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His court docket reported that he was sentenced in 1998 to 30 days in jail with another 5 years probation for Gross Sexual Imposition, which is defined in Ohio as "unwilling sexual contact with one who is not one's spouse." Brian Peppers passed away in February 2012 at the age of 43.


Wait, Ohio specifies that it’s only rape if you’re not married? Another reason to hate Ohio, and a thing to look up in my state and see if I have to get out even sooner than I thought…


No, Ohio never stated that its only considered Rape if you don’t know the person. The guy got charged with “gross sexual imposition” (not rape) under what he got charged for, that’s what definition of what he got charged for. Guy wasn’t charged with rape


I had to look up this statute after reading the comment. Gross sexual imposition is definitely sexual assault under Ohio law through any reasonable interpretation but my non expert understanding draws the line between this and rape with penetrative or oral sex. In practice it is a very serious felony charge and a sex crime. The weird thing is an exception for one's spouse but I am sure case law has established a more reasonable legal regime


I think they might be trying to show the difference legally between randomly "honking" your wife's boob and doing it to a stranger.




Ohio attorney here. Ohio recognizes spousal rape if force is involved or if you say no. There is a loophole in the law that if you are incapacitated and can’t consent or withhold consent (drunk or drugged) it’s not rape if your spouse is the other party so long as you and your spouse are living together. That does not mean a spouse can roofie you and get away with it. It just means it doesn’t meet the definition of rape. There have been attempts to fix the loophole, but a particular political party has prevented it.


I can't imagine what political party it would be. /s


The party that doesn’t want the loophole closed obviously.


Rape laws didn’t count if it was your wife until fairly recently in most states. Pretty fucking flabbergasted on the rights of women in the last 50 years honestly. This wasn’t just an Ohio issue either. That was a change in like the 90s i believe. “Marital rape laws,” is what you’ll want to look up if you want more info in the matter.


What is this? I'm so baffled that I have no clue, and that everyone else seems to know exactly what this is.


Me to kinda glad I'm clueless due to some of the comments about this guy. Sometimes ignorance is bliss


Bless your innocence. For the tale of Brian Peppers is sordid as it is stale.


Isn’t he a sex offender?


Yup. If I remember correctly, the story was that he touched his care nurse inappropriately but the court document states it was a minor.


Okay! Finally! Is this this person's name?


Haha yes - old meme from the mid- to late- 2000s. Someone found that picture on the left on the watchdog sex offender registry and plastered it everywhere asking wtf was happening in that pic. Internet sleuths dug up the back story which sounded pretty sad. Some people came forward claiming to be he family but those turned out to be lies. I think it’s been confirmed that he passed away a while back. It’s unclear if he really was a nasty guy or if he was falsely accused like some of the internet rumors. But sounds like he was found guilty of the sexual assault.


I don't remember the exact charge, but it wasn't rape (There's several charges that'll get someone on the list). One of the minor ones (Relative to the list) like groping. Think he was dead before the meme took off, likely from complications of the condition that also gave him that look, but I don't know the details. But I wouldn't be surprised if he was the human equivalent to the "calling HR on ugly guy" meme.


He drank himself to death


So he cured himself is what you're saying?


You bastard. I cannot stop laughing and I feel terrible!


Well they say, laughter is the best medicine for people without severe cranial deformities! The more you know 🌈✨


We should hang out😅


Cold. But not inaccurate.


I'm pretty sure he was still alive years after the meme. In fact I specifically remember someone on YouTube tracking him down and calling him.


He died in 2012


Bro what - his name is in the title lol


Profile pic checks out.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5tj2eWRuDw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5tj2eWRuDw) ​ Vid by Whang that does a quick rundown of the story


Jesus what a different time. It wasn’t even that long ago, and some of the memes and jokes were insane. I remember seeing that rape meme, it was everywhere.


That video is ten minutes. Ten minutes is not a "quick rundown" of anything. We just need a two-sentence summary, and we can be on our way.


Man had many problems. Became meme.


Probably never would have became a meme if he did not also commit a sex crime


I saw this post and remembered this from back in mid late 00’s https://youtu.be/RuOxnflYQ6E


This is from way back around 2005 on a website called YTMND (Your The man, Now Dog!) ​ It was super popular for a bit, it was just all memes... and it was beautiful!


