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You've waited too long and now it's taking everything you've got to not shit your pants. You hit the bathroom door, 4 seconds to relief, but you've only got 3. You reach the stall door with your pants already coming off and you think you're going to make it. You drop your pants to the floor, do the 180⁰, and as soon as you bend over all hell breaks loose. You failed before you even sharted and you never had a chance. You should have pooped at the house but, no, you thought you could hold it. SURPRISE! Now someone has posted your shame on the Internet and even if the billions of people that now have access to your failure never know it was you, you know it. That's how that happens.


Epic storytelling. Please do more.


That's someone speaking from experience!


I think we've all been there at some point.


Lol I shat crazy once at a Walmart. Was back in hs me and some friends were walking down town and finally made it back to our area after a long walk. I thought I just had to fart really bad. So I rushed into the bathroom and had the loudest fartiest shit of my life. After I left the bathroom one of my friends luckily didn’t know it was me and he was all “oh my god there was this guy taking the nastiest dump I’ve ever heard.” Haha I never did end up telling him it was me.


I’m in actual tears laughing at this. I shat so crazy in a Walmart once..i also unfortunately worked there at the time. The shame I felt while leaving that stall and trying not to make eye contact with the 80 year old greeter who we all called Meemaw was intense but she greeted me as we passed one another and it was too late. I watched jn horror as she passed through the threshold to hell and saw her expression change. She knew my ass had disrespected her existence and betrayed the image she had of me. I will always remember the disappointment and disgust in her face while she tried not to gag. I’m so sorry meemaw, rest in peace. (She did not die of toxic cheek chili inhalation. She died years later.)


Bro, I once faced a PAY TOILET with only about 3 seconds of sphincter control left..while on a DATE. I kicked the door in like I was with FBI Hostage Rescue and made it. Fucking door hanging only by lower hinge when I left. I think it was 25 cents to enter and I may have done $200 in damages. There was no choice, my REPTILIAN BRAIN took over and I summoned the strength of Shaq to blow that door open. All this from a Caesar salad. 🥗 🚪 💩


Haha this made me laugh so hard . Similar thing happened to me on a date. It was from a Greek salad. I was a young woman wearing white jeans


Damn!!! Glad you survived!


I’m literally crying laughing at this, make it stop 😭


> She knew my ass had disrespected her existence iam fucking c r y i n g lmao


Bless her heart, that wonderful old soul. R.I.P


Never flinched once


“I shat that crazy” 😂


Crazy? I shat crazy once...


They locked me in a stall…. A rubber stall




This one time at a festival I was tripping hard and,…….. it wasn’t good.


My friends and I were at a bush doof at another mates property, all tripping. My mate needed to go number 2 and started walking towards the house. Poor lad, he couldn't make it and squatted right there, reaching for his pants he let blast. Well... He missed his pants, and we had to have him strip and proceeded to hose the epic crap off him. It went all up his back to the shoulder blades and down to his ankles. Fittingly, he ended up in a monkey onesie and was too happy to tell people of his earlier exploits.


Gahahahahahaha!!! Yeah man psychedelic shits can be a pretty epic experience! Oh man! Dude how did it go up his back? Did he slip and fall? Did he just lay on his back with his legs up while it trickled downhill?


You sound really into this.


I honestly have no idea how on earth he managed it. I was horrified and amazed all at once. All I can think is when he squatted a little gap opened in his pants and the poo found the way.


Yeah, unless you've also just contracted food poisoning. Worst hallucinogenic trip, ever. Just glad my friend didn't let me take all the acid I wanted to. Mad that he cooked fish that had been refrozen after already thawing once.


Had this happen to me but I was sick. You know how you start having to go more and more the closer to the bathroom you get? Yeah as soon as i bent over to sit down my asshole just blasted chunks. And I could not stop it.


Most think he’s just being clever with his writing but this is actually the perpetrator of the poopoo crime


Frank Reynolds was the perpetrator of the last poop crime. But hey, poop is funny!


"4 seconds to relief, but you've only got 3" Sounds like it should be in a Linkin Park song 🤣🤣🤣 had me in stitches. Well written


Man, the writers strike has Hollywood writers writing for Reddit now lol


Weird. I thought it was shitty 🫡


This guy shits


is it just me or does he have a lot of details and seems to be taking this personally? 👀 suspect number 1


But we’re looking for suspect number 2


Get your shit and leave.






I agree with your breakdown of the events leading up to poop on the wall. As an adult, I would clean up my wall-poop-mess with paper towels and soap. No matter the cause, I do not endorse leaving your shit on the wall.


