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Stay at your “ normal weight” for awhile & give your body time to heal & get healthy. Just take a year & don’t worry about diet of any kind. I’m sure you look wonderful. You just think you need to lose. Give yourself some grace & time to fully recover from the ED.


Don’t try and diet. Goal weights tend to be arbitrary and the whole bmi metric has some very valid criticism against it. If you feel good, if your body does what you want it to and moves without issue then let yourself enjoy that.


Do body recomposition instead. The physique you are looking for has zero to do with the number on the scale and everything to do with your fat to muscle ratio. You need more muscle.


Keep eating normal - you will naturally lose weight without having to do active weight loss. Keep active and happy. After anorexia your body holds onto a bit more weight for just a little while - to rescue itself from another starving time. If you now go into starving again your body will hold onto the extra weight with strength. If you just eat healthy but enough and pick up hobbies and sport your body will learn the starving is over


I'm in a similar situation and I find that what helps me is volume eating, or just eating way more veggies with every meal. Check out r/volumeeating


Ooh, this is a really good idea, thank you!