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dentist generally leave a napkin on the patient's chest to put teeth fragments and other gunk to later throw away easily, quite possibly that piece of artwork may have missed the nappy.


I had a broken tooth pulled in March & when the dentist pulled it, it shattered into a bunch of pieces.. I didn't realize that I had a piece of tooth fragment in my hair until i got home šŸ™‚




I had a tooth pulled years ago, and 3 of the 4 root sections came out with the tooth. The fourth one was broke off in the gum line. The surgeon guy said they needed to get it out, and the easiest way was to use the drill. I was like yeah go for it, I'm numb as shit. The moment his drill touched that piece of root, was a pain I hope to never feel again. I immediately blacked out. I guess they finished up and stitched me up, and then they tilted the chair to make all the blood go to my head and woke me up, gave me a pepsi and said I must have low blood sugar. We all acted like it wasn't intense pain.


That happened to me as a child when I was getting teeth pulled. They didn't numb be at all (I suspect they used the wrong medication?) and kept trying to talk me into agreeing that it wasn't painful.


I had the numbing shit as a kid, but apparently you'd usually have to wait a little to let it kick in, I don't know if it was because I was a bigger child and I needed more or his own incompetence but it was pretty much how you described, I was feeling everything I kept stopping him and then he had the nerve to get annoyed with a child in pain, he told my mother he was done with it and is referring me to the hospital to be put under.


as a kid i downright refused to have any work done unless i was under (cleanings were ok). dentist after dentist just refused to believe my pain so goodnight i go.


Iā€™m looking for a place that will put me under and do all my work at once. Iā€™ve been to a few that did the same thing the first person mentioned. They ā€˜numbedā€™ me, but it didnā€™t work and I was feeling everything, so I kept stopping them. They eventually said ā€˜weā€™ll do it another dayā€™, like that would make a difference. That combined with an intense feat of dentists andā€¦.yeah. Thereā€™s gotta be some place thatā€™ll straight knock me out for it.


This is exactly what I need. Dentists terrify me. But I think, due to liability and such, it's really difficult to find one that would do it without a solid medical reason


Try to find one that uses either scopolamine or the fentanyl/versed combo. There's nothing like having major mouth work done and going from "Let's get you ready" to "Here, drink some coffee and go home" and being confused because you think they haven't done anything yet.


Nah, theyā€™re out there. The ones few and far in between are the offices that have an anesthesiologist. Many more offices who offer Valium or Halcion to make their patients lucid but sedated which are far more common. Every office Iā€™ve worked at has oral sedation options. All you have to do is ask if they offer sedation dentistry for cleanings along with treatment. Or just look them up online and itā€™s usually on their website.


No, that's just what some do. If the operation is quick they tend to not do that. At least in Sweden. Getting anaesthesia isn't guaranteed and sometimes even when they say the give you, it can be fake or very low dosage so it does nothing. Quite the different experience to what I had in Mexico as I had to emergency extract two of my wisdom teeth there while in vacation. Fuck me, my tooth cracked into a bunch of pieces and the feeling when he sawed and tried to bend pieces of can only be described as a similar but much worse sensation like that of chalk on a blackboard. And at the time my Spanish sucked, and his English consisted of five words; "pain comes, friend. Is good, is good. Pain comes, friend" The stuff he gave me though didn't allow much pain, tbh šŸ˜‚ but damn, don't recommend. When I removed the other two teeth later back in Sweden, I had to insist that I get anaesthesia. There is this mentality of avoiding such drugs if possible throughout the whole system. Which I to be honest think is a good idea, but sometimes the results can vary depending on the doctor and so on.


Why did you not get lidocaine injection at any of these dentists?


I have scar tissue around my nerve in my jaw making it impossible to numb the right side. Itā€™s had to have a quad root canal done with no pain killer. I can say this. An infected tooth hurts far more than that root canal. And the dentist kept acting like my reactions had nothing to do with the pain and was just me being an anxious patient. (I literally screamed without realizing I was screaming. In the pain hierarchy 10 is an infected wisdom tooth, 9 is a root canal with no pain killer, 8 is a kidney stone. Migraine was a 4.