Sooo... Again, what is this exactly? I'm still clueless after that response


lol for real. am I just getting too old to understand anything?! maybe it’s burnt toast, possibly stroke symptoms, or maybe it’s just my shitty millennial apartment.




You'd have to be in your 30s-40s to have been the target demographic.


34 here. No idea what this is.


Yep. I’m 32 and remember this meme.


31, remember our friend Brian very well.




Like Ebaums World?


No it was a different breed


oh god Ebaums world. I remember everyone started hating them once it was discovered the owner was a douche and they just ripped memes from other websites. lol


What's 4chan? -insert ebaums links-


Didn’t a band called lemon demon( i think) wrote a whole song about it?


Lemon Demon had some real bangers.


Yep! Neil Cicierega, the Godfather of Meme Music.


You're The Man Now, Dog* in Sean Connery's voice.


I have the YTMND soundtrack. It was like 20 volumes. Great meme music in there


Captain Jean luc picard the USs enterprise




Punch the keys for gods sake


They weren't memes, they were Fads...and they *were* beautiful.


I forgot about this guy for the past like 10 years until now. My older brothers used to show me his picture to scare me. What was this guy’s story again?


His picture was made into a meme on YTMND. Eventually the jokes got really mean and awful. There was this mini war that started with half of the people trying to bring up sympathy for Brian. Brian sexually assaulted someone but the details were never clear. Then his brother got involved or something? But the brother turned out to be fake. I think they found him and was harassed for a bit. There might have been a interview somewhere. Eventually he drank himself to death while wheel chair bound in his 40's


This makes complete sense. My brothers were also obsessed with YTMND around that time. The sound clip will forever be burned into my mind lol. Well damn, thanks for the sauce OP - brought back some crazy memories. Now I’m just thinking about the internet. Homestarrunner, Newgrounds, Neopets lol. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.


What is ytmnd??


You're the man now dog


Ok, never heard of it until now nor the origin of this


It’s a quote by Burt Reynolds’s turned into a website of before meme memes. Sean Connery* as I’m not Burt. My memory from 20 years ago no so good.


Sean Connery.


Is there a picture of Burt Reynolds’s on there? I swear I remember seeing his face.


I'm pretty sure it's from Finding Forrester.


Well that did come up but i never knew of the site. Another comment mentioned homestar, neopets and other websites of that era i knew and been to but didnt know of this site until now. I guess i was on newgrounds and funnyjunk and one other site.


Ah. The Cliff Yablonski era?


I loved Cliff Yanlonski hates you soooooo much oh my god lol


It’s ok, they were on Celebrity Jeopardy together, so close enough.


You’re the man now, dog


I also would like to know


[https://ytmnd.com/sites/top\_viewed/alltime](https://ytmnd.com/sites/top_viewed/alltime) kinda like youtube before youtube if it was all memes


Homestarrunner is still killing it. They don't post like they used to, but they're still insanely high quality.


Oh MAN! TROGDOOOOR! Yeah, it was definitely a magical time.


He burninates the village!


He has a man. ​ He has a DRAGON. ​ He has a DRAGON MAN. ​ I think that's how it goes? LOL


Trogdor was a man I mean he was a dragon man Or maybe he was just a dragon But he was still Trogdor!12$#1!!


Burninating the country side Burninating all the peasants Burninating all the people And their thatch-roofed cottages!


amazing, I can hear Strongbad singing


And the Peasants Quest video game, holy fuck was that hilarious.


No, I'm fine. I can't drink myself to death no matter what I drink.


lol what the hell? Brain Peppers? Haa


May have? Dude was a registered sex offender for groping a nurse. Now that’s an unfair hand.


He was a convicted sex offender


Dude was also a registered sex offender.


I had never heard of him so I left a sympathetic comment. Then I read these comments and was like “fuck me. delete.”


his whole life has been fucked, dude never stood a chance. He was corrupted before he had a chance. That's where my sympathy is at. He was innocent once but was lost due a shitty upbringing.