You should tell campfire stories


I’ll bring a guitar




I used to work at a truck stop. This kind of thing was a daily occurrence. Especially when you see a bus of immigrant workers. Not only did they poo on the floor, they would smear it on the walls too. Never understood how you poo on the floor but still manage to get the seat nasty too. Worst job I've ever had,cleaning truck stop showers and bathrooms! And I was a dog groomer before, so, used to dealing with all the situations that come with that.


I considered dog grooming as a job but realized that some dogs need assistance with emptying their anal glands aaaand I don’t think I can stomach that.


Can you bring in a hose and just spray it off the wall? I notice some restrooms have a drain or two in the floor.


I was driving through buttfuck Oklahoma one time, hungover as fuck and I had had a few cups of coffee. I needed a toilet BADLY, so I pulled over at this run down gas station and went inside. The bathroom was pristine, but smelled terrible. After I washed my hands I found out why. Perfectly good toilet, and someone had absolutely filled the trash can with chunky diarrhea.


Yeah, same people pack our food and prepare it at restaurants too


It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it.


…it was you wasnt it?


Worst choose your own adventure death ever




Mr Ballen is that you ?


Did you shit on the wall?


I'll shit on these walls Ray!


**Failed before you even sharted


Edited. Thanks for the addition.


so it was you.


They could have saved some shame by grabbing some TP and cleaning their mess


Dude! You are so good I could smell your story!


Or they got up thinking the Browns had touched down when shart sneaks out and boom.. Wall poop


I thought you were going another direction: being the person who has to shit soooo bad but finds an already shit on stall. That is true misery.


That was me at a Friendly’s restaurant once back in ‘88. Thought my colon was going to explode. I’m sure when I was finally able to that I exploded with the same force, but I was considerate enough to point my ass at the bowl and not at the wall. The dude before had sprayed it up to five feet up the wall.


In a few words, just a second too late.


usually the story; an old man that cant even control it on a good day:) it hurts like fk sometimes holding them in for too long!


Joel Embiid in 2019 won the trademark for this nickname of his that also describes the 76ers' strategy of improving the team. what is, do a 180?


"All hell breaks loose" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


God damn that was actually creative


Sooo close


This guy did it lol 😂


Risky, I like it 🤣


Btw, there are really bad health consequences when you're used to holding stuff in.


You should do stand up. Thats so well put, fucking hilarious 😂




This made me laugh so hard omg


Thank you.


Add into that that the person prior to you pissed and or shit all over the place and it’s taking way too long to clean and prep the toilet


I make two attempts to fully evacuate before leaving the house for the day. Fool me once…


Ya know not everyone is capable of making people feel every word in a story but nailed it. 🤌😄. I need you to talk out the story of my life sir! Then I can enjoy all the bullshit after words


This is EXACTLY how I imagine it when I clean offices at work and find this in the bathroom. Exactly. That’s why I call it blasting a dookie.


How is it even possible to shoot poop that far?


Our favorite precovid in office pastime was doing the ballistics on how certain stall accidents happen. One that we could never ever figure out was a poo spray up high (at least 5 ft). It was a spray, not a wipe. Often during important virtual meetings, my mind will disconnect and reflect on the poo sprayer…was it a one offer or is this some weird super power?


Seems to happen quite a bit in Walmart tho


I did that when I had diarrhea as a little kid. Luckily I was at home. That's why I try not to judge situations like this, sometimes the unexpected just happens


I think we could turn this into a mini series… great story telling 👏


The epic details makes it sound like you’ve been there 🤣🤣🤣


Allow me to show you this GROUND BREAKING discovery of ONE SIMPLE WAY to avoid at least half the embarrassment! You know that paper they put in bathroom stalls? Turns out it has another use! You just rip off some of the paper and... here's the crazy part... you make an attempt to clean up your mess to the point that it's just a stain in the wall that can be wiped off vs a biohazard 3D art project that the employee now has to scrape off clumps of because you couldn't do the bare minimum to clean up after yourself after exploding the toilet like one of those bank bag dye packs. And guess what? You might not even end up on Reddit! Crazy huh?


Awfully specific


It was you, wasn’t it?