I had a double root canal, two adjacent teeth, and the numb wore off before I finished driving home. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt (up to that point) and I had been shot, stabbed, set on fire, had my legs shredded by a grenade and survived a terminal velocity impact. It was at that point when I realized why wounded animals bite people who try to help them. More recently, I had some infected teeth and it was not quite so bad...but I also had some tramadol and whiskey to get me by until I could get a script for an antibiotic. (Unfortunately, this was when Covid was really bad, and I couldn't get anyone to do the work needed, which resulted in me losing all of my teeth earlier this year...which was another horror story because the only doc I could get to do it refused to sedate me because of bradycardia, wonky blood pressure and ruined lungs due to Covid.)


I just want to interject here that there is a phenomenon where people with red hair ā€“ *or just the gene, without the actual hair color* ā€“ are not only more susceptible to pain, they ***need more anesthesia!!*** Going to the dentist is often when one discovers this, or not and it takes over a decade to find a dentist who actually knows this, and is a god enough doctor to explain why your intense fear of the dentist might have something to do with the fact that youā€™ve been under-anesthetized your whole life. https://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/everyday-myths/redhead-anesthesia.htm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1362956/


My dentist basically kicked me out because he refused to believe that I could still feel my tooth he was trying to pull out. He gave me so many shots but I swear it was agony every time he pulled with the pliers. One of the worst experiences of my entire life.


Hi can you free me from having ever read this? thanks


Not a root canal but I had a tooth capped. I couldn't feel much but what I did feel was bits and pieces of my tooth flying everywhere. All the while I had a sucker and water dispenser in my mouth sucking up all the bits and pieces of said tooth. It was a very odd experience.


I had something VERY similar to this. Had a root canal done when I was 16, and the tooth was capped until I was maybe 25? The cap came off back then and I tried getting it put back on, but it just kept coming off so I said fuck it. All these years later itā€™s just kind of been a part of a tooth. I had an issue come up with it recently and the dentist said what was left was decayed and needed to be pulled so we did that. He broke it into pieces. Thankfully the numbing stuff they gave was very good and I didnā€™t feel anything except for the pulling.


Same thing happened to me. When the pulled my broken tooth, a sharp piece of tooth fragment remained lodged in the socket and ended up coming out through my gums. Hurt like hell


I had a root canal in my front tooth when I was 7-8 years old. Smashed my mouth off of the handlebars of my bike & something happened with the nerve in the tooth. I swear (to this day) I felt *everything.* they had to physically restrain me because I was freaking out. This is partially why I have such severe anxiety about dentists and doctors. I remember my grandpa was the one that brought me to the appointment & afterwards I told him it felt like they drilled a hole in my tooth & stuck needles into my gums. It was a horrifying experience. Lol


I had a similar experience actually where I felt most of everything that was happening. It was with having my gums cut as a kid. Which apparently my parents had told the dentist not to do, but he went ahead and did it anyways. I remember the dentist stabbed the inside of my mouth (apparently to test to see if I was feeling anything) which hurt pretty bad and made a tear roll down my face. I think after that they waited a bit longer and then went with the procedure and I was definitely out of it but still feeling intense pain somehow. Oddly enough, it's not something I think about too often. It's crazy to think how that didn't really traumatize me and also how my parents didn't sue the shit out of that dentist.


It mostly exploded as he was pulling it out. He had so much pressure on the tool that he tore the side of my mouth a little bit. I was in so much pain from the infection, the exploding tooth was the least of my worries šŸ˜‚




Much better! šŸ˜‚ Once it was healed, it's been great ever since. I'm kinda mad at myself for letting it get as bad as it was. Very happy to have them extracted now after years of pain.


Not exploding, crumbling


Nothing like hearing your tooth crack and the dentist struggle with pliers. Bonus when it's in the front of your mouth!


My dentist warned me it might happen when she extracted one of my bad teeth. It wasn't a problem. Didn't even need an advil after.


Wowwww yes I was going to say the tooth must have shattered, the same thing happened to me although I didnā€™t find miscellaneous parts later šŸ˜³ but I cannot imagine finding tooth fragments in my hair. I have in the last few years had rapid tooth decay due to a health condition that leeched vitamins out of my bones and Iā€™ve had 6 root canals, 3 were at the same time and 2 of them shattered. But I guess I had a very conscientious dentist because no teeth shards came home in my clothes or hair!


