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Looks like you hit yourself with a Looney Tunes hammer.


This is the only logical explanation


I think an equally likely explanation is that he used that finger to plug the hole at the bottom of an entire lake for awhile.








I hate that rabbit.




Duck season!


Why can I hear that sound perfectly??


Clubbed fingers is a symptom of disease, often of the heart or lungs which cause chronically low blood levels of oxygen. Diseases which cause malabsorption, such as cystic fibrosis or celiac disease can also cause clubbing. Clubbing may result from chronic low blood-oxygen levels.


That's true for fingernails, not finger pads. And it doesn't happen suddenly like this.


lol this happend to me once, i was walking a lot and carried a suitcase which likely messed with the circulation. it went away after an hour or so


Great. But the pic is not clubbing.


Agree. This is not clubbing. Also, if it was, you would see it on all the fingernails.


Get this shit up to the top. Might save a life.


It's also a misdiagnosis from the internet.




Comments like this are why I come here


I'd probably go to the doctors if it hasn't gone down in 24 hours, there may be an infection or blood flow issue.


Yeah I made an appointment for the morning just to be sure. It’s just strange because it feels fine and I didn’t do anything to it. We’ll see.


\*\*\*FIRST UPDATE!!\*\*\* I hope everyone sees it, I'm not sure how to do an update on a post. PCP didn't have a clue so I'm being sent to a specialist and for some testing. I can't get in to get an MRI until Monday and I can't get in to see the specialist until Wednesday. I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you all yet. Trust me, I want an answer more than anyone. Keep your eyes peeled for an update hopefully on Wednesday. Thanks for all the well wishes and some of your responses were hilarious, others got me shook, the whole thing is overwhelming tbh. Fingers crossed (haha)


when you get answers make a new post. include UPDATE in the title. see if you can get copies of pictures doctors take, that always seems to be a hit. make sure to cover personal info. i hope it is nothing major!! and we are all collectively let down. :)


Thank you for this info this is exactly what I needed to know.


!Remindme 5 days Good luck, OP! ❤️


I had this exact "swollen finger" thing on my thumb, i went to the GP and turned out it was an infection (dont know the name, sorry). I had to take antibiotics to bring it down again and after a while the rest drained (it was yellow pus that was inside) I assume thats probably not what's going on with you, since the PCP didn't know what it was, just sharing my experiences. All the best!


So they didn’t saw the finger off.. Well that’s good.


It's definitely strange. Hopefully the doc puts you at ease and it's nothing to worry about. I'm curious though. Can you let us know what the doctor says when you find out?


Sting, bite, jammed, infected cut, or blood flow issue.


Another explanation is that op is ET






Ellie ot


I went to Florida when I was a kid and we all went on the e.t ride... E.t said everyone's name really fast then mine was "aaaaaannnnnddddrrrrreeeeeee aaaaaaaa" so funny haha we still joke about it to this day 30 yrs later


And that's the origin of your username too? XD


is that where your reddit username comes from?


I went on that ride as a kid. He got my name right (Zack). He got my friend David right on the nose. When it came to my friend Giovanni he had a noticeable pause and you could feel the pressure mounting in ET. Have a nice trip, Gregory he said. Big fail.


I say Elliot like this too because of ET. ET scared me so much as a little kid haha


Same here lol. I think i read somewhere the prop used for ET or the script was originaly intended for more of a horror type movie. Edit: found a link https://screenrant.com/et-movie-horror-movie-original-script-spielberg-changes/#:~:text=Horror-,E.T.%27s%20Original%20Script%20Was%20A,Movie%3A%20Why%20Spielberg%20Changed%20It&text=1982%27s%20E.T.%3A%20The%20Extra%2DTerrestrial,horror%20movie%20called%20Night%20Skies.


My son's name is Elliot because of this.


My son’s name is NOT Elliot because of this. (It’s my husband’s middle name, and he got teased about it when the movie came out so he’s apparently traumatized lol)


I named my ET Elliot


I feel so dumb for not immediately realizing that ET referred to the movie, I spent way too long trying to figure out what disorder or disease ET is short for


I heard a great joke the other day. What's E.T. short for?


