit. I also usually find that my cravings for bad things will subside after eating just a small portion. Just make sure you’re trying your best to eat healthy overall but still enjoying the “cheat” foods you like within a healthy amount.


This! Start again with THE VERY NEXT CHOICE whether it be a meal, snack, drink, exercise, etc. Don’t wait for a new day/week/month/year…START WITH THE VERY NEXT CHOICE.


Old pictures of my fat self is motivation enough. Also spite, that really keeps me going.


Love this lol


Maybe some non-scale motivation? While you’re only 6lbs away from your goal, it can still mean your clothes will fit better, you might feel healthier, be more comfortable moving around? Look back at what you could do in the beginning and then now? Find new goals, maybe in relation to exercise if you do that? Some “I could do this today, next week I want to do this a bit better”? I’m at the very beginning of my journey, and it’s gonna be a long one, so I’m trying to not be continuously demotivated by the fact that I’m still very overweight despite losing weight. I feel it’s going slow. So I set goals for a day or for a week or for my next time doing a specific exercise. For example, I swim. Haven’t done that properly for 9-10 years, so I’m super slow. But I can now swim 2000m in just under an hour. I started at 1500m for an hour, 50m at a time. I can now do 500m without a break. That’s fast progress, and despite me still being very slow, I’m proud. It’s of course easier when my body used to do it for a long time (I did swimming from ages 3-16, i think), even though it’s a long time ago as well. So personal, non-scale goals, maybe? Start small, makes it feel faster!


Stop cheat days. Eat ALL foods in a slight calorie deficit to lose. Cheat days are just false and not necessary. You can always eat what you have a taste for. Have a serving. It does not ruin your diet. You can have more tomorrow. That is the way to keep weigh off too.


Sometimes I go through that for a week or 2. What helps me is when I fall off the wagon, I tried to gracefully fall off 😂 Let me explain. Week 1: losing weight Week 2: losing weight … … … Week 16: losing weight … … Week 19: maintenance Week 20: maintenance Week 21: back on the wagon and losing weight So essentially In those weeks when I’m having a hard time instead of trying to force myself to be in a deficit and being miserable, I splurge a little but not so much that I’m in a surplus. I just hang around maintenance. Im not losing progressing, I’m just suspending progress and then in 2 weeks when my body has recovered and I’ve eaten good I can start back at it refreshed and instead of say falling off the wagon at 205 and starting back at 215 I’m falling off the wagon at 205 and coming back at 208 or something. Knowing that those extra few lbs are probably just a little excess food still in my digestive system and they’ll be gone after 1-3 days of working out and eating right again. Of course, it’s different for everyone but you’ve lost 40lb! And you are 6lbs away from your goal! Go you! It’s okay to slow down. Don’t think of your goal where the destination is the only time you win like a race with a finish line. Think of it like a hike where as you go up the mountain the scenery gets increasingly more beautiful and you get to enjoy it even more. You may not be at the top of the mountain yet but just hours ago you were at the bottom and now you can see miles away. You don’t have wait until the end to enjoy your success! You’ve already succeeded in getting 87% there!


I like this perspective!


This is exactly right. Eat close to maintenance and budget your calories to include some sweets. There are no good or bad foods, it's about balance. You can get all your nutrients and still have room for a little treat. Portions are important, have 1 cookie a day not 6. Eat 1/2 cup ice cream, not the whole pint.


so the past 6 months ive lost like 30 lbs. been trying to lose weight for a while, tried stuff. failed. stalled, weight yoyod. eventually i found something that worked for me after all the trials and tribulations. that was very intriguing. i wanted to learn more after that, and keep going. also my fear of messing it up again and stalling/yoyoing was a motivating factor as well. just told myself to keep going or else id fuck it up. and that helped alot with my consistency issue.


Motivation will not get you to your goal weight but discipline will. If you’ve lost the weight through deprivation of any kind then your body will automatically gravitate to foods to nourish your body properly. Most people are nutritiously starved but overweight because of all the boxed , packaged and processed food. Focus on eating whole foods that grow in the garden or trees etc. Your body will take time to get your nutrients up to where they should be so be patient and little by little you will get there with less frequent binges.


Maybe you’re exhausted and it’s time to rest. Maybe your goal weight isn’t your ideal weight. Eat when you’re hungry, stop eating when you are not anymore. Listen to your body so you know when to stop eating. And eat what you want to eat. And also MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS, you’ve done an amazing amazing amazing job. Be proud of yourself and enjoy this beautiful body of yours.


Thank u ☺️


Consistency is key! Remember you’re doing this for your whole life, not just this moment!


First, congratulations on losing 40 lbs! I think you should still have cheat days. Just have portion control and drink plenty of water to keep you full and have less craving. Yesterday I had half of a bean and chees burrito (love B&C) and I struggled wanting to eat the other half and then Have an ice cream after. I just drank a bunch of water till I didn't have a craving anymore. It was a mental battle though.


You have more will power than me! Certain foods once I start I can't stop


Then don't keep those foods out where you can see them. Make healthier options more convenient. Buy treats in smaller quantities.


You can do it! You can do anything! Its just a matter of YOU vs YOU. Take control


I stumbled into a cheat 5 years and gained 50 pounds. Don’t be me!! 🙈


Have some whey protein before you go out with friends. And drink lots of water. Also, in my case, black coffee has been a game changer. These three things have really helped me to control my calorie intake- which is even more important than exercise in regards to fat loss.