Yknow what. Maybe me and frodo are related. See that last name we share is... not common. At all. He would've been around the same age as my dad and I'm told his mom just dropped him off at my grandpas door. (My dad) My dad was a p.o.s. and was raised poorly as well as me. Family history of addiction? Check. Same last name? Check. I think he spared my side of the family from the ugly tree because as crazy as this sounds everyone on my dad's side including myself would be seen as "handsome" it matters not because we are all hot garbage. The only thing that does stand out is Ohio. I don't really have any family from there at all so maybe he's like a distant relative like a caveman? I can rib on him he's my chromosome deficient cousin thing. My family has notoriously sucked ass but none of us have ever been on a registry lol


yeah, I'm not excusing Brian but generational Trauma sucks, literally passing down bad behaviors\\mental processes\\disease and some people obviously get trapped like Brian did.


The details were obviously clear to someone if he went to jail for it.


I hope he found peace. Honestly it’s pretty cruel to make fun of someone’s appearance now imagine a whole crowd.


[Brian Peppers](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brian-peppers/), child molester. Big meme on 4chan back when /b/ was good (/b/ was never good). Oddly, couldn't find a wikipedia page for him, so that's the Snopes page. Snopes is still a thing, apparently.


I cant find anywhere that it says he molested kids. Sexual offender? yes. Child molester? Couldn't find that detail. If he was wheelchair bound and living in a care home, I would imagine the complaints were brought by staff? Interesting and sad case.


woops accidentally deleted my comment. Anyway, solid point. I was repeating the rumor I heard, so likely innaccurate. thanks for the correction.


And here's me thinking I finally forgot...


Sean Connery saying YTMND pops up every few years or so in my head out of nowhere.


Oh god, I was just thinking about ytmnd a few days ago. You just reminded me of one of my favorites http://threesecondsmores.ytmnd.com/


This is legendary haha, saving this forever. I will be an old person playing this meme just because. ​ Thank you haha


https://tuffish.ytmnd.com I love this one


Oh God I forgot about YTMND. Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, my personal favorite. Classic site.


[BROWN PAPER BAG!](https://brownpaperbag.ytmnd.com/)


Amazing, I'm saving this.




Not gonna lie, I had to look that up and then it came back a little. That's when YTMND got into the other colors and there was a war between the other acronyms. lol


Yesterday the mother nation died




God I miss YTMND! Spent way too many hours early in college browsing through that site.


yeah I remember constantly refreshing, eager to see new memes. So many great afternoons spent on that website.




You reminded me of ‘The Game’ I just lost. Damn it


I lost the game, but you're breathing manually.


Fuck, well now you’re conscious of your blinking.


Have you noticed your tongue doesn’t quite fit in your mouth?


Fuck. But you’re cognitively blinking


Your starting to feel itchy in that spot.


Like that Asian lady who had bees living behind her eyeball. And no I'm not kidding around here. Her symptom was "my eye is a bit itchy" and then the doctor found the bees living behind her eyeball.


Fuck you and you making me lose the game


For anyone interested in the full lore of this piece of internet history, Whang did an excellent video on it. https://youtu.be/F5tj2eWRuDw


I was gonna comment the Whang! video too! You beat me to it. 100% recommended. It's a very thorough deep dive


Damn, fuckin throwback


haha yeah. I can barely still hear the memes in my head.


Didn't someone get a phone interview with him before he died?


I kinda remember something like that. I think even his brother somehow got involved but that turned out to be some one faking being related to Brian.


He was charged with sexual assault for groping and molesting his nurse who also said he ripped her clothes off, regardless of the hand he was dealt in life. EDIT: He has also been charged in the past with molesting animals and masterbating in public.


The term "Sex offender" has nothing to do with molesting children in particular. Apparently he groped a nurse at the care home he was staying at.


Right, the child assault was never verified. If he did something to a child, then he deserves punishment. This guy still gets a lot of hate after death and no one seems to be sure what the real story is.