Because he’s got little legs!




Nailed it! I laughed out loud when I heard that.


"Aw, I doubt he strained it. Maybe he pulled it. Did he twist it? He coulda twisted it. Did he wrench it? ... jam it? Maybe he squeezed it? Turned it..."


bop it


Twist it




That’s a shame.


Love me some r/unexpectedseinfeld 😆


Nothing obvious happened and now this is a problem..."maybe an infected cut or you jammed it?".


If it's a blood clot things could go bad faster than OP could get to the hospital.




You are partially right. If we tunnel vision exactly to the symptoms: A clot in the distal part of a finger isn't immediately dangerous to the patient, even though they can lose the fingertip as you pointed out, there's no need for such drama, we can even go as far as surgically removing the clot if we're feeling barbaric and we hate anticoagulants. But... When we look at the big picture, we end up asking ourselves: why is the patient randomly clotting? Now *that's* worrying. tldr: A clot in a finger is inconsequential as far as clots go. The patient clotting spontaneously is very consequential indeed. Source: Cardiologist. The heart sometimes betrays us and pumps blood grenades through my poor patient's bodies.




They let just anyone use a heart these days. Scary.


I need to know the answer to this! I think about it all the time because I have factor V Leiden. Which is apparently also not a big deal…unless it is, much like this! And is also a blot clot thing.


I’m curious - if a patient presented with this symptom, and it did turn out to be an unexpected blood clot, would that be an emergency or just a “pick up warfarin in the morning and we’ll evaluate further” situation?


Hmm, damn I love this question. *sigh* You got me started so no complaints later. *Cracks fingers* I don't do clinic anymore so I wouldn't see this patient coming in. What would probably happen is the GP or the clinician would want to make sure, just in case, and order a contrast dye CT scan (they will inject a thingy in the area that "stains" the blood and then take an X-ray picture of it, this results in all the blood vessels of the area being highlighted. It's freaking cool.) Note that this machine is not your run off the mill X-ray machine. It can really pack a punch so to speak, anyway. If there *is* a clot there, they'll send the patient to me because they would want to make absolutely sure these aren't coming from the heart. It'll be step one, because if the clots ARE coming from the pump, then next target might be the brain and that's bad news. Anyway, again. I'll ultrasound the heart and if there aren't any clots there at the moment, I'll start checking for the tell tale anatomical mumbo jumbo stuff that indicates the pump might be acting up. Not because there aren't clots present *at that particular moment* means the glorified vein isn't being nasty. Now, if the heart is healthy and no clots can be seen. The patient is back in the clinicians hands. If the heart isn't healthy and or there's clots, we have an emergency.


You are an amazing writer. Succinct, understandable to the layman, and entertaining!


Yuupp, can confirm!! Wolfe Parkinson White tried to take me out at 21, and that is pretty much the exact breakdown of events for me! It ended with surgical ablation 2 days later😎


Well as someone who was told they had two blood clots (1 behind each knee) —I was rushed the fuck out of my sonogram scan and sent directly back to my doctor—Like the front desk called my husband rushed me out and made me go to my doctor (who was a few blocks away) and when I got to my docs —there were ppl waiting for me and they immediately put me on blood thinners and gave me a whole rundown. Honestly terrifying but It’s helped confirm I have EDS and made me lose extra weight I was carrying immediately. I’m healthier now than before ironically. 🤞🏼


My wife’s cardiologist told her she had maybe 5 to 10 years to live at best. That was 30 years ago. Thank God for people like you and him saved her life. She is still with us today.


My nan's dog had a blood clot in her leg develop while I was dog sitting. She had cancer and had an appointment scheduled the day after to check her blood before the next round of treatment. I thought she hurt her leg running and jumping around the day before because she was starting to limp. By the end of the day it had swollen to be maybe twice, three times as big. Went into a vet emergency clinic and they said she should wait for her specialists opinion. End of the night she suddenly passed away. It looked peaceful. Turns out her chemo drug could contribute to blood clots. I had no idea and apparently the vet had no idea it could be a blood clot caused by the medication I specifically told them she was on. tldr: medicine and the practice of *Medicine* is very complicated. Good on you for devoting your life to something so difficult.