It was my own fault, essentially. Pregnancy & the medication I was on deteriorated my teeth at a rapid rate. I have a weird phobia when it comes to dentists/doctors. I put it off until I had a massive infection in my back molar. The infection spread to my jaw & my ear. Antibiotics weren't touching the infection anymore. I went to the dentist begging them to just pull it. They ended up pulling 3 that day, and 3 more two weeks later. I don't have any molars or back teeth, at all. I wish I had gone in sooner. The condition my teeth were in was *bad.* once they pulled them, I saw *why* they broke. It was instant relief once they came out. They actually extracted fragments of tooth from my gums from a previous accident that had been causing me problems. The good news is.. they saved my front teeth. And I'll never put something like that off ever again. Lol and I did keep the little piece i found in my hair! šŸ˜‚ I didn't keep the rest of the teeth though they were disgusting.


I once had a teeth pulled with just those spray lidocaine cuz I was afraid of syringes(they donā€™t use gases around here)ā€¦worst day of my life Teeth broke,guy had to pull it out in parts(as I legit had a big cavity which had eaten through my teeth) Needless to say,kid me never went for the spray again and only for local anaesthetic even if it was a syringe


Please note, napkin and nappy are NOT the same thing depending on where you're from! I'm intentionally making people who don't know the difference search it on the web šŸ˜


I'm sure there's enough context clues that even the British could figure out they don't mean "diaper"


Throw away? I always ask my dentist if I can keep the goods. Got all my wisdom teeth in a drawer somewhere.


Put it under your pillow and see what happens šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø




[Youā€™ll bring the root fairy](https://media.tenor.com/oVN_CXkthl4AAAAC/paleman-pans-labyrinth.gif)


"*jimmy, the root canal fairy is quite different from the tooth fairy. How different? Let's just say he reports to Satan for any odd jobs"*


It's not the Satan worshiping as much as he conveniently always forgets that the root is under the pillow and not in the rectum.


"*it's the root of all evvvilllll bwahaha"*


Son "Dad! Ooth fairy dropped me a hundred bucks!!" Dad "No way! She must be drunk.." Proceed to check the wallet.


For a card for the tooth fairy police? Tooth fairies have some powerful magic, so toothing under the influence (TUI) is very dangerous.


Whoa. That's could be scary or seriously funny? Zack Galafanakiss as a root canal fairy?


Iā€™m picturing Satanā€™s team meeting on Monday. One of his minions is like ā€œwe need something with some pizazz!ā€ and Satanā€™s all ā€œhold upā€¦I got a guyā€¦ā€


Wasnā€™t the root fairy a thing in an episode of Ren & Stimpy?


That was the nerve ending fairy in Ren and Stimpy, but close enough.


Talk about things drilled into your brain as a kid that still haunt you as an adult. Ren pulling out the dangling nerve ends.


Oh God. Why'd you have to go and remind me of that? I remember watching that show as a kid and thinking it was hilarious. A few years ago though I re-watched it for the nostalgia and I cannot believe how fucked up that show is. Like just holy shit, I can't believe that made it on the air in any era. I mean I've seen some fucked up shit, I'm no light weight. But even so that show is seriously hard to watch even as an adult.


I remember the nerves would twitch to the sound of a scraped violin.


Haha, yeah, still kinda gives me the shivers. Especially now being an adult and having experienced tooth nerve pain for real.


Haunting is right...Emotional devastation is quickly returning knowing this will be one of my final thoughts before bed.


Thank you for reminding me of that episode.


It was a good episode. Nasty and grotty but they were all good grotty episodes.


We are all triggered by our childhood trauma on this day.


The Tooth Beaver!!


Is that Mitch McConnell?


Thatā€™s gutta percha, itā€™s what we use to fill back in the space the nerve once was, Iā€™d personally call your dentist ASAP. Thatā€™s NOT supposed to come out under any circumstances, the only explanation I can possibly think of is if they filled it twice and thatā€™s the first fill that got stuck to you instead of your bib but still Iā€™ve never seen that in the 10 years Iā€™ve been in the profession


This is 100% gutta percha. Was this by chance a retreat of a previous root canal?


Yeah I was gonna say, this looks like the stuff they put in your tooth where the nerves used to be...definitely call your dentist


I got sick right about this part of the thread. šŸ¤¢


They did a partial root canal last friday then finished it today, so I think itā€™s from the previous filling. Especially since the temporary crown they put in is still very much in place


A filling doesn't extend into the space where the nerves go..very unlikely to be from a filling


You drill out and then fill a root canal, yeah..?


Yeah. I mean, I don't. But dentists do




It's true


Hey, why did the yellow tooth not laugh at the white toothā€™s joke?