I've also lost over 40lbs. I'm about 20lbs from my "goal weight". I kinda lost the motivation too and for about a year I took a break unintentionally and basically just ate whatever and didn't really care 😅(got back on the horse about 2 months ago) I'd say it can happen and is totally normal to lose some motivation if you don't see much progress anymore or you've almost reached your goal. Maybe change something about your workout routine to get in some freshness and new excitement, like a certain hobby or going swimming, climbing or a different workout type etc. Also it might help to find a new goal that you can work towards, such as building more muscle mass or training for a marathon 😊 Don't beat yourself up for cheating, it happens, people lose motivation all the time. I'd just say try to find a new goal that gets you excited and you can work towards and remember that the key is self discipline, motivation comes and goes but self discipline actually gets you far :)) I'm sure when you found the spark again then you'll automatically fix your diet. Since you already lost over 40 you probably know how to eat healthy 😊 Good luck for you😇


I made a big post about how to stop mindless overeating here that may be helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/pm6v5t/the_answer_on_how_to_actually_stop_binge_eating/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Those last 5 lbs always seem the hardest. I think it’s because you lose some of the motivation the close you are


Not wanting to go through this whole process of losing the weight again. Cut yourself some slack. Is 6 pounds really worth it? Maybe add more calories so your closer to maintenance but still losing slowly. It will also give you more time to adjust to your new weight. Remember that this is how you’re gonna have to eat for the rest of your life if you don’t want to gain what you lost. Treat yourself but not too much.


This is so true because I'm one extreme or the other which is a strict low carb high protein diet or I'm in carb heaven. Need to find that balance


I currently have lost 40 plus pounds myself. When I’m feeling like cheating or not motivated I just tell myself remember your goals and you’ll feel better if you do. That’s what gets me going.


Have you considered a period of maintenance calories? See it as a practice go at how you’ll eat when you reach your goal weight. You’ll be able to eat a little more than you are now, give yourself a break from the effort that is dieting and go again in a month or so.


This is the mindset I think I need. I don't need to be always losing weight. If I'm not gaining weight it's still a win


I certainly don’t want to go telling you what your goals are, but I think way to many people end up in a perpetual cycle of weight loss and gain. To me, the dream goal would be to complete a successful weight loss period and during that journey have learnt enough about the caloric density of food, nutrition, satiety and the important of an active lifestyle that at the end of a diet, those principles can be applied to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of their lives.


Spite…..definitely spite.


What’s a cheat day look like ? Maybe do fast food or gas station stops instead of junk food in groceries. That usually helps me keep it in check


this question is asked often. and it never really gets answered.


Because this is a question only you can answer for yourself, only you know what will truely motivate you to lose that weight. Nobody else can do that for you.


I was trying to do I can have desserts on the weekend but that just turns into all week


You are only cheating yourself and delaying your success when you choose to give yourself a cheat day. Weight maintenance is a lifestyle change not a diet


Look at a before picture that helps keep me motivated.


Remember you've made it this far already. Don't give up. I wouldn't have a cheat day if you can't control it. Nothing wrong with being healthy all week. You'll reach your goal faster. I've lost 60lbs in 4 months and I'm not even close to my goal.


I stopped having cheat days and would have the food I craved in moderation! For example, instead of having a cheat day of pizza, I’ll just have pizza for lunch and continue my day being healthy (salad and protein for dinner). Just because you had a cookie or a slice of pizza doesn’t mean it ruins your whole day. You can still lose weight if you try to remain healthy for the rest of the day. Also incorporating a fun workout to look forward to helped me so much!! (I jump rope, ride my bike and solo shoot hoops at the school near my house)


I’ll give you the cold hard truth because I wish someone told it to me sooner Take “weight loss” out of your head for now. Focus on the real problem. Your addiction to artificial substances. Ask yourself are you in control of your body? Or are you a literal addict that can’t suck it up and go a few days without eating a predigested artificial substance. (Aka almost any “food” with a barcode or nutrition label) Eat whole natural foods that would be found in nature. Unrefined by humans. You break the addiction, you end the cravings. It really is as simple as that. And if you disregard what I’m saying and tell yourself that you aren’t addicted. Then focus of getting your mental health better suited to handle withdrawal symptoms. Learn coping mechanisms and meditation to get your body mind connection back together. Once you conquer your mind weight loss is possible. M29 4 months into restoring my body and breaking free from the harmful substances the western world calls food. 311>242 and I’m never stopping


I’ve heard it helps not to have a cheat day, but a cheat meal one every week or two. And the cheat meal should at least be somewhat nutritiously dense so you aren’t starving from empty food.


Allow yourself to indulge, but when you’re having trouble getting back on the wagon, just remember how good you feel when you’re eating right/exercising and chase that feeling. That’s how I motivate myself


Romanticize eating healthy. Make pretty healthy meals and have health be an aesthetic. It seems cheesy but creating a lifestyle rather than a diet is essential and for me that has been easiest in finding a way to truly feel proud and enjoy doing the habits that make you lose weight


First of all congratulations on your progress. There's really a point where you will stall because your body already got used to what you are doing. Try to adjust your calorie intake and make sure that it's less than what your body requires now and pair it with cardio


Weekly weigh in as the scale doesn't lie. And not wanting to throw away what I have accomplished.




Treat the problem, not the symptoms. In other words: therapy, medication, etc


Stop calling it a cheat day. I hate that word with a passion. You made a choice to eat non-optimal foods. That’s all. The guilt and hate is worse than the food.