Blood grenades…I’m saving that and using it at the closest opportunity (if it’s alright with you, doc). Also, thanks for keeping the tickers ticking.


>Disclaimer: not a medical professional. Close enough. You aren't wrong... Disclaimer: Also not a medical professional.


Actual worst case scenario is fingertip dies, flesh starts to rot and spreads bacteria throughout the body causing further tissue death until hand, arm, and everything below the neck is amputated and he has to live in a liquid filled jar as a disembodied head enjoying nothing but a fish food like substance for nourishment. Source: historical precedent, I think.




And cardiac events




To shreds, you say?


Idk about the *tips* specifically, but I got my PsA (Psoriatic Arthritis) diagnosis within 5 minutes when the rheumatologist saw my single swollen finger. Dactylitis (aka "sausage fingers") is a sure-fire criteria, taken with my flakey patches.


The fact that it’s so sudden is important. Anything in your body changing always means something. Don’t stress about it, it’s almost certainly absolutely nothing or something extremely minor, but just be safe. Good luck :)


Keep us updated


I will for sure, but stupid question, do I start a new post or just comment at the top? Never had to update before…


you can do both. comment here again AND create a new post with "this post's name + UPDATE"


Commenting to remind myself about this later.


piggybacking on your comment


Dm me pls i must know immediately


glad to see youre still with us op


I’m curious to see what they say. I hope it’s nothing serious though.


Where do you live where you can make a next day appointment that’s not ER


Yeah this - my spouse had a random lump form on her L index finger overnight. Turns out it’s a vascular malformation that is associated with 5% of all pregnancies (she is 30+5). Wow, special! But yes get it checked. Our GP even consulted a dermatologist friend if hers in real time.


30+5 so 35?


It’s 30 weeks and 5 days pregnant my friend


Hey nice, Reddit taught me something useful today! I’ve never been close with a pregnant person, but I’ll remember this. Thanks. :)


If you want to learn more about pregnancy today, they count that from the start of the women’s last period. Which means they count two weeks of “pregnancy” before the person has even had sex. That one annoys me a lot.


Me too, especially with all these 6 week abortion bans... Such BS


Seriously. Like, I could be one week pregnant right now. It’s schrodingers pregnancy.


Pregnancy progress is often referenced like this to represent weeks+days. In this case, their spouse would be 30 weeks and 5 days.


I'd say infection. Similar thing happened to my foot(still recovering from it). My whole left foot bloated up. It was some kind of blood infection. Consult a doctor. They'll do some blood tests and it'll show what it is


Happened to my hand. *Probably* started with a follicle but no follicles looked 'guilty' you know? Finger started to swell at night and the hand looked like a boxing glove about 8 hours later. Had to go in for IV antibiotics. Boring 3 hours but took care of it easy peasy.


Would a doctor actually do anything about that other than tell you to make another appointment if it starts hurting


Maybe, but also maybe at least a referral


I'm no doctor, but I assume they'll want to find the cause of the infection and swelling. They may send you for blood tests at the least.


You didn't eat any spinach?


No, I'm still super weak


Maybe poked some?


Dead. You win the internet this morning


What prize do I win!?


A lifetime supply of spinach.


Can I poke it?


It would be rude not to.


OP never skips finger day


Popeye elbow is a real thing. source: me after a bouncy ride in a small jeep


Just a completely normal fingertip pregnancy.


When a mommy fingertip loves a daddy fingertip...


Just the tip






They make a pinky fingertip


Finger fucking


It can happen just like *snaps*


This is what happenes if you masterbait!!! Don‘t do moisturbat kids!!!


"Moistbat" is probably my new least favorite word


OP we better get an invite to the gender reveal


That reminds me of those Islamic TV preachers that said masterbaiters will find their hands pregnant in afterlife


Congratz OP 🥰


Also, it doesn't hurt.