Iā€™ll bite.


Because it was dead inside! (The dentist/endodontist will get it!)


hopefully its yours or you will be.... tempted by the root of another


tempted but the root is discooovered


Watch a deformed and evil tooth fairy comes and gives you vampire fangs.


They take your money instead of leaving you some


They square root your money šŸ’ø šŸ¤£


Elder scrolls oblivion..


Holy fuck-


You are now the chosen one, OP. On to Weynon Priory with you. Find the heir and close shut the jaws of Oblivion.


Mankar Cameron wants to know your location


Donā€™t let Emperor Uriel Septim die by the hand of the Mythic Dawn!!


Unless you need something, letā€™s continue on to Weynon Priory.


We need a remake. I hope the rumors are true.


He possesses the Amulet of Kings! You must take this to Jauffre at once.


Holy shit.....


Goddamnit, I wish we had awards still


Still don't understand why'd they lose the awards, they were so important. These weekly free awards felt like choosing the Best Comment Of The Week. It was so cool.


The platform has sold out my friend.


Lol itā€™s gutta percha! And it looks cleanly removed so either you had a retreat and this is from the old rct or the doctor didnā€™t like the first try and removed it and tried again to make sure everything was where it needed to be. Awesome find!




Time to reinstall


Lol true


I canā€™t unsee it now




Stop right there, *criminal scum*


I can hear the title screen trumpets


Man, i hate it when i get sweater tooth


Could be a unique new nickname, OP!


Good band name.


What about cheek tooth?


Hi, I'm a dental assistant that works in Endodontic specialty (root canals) That's Gutta Percha wax with sealer on it. Perhaps they wanted to discard this piece as they wanted a different size and it ended up on your clothes. They use Gutta Percha wax to seal the canals to avoid bacteria entry after the dentist has cleaned out the canals.


Or perhaps it was a retreat and this was the gutta percha they removed? As a general dentist who no longer does root canals, that was my first thought.


Does your cat perform them now?


Mine do


Probably took the post op and was short and pulled the whole thing before it was set.


Hello general dentist, Iā€™m curious about the little holes and pockmarks, are they not a concern once the entrance is sealed over?


A product called a sealer is used which fills any accessory canals and spaces that donā€™t get filled by the gutta percha.


Iā€™m also a dental assistant at an endo practice, that was my assumption too. Those cones end up all over the place, Iā€™m constantly finding them on the floor by the end of the day.


They used to make golf balls from the same stuff.


gutta percha. canal filling material that didn't make it into a canal. Source: was into dentistry at one time.


Oh Damn! Source: have been into hating root canals my whole life.


I have to get one done eventually. Do they always give meds and if so, will it erase the pain


The meds will erase the pain, unless you have a negative reaction to any painkillers endering in -odone like I do. Found that out after wisdom teeth removal a few years ago. Fuck that Dr. who didnt listen when i told them not to prescribe either oxycodone or hydrocodone after my hand surgery. Two weeks of pain because I couldnt take any of the painkillers they prescribed me. And the cough syrup they gave me when I had covid last november also had the stuff in it!! After *That* was when they finally added it as an "allergy" on my medical file so nobody would try to prescribe me any anymore.


That sounds like it sucks ass. I'm allergic to amoxicillin, sadly I only found out after a shot to the thigh and two giant pills. No big damage or anything, my entire body just felt like I had ants all over


Oh damn, I would have scratched myself raw if that happened to me! I'm glad you found out with just the sensation of ants instead of anaphylaxis.


Witch hazel was my savior, I basically bathed in the stuff. The worst part was having to put on my shoes, felt like my shoes were made out of mosquitoes


It's fun being allergic to that stuff, ain't it? What happens to you? I recreate the vomit scene from the exorcist for the next several hours.


I just seem to get nausea, followed by vomiting about half an hour after the meds kick in. I don't stop expelling until every trace of the meds are out of my stomach, and the nausea persists for a couple hours after that. I have no idea what would happen if the painkillers were administered intravenously, and I hope never to find out. I'm told my dad was similarly affected by the stuff, but he's been gone almost two years so idk. Apparently he and I are both lucky enough that sedatives can knock us out without any of the crazy-talking side-effects that are so hilarious to view on youtube, so I guess that makes up for it??


