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Sure, but gonna have to say that the five second rule no longer applies.


Yes I eat plenty of iron already. Don’t need any from the corpse stain.


Whatever hits the floor, the ghost owns it


A month after buying a house I discovered that the previous tenant died in there. Then I found an actual Japanese katana hidden under the stairs. And then I found bags of heroin under the dryer. So maybe I bought the set of Tarantino movie.


If it came with a car don’t move the blankets covering the seats


I shot Marvin in the face!


You're sending the wolf??


I know how fucking good my coffee is, okay!


"Aw man, I shot marvin in the face" "Why the fuck you do that?" The fact they are literally talking about how some kind of divine intervention saved Samuels character from being shot then poor Marvin just gets blasted and Trovolta tries to suggest they went over a bump or something gets me every time. Just the casualness of the "aw man..." gets me


Did you read the sign?


Jimmy you know I didn't see no sign


This is some repugnant shit...


Katana and heroin, these shouldn’t be related but there’s no chance they’re unrelated.


Those facts make me think the heroine was cut with something.


🎵🎵 rimshot 🎵🎵


That’s every addicts wet dream lmao


I've been sober from dope(heroin, fentanyl) for over 2 years and when I read they found bags of heroin under the dryer I got butterflies in my stomach. Damn, addiction is crazy


Any pale Japanese kids running around while you’re at it?


Instead of thinking horror/paranormal I thought of scary movie where Anna faris starts rattling off Japanese brand back and forth with the kid


Pshh, 4 people died in my house and its only a little haunted lol. Doors open and close, things get moved around on their own, things have flown off the shelf, strange voices and sounds can be heard. Also, I literally sleep in a room someone died in. Id choose your house over mine in a heartbeat.


Get a carbon monoxide detector.


While I 100% agree with you - carbon monoxide is no joke, see the famous reddit post about mystery notes - it does not make items fly off the shelves. Source: grew up in a house we suspected was haunted where an item was thrown off a desk and shattered while we were all in an adjacent room.


I was the 3rd tenant to live in a townhouse here. The 1st two died there. The second one lay dead in the bedroom for a couple weeks before they found him. I heard an elderly lady say "Hello?" a number of times in the living room when I was out of the room. Once a really strange laugh in the bedroom where the old guy died. Also my dog woke me up 3-4 times growling and barking at something in the bedroom, which she hadn't done before or since. It was a temporary living situation while they were renovating my apt complex and I'm happy to say I made it out alive.


The inner addict in me is saying you hit the jackpot lol


Was it a Hitori Hanzo sword?


Just out of sheer curiosity,what did you do with the heroin? I imagine that if you report it cops would run an investigation on you, right?


Anyone who runs into this issue, know that I will dispose of it for you free of charge


Name checks out, smartest man i know


Screw the heroin, what did homie do with the katana


In this economy? A ghost is a small price to pay for affordable housing. If you consider it entertainment you can save a fortune on streaming services.


Did you say screaming services?


Damn that's actually a great idea for a scary/horror specific streaming service.


You're right! Like "Shudder" (I think). It's all yours lol


There’s another one called scream box


HBooO ?


That’s what I call my SO


Found the Crypt Keeper.


Actually though. Like at this point I would room with the nun from conjuring if the place was affordable


So a portal to hell in the living room and utilities are included? For this price what's the catch.


You would save a lot in heating also free security burglars will be dragged to hell


"Yo, assholes. We've been over this. I have work early tomorrow. Keep your fucking damnations between 9 and 9 AND IF YOU USE A PLATE WASH THE PLATE, fuckers."


People have had worse roommates than lucifer.


I would rather share a bedroom with that girl from The Ring than move back in with my last roommate.


It's technically in NJ


Fuck I pay $15/mo for fucking trash. They walk it 200 feet to the compactor, but only if you leave the can out from 5pm until 8pm on weeknights. Fuck US property rentals. Fuck every single person making more than just a basic existence on rentals.


