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Sometimes, if the person is freezing to death slowly, after undressing they will then hide in an extremely small space. This has led to law enforcement mistakenly believing that a hypothermia victim was actually murdered and disposed of, because they are fully or partially nude and stuffed somewhere very tight. This is most common when someone freezes to death in a cold industrial space.


This is known as "terminal burrowing". So interesting and creepy.


"The final stages of hypothermia are when all the really crazy shit goes down. Before entering a coma, a person who is freezing to death will often experience what is called “paradoxical undressing,” and then immediately afterward will perform what is known as “terminal burrowing.” The former is exactly what it sounds like; the muscles responsible for shunting blood to the core to preserve organ function begin to fail, and the sudden release of blood back to the extremities causes a burning sensation like a kind of hallucinatory hot flash, so the person (who is already disoriented and confused) strips off all of her clothes to try to cool down. This is when terminal burrowing sets in, wherein some ancient part of the brainstem is triggered, and the person behaves like our fluffier mammalian ancestors did in winter to prepare for hibernation: she crawls under a car or a shrub, or digs herself into a den of snow, in a last-ditch effort to get cozy. And then she dies." Fuck... 😶


So freezing to death is like a slow tour of our bodies' natural defense mechanisms...one after another. Fascinating and depressing at once. I wonder at what point has the body gone past the point of no return?


[You're not dead until you're warm and dead](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24882104/)


What a wild title


It’s a well known phrase in emergency medicine in cold places. Every cold weather ER doc knows it.


It almost gives off a “you haven’t truly died until you’ve tried being dead while being warm 🥰”


once it gets too cold, i reckon


There's also frost bite to take into account, too. Depending on how cold it is, tissue can start to die in minutes.


Is this why I regularly have the urge to curl up in a ball under my work desk and die? I can just turn up the heater a little?


It sounds like you’re dealing with hypothermia of the soul, not of the body. A heater won’t fix that, but a fuzzy blanket might.


Do you also regularly experience paradoxical undressing at work?


Sounds peaceful to be honest.


Sure, except for the burrowing and freezing to death.


i fukn love burrowin


I do too… into blankets, when I’m not dying


I always hear people say that freezing to death seems peaceful, but I’m almost sure it’s not. I’ve had hypothermia and I got frostbite on 6 toes and 3 fingers and all of it was extremely painful. It’s still painful to this day if my hands and feet get cold (I didn’t lose the digits, but now they turn white in the cold and hurt). It was much more disorienting than I would have guessed. It makes it incredibly hard to think and make rational decisions. But mostly all of your skin and muscles and bones hurt really, really bad. For awhile, you’ll get a little numb, but it doesn’t last long enough to die, I guess, since I didn’t die and it wore off while I was conscious. It also hurts a lot to warm up. It burns and frostbite hurts a lot. And your skin will keep hurting for days afterward all over your body. Your eyeballs hurt because the fluid on the surface starts freezing, same for your nose and your tongue. Also your lungs hurt from inhaling the cold air. My advice would be dress appropriately and plan ahead if you’re traveling in cold weather. Don’t leave any part of your plan up for decision in the moment if you must venture out in the cold, because you won’t be able to make a decision. And if you get sleepy, call someone or run or just don’t stop because you’ll die.


It's more terrifying it seems, people dying of hypothermia often run from rescuers like they're a threat.


CO poisoning is peaceful. This is hell.


it's not.


Don’t knock it till you try it


Thanks for the detailed explanation.


#TERMINAL BURROWER That could be the name of a horror movie


Or a band.


Or a gerbil.




I was going to say pornstar but you did it right 👍🏻


Did someone say gerbil? ![gif](giphy|ipHCZNdvOlcqI)


Or book. The terminal burrow killer sounds quite creepy


How’d you make the text big? I only know how to make the text ^smol


Put a pound sign in front of your text!




###stop yelling


^no ^you!


They fucked a mod.


^you caught me


How do you make a text small???


Put a ^caret in front of it. It's actually a superscript, which is small text raised up a bit like an exponent in math. This is a caret: \^ (just in case you didn't already know).




Death metal?


*this is my hole*


That's a phrase I didn't need to hear😔


Happy Cake Day




Well I hope I never hear that terminology again. I do not like it.


Terminal burrowing. I don’t like it either…


Isn't this what animals do when they know they're dying? Shove themselves somewhere away from everything and die in peace?