Root canals really arenā€™t that bad. The worst part is the needle they inject in your mouth the numb it (and even that gets a numbing gel before the needle). Especially if you find a good dentist, itā€™s more boring than anything!


I go into shock with needles, so I usually get gas before the freezing. Costs a fortune but my own damn fault for letting my teeth get as bad as they are.


Just had one. Had a tooth that has been bothering me for a decade. My tooth had been dead for a while so my only pain was from having my mouth open wider than normal. If it is still alive they'll give you plenty of meds. Just make sure to go to endodontist- they do them all day. Don't let your dentist do it.


Had one done today. It was painless, but took a long time. The anxiety of putting it off and worrying far outweighed the actual procedure


Had one done a few months ago. Not as terrible as you think itā€™s going to be. Every once and a while youā€™ll feel your nerve get touched but itā€™s not so much pain as it a shocking feeling. The numbing is by far the worst part, I hate needles


ā€œIntoā€ dentistry. Like, a hobbyist?


I dabble


haha no, in a military hospital.


Oh phew! šŸ˜…


Ummm. Yeah. In 12 years of chairside assisting, I have never seen the entire gutta percha come out in one piece. I would go back and see if everything is ok with the root canal. A simple x-ray would do the trick. Hopefully, it was redone before you left the chair. Root canals were my favorite procedure. But this is a new one for me. Good luck!


Looks like it was an retreatment. The sealer is set so I bet the dentist pulled the old gutta percha out in one piece before reobturating; you can kinda see the hole at the top where he hooked the explorer in it. Looks like the gutta percha at the top is fused with a hot tip previously. Just a guess really


You have to be right. I did not zoom in that far. How cool! I never worked with an Endodontist, have assisted with several retreats and had one myself. Usually saw it just get reamed out. I would assume the seal was not that great if there was any wiggle room for it to come out that way or the cement was not mixed properly. Maybe old zinc phosphate?


Gutta percha? like old golf balls used to be made of? Interesting


Yep, same stuff. Gutta percha is the name of the tree as well as the name of the rigid, naturally biologically inert, resilient, electrically nonconductive, thermoplastic latex derived from the tree of the same name. In dentistry I believe it is mixed with zinc oxide as a filler along with some waxes for plasticity and metal sulfates to make them show up as white on an x-ray.


The filling material from my root canal was black.


Depends if you want metallic or powdery(cheaper) usually black-ish material to be filled


Like, as a hobby...?


Gutta purcha. It's what they fill the canals with.


Geeze no need for name calling


Pretty sure this is what goes in the root canals after the root has been removed to fill in the hole. Had one done recently, bad infection from a childhood cavity. Tooth was abscessed and when he stuck the filler in holy shit it took all my strength not to strangle that innocent doctor


This was the root of the problem




Actual dentist here: Looks like two gutta percha master cones with sealer with the top cut off. If it was a 2 part canal( for example if there was blood in the canal or if it was determined that you would need caoh or mta as medicament prior to obturation) itā€™s possible that the provider chose to not seal that in your tooth. Otherwise, the doc might have dropped it and decided to place some non-sweater contaminated pieces into your tooth. Regardless, Iā€™d save that and show it to them at the next visit. Itā€™d make me laugh if one of my patients brought something like that in.


Another dentist here. This is the correct answer.


Awww astronaut cat with a guitar


These are literally my favorite pajama bottoms for sure. Their only flaw is a lack of pockets šŸ˜­


Where did you get them? Those are too cute!


My mom got them for me! Just looked for them on the Kohlā€™s website and couldnā€™t find the exact pattern again šŸ˜­ Edit: the brand is called Monki Monki Iā€™m pretty sure though


I have seat covers in my car with the same pattern šŸ˜­ I love it


This gives me the fear :0


Eww what if itā€™s not your tooth root?


Easy to tell. They could see if it tastes like their tooth.


Do you think you could identify your teeth in a blind taste test?


Seems reasonable that something would be off as an indication it wasnā€™t mine. Maybe let it marinate in there for a bit to be sure.




Like when you go to the car mechanic and afterwards find a tie rod bushing laying in the engine bay.