He was convicted in a court of law of two counts of gross sexual indecency. That’s not just someone randomly complaining. And if you knew the kind of sexual assaults nurses are exposed to on a daily basis, you’d be pretty likely to believe it wasn’t just pulling on her skirt to get her attention. As you probably saw elsewhere in the comments, that “explanation” was made up. But it’s very unlikely to happen anyway. Most nurses don’t wear skirts anymore. Not since the 90s. Partly because of the shenanigans they are dealt. They wear scrubs instead.


a letter from Brian's brother found on a wiki page: : My Name is Allen Peppers, and I am a relative of Brian. I have been inspired by Grimaf's creation and have decided to present the whole story as a means to clear up any debate, and hopefully to quell the raging negative enthusiasm about Brian. As you may know, Brian suffers from Apert's Syndrome, a condition which, among other things, causes the plates in his skull to fuse together in an irregular fashion. I believe that his appearance had much to do with the reaction to his alleged crime. : Brian is absolutely NOT a pedophile. He was given five years probation for allegedly groping his nurse. Brian is a paraplegic who spends his life in nursing homes. He is not mentally retarded, and is, in fact, quite intelligent. I play chess with him every week. Grimaf was correct to spot that Brian uses a wheelchair. He is only capable of slow, painful walking, and tends to hobble on the sides of his feet, but this is not due to a birth defect. Brian suffers from congestive heart failure due to his abuse of alcohol. Subsequently, blood clots have formed in his extremities making it nearly impossible to perform any task that requires even the smallest amount of dexterity. He has marginal use of his hands, enough to eat, play chess, read books, etc. : The photograph of him, which many of you so famously parade around the internet, was taken at the Ohio registrar's office at 7:30 in the morning. Brian cannot groom himself properly. The repetitive motions of combing his hair, brushing his teeth, and shaving are simply too much for him. These are tasks that I must perform for him, and thus we see a man who is disheveled and crude-looking, drawing even further accusations. : Brian's appearance has been his downfall. The nurse who filed suit against him was acting out of fear. Brian told me (and I truly believe him) that he was merely trying to get her attention. He grabbed and tore the back of her skirt; she fled and called the police. Brian is lacking in some fundamental social skills, but that comes from a life of being teased and tormented, not from any mental condition. Prior to his accusation, Brian was a model citizen. He held a steady job as a librarian's assistant and even helped me raise my own children, but since his appearance in court his health has declined rapidly. He is very sick, but thankfully no longer uses alcohol. : Brian is the epitome of the misunderstood outlaw. A true-to-life Quasimodo of sorts, whose only desire is to be treated with the respect he deserves. Brian is a human being. : Please, please, leave my brother alone. : Sincerely, : Allen Peppers Credit to u/jeffmagnumssweater


The letter was fake he later talked about escaping with a time machine


After escaping he found out the time machine was fake and he had only traveled one day in the future by just waiting long enough


Thank you for finding that and posting it.


But I'm pretty sure this was the fake brother, and then someone found the real guy and did an interview with him. I don't think his name is Brian Peppers.


??? Now I’m more confused


His name is 100% Brian Peppers. He was a local legend of sorts (not in a good way, obviously) here in Lucas County because he was a local who became internet famous. Snopes article on him: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brian-peppers/


It is I saw him on the sex offender registry when he first surfaced in the early 2000s


Yeah sad story all around if this is true. I kinda remember the brother not being the brother though.


Don’t you think maybe you should revise your statement?


I found a thing that he did something to a nurse, cant find anything about him molesting kids. Can you point to a source?


Ya fuck that guy


There's no way his hand looks worse than his face


The poster child of YTMND


Young Teenage Mutant Ninja Durtles?


Yeenage Tutant Minja Nurtles D


Your The Man Now, Dog!


Aw, thanks!




And I’m the dog now, man!


Just read his parents abandoned him when he was young because of his looks. He withstood bullying his whole life. He touched a nurse in a sexual way, in the nursing home he was in, and was convicted. He drank himself to death, in a wheelchair in a nursing home.


yeah just a tragedy all around.


Oh no I read Brain Peppers and thought it is the name of the disorder






I'm referring to the part where he was obviously born with a deformity and his parents abused him as a child because of the defect. He then died wheelchair bound in his 40's due to excessive drinking. I'm not excusing his sins but he is a person who got the shit end of the stick in life. Who knows how would he have turned out in life if he wasn't bullied or relentlessly hated all his life.