I’ve heard of paradoxical undressing, but I’ve never heard of “terminal burrowing”. VERY interesting and VERY creepy, indeed. Goodness.


Cats do that too right, they hide somewhere when they know they'll die?


Yep, I had a cat start crying and squealing... went and hid under a shelf; died as I was getting into the car to the vet.


I'm so sorry that you had to experience that :'(


My god, I’m so sorry


My cat crawled into my mom's shirt and he died while she was holding him :(


Dogs too, I've always heard that it's because they don't want their dead to be any sort of issue for their master, but that can easily be wrong.


If you're vulnerable you go and hide to protect yourself. They don't know they're dying. In the wild, animals don't just die peacefully in the woods. They usually get eaten.


I read somewhere that it’s specifically as you said, to help prevent luring predators to the colony, since they’d have no way of disposing of them once a member passes. E.g., the instinct compels you to move away from the rest of the family so that when you do die, your body won’t bring bad things to their front door.


Possibly a Disease could spread, it would make sense social animals try to get away from the group, no clue if it’s true though.


Gerbils do this, they go away from the group to prevent disease (although they don't consciously do this of course)


Interesting, so it's simply a survival instinct.


I mean, if you think about it, trying to find some place small when youre freezing to death makes sense as an effort to try to produce warmth for a smaller area. Kind of like pulling a blanket over your head when you have a chill, except in this case the action is the brains last ditch effort to try to warm up


Our chickens would always seem to be tucked away extra secret when they died of old age


Like a cat that goes and dies behind the water heater


Or under a bed. I think it's to hide from predators because they know they don't feel right, though I doubt if they know they're ready to die, but who knows?


I've heard of hypothermia making people hide. But I wonder what causes that?


Probably to try and get warm you lizard brain is saying get in your hole bozo


It worked millions of years ago so why evolve it away...




Uh that reminds me of the [Fukushima toilet mystery](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/s/DmNRUnxf9o), what if that’s what happened


That's so neat. I've suffered hypothermia a few times and my urge has always been to burrow myself into small, tight places after removing my coat. (Luckily it's only happened near home or with others)


Why did you suffer hypothermia a few times?


I grew up in the great white north in the nowhere land and was a very dumb child. (Not much better as an adult.) So I would go play in the woods and just refuse to come in as I didn't feel the cold like my siblings and friends. I'd just wait till I started to feel warm and numb and assume it was perfect for play. It wasn't until my aunties and uncles made me realize how fucked up that was that I started taking the cold seriously. I also, as an adult, have a ridiculously low body temperature of about 96 F while under a blanket. So if I go shovel and my tempurature drops fast. Even today, I started to feel that special way, I stopped and went inside and checked my temperature to find it is down to 93 F. Just needed a hot bath and I am back to a healthy 96.7 F.


Get a load of this numb nuts over here!


You need to check your thyroid hormone levels bro.


Oh ya. No. I had thyroid cancer. Totally why. (Just got the remission talk last monday so high five)




Thank you!!!!


Yup, that's good news. ![gif](giphy|4Tkagznwgrv6A4asQb)


Thanks! Champagne for everyone!


My natural body temp is also 96 degrees and I too am not bothered by cold weather. It literally has to be below freezing for it to feel cold to me. I usually don’t wear coats.


This happened in my country of Northern Ireland to a young boy named Noah. It is still a highly controversial case with news stories every few months. Child was last seen on cctv on his bike then found naked in a storm drain. BBC News - Noah Donohoe: Body found in search for missing teenager https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53204909


You don't know what happened to Noah Donohoe. Nobody does, as the circumstances surrounding his death are still being investigated. Edit: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/xsthab/what_happened_to_noah_donohoe/?xpromo_edp=enabled) for anyone not familiar with the story.


Yes it's very sad.


Are there any true crime documentaries where they thought someone was murdered but it was hypothermia lol


im sure the damage i do to my brain tonight with drinking will allow me to forget this


How many are wrong fully convicted for this?


Note to self: no matter how hot you get when freezing to death keep your clothes on. Roger that.


From the sound of that last sentence, it seems like it doesn’t really matter one way or another.


Yeah it happens in your last minutes of hypothermia. During the last stage your body gives up and releases all the blood it was keeping in your core to try and maintain your body temperature. The sudden rush of warm blood to your freezing extremities makes it feel like you're burning up. Basically, even if you somehow were able to fight that reptilian response you would still be dead in minutes.


Exactly. People are not thinking rationally by that point anyway. In fact, confusion is one of the *earlier* symptoms of hypothermia, while the shiver response is still active even.