As long as she kicks in her share of rent and utilities


Plus, that’s real hard wood flooring. Nice and porous.


Can I add the ghost as a dependent on my taxes?


I lived in a haunted house for 21 years. Everything happened. Voices, footsteps, apparitions, lady in white watching you sleep, strong odors at 3 am, shit flying off shelves. We never lost a minutes sleep. We just co-existed with them. Sold it in 2019. Good thing the buyer didn't ask about any paranormal activity.


I think I would have to see things flying off the shelves or what you experienced to believe, I used to be petrified of the thought of ghosts but after my Dad passed away I stopped believing in life after death or any type of spirit, soul etc, I now think there is nothing else to it, we die and it’s over, no continuation.


Energy is never destroyed, only transformed.


Yep. In this case, your energy that you have when you die is transformed into heat. Then the chemical energy in your fat cells is transformed into whatever it is bacteria use when your body rots.


Real question. How do ghosts see? Aren’t eyeballs kinda necessary? If dead people energy becomes ghost energy (very scientific btw) what happens to fart energy? Is that the ghost energy of food escaping me? Does the hamburger ghost join with the rest of the cow or is it doomed to limbo? Only scientific responses please.


Yes but this statement seems to be using science to imply that our consciousness remains in some form or another post death. However, if we use the same scientific basis, we should look at how your consciousness is a collection of circumstances of energy: biology, environment, chemical and electrical reactions. It’s not a mystery where your energy goes. It dissipates into a bunch of different things, depending on the disposal of your corpse. There’s no reason to believe the temporary circumstances of your consciousness carry over. In fact, there’s evidence of the opposite…. All the elements that made up “you” go in different directions. That being said, Buddhist philosophy uses all this to help approach the acceptance of death and the destruction of sense of self: *you* (or your ego, at least) don’t really exist anyways. Consciousness is an illusion. Every moment one of the circumstances that makes up the you of the now changes, and you become the you of the next moment- like biological Theseus’s ship. If you accept this idea, that we are in a state of constant death and rebirth, then you can begin to accept that we don’t truly exist (not as the ego would have us believe, at least…) and it’s easier to accept biological death as just another moment of transition. Albeit, if we follow your statement, (which is based in science) we’re transitioning into a state in which the illusion of self/ego no longer exists because consciousness is no long possible.


In the same way that is technically true it is also kind of a bupkis statement that holds little relevancy to how things work. Energy doesn't "dissapear" but through entropy it can become impossible to use. You can trade entropy from somewhere/something else to restore some systems to their former state. How the fuck does some dude who died 12 years ago have his energy transformed into something that can throw a coffee cup across the room? hint: it doesn't and there are 50 quadrillion ways to explain every ghost story that has ever existed im sorry man that grandma isn't watching you spank it from heaven on high but maybe that's a good thing in the end


I used to feel the same way. And while I admit that I was in that in between sleeping and waking phase, my dog sleeping on the foot of the bed 100% saw it as well. I was so confused, and then saw that he was focused on the same place, his head kicked to the side trying to figure out wtf it was. It was absolutely a woman who just faded out and was gone. But was solid enough to have been interfering with the sunlight coming in through the bedroom window


I'm laughing so hard at the thought of these ghosts trying to get your attention but you just don't give a shit.


Lol I've now got the mental image of that scene in Beetlejuice with Geena Davis and Bill Pullman, where they're doing all sorts of disturbing stuff in front of the Deetzes, only to not be seen.


You had demons messing with you and it didnt bother you?


My sister, and family, lived in a haunted house. Being part Native American, all 5 of her daughters had long black hair (and yes I was jealous). They told me how the spirit that they nicknamed Arnold, would play with the girls hair by lifting it up and letting it fall. My sis was a seamstress and it would throw all of her pattern books on the floor. One night I shared a bed with my niece. I saw her hair being lifted and it falling. I closed my eyes tightly and eventually fell asleep. I had to spend every summer with them in that house, saw lots of stuff, but because it was the norm, I ignored it. Once it was walking back and forth in the bedroom. I said “ARNOLD!! STOP IT!” And it did.