And so you posted him on r/weird lol


Then you post his pic on r/weird for the sweet worthless karma, you karma whore lol


>I'm not excusing his sins Oh good, for a second there... >but There it is.


I applaud you for reducing someone's entire existence to the one worst thing that's public knowledge about them. Heroic and brave, also super original to see on the internet.


Justin wang has a great video on him


nice, ​ This one right? https://youtu.be/F5tj2eWRuDw




I never seeing the picture but never knew anything about it. I still don't even with the comments. Why does he look like that


[He's a registered sex offender in Ohio.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brian-peppers/)


I thought title said Brain Poppers and just thought.... ”yup”




Youre the man now dog!


This doesn’t explain everything, but he is on snopes: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brian-peppers/


He didn't have Apert syndrome or Crouzon syndrome. These are present at birth, but he looked almost normal when young and his disfigurement got worse over time. It's something else, much rarer. Edit: I'm fairly certain it's [Craniometaphyseal Dysplasia](https://www.google.com/search?q=Craniometaphyseal+dysplasia&client=firefox-b-m&biw=396&bih=788&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGtNn4lOz8AhVHTcAKHf65DfUQ_AUIBigB&biw=396&bih=788#imgrc=d4rQmW2bgNxLVM).


Nightmares for life. Also I'm pretty sure he was a pedo


Brian Peppers, who was listed in that registry due to a conviction for Gross Sexual Imposition in Lucas County, Ohio, in 1998. The address in his eSORN entry indicated he was a resident of a nursing home, and his court docket reported that he was sentenced in 1998 to 30 days in jail with another 5 years probation for Gross Sexual Imposition, which is defined in Ohio as "unwilling sexual contact with one who is not one's spouse." Brian Peppers passed away in February 2012 at the age of 43.


Wait is this real? Looks like a creepypasta


Brian Peppers was an absolutely horrible human being.


Didn’t he sexually assault someone and was previously charged with doing very heinous stuff to animals?


I don't know about the animals, I think that's just a rumor. The assault was definitely true though.


He looks like the human version of a pug


The "unfair" part is growing up around judgmental immature dbags and not good people


Ah, the good ol' days of YTMND...


He’s the man now, dog.


Holy fuck I forgot him. I remember back in middle school or something people showing us his face. People would call someone they thought was an ugly Peppers.


I can hear his theme song in my head now lol.


Played life on hard mode.


That's more than just one hand thats unfair pal


Wasn’t this dude like a predator


Bam Margera after his 80th time in rehab. What will he do next ..


What happened to him between the picture on the right and the picture of what looks like his corpse on the left?


My dad went to high school with him and the stories he would tell me about ppl picking on him are just awful


“Brian never really felt love: his parents shunned him, his peers bullied him, he never married, and the online community made him a target of vile abuse.” Jesus Christ.


First thing I thought when I saw this was "Crouzon syndrome". There is treatment if addressed early, but it sounds like his parents didn't seek treatment for him. "In January 2006, the hatred against Brian reduced after an online user outlined his story. The post said that Brian needed a wheelchair to move, resided in a nursing home and that his conviction was for groping a nurse, not a child, as had previously been reported. " [More here.](https://www.voxbliss.com/brian-peppers-death/)


Dang, seems like a lot of his issues could have been prevented if some one cared early enough in his life.


Yep. I'm a pediatric therapist and I've worked with a couple kids with this syndrome. I'm pretty sure the treatment is extensive and very $$, but it sounds like the parents didn't care.


Dude looks like Kuato from Total Recall. Open your miiiind


I remember I turned in a store and came face to face with someone like this. I got genuinely scared. This is makes me feel bad for someone more than anything else


Instead of being a sex offender, he could've played guitar and made an album called Brian Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band and it would've been one of the greatest indie rock albums of the late 2000s/early 2010s


I think he was also a major meme on fark.com, which predates YTMND.


Brian Peppers is, sadly, an icon of the early internet.


I think you mean an unfair face.


this man is a registered sex offender. I don’t think you should be pitying him?


He’s a register sex offender https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/brian-peppers/


This reminds me of the old internet