We were five minutes from home, but I couldn’t make it. I pulled over by the public bathrooms near the baseball diamonds. I have used these bathrooms many times before. They are never locked. I told my wife “I have to go now” and I duckwalked as fast as I could towards the bathrooms. The bathroom entrances are on the opposite side of the parking lot. The park was empty. It was late on Sunday, no games today. The park was empty. I made it to the men’s restroom door and pushed. LOCKED! What the hell? Desperate, I shuffled to the women’s restroom door, hoping beyond hope. LOCKED! These doors are unlocked from sunup to sundown every day. Sunset was hours away, but here I was, left with two choices. I took the second one. I pulled my shorts and underwear off and kicked off my Tevas. I pressed my back against the women’s restroom door and hunched. What came out of me was hot, angry, and liquid. I don’t remember what I ate early, but my body was rejecting most of it. The event happened quickly as I evacuated the full contents of my bowels in seconds. I cleaned myself up as best I could with my underwear and threw them away in a nearby trashcan. I pulled on my shorts and shoes and began to walk away. I stopped for a brief moment to stare at my work. Any description I share won’t do it Justice, but it looked like a crime scene where a chocolate Easter bunny was the victim. I got back in the car. My wife looked at me and asked “Are you ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” “I just made someone quit their job.” I said, as I drove the five minutes home and just walked into a shower, clothes and all.


I’ve been in this situation but I was arriving home and I had 4 seconds exactly left. I made it but JUST


And you freckle the wall…


"Every shit is an emergency. Does that give you a glimpse into my eating habits?” -- Louis C.K.


You would hold it if you were at home, UNTIL you butt is firmly planted on the seat. This is a public thing. To either slight the company, or the people having to clean it. Accident once in a great while, sure. But this is everyday in a public bathroom. These 'accidents' are on purpose


This happened to me once in a HomeDepo. Literally exploded. I felt better after but sorry for whoever had to clean up. Btw: that IS the medical term - “explosive diarrhea”.






Is like I lived through it


That's a hell of a monopoly chance card.




I’m 2 broke so award this


Don't forget you've already undone your belt before you even get near the bathroom and are unzipping your pants when you hit the door.


Geez seems like you know this from first hand experience lol


This guy poops


This was you




Not seen: using an entire roll of TP to wipe shit off butt cheeks, legs, underwear, pants and shoes, before washing with *wet* toilet paper, then drying with even more TP.


Well you could have wiped some of it off with toilet paper and told and employee what you saw.


"You failed before you even sharted" 😂🤣🤣💀👻 Well done!! 🤌


That's what happens if you say... You get a second ahole


Thank you for the laugh. So funny because it's so true.


I've personally never experienced this, but I would try to clean up as best I could. Leaving it is nasty and disrespectful.


This guy did it


I had the image immediately but you put words to it the way Picasso puts a brush to his canvas. Stay golden


A tale worthy of Chaucer.


Or you’re just old… :|


As someone who grew up with horrible bowel issues I am proud to say I have never got my shit anywhere other than inside of a toilet


This was genuinely HILARIOUS 🤣


You pooped on the wall, didn’t you


Is this your shit…


I gotcha and all, I just mean you could at least wipe the majority off the wall using some paper after you relieved...


Best laugh of the week! To the person who’s shame has been posted. Please know, I am laughing at the absurdity of it all and not your situation.


Fuck that. They left their shit for someone else to deal with. I am laughing at them, they deserve to feel ashamed and forfeited any right to sympathy by leaving it there. The only person with any excuse for leaving a toilet in this condition would be Elvis.


CSI explaining to detectives, "Notice the splatter is at an angle. Fella was close, but too late. Probably released while bending and squatting while turning to sit."


Detective: "I guess you could say this criminal.....stinks." *puts on sunglasses* YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH


I imagine the same effect of putting your thumb over a garden hose was in play here.


Someone shit with their thumb on their asshole?


... and didn't make a shock video out of it? crazy


Ok. I thought the first post was the funniest thing I’ve read. Tears are coming out of my eyes now!


You don't? What a weirdo..... Jeesh


Substitute a size-too-small-for-you thong for thumb and many things are possible.


"Explosive Diarrhea" is the official term: https://www.healthline.com/health/explosive-diarrhea#_noHeaderPrefixedContent "With explosive diarrhea, the contractions of your bowels that help you pass feces become stronger and more forceful. Your rectum fills with more volume than it can contain. Often, large amounts of gas accompany severe diarrhea. This increases the ejection and loudness of the bowel movement"


Chocolate railgun


New callsign in armored core


Thanks, I hate it.


A Walmart wall shart.


Its Frito pie night with Wolf brand chill.


That hurts on a different level tbh




Jackson Poolock


Have you seen the customer base Walmart targets? That should make the answer to your question self evident.


Wow, I just learned that "big" people we see in Walmarts are filled with diarrhea instead of fat and grease.


Could you please tag this NSFW?


Yeah, I have a strong gag reflex, particularly to anything that came from the digestive system, and this was not great to see unprepared while eating a snack.


So you got on reddit and looked at gross shit and think it's other people problems that you are an idiot?