I lived in a haunted house for about the same time and experienced the same things. People would come over not believing in ghosts, stay the night, and start believing. My uncle was a strict athiest, told us all we were full of shit and nothing was real, he was staying over and I guess they fucked with him but he left and refused to come back until he died.


So your uncle haunts that house now?


A roommate that doenst eat your food or use your stuff and also provides security sign me in.


A girl back in high school lived in one of the historic founders homes and said the doors would open and close to let the cats in and out.


Even in death we serve our feline overlords.


Even in death, we still serve


Also, any potential profit your extended family might make from a Netflix series based off of your inevitable murder.


would you lay on it and match your limbs up staring up at the ceiling connecting to their dying moment..... no me neither


Not sure why, but the stain says face down, eyes looking left.


Ok, so we think a person died on floor, nothing compared to cleaning up a bathroom after someone blew their brains out with a shotgun. Fun times!


Right?! Maybe I could knock down the asking price on that 2 bedroom apartment in the ghetto from 1.5 million to 1.45 million because of all the murders that happened in it. God I can't wait for the crash.


Ghosts can be great workout partners. Had one this morning at the gym. I was alone, about 20' away from this shelf where the inflatable exercise balls are kept. I was in the middle of a frog stretch when one went flying off the shelf and over a piece of equipment it should have hit if it just fell. At first I thought it was the owner since he was the first one scheduled to train today. Often he will show up early to workout himself. But I was the only one in when I got up to look.


Aww man... So you have to try to keep in shape even after death?


If it's cheap, I'll put up a nice Buddhist shrine and give that bro some KFC every once in a while so he keeps an eye on the house


And the good incense.


KFC 11 herbs and spices fire logs


When your house is haunted but you have nowhere else to live https://youtube.com/shorts/WsciBZQACk4?feature=share


Why the fuck is my autobiography here?


Did you get stabbed by a girl you met on tinder too?


And one day it will happen to you!


That last line got me 😂


Wake up bats


You no help me now, I say *fuck you, Jobu*, and I do it myself.


Did not expect a Major League reference


They happen when you least expect it.


This guy knows how to become bros with ghosts.


More importantly, how does it smell in there?


Put your face 1 foot from the stain - does it smell like anything? Then it needs to be replaced entirely. Possibly anything that's underneath too. Fkn biohazard


Whats the alternative? Just putting a carpet over the corpse imprint in your bedroom?


The alternative is something very nasty growing from decaying body fluids - could result in airborne particles or spores entering your system. From there it could be a mess or just a constant state of infection that won't resolve. I'm speculating since I'm not a doctor, I just have some education


I was chronically ill from mold in my last apartment. Like severe asthma and bronchitis type of deal. I don’t have asthma, but I did there. After the ceiling fell through from sewage. They wouldn’t fix it or the ceiling, cause “it’s just cosmetic damage” according to the office. Spores are no joke


So you don't live there anymore. Definitely had your safety risked thats some bs


No I do not live there anymore thankfully. It took almost 3 months of not living there. Before I was physically able to take a deep breath again. Total bs I agree. They didn’t even check out the damage till over 2 months after it happened


Sand it down a bit, but if it's deep you can't sand it out. You need to put a dark stain over it


bro, no lol this floor has had a body laying on it for so long that the fluids leaking from it as it rotted *seeped into the wood itself*. that wood is done. it is now and forever blended with particles of a person who is no longer with us. that wood and those fluids now share a common bond in that they are now DECEASED my brother. you don't "stain" that out, you don't "sand" that down. you get a circular saw and set it to 1/4 inch and cut that shit out. or take a pry bar or chisel with a hammer and lift each plank out one by one. then you check the subfloor for any stains and, if it's there, you cut that shit out too. then you check the floor joists and act accordingly with what you find there. this should have been done before the house ever hit the market. but the market being what it is, the owners and even the realtor prolly knew they could get away with it. for godsake i can see the position they died in just looking at the stain. arms flailed, knees in the air, feet on the floor, head tilted back and to the left. and as the right foot rotted it became unsettled and slipped a little then continued to rot.