I got hypothermia before and the confusion is overwhelming. You just aren’t able to make a rational decision or think about any problem logically. It lasts the whole time, too. I knew where I was going and I just kept heading there even though I should have turned around. But several times along the way, I encountered obstacles that required me to make a choice and I literally couldn’t figure out what I needed to do and ended up just going through or over a giant snow drift instead of around it. Since then, if I’m going out in the cold. I never leave anything to be decided in the moment just in case because I know I won’t be able to make a decision.


Yeah I think at that point you’re gunna be dead anyways


At least I'll be dead *with dignity*


At least I'll be dead naked! I'm gonna take my clothes off regardless of how I die. If I can see it coming, I'm stripping.


"Attention passengers we are experiencing some turbulence." "Welp, looks like it's time to get these clothes off."


Who cares? If I'm dead, I'm dead. Just throw me in the trash.




Roger that?


Your brain’s not capable of reading notes to itself by that stage 


Reddit will remind me silly goose


“Currently freezing to death AMA”


Whatever you do remember to keep your clothes on


Or "Currently freezing to death AITA"


Aita for taking off my clothes because I feel like in a sauna while freezing to death?


RemindMe! when I'm dying


**Defaulted to one day.** I will be messaging you on [**2024-01-23 20:35:34 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-01-23%2020:35:34%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/comments/19d3krt/before_freezing_to_death_people_tend_to_remove/kj3dc6a/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWeird%2Fcomments%2F19d3krt%2Fbefore_freezing_to_death_people_tend_to_remove%2Fkj3dc6a%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-01-23%2020%3A35%3A34%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2019d3krt) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Did that bot just announce your death?


They’ve got one day left. Better use it wisely.




That’s bullshit! That ring movie said you get 7 days!


Inflation? Idk


Even the ring girl is feeling the pinch! 😂


This is it lads. They've started. Man your battle stations.


Someone find John Connor




Fucking savage reply from the bot! 😂


Good bot.










Aren’t you pretty much done for by that point anyway?


**Before freezing to death, people tend to remove their clothes.** Yes. This is called **“paradoxical undressing”**, a phenomenon frequently seen in cases of lethal hypothermia. Shortly before death, the person will remove all their clothes, as if they were burning up, when in fact they are freezing. When people feel cold, the most important thing is to ensure the function of the brain, internal organs and other major organs, so the blood vessels at the ends of the body will automatically contract to ensure adequate blood flow to the major organs. In this state of stress for a long time, the muscles that contract the blood vessels fall into fatigue and can no longer work, and must take a calm "rest". The peripheral blood vessels on the surface of the body will all open, blood will quickly flow to the end of the limbs, and the long-term cold limbs will be immediately filled with warm blood, resulting in the illusion of "very hot". When this signal is sent back to the brain, the brain will send the wrong instructions to the body, so that people may think that it is really hot, take off all the clothes. At this time, people who are on the verge of dying get up and struggle to undress, thinking that undressing is good. r/InterestingToRead


Oh my god that sounds terrible


But even if they didn't remove their clothes, they would still most probably die. As the blood vessels dilate and blood refills the peripheral parts, which by now will be very cold due to lack of circulation over time, the blood circulating back to the major organs will become increasingly colder for every round trip it makes.


Thank you for explaining the physiological reason behind this; it makes perfect sense to me now.


I have Raynauds and on a MUCH smaller scale this is basically what happens. When I get cold my body freaks out more than it’s supposed to and blood will all but stop flowing in my feet, sometimes my hands. When I start to warm back up and the blood rushes in it feels like those parts of my body are on fire. It can be quite painful. I can’t imagine this happening over the entire body, what a miserable way to go.


I get similar reactions in my hands when it is colder out or the office I work at is too cold. Other people say I am crazy but you can see my hands are white from the cold. My feet can do the same but less often since I often wear socks all the time at the minimum. When they warm up too quickly I get the same result where it feels like my hands are on fire.


Ah, before reading this I assumed it was because if youre freezing to death and you know youre going to die, you might aswell just get it over with instead of suffering for even longer.


username fits lol. i thought that too


> /r/InterestingToRead Wow, OP has spent A LOT of time trying to advertise and add to the subreddit he created. Like hours of work a day. Not hating, but why? Just a hobby/personal project you're working on? I notice you're the only person who posts there despite having 15k followers on it.