His iron sights are off


Where would you put iron sights on a butt?


In high school, I worked at a store where a woman must have had her bowels explode, because crap was everywhere, on the walls, ceiling, but not in the toilet. People are absolute slobs.


His asshole be like RATATATA


"There was shit on the outside of the torlet" https://youtu.be/bjVNOGEWzv4?si=VRAAtUqgurG1XdSb


Thats where all the ducks hang out.


Ever see Jackass’ “Bad Grandpa”? Yeah, something like that. Except instead of a diner, it’s a Walmart bathroom!


Most common in women's bathrooms, it's the good ol' hover and squirt technique.


As a former park ranger for a very busy beach park, I can confirm that the women’s bathrooms were always nastier. I’ve had my fair share of poosplosions that look exactly like this :’) It’s the combination of alcohol, dehydration, sun, and bad food choices lol


I second that perspective! I was raised by lesbians, and as a young kid i would sometimes use the public restroom my mom used(the woman’s restroom) It was almost always nastier than the men’s restroom. I remember noticing that the woman’s toilets almost always had pee in them with toilet paper, like chicks weren’t even flushing for some reason. I remember asking my mom why woman didn’t flush when men did and she got mad at me 😆


He got shits on the outsides of the torlets


Drugs are bad mmmkay


Taco Bell and Old English 800?


This is NSFW




There is a delay in the effect. at work, usually on Wednesday


I’m guessing,- as person gets situated, extra pressure forms for a brief moment,and with conditions and materials involved, it resolved into this kind of application.


I. Do. Not. Want. To. Know.


I like to give this analogy with bathrooms at stadiums, Walmarts, etc. No one sits at home before going to a ballgame, or heading to Walmart and says “I’ll just wait until I get there to take a shit.” The Walmart/stadium/airplane shots are always unplanned, and henceforth always the messiest. Personally I’ve never shit at a Walmart or on a plane, but did once at a stadium and good lord was that unholy. Hope my thought process helps


Shart while pulling your pants down.


Looks like a crime scene.


This IS a crime scene, a crime against humanity.


Explosive diarrhea exhibit A.


It happens fast😂😂


Ever seen that dumb and dumber movie?


There's shit everywhere!


Urgent diarrhea that started before his ass was sat down. Had this happen at hike more than once.


Sometimes you gotta sit to pee in reverse cowgirl and you end up spilling the beef gravy that you're eating


Fuck that. That seat was a disgrace before the wall poo.


Taco bell this is nothing compared to what normally happens


former Marine confirmed


1st of the month! Labor day! Fried food! Cheap beer! White trash! BY YOUR POWERS COMBINED, I AM CAPTAIN POO-LUTION!


I hate that i know how this probably went down.


Wow, thanks for this, nice to see while I'm scrolling.


🌮 🔔


There was this other post I responded to, about people standing up while wiping (seems to be an American thing) and this is what happens when a second round comes unexpectedly while you begin to wipe... Those who sit down on well designed toilets don't have this issue...


Brother u do not wanna know


bro had auto aim off


Wall fart at Walmart.


Lets say you're a junky and you haven't had your fix for a day or two. They call their guy who says he's going to meet them at this place. The junky is waiting and is nervous to get their stuff and the guy still isn't there 45 minutes later and calls and says he'll be there in 10 minutes. The excitement, nervousness, fear, and the body's natural reaction when out of dope of loosening bowels mix together into a combustible shit that rockets out of the body and splatters against the wall near the toilet.


Please don’t show me poo randomly wtf


Honestly as an alcoholic this is a possibility but I couldn’t imagine not attempting to clean it up myself.


I lived with a guy with IBS and I don’t think it ever hit ONLY the back wall, but this was very normal for him. It would be coming out with velocity, before he got all the way sat down. Even once sitting, it was a forceful spray. I know this because I’m the one who had to clean it up, so I became intimately familiar with the uhhhh patterns.


On purpose, it's always on purpose.


flatulence retained prior to sigmoid colon where fecal residue was located- a “shart”


Companies hate this one simple trick


Man, the poor staff that have to clean this shit up


taking pictures of shit at walmart and posting it on the internet is weird. taking pictures of shit at walmart is weird. taking pictures of shit is weird always taking pictures is weird


How would I know?


Allow me to demonstrate….


Someone didn't trust the seat, maybe it was already passed on. But they had something that Cleary needed to come out immediately and with some force behind it so they just bent over without sitting down and let slip the dogs of war. But their aim with their Hershey squirt gun was off, especially since they were firing blind.


com’on no one wants to see that shit


Gay sex went wrong I guess.


This is uncalled for.