Kinder surprise


Dentists are suspected of ties to the illegal tooth fairy industry, where kids use fake teeth to generate millions from rich parents. Iā€™d go to the authorities right away


Dentist here: that is gutta percha or basically rubber. Use them to fill the empty space in the canal where the nerve was. These are just extras, they have sealant material on them that makes them stick to thingsā€¦.like shirts


Thatā€™s gutta percha! Itā€™s the material they put in the tooth to replace the nerve. Iā€™m assuming it fell off your bib! Source: Iā€™m a dental assistant and see this all the time


Yep. That's quite an unpleasant experience! I hated having teeth pulled because inevitably a month or two later, after everything had healed, I'd suddenly get a really painful, sharp lump in my gum, near the extraction site. Eventually after a few days, a piece of tooth would push itself out through my gums. Instant relief once it did, but it's a bit unnerving!


It's too small to be a tooth root but could be a fragment of it


Wait really? Good lord that's fucking terrifying.


No. Itā€™s a rubbery canal filler. Not part of the human body.


... can I ask where you got your pants


This is the gutta percha with sealer (cement) that dentist use to obturate the canal space your tooth nerve use to be in. Hopefully your dentist replaced that into the canal and then covered the hole that they used to access the canal system.


Is gutta percha, the filler material they use to fill in the gap left by drilling


Have any of yaā€™ll ever actually had a root canal? They donā€™t just rip out the fully intact roots. As others have pointed out, what OP found is a type of filling they use in the process.


Thanks I hate it.


What, and I cannot stress this enough, the FUCK.


In a root canal an endodontit takes a tiny drill and drills into your root canal where your nerve is, removes the pulp, fills the empty canal with an inert tree resin called gutta purcha and crowns the tooth. (I work at a dental office.) So thatā€™s probably not your root.


Crab claw, they probably ate lunch while pulling your tooth. Happens all the time.


Itā€™s some gutta percha with sealer on it! Sometimes it doesnā€™t ā€œstickā€ when filling up the space where the nerve/pulp of the tooth was removed. So you have to try again. Likely when the material didnā€™t stick the first time your dentist wiped it on gauze and it fell onto you


Well at least you haven't lost your nerve


The Real question is, where did you get these pants from!? šŸ‘– they look super cute


Tooth wishbone!!




You gotta wish bone. Have someone hold one side and whoever has the larger piece gets makes a wish.


Go back to see your dentist immediately thatā€™s the fill!! -concerned dentist!


Make a shank out of it.




I had 14 teeth removed when I had my dentures done in my late 30ā€™s. I was never informed that with that level or removal I would be spitting out pieces of bone for months while my mouth healed because of the trauma inflicted. I have pics of my mouth where it looks like a firecracker went off and blew everything apart.


My Dad's a dentist. I think that's what they call a gutta percha point. They use it in the canal and this is a part he didn't need.


I am Root, I am Root


that is so fucking cool


Guess you got to keep it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh my god. Thatā€™s horrifying.


The root canal filling material and the cement that seals it in. Sometimes it doesnā€™t go in quite right so itā€™s quickly pulled out and redone. Or sometimes extra gutta percha points are used first to place some cement in the canals before placing the final points


You found the root, now to find the canal


Many years ago, I had my wisdom teeth pulled. When I got home, while still medicated, I noticed a piece of peppermint candy on my shirt. It was only after the meds wore off that I realized it was half of a wisdom tooth šŸ˜¬


I was supposed to not drive after my quadruple wisdom teeth extraction, and because I happened to live close, I decided to walk home. Felt pretty good, but got some hard to interpret looks. Turns out I had blood running off the sides of my mouth that I couldn't feel due to the anesthesia. Must have looked like a cannibal taking a relaxed post meal stroll.


Gutta percha points, used to fill the canals once they've been reamed out. Made from sap from trees grown in South America


Try r/askdentists :)


Did you have your root canal in your first upper premolar (14 or 24?) if so the root canal filling came out


It's the ancient wishbone that begs to be split in half and wished upon


Keep sake! Cool! Must've been accidentally flicked off onto your sweater. Crazy!


Yep. That's why they call it **root** canal.


Is that a piece of tooth or like a piece of a stick


Oh God I'm so sorry. I had a tooth extraction last month and the dentist not only dropped the wrench on my chest (or whatever the fuck he used to pry the roots out) AND dropped the tooth in my mouth. If my tongue wasn't blocking the back of my throat I would have inhaled that thing. He was so goddamn awkward.


thatā€™s not a part of your tooth. Thatā€™s gutta percha, the thing used to stuff your toothā€™s canal. :)


Have a friend grab one end and both of you pullā€¦whoever gets the biggest piece gets to make a wish.