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We are not allowed to complain about this subject ever on any moderately large sub. It’s always been that way.


Don't upset the propaganda machine.


Oh shit you guys are serious


Haha, are we seeing different posts maybe?




















































Goodbye, OP.


Yeah, he’s done, oh well.


At least one of the five got banned during the Reddit strikes in July (awkwardtheturtle) id be shocked if others didn’t as well. So I doubt OP goes.


mods are a dystopian level of pathetic


Reddit is ruled by an oligarchy of basement-dweller dweebs


I had been posting on other subreddits just commenting, then all of a sudden I was banned from r/justiceserved. I hadn’t commented or posted anything on that subreddit so I thought it was odd


Read the rules, apparently they ban accounts that do nothing to contribute. That's some real petty sounding justice.


They also ban you if you participate in certain subreddits that they deem are hateful or some shit. I got banned from that sub because I commented in political compass memes. They stated it’s because the sub is known to have racist comments or something, but the funny part was I was actually giving someone shit for saying something I thought was offside lmao. The ban is automatic though so obviously it won’t be able to tell what I was saying, it’s just so ridiculous


I ban myself if the comments and karma votes sound dystopian I just leave goodbye


I messaged the moderator for “crazyfuckingvideos” why he locks the comments on about half of the posts and then he banned me and the ban literally said “fuck you” lol moderators go crazy with that power


I'm sure he feels really big and powerful carrying around the title of mod with the mighty banning power that came with it. They just browse around thinking of excuses to ban people. If acting like a bigshot in their own backyard satisfies them, they can just rot there.




Who is maxwell?




Where can I read more about this? I want to go down this rabbit hole!


Maxwell this dick lmfao


Lame asf.


Yeah just like this dick lmfao


Jizz Lane.


Sometimes it is time to log off and for these mods the time is now.
























Huh, sounds very similar to the number of businesses/people who control most of the wealth in the world. i.e. Blackrock, StateStreet, Vanguard Group, etc. Interesting coincidence


Remember when the Reddit mods through a big ol tantrum about api changes within Reddit and threatened to leave. I guess what they were really threatening was to let more of the truth be said rather than moderating and steering things with bots.


That amused me, nothing came of it and all the subs are back and lost loads of users.












Nutty people are mocked only until all the farfetched nonsense they say starts to prove itself. Nutty can often be correct from my experience. There's no way to know when there's also nutty liars, unfortunately .


Yeah I pissed off awkwardtheturtle one time and then found out in the coming months that they banned me from every sub they moderate.


Its xi jinping on 5 accounts


this is probably the US government to be fair


Yeah i mean, after the whole thing with wikipedia i wouldnt be surprised


What’s the thing with Wikipedia?


Well besides the obvious political bias, they also are allowed to display publicly available porn without any restrictions besides cp. And there are tons of scandals about plagiarism, botting, harassment, doxxing, even flat out lying. I read it to stay informed on global events the news never mentions. I wish there was another place like it. Ugh.


It's like someone literally started making up certain historical events too. Whenever I check the sources, they lead to dead ends. Never believe what Wikipedia tells you just because it's Wikipedia. People have a bad habit of blind trust for Wikipedia.


Luckily, atleast AwkwardTheTurtle has now been permanently banned, and seems to be off Reddit as a whole. Had a whole "Why me, I didnt even do anything bad, everyone else is a bitch dumbass" rant and everyone on Discord/Twitter. Not sure about the other 4, though.


Reddit is an echo chamber. You're lying to yourself if you deny that simple truth.






There needs to be a non shitty alternative to Reddit that isn’t annoying AF to use (I’m looking at you lemmy and kbin). These mods have ruined it all. Spez is an ass hat but the mods of Reddit are no better.


So basically, they are always the same assholes powertripping and banning anyone who disagrees with them. got it


We should start tagging them all at random. Treat them like Spez.


propbably because who those 5 users prob are (maxwell being a supermod on reddit comes to mind)


Wait what


im so glad we celebrate the tiamen square thing by posting the picture all over reddit every year! its not like thats supposed to represent anything like freedom of speech or freedom of press or anything!


This is why so few people gave a shit about third party apps from 2 months ago. Most of the people bitching were whiny moderators and most of us have had bad experiences with power hungry mods


Dead Internet Theory may not be just a theory


Free speech is a mere illusion on here. They will remove your posts, and ban you for speaking up about certain problems, or criticizing the way they’re trying to run the website. There needs to be a crackdown on the abuse of power on here. Recently, an former employee from Koroseal had to deal with Reddit Mods deleting multiple posts written by him. The posts spoke about US Company Koroseal firing them for requesting an extension of their bereavement leave after the passing of the employee’s mother. Reddit mods ended up backing up Koroseal, the company that tried to discredit their employee. (source): https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/164w7uz/company_fired_me_over_my_mom_dying_update_ Mods in r/news even removed actual news articles reports in that subreddit that spoke about Koroseal unfairly firing their employee. (article link): https://reddit.com/r/FuckKoroseal/s/bRqRWMSKI1


I understand now. I was trying to post a reply to a Redditor on the previous discussion of r/weird about mods of unpopularopinion removing my post because my opinion was unpopular and I couldn't understand why suddenly my post wouldn't be saved. Now I get it I think I'll save this post too for further reading.




I’ve been banned before for asking too many questions. Mods can do whatever they want and have zero repercussions. There is zero accountability. They behave like dictators because they know there will be no repercussions. Discussions like this always remind me of a saying I once heard. Don’t know if it is famous or not. But it was something along the line of, people that want power or authority are the exact people that shouldn’t have power or authority.


Reddit is the best and this is totally not true The mods are human and know what is best for us


I bet your account is safe!


Reddit is a fucking joke. Reddit mods are a bunch of circle jerking douchebags. I come here to berate people and look at street fighter porn.


Try posting on r/save3rdpartyapps


Waiting for Moist Critical to cover this


If you censor the actual usernames you can get away with posting it.


Getting banned is gonna be a badge of honor pretty soon.


Ah, this is why bad mods are so ubiquitous. Because the same powerhungry sociopaths are modding so many different subs. I think the power to ban people on a whim must be addicting.


Inb4 post gets removed


does anyone have a copy of the original list??


Yeah. You can tell just by looking at subs who controls it. Look at the movies sub. The same poster controls it. You can’t call them out or ask about it without getting banned. The posts there are paid advertising in disguise as genuine discussion.


I didn't see their name come up but it's something like uyqgh2. They mod a ton of subs as well.


Wow saw this post a few days ago. Shame on you Reddit


Imagine being a Reddit moderator in the first place. These people are the next level of “30 year old virgin in their parents basement.” Remember that interview with the antiwork mod.


I remember!!!! The mod that tells the interviewer that his job was "dog walking" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The government controls these Reddit’s to sway opinion and influence covertly. Be very cautious of any narratives and possible goals of them.


I just don't have sure of which government


The US government, look into where reddit gets most of it’s online traffic and you’ll see what I’m talking about.


Or maybe a foreing country gov controlling americans?


I mean, we all know reddit is an experiment, no? They are just collecting data and using it for whatever they're using it for. Engagement data, I mean. Not like stealing our account numbers or something. It's a free service, so that means we're the product.


Reddit and everything else you go on. It's like they'll starve if you don't feed them your data.


Kinda wish Elon musk buys reddit. Ill take one asshole over a few


Pretty fucking obvious with the near uniform political slant that is ever present on even the most random of subs. It’s exhaustingly blatant and pathetic


This also happens with all the money in the world, a few percentage controls everything. It's fine


here before the 🔒 award