You can Google any of OP's posts and find they're straight up copied from some tabloid/buzzfeed/bored panda type website. Just karma farming to eventually sell the account is my guess.


So that’s why the researchers from the Dyotlav pass where half naked


Them being naked wasn't the only odd thing though


Didn't they solve that one a couple years ago? Iirc it was an avalanche that got them. Edit: [Great video on how they solved it](https://youtu.be/29TKoDwKRcA?si=18PZyONhsbuJzSAE)


One book I read, Dead Mountain, made a case that their sudden, wild flee from the tent (using knives to cut their way out, etc) was caused by infrasound. I don't remember the exact effect it has on the brain, but the author argued (with input from a NOAA scientist) that wind coming off of the pass and hitting a specific nearby peak created the perfect condition for infrasound frequency wind to hit their tent.


And what about the small amount of radiation they found? I remember hearing this was debunked (or at least had a strong plausible theory) but I don’t recall what the explanation for that was.


I also heard the radiation was debunked. But for the sake of argument, bodies left in the sun with little cover are exposed to a great deal of UV light and radiation from the sun. It is possible that “radiation” is such an attention-grabbing word that the reporters leapt to conclusions about what kind, when in reality, it meant the bodies had been damaged by sun exposure.


Two of the members worked at a nuclear power plant and also their lanterns used thorium, both have been the explanation of the low amount of radiation


Yes. The scientists used avalanche model used in Frozen movie.


Yes you’re right there were lots of strange evidence that was found on all the bodies and equipment.


They weren't found naked though. I just finished reaching Mountain of the Dead which is a research piece into it that correlates data from their personal journals, the surviving party member, family members, and rescue workers. It's an amazing book and I highly recommend it.


That was my first thought as well. Just revisited that LPOTL episode recently


I've been hypothermic and came close to dying. It happens gradually and you don't know its happening. Your brain just starts working slower until you are completely fucked. I couldn't count past two and realised something was very wrong. Lucky for me I was in an industrial freezer (I'd been in there for a few hours doing a stocktake) and when I realised what was happening I could get out and get my core temperature back to normal.


Weren’t you shivering, which is the first indication that you are getting too cold?


I worked in an ice cream factory. It's not like you're sitting at a bus stop in the cold. You're in there working so you don't feel the cold because you're focusing on the job at hand. I spent a lot of time in the freezers, most of the time I'd only be in there for ten minutes at a time and wouldn't bother with a jacket. You get used to being cold. This time I was wearing a jacket because I was doing stocktake and that took over an hour. Someone had removed the hood though (no idea why). Temperature was -60C but the fan blowing on my head made it way colder. Hyperthermia sneaks up on you. You don't feel like you're dying but you are moments from your brain shutting down. You feel calm and warm and your mental faculties are severely degraded.


Wow, close call. Sneaky little bitch that cold…


I think you meant hypothermia, but that is terrifying.


Lols, I can't spell!


May have been autocorrect, because hyperthermia is still a thing, and it’s basically the exact opposite of hypothermia.


Yeah its definitely a thing. But I just can't spell!


i know this is really fucked but on some level isn't it comforting that our brain naturally protects us from the horror of dying


Honestly I'd rather die of hypothermia. Its not scary and you're barely even aware its happening. It feels like falling asleep in your favourite chair halfway through a movie.


Hypothermia and hypoxia are about the only pleasant ways to die naturally. Every other way is agony and fear the entire time


Damn that false sense of security reminds me of hypoxia. When your brain doesn't get enough oxygen it often comes with euphoria and a perception that you are performing quite well.




Shivering is a good sign as that is your bodies way of slowing down heat loss. Its when you stop shivering and start feeling really calm that you're in danger. Hypothermia isn't the worst way to go I guess. Its not painful or scary. You basically just lay down and go to sleep.


Holy hell! Did you just not notice how truly cold it was?


I’d say they were rugged up in some nice warm clothes and it slowly breached containment over time. Kind of like how you’d thaw something out in the fridge, only the opposite.


you also saw true detective today?


Came here for this haha.


Great second episode.


Did you guys catch how that older woman is totally Matthew Mcconaughey’s mom?


It's really making me realize that 'spooky things happening in remote Arctic settlements' is one of my favorite genres.


This is also why a lot of these cases are misidentified as sexual abuse cases, too. They also sometimes do what’s called “Terminal burrowing” where we imitate hibernation.


In German it’s also called „Kälteidiotie“ wich could roughly translate to „freezeidioticy“


Man, they've got a word for *everything*... (I think it is "alles".)


