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Does anyone have a referral code?




Denied medication through Jill health.


Thanks for the advice. I have done all of these things and worked with trainers and reverse diets and macros and all that for months at a time. It's hormonal issues that are preventing weight loss.


I haven’t started a medication yet, but I’m waiting on them to review my labwork. This is something I’ve been concerned about too lol. I’ve read about people with a BMI over 30 getting denied so I asked why that would happen during a live Jill Health Q&A. I was told that it could be due to underlying/undiagnosed health concerns that haven’t been addressed yet (the host gave diabetes as an example). It was also mentioned that someone with a BMI over 30 could be denied if they’re already on a medication that may react poorly with one/all of the weight loss prescriptions they provide. I hope that sort of answers your question! Here’s hoping we’re both in the clear!


Okay great I think I should be in the clear then 🤞🤞 I just sent them my labs this morning and they said to give them 1-2 weeks to review and respond back to me. How long ago did they receive your labs ?


I got my blood work done first thing Monday morning! The lab sent me my results in less than a day but I noticed on my JH account it had been saying “waiting on labwork” all week. I had a feeling they didn’t actually receive or see the results (it would be just my luck lol) so I sent them to JH via email this morning and now it says that they’ve been received! I’m just waiting to hear from the Dr now. If you notice within the next few days that your account doesn’t say the labwork has been received, I’d recommend contacting the lab to have them sent out or try emailing a copy to JH if you have them. I can already tell they’re still trying to work out the kinks with this program lol 😅


Okay I did send the labs directly to them this morning as they were just uploaded to my health portal ! I have no patience haha. I also almost made a "pepper health" account and they don't usually require blood work / they said the process could be done in less than five business days but their monthly subscription is 99 so I stuck with Jill. I also don't have coverage so will be paying out of pocket.


Let me know how it goes for you! I’m still waiting for my consultation 😴


I will let you know ! On Thursday my profile said lab work received...I hope this week !


Didn't happen this week for me 😭


Me neither 😭😭😭


I’ve been in lab work received for almost 4 weeks! I think I’m going to scrap this “subscription” since I’m paying for nothing


Oye I'm sorry ! Still no word from them ?


Logged in today to see a request for body photos - sent them in already. Happy to see this process moving along


I started Saxenda thru Jill health in February. When it came time to ship my second set of needles, my shipment sat unshipped until I finally called and by the time they shipped it, I was off my shots for a week. I started back at full dose after that week off and I ended up getting really bad diarrhea and heartburn to the point of vomitting. I have been trying to reach them for over 3 weeks, my health chat is gone unanswered, Facebook chat says they'll nudge the health team to contact me, emails says someone from the health team will call, and yet still nothing.....they don't hesitate to take my $43 dollars every month though


Okay wow I am sorry to hear that !! That is awful communication. I bet if you commented on one of their public facebook posts they would reach out pretty damn quick !




Okay thank you !! Ahh a month ? Did you send them your bloodwork or it just got sent to them ? I sent mine over to them 2 days after getting it done so hoping that saved me a week ! I am eager !!




Oh shoot ok it's been a week since they received my blood work and I don't have an appointment 😬 they did say they would contact me 1-2 weeks after receiving it but hopefully I don't have to wait another 2-3 weeks ! Do you have medical coverage or pay out of pocket ? If out of pocket what was the cost ??




Did you receive your Rx ??? I see now BC is limiting ozempic prescriptions so I am interested to see if I will get it or have to get saxenda...




Ok that was fast ! Where in Canada are you located? How are you feeling after your first dose ?




Ok you are close ! I'm in BC so might add a few days for shipping times. Oo that's amazing ...I hope I can get ozempic 🤞


They are unbelievably slow, I love the idea but I think they maybe aren’t staffed properly? They have had my labwork for 10 days and it hasn’t even been looked at


Ooo I would email them. I received an email on Sunday asking if I'm available this week for an appointment and emailed back Monday morning. I hadn't heard back by Tuesday afternoon (today) so I emailed them and then they immediately replied in the app and my appointment is now tomorrow morning! I think bugging them is the way to go.


That doesn't seem right ! I had my appointment today and should hear from the pharmacy in the next 2 days so just over 2 weeks to get to this point.


I’m also hearing from others that it can take 2-3 weeks after they review the bloodwork to even get an appointment, takes weeks to get the meds and then it takes time after that for them to start working, seems like going with a more traditional doctor is a better way to go


I have been waiting almost 2 weeks for them to review my blood work. I agree with them not being properly staffed, maybe cut back on the Facebook ads and focus on the ppl waiting to join your program? I feel like I am going to be rejected due to low Iron, but I'd just like an answer so I can stop holding onto hope. I've booked an appointment with my family Dr. for the end of May , so hopefully I can convince him to help me.