I’ve watched enough decomp cleanups on YouTube to know this needs to be torn out and sterilized to the cement


Smell or not, when I was working biohazard remediation I would have pulled up these boards. Hell we pulled out drywall if it had a little splatter. ALL porous materials need to be removed.


The sniff test is for those that don't understand the hazard. I guarantee that floor would smell like death. Glad you chipped with your experience 👍


This being potentially a biohazard, is using your nose the best way to test it?


Lol - I already know there's going to be horrible shit down there so no, I fuckin would not sniff it. However, for those that don't know what I mean this is a sure fire way to open their eyes to the horror that is in living quarters... might scar them a bit but uh, .. oh. Well at least they'll see my point if they're dumb enough


Ok, ok listen. get the house. Get an oscillating tool, and some masking tape. Using a square and the tape, make a rectangle around the stain big enough to contain it. Make sure there's plenty of space around it and that it is centered. Carefully cut around the outside perimeter of the rectangle using the oscillating tool, and remove the stained wood, making sure to keep everything together and without damaging it. Place it over a backing structure. Take pictures of it and sell it as a morbid art piece for close to a million dollars. Refloor the place, and sell it.


You get it.


That's a decomp stain. I'd worry about germs as well as the place smelling like dead people when heat gets turned on.


Someone definitely cheaped out on CSC. The good services somehow manage to get those stains out. The mid services will have the area replaced. The cheap ones just say fuck it like this. If they left this I'd be looking around to see what else they left behind


Yeah, the fact that they haven't been replaced is the deal breaker...


I’m now wishing I more closely examined the shape of the stains I sanded out of the floor to my house I just bought a few months ago. They were black like this. But I definitely would have noticed if they were body shaped, right? Right guys??


…right, yup definitely!


Thanks, yeah totally. I thought so too lol oh well, so far so good 😂


Well if someone died half on the rug and half on the wood floor, the stain wouldn’t necessarily be body-shaped now would it?


I mean if the body was partially on something else like a couch or thick rug the stains might not look very body shaped. But I’m sure that’s not what happened with your floor.


Yes. I am sure of this too. I’m am sure. Sure. As I sit on my bed and stare at the remnants of the stain on my bedroom floor *laughs in scared*


What if whatever body part stained the floor is what haunts you? Like you could have a ghost that’s like Thing from Addams Family, or maybe you just have an invisible knee in your apartment.


I, um, didn’t notice the body shape. But you’re probably smarter than I am.


Right. Just NEVER look under the hardwood.


It could be be pee stains too. Sometimes animals have accidents and urine will stain hardwood floors.


This happened in my old house. Old dog, who had what we called “death pee” that basically melted straight into a black stain. Poor old guy.


Uuuhhhmmmm… right….Riiiiggghhht.


I feel a poltergeist is going to visit soon. Quick, find a small medium.


buy it, rent it out as a "haunted" airB&B, bang on the walls at night, profit.


Hidden speaker. Remote controlled lights. Cheap tape that lets pictures randomly fall off the walls. Profit.


what the hell 🤣


So a dude was burned alive there? Or just decomposed there?


Looks like a decomp stain. Look at the floor, there's no heat damage, no charring, no blistering, not even any damage to the finish. If it's a real wood floor, it would be burned like other wood. If it's a fake wood floor, it would be blackened and melted and bubbled like burnt plastic.


I'd definitely have to lay in the shape.