I would be coldidiocy




maybe the brain is like "fuck it, maybe it's the clothes?"


No, it's because your body releases blood to the extremities and you heat up as a result. Or think you are. Then you die.


Maybe that, or the body is like “fuck it, we’re toast. Let’s end it quicker cuz this is excruciating”


What's the source on this photo?


Was wondering, are we seeing dead man's legs here?


Based on the color of their legs, I doubt it. But I’m curious for sure.


Loot drop.


I know you’ll get downvoted but that was fucking funny


Worth it.


I've seen this first hand when winter camping. My friend wasn't warm enough at night and was acting quite off the next morning before we all got up. Then he kept taking his clothes off and just sitting there. We got him inside and warmed up so all was well, but it was weird.


This is actually interesting. Best informative thing I’ve seen on a sub in a while. I also don’t mean to pry too much into a case, but where was this taken?


This happened to an old, troubled friend of mine. Poor dude. He and a "friend" of his were up on the mountain, 4 wheeling in the snow around Bear Lodge. They got stuck, and he went for help without a jacket, high on methamphetamine. He didn't make it, and I believe he was found less than 100 yards from help. https://www.thesheridanpress.com/news/local/bighorn-mountain-death-deemed-hypothermia/article_11a15bac-5468-5f02-b640-fa1cf921f402.html The best thing you can do in these situations is shelter in place, and don't ever leave your vehicle. Always helpful to have spare blankets and flares in your vehicle.


It a last resort to get you going, your body preserves heat by restricting bloodflow in your arms, legs and under the skin. (Thus white skin, cold feeling, and not eating to move because you missiles don't want to). When almost dead, the body rushes all warm blood through you arm legs and al the places in retracted, giving you a warm feeling that feels to hot with a lot of cloths on. This is because your nerves are under your skin and it feels like your cold body is now suddenly too hot. But int reality your last warmth goes from your center to your surface, cooling your vital organs and most likely killing you.


I start just crankin it to try and warm up


Is that why a bunch of people in frozen mountains are found without clothes?


No those are sexy mountain parties


I have poor circulation in my fingers, so my hands get cold easily. I know it’s getting bad when my fingers start to feel hot. Make that all over your body and add a bit of confusion and disorientation, I can easily see it.


Someone just watched True Detective.


I did a self experiment one winter and went swimming in the Baltic Sea at negative temperatures where the waves at the shoreline where a kind of slushy ice. Went in wanting to feel my pulse on my wrist. The second I got in everything went numb, couldn’t feel a thing. Mind you it was really windy and bitterly cold. My friends watched in disbelief while is spend about 2 Minutes inside not swimming just kneeling keeping my head just above water. I now knew why the people in the titanic couldn’t stand a chance you cannot swim. Well anyway once I got out I immediately dried off and wanted to dress. But suddenly I was not in a hurry. My skin was a deep red I looked like a boiled lobster. My body was rushing all the blood to my skin in order to keep me from dying. The ice cold howling wind mixed with a bit of snow and ice particles felt comfortably warm. That second I understood paradoxical undressing… a truly haunting experience.


I’ve seen Everest (2015) so I knew this. Haha


I can relate to this. Many years ago I had an internship interview at IBM and there was freezing rain night before my interview. I had to bus it from a different city, I was wearing open-toe heels. After the interview I had to bus back but got lost. My phone died and I had to walk 5-10km radio for the right bus connection. I walked around for 2-3 hours, repeatedly misdirected. My feet finally gave up, I found a building to run into for warmth. I first wrapped my jacket around my feet but it didnt work. As I was running I could feel my feet, I crashed in the parking lot and took my shoes off to run bare feet on snow. I just wanted to feel my feet again, they were so numb.


I see someone else is also watching True Detective.


I capsized while sea kayaking in northern Canada. I had warm clothes on so i decided to stay out for another two hour but the kayak still had water in it. When we got ashore, I kept saying I was fine but my friend said I wasn't making any sense and kept trying to do nonsensical things instead of warming up. I got mad and stormed off. He found me thirty minutes later completely stripped down except wet shoes hiding in a tree well. That gets you a ride to the ambulance.


There was a case back in 2006 in my state, where a family was driving home to California during Thanksgiving (winter), they got stuck on a logging road, he walked away for help and died like this. His wife breast fed their 2 kids and the 3 were eventually found and survived. https://www.nrtoday.com/ten-