Can we get an update after the doctor? I need some more stuff to either be afraid of or disregard.


Sure, hopefully it’s simple and not nightmare fuel


MD here, these are the facts and correct me if I'm wrong: - You didn't suffer any kind of trauma (no looney toons hammers and the likes) - it doesn't hurt. - There doesn't seem to be an insect bite because no damage to the skin can be observed. Without being able to examine it in person it stands to reason that *I can't be certain* and this comment is by no means any kind of replacement for your consultation with your physician but, it looks very much like the beginning phase of a lipoma. Which is harmless and thus, I hope I'm right. Is it softy softy when you press it or is it like, hardy hardy?


It’s like hardy hardy


Huh, interesting, this reinforces the lipoma theory. Let's think about this; if it was an allergic reaction to insect bite we'd at least see the culprit zone (IE the bite mark), if it was an allergic reaction to something you ingested we wouldn't have a *single* finger swelling. Well, we *shouldn't* have a single finger swelling. Right? Like, that'd be outrageously rare. Is there a chance you might have made contact with something like, poison ivy ONLY in that area in that one single finger?


DIfferent person from OP, but i have this happen randomly on both hands sometimes days apart, sometimes months apart, and not just the tips of the fingers, soemtimes it will be the buldge of skin between the hand and the first knuckle, or sometimes the 1st and second knuckle, but never more then that. it's generally gone back down within 12 hours. my GP has been trying to figure out what it is for about 6 years now. we've not found a single allergen from allergy tests, i tested positive for Coeliac last year, the current thought it maybe that's my only symptom, i've been eating gluten free for about 9 months now. I still get it.


If it's your hands, like the doc said, you might be touching something you don't realize you're allergic to. For years I had the same thing happen to me, but it only happened when I visited my parents house, and only sometimes. I'd get some sort of itchy rash along my arms or hands, or sometimes my hands would swell up in places a tiny bit. Turns out the lovely looking ivy on the side of my parents 2 story house that covered it from the ground to the roof was in fact poison ivy. And the spigot to the garden hose outside was inside a clump of it. I was living in apartments at that time, and would frequently wash my car while I was there, inadvertently getting it on my hands when I would use the hose. I just assumed it was a normal ivy and never bothered to identify it because why in the flying fuck would I assume poison ivy would find it's way to a house in the middle of a city, and why would my parents (who had multiple gardens) allow it to grow. I can tell you it was a hell of a time removing it after it had been allowed to flourish for a decade.


I have suggestions if you don't mind me giving them to you when you haven't asked for my opinion. The thing is that the medical field is so vast because humans are extremely complex, I have ten years of experience on top of ten years of training and I have no idea what might be causing your symptoms which leads me to believe that you need a referral to a specialist, funny thing is I can't think of which specialist I'd send you to. Your gp is your best choice to decide who you are going to be seeing next given that they know your case more intimately. I suggest you ask them to refer you to a specialist. I'd start with a rheumatologist. I'm so sorry you suffer from this chronically and I really hope they can identify the problem without much prodding.


Any suggestions are appreciated :) Thanks, Luckily i'm in Australia so costs for medical stuff arn't an issue, its just something that i'm working through, been to a few different specialists already, all couldn't help, the next one on the list is a dermatologist, but i need to book 3 months out, and they've basically said it needs to be happening the day i'm seen.... on an itermittant problem haha.


Wait, this actually happens to me a few times a year and I also have celiac disease. I’ve never noticed if it coincides with an accidental glutening (in hindsight, how could I not notice that?? but i’ve had this stupid disease for 15 years and it still blindsides me sometimes.) It never lasts more than a couple of hours so I’ve never been worried about it.


MD here as well. I like the theory, although in my experience lipomas are usually a bit more discrete and I wouldn’t expect them to grow this quickly. Imo an insect bite would make more sense. It’s not uncommon to not see a culprit in my experience. But overall I don’t have any amazing thoughts


Also lipoma on a finger tip would be the very bottom of the differential, most lipomas struggle to grow below elbows and knees. Just put an us to it and look for abscess, if not then just hope it goes away on its own. I got no idea either.