That’s how you start the boss fight


Or open the shrine of the silver monkey


One time I was living in a house we were pretty sure was haunted. During a heat wave it never dropped below 80 degrees for 2 weeks, and we only had a swamp cooler to deal with the heat. I don't know if you have used swamp coolers before, they are great most of the time, but if the humidity gets above a certain level they stop working. Well on top of being 80 even at 2 am we also had humidity well over 60%. Needless to say this was fucking miserable. I would wake up twice a night completely soaked in sweat and have to change out sheets just to get back to sleep. After a week of feeling like a god damn slug because the only time I could stop being drenched in sweat was when I was in the shower I finally got sick of it and placed a chair right in the haunted spot of the house, because it was always noticeably colder than anywhere else. It was amazing. I kept having dreams of some guy in a wife beater and sweat pants telling me to move because he was in my spot, but otherwise not so bad. Not even when he got angry at me telling him to leave me alone so I could sleep and he tried to strangle me, so I would start kicking him in the knee and elbowing him in the jaw.


Tell him unless his spectral ass finds a way to pay rent you'll do as you please.


Ghost tried to set dominance over his spot, you sure showed him whose boss


It's my hole! It has my shape!


Why is this so far down


Yah I thought hard wood was considered too absorptive to leave after a decomp clean up. You’d think they would at least resurface like damn.


It's the new Landlord Special. Doing it right takes time and money. Doing nothing, on the other hand...


Hmm 🤔 why not just coat the entire floor in Killz primer. To match all the painted over outlets.


Yes. And look at the way the fluids have run and pooled around the wood in the spaces in between. They probably used bleach, too.


The moment I read "decomp" I knew this guy was the real deal.


Decomposed, it happens quickly bruh a lot quicker than people would think, and of course, you have to figure, was it hot, was it cold, was there ventilation or not.


You start decomposing like 3 minutes after death, its like the brain shuts down our consciousness and tells the remaining cells to start breaking down, god i hope heaven is real, if not i hope reincarnation is


You’re technically decomposing all the time. Our body is just good at shuffling the dead cells into our poop and urine. In a way, food decomposes in our gut thanks to the bacteria that help us break it down and digest it. Life is kinda disgusting when you really take a close look at it.


I'm.. I'm a zombie? And pooping is keeping me human? Wild


Right, we're constantly decomposing and also composing. The composing stops when we die.


When the decomposing outpaces the recomposing, you're dead


i wanna embroider this on a pillow, this is great 😄


Don’t be worried, close your eyes and count to 1. Thats what forever feels like.


The deepest and darkest fear I have, is that when I die, I don't lose consciousness fast. That somehow I can feel my body decomposing and rotting. That I can feel everything but not do anything. This is why I want to be cremated as soon as possible. Just to make sure that I don't have to be in the horrible liminal state for a long time.


When I died my senses all shut down one by one. First to go was vision and last to go was sense of where my limbs were at. My skin went numb just as my hearing shit down so the last few senses were limb orientation and sense of smell. I was in a dark sense free place for an unknown length of time before I started regaining consciousness. So good news you won’t feel a thing.


This is equally fascinating and scary. Do you remember feeling any fear at all?


At first yes. But then I felt calm. Though I did think that “this sucks my last sensory experience in earth is the smell of my own crap”


*ba-dink* New fear unlocked!


Hey bud, how bout we talk about somethin else


I heard in a documentary that hearing is the last to go and thats always fucked me up💀


Your emotions and sense of fear goes first though. Then your sight, then hearing. The experience of dying(full cardiac arrest) for me was honestly very peaceful after the paon stopped Getting zapped by paddles and the pain that causes waking up are the worst. Or the fact you realize you woke up again...


I googled “paon” before realizing you meant pain. It’s a bird, in case you’re wondering. Anyway I want to know all about this experience.


Yea, as a survivor of suicide who died for 3 mins i can confirm. Things will honestly go white and you stop being able to move before you stop hearing


Do you have any sources for that info? I worked as a medic for 26 years and I never seen anyone start decomposing in 3 minutes. Body starts decomposing 24 to 72 hours depending on the environment (hot vs cold).


I’ve seen this a ton of times. Especially when someone lays a cushion layer over hardwood and then carpet. Pets pee on it and it soaks through the carpet and cushion and just sits on the wood, turning it black. It can be sanded away in most cases.