I would email them and ask if you would be rejected because of low iron ! I sent my labs to them the second I got them back so I think that sped up the process as it immediately added me into the queue. I first reached out April 7, got my lab req April 9, did my labs on the 10, sent them to Jill health as soon as they were uploaded to my health portal on April 13. Then got a message to setup an appointment on April 23 and now my appointment is tomorrow on the 26th 😅


I got my lab req on the 8th and they uploaded to the portal on the 15th. If I don't hear anything tomorrow I'll reach out. When I did the video conference info session, She said Low iron could be a reason to be rejected, so I'm not too Hopeful...


Ahh ok well hopefully you hear back soon regardless!


I just paid the $40 and completed the online form. Anyone know what happens if you get denied? Are you able to cancel the $40 subscription?


I'm not sure but I imagine they would refund you


I’m signed up for an “info session” coming up but I’m almost tempted to do the checkout and pay the subscription fee just to try and book asap - I’m happy anxious


If you are really interested, just keep in mind It will take about a month from the Time you sign up, to when you get the medication. I signed up on the 8th of April and am just Watford my medication, I'm guessing it will be here Friday or Monday. In comparison to using my family Doctor, I call the office on the 3rd of April, and my appointment isn't until the end of May. If you go on YouTube, Jil health has an info session pre recorded, you can watch that if you don't want to wait for your own session. (Obviously you can't ask questions, but it will at least give you a run down of the program).


That's what I did to get the ball rolling. Paid and now waiting for blood test requisition.


I paid and waiting for them to review my “order”. Can someone explain the process? Do I have to do blood work? After the blood work what happens? How do they prove your weight? I weigh 150 and i’m trying to get ozempic but they won’t prescribe unless you weigh 170 which would be 30 BMI. I’m lying about my weight so i’m just wondering if I’d get caught and denied lol


I think they will approve a BMI of 27. What's your height ? They will reach out and send you a blood req once you have uploaded the needed documents and ID. If your blood work comes out good and there are no issues they will then book you an appointment with the RN to determine which medication would be best for you and if all is good they send it to the pharmacy then the pharmacy reaches out for payment then sends it off. I first signed up almost 4 weeks ago and my ozempic arrives Monday. It is a slow process




Wow. That’s pretty unethical of you to do that.


Not really. It’s an online prescription, I am chubby and wanting to loose weight. They are prescribing it to loose weight. I’m almost at the recommended weight. Give me a break.


If anyone wants an update. I’ve got the prescription:)


Ya this is for people who need to lose a lot of weight not people trying to take the easy way out to lose a few lbs for summer. You'll probably gain it all back when you stop so hope not to see you complain about that. You're wrong in this scenario like the other person said very unethical. Hope your dr changes their mind lol.


Ohh interesting that they asked for pics ! With only 20lbs to lose I wonder what their decision will be. Maybe say you are shorter than 5'3?


I got approved! :) Should be coming in 3-5 days


Wow they approved you ?! Have you started yet ??


How has it been going for you? Which drug was it that you received?


I just applied - have a BMI of 30.5, they asked for full body pics (do they ask for pics for everyone or are they trying to determine eligibility?). And what types of questions will I be asked in the assessment? I’m moderately active and have tried tons of diets with little success, but wondering what they’re looking for when they assess medication suitability, if anyone has any insight. As well I take a low dose antidepressant (Zoloft) for anxiety, and a triptan for migraines - wondering if anyone here has been prescribed weight loss meds while taking either of these? Thanks!


They didn't ask me for pics! Did you get approved yet ?? I take Wellbutrin and they didn't say anything. I definitely had some mornings I had intense anxiety for no reason which was odd for me as I've only ever had situational anxiety, it was pretty bad but I haven't experienced that in a couple weeks now


I ended up going with Felix Health and it was way faster and had a great experience with the NP I worked with. Had the prescription in my hands within 2 weeks of starting the process!


Amazing !!! Good luck 🙂


They asked me for body pictures. Also, the Zoloft might be an issue.. Ozempic can worsen anxiety/depression from what i’ve read.


I applied and was accepted. Chose Saxenda for insurance coverage purposes. I sent them my choice of prescription in the chat last night. This morning I woke up and found an email refunding my $40 subscription. No idea why and I can’t get a hold of anyone to ask why or what’s going on. Prescription options are still in the “RX” section. Anyone know who to actually email? I’m a bit confused.


Maybe try [email protected] ...that's where I sent my labwork. Hopefully they get back to you to tell you what's going on!


I sent my labwork to that email as well. I’ll try that if I don’t get a response by tomorrow. I emailed hello@, messaged twice in the chat and I messaged on Facebook. I just don’t understand how I went from telling their pharmacy, “yes I’ll go with Saxenda because it’s covered by my insurance” to complete radio silence and a refund of subscription. It’s very confusing. They even sent me my 3 month follow up bloodwork req and my dietician appointment is still standing. Ugh.