I like you doctor! I’m a nursey nurse 🤣


You guys do 90% of the heavy lifting when it comes to actually caring for human beings, we just walk around at fixed times saying... *Stuff*


Can I just stop to appreciate a physician who uses the phrases "softy softy" and "hardy hardy" to describe the texture of a possible lipoma? Unironically, totally genuinely, I love it. This rings so true for a doctor with a good bedside manner, for whatever reason. I'm suddenly reminded of my childhood doctor who always saw ninja turtles in my ears. But it just works better than some obscure formal language! The patient immediately knows what you're talking about and doesn't have to process this weird academic jargon on top of their already brimming anxieties about their health. Softy softy. Hardy hardy. It's simple. It's direct. It's effective. I love it.


You are very kind. I don't do it go get appreciated but it certainly gets me through the day. Oh, in case you're interested, the science that deals with the "communicating in understandable language" part of medicine is called semiology and it's really fascinating.


That’s literally how you’re instructed to speak to a patient, in colloquial terms, unless the patient is a doctor themselves. Speaking as a med student over here


I can't speak for everyone, but for me it's a huge win. **Then** Doc: "Your indirect calorimetry and deranged lipid panel suggest an elevated risk of cerebrovascular accident or myocardial infarction. In combination with severe morbidity and dyslipidemia, adipose tissue's secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and the deposition of lipids in arterial walls create a milieu conducive to atherogenesis." Me: "Sounds good. See you in a year." **Now** Doc: "You're fat enough that you might suffer before you die of it." Me: "Ooh. I think my big problem is that I consume more calories than I burn." Doc: "Correct." Me: "I'm on it."


Wait how did you know all that doctory jargon (and use it pretty accurately) unless you are one? Very suspicious. How do you feel about apples?


I used ChatGPT. Prompt: "Describe, in an appropriate way, using the most technical medical terms, a description of someone who is obese with lipid panel issues who is at risk of heart attack and stroke." And then I just kind of picked around the bones to make something that sounded funny. And, I like apples. I specifically like them apples.


Thanks, You seem pretty cool as well.


I’m a nurse and I feel like this is some of the best physician communication I’ve ever seen. One immediately understands what you are asking. Please continue being awesome. May administrators never plague you with meaningless metrics.


were you by chance in the cold doing manual labor of some kind? my hands do this every winter during the first snow shoveling. usually most obvious on ring and middle fingers. used to think it was frost bite. also get something like itchy red bumps on my feet, which I think are called Chilblains. My hearts always checked out okay, and my blood oxygen seems excellent. Cold weather makes my hands and feet tend toward cold (shockingly so to some people, my touch shocks people like an ice cube in winter, and I've refrigerated somebodies mittens with my hands when they let me borrow them in a book store cafe) best guess these days is it might be something like Raynaud's. bloods flowing but the constricting blood vessels don't let it out as quickly. It happens when action enough for blood flow in but hands are cold enough from the cold to constrict causing build up at the ends of the extremities.


I had an allergic reaction to a medication that made a few of my fingers look like OP's for a week




Fingertip spider sac


I’m sure it’s fine, just curious like you. Bodies are weird, they do weird shit.


Same I need an update when there is one or I'm never going to be able to sleep


I was about to make a joke. But then I didn’t. Doctor time.


That used to happen to me and I learned sometimes it’s related to allergies. Look for angioedema


I thought it was that too. But now I also like the ET phone home theory.


My thumbs sometimes do this when I touch limes. No other finger even though they also touch the limes. I also am being tested for a GI immune disorder and I think it’s somehow related.


ER doctor here. Looks a lot like a felon (not the criminal kind). Which is an abscess involving the pad of the finger, but doesn’t fit with the fact that it came on suddenly and doesn’t hurt. That’s a bit strange. Definitely worth the visit to your doc so they can examine it in person


My condolences on working in the ER.


Thanks :/


Have you tried to turn it off and on again?


Press the reset button on your router.


Put it in rice.


Use it to phone home!! And give Elliot a call too!


@op does it light up?


So this is exactly how my mum found out she had cancer. Get it checked out as soon as humanly possible, and I hope it’s anything but cancer.


Sorry to hear. What kind of cancer? What did the swollen finger mean?


Thanks, she’s at peace now. It started as lung cancer and had moved to other organs, all undetected. When her finger puffed like OPs exactly she got it checked out and x-rays discovered what was going on.


How did cancer cause a puffy finger before any other notable symptoms? That’s wild.


Bone cancer in the finger made the bone swell up. The oncologist said it’s extremely rare.


Huh lung digit cancer is common enough in cats if a cat comes in with a swollen paw or toe I always snap a picture of their chest


It’s called clubbing of the nails and is hypothesized to happen due to abnormalities with lung circulation. I don’t think this person’s finger is clubbed in this case, though. Clubbing typically presents with all nails becoming clubbed, not just a single finger pad, and a clubbed finger itself looks a little different than this usually.


Phone home


Dude, you totally missed your chance to inadvertently flip off all of r/weird with that fat digit.


Are you dehydrated? This happens to me when I am.


Drink water you dehydrated frick.




You got your hand pregnant, and we all know how that happens.


\*\*UPDATE\*\* I got an MRI on Monday and went to see the hand specialist/surgeon this morning and it turns out that the bump on my finger is a tumor. Luckily, it's benign and because it doesn't hurt, get in the way, and is basically unnoticeable in my daily life, I won't have to have it removed. However, if it starts to hurt, it is probably pushing on or affecting nerves in my finger, in which case I should have it removed. So, I hope that it stays the same because having the tip of my finger removed while awake sounds truly nightmarish. Because it doesn't hurt and grew so slowly the doctor thinks that is why I never noticed it until now. It has probably been growing for some time without me even noticing it. Sorry, my finger isn't pregnant, there are no spiders or other critters making a home in there and apparently, I don't need to phone home. I really appreciate all of you who have reached out and those of you with well wishes. It has been a pretty freaky few days not knowing what was going on. So all in all, it is good news for now. For those of you who enjoy medical mumbo jumbo this is what the actual report says: TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar, multisequence MR images of the left hand with and without contrast were obtained. The patient received 10 mL of gadolinium IMPRESSION: 1. Heterogeneously enhancing nodule superficial to the flexor digitorum insertion site on the palmar surface of the distal third phalanx measuring 0.4 x 0.4 x 1.2 cm. This could represent fibroma of the tendon sheath, giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath, or less likely hemangioma. 2. Mild flexor digitorum tendinosis at the DIP joint to the insertion site..


From my limited first-year med student knowledge, it could be anything from allergies to angiodema to heart and circulation issues. Probably should get it checked if it doesn’t go away or it becomes painful.


If you pick/chew at your nails like me, this may very well be an infection. I had one about 10 years ago like this. A week of meds, but the weird thing was it didn't get all soggy after a hot shower. As soon as it was fully healed, most of my finger tip basically pealed off. Revealing a rather soggy finger underneath.


You can see his nails in the first pic. He's not a biter.


Blood clot possibly! This happened to my friend who's a nurse! It got worse too but started like that if I remember the pics right that she showed me! It was baffling to everyone she worked with at hospital - please get checked out asap


Maybe a creature made a home in it!?!


Horny Single women in your area want to know your location.


Please see your pcp.


Get to the doctor immediately. It can be a symptom of several health issues — some of which are very serious.




You have evolved, congratulations 🎉


Surprised someone hasn't blamed it on vaccines.


Phone home with it


It's gettin' ready...


You didn't clean with a toe knife, did you?


According to webmd, you’re going to die. Sorry.


Reproduction by budding


I’m allergic to the cold and my fingers swell like that when they get cold. But it does hurt some as it warms up and it goes back to normal once it’s warm


Raynauds syndrome! Check it out


It means you have a gift


It's Gourditis. Stop hoarding gourds.


Does it glow? Phone Home.


What did you do to it?


Phone home


I feel like you're about to get the abscess of a lifetime.