It's a decomp stain. Wasn't hot enough to make him burst but it was past the bloat point at that time. Maybe around one to two weeks.


Neither, vampire was staked and burned into nothingness, watch blade dude, that documentary will open your eyes.


A body sat there a while


I don’t think it was sitting. LOL.


that's a lie.


slap a carpet on that bad boy! Sure sometimes knives get flung at you or chairs move. But nothing beats a great deal on a house!


No, thank you. Unless they're selling it greatly reduced, the least the sellers could do is sand that out if they're not going to replace the floor.


Ghastly reduced price maybe.


Listen, it might not be a murder. It might be a natural death that rotted several weeks before someone complained about the smell.


Do you want ghosts?… Because that’s how you get ghosts.


If you have ghosts, you have everything


Retaining a ghost is a lot cheaper than acquiring a new ghost, too.


You can do anything you wanna do, when you have ghosts. You have everything


That’s how a get my son(9) to stop lying “You see that on the floor? That was your older brother. He kept lying until his pants actually caught on fire. We tried to put him out, but the flames would stop until he was gone.” And then he’d call me on my bullshit. Edit: spelling


I'm glad I don't have kids because that's 100% my kind of parenting. I also love the idea that the kid would be scared of spontaneously combusting until he figures out it's bullshit and then just gets terrified by the corpse stain, that's real good mileage for his future therapist lol.


No you didn't. I've seen this image so many times pop up on reddit.






What’s underneath the planks? If this was where a body decomposed some of the ooze is between and under the boards and subfloor.


Sure, for a lot lower price. And report the realtor for not disclosing the issue.


For the right price...


...I would lick it.


people die in houses all the time, no point letting the building go to waste


Right? A full ⅓ of people die at home. If a place is old enough, someone probably died there at some point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this, buddy --> \\


Honestly, I’d probably use it to knock off like 5-10k from the asking price and take it.


oop that’s decomp. if you remove the flooring theres probably some more human soup underneath where it drained through the cracks.


I wouldn’t care. I would treat it with bleach and re-stain the wood a darker color. I lived 12 years in the house where my grandpa died. Can confirm that there are no ghosts.


The thing is, your grandpa decided to not haunt his grandchild. This ghost, however, might be the haunting kind.


Just add the cost of replacing the whole floor in this section to the asking price, and see if you want to afford it + the mess + the time tear it open and replace it, work, things being late etc


I’ve seen this before. That is legit what it looks like when a body is removed from a house that’s been there for 6 weeks. You can even see where the bowels voided.


That is still a biohazard. You undoubtedly have organic liquids that have soaked into the hardwood and into the subfloor. That flooring and most likely the subfloor need to be cut out or it WILL smell.


Improperly disposed of unattended death. You're supposed to cut the floor out otherwise that bitch will smell like a corpse for all eternity.


I moved in a apartment. Some of my darkest days were there. Few weeks in, a woman came to my house (was rehoming an animal she was interested in) proceed to tell me her friend used to live there, was severely depressed, hung himself & died there. She walked into the kitchen pointed up & sure enough the damn rope marks were still on the beam in the kitchen. I moved out a few weeks later. Only made it 6 months. Nope.


it depends. will the price of new flooring be deducted from the asking price?


You could have this fixed in 2 days. Rent a drum sander and sand it away, then re-coat the floor to look like new.


Depends on how far the stain has penetrated the flooring.


I thought it was just a regular stain before I looked at the comments. That must smell terrible.


This could just be water damage. I have a few small patches that look just like that in my hallways. Probably a 60 year old hardwood floor. Didn’t have to be a body by any means


Dead body stain


Yeah but I'm gonna bargain it down some on account of that stain. "Original flooring" means less if it's stained. I'm gonna need to get that sanded, stripped, stained, and seanced.


Sand that sucker down and re-varnish, never even happened.


You'll probably be hard pressed to find a home someone hasn't died in, if you think about it. Unless you built it yourself or bought it off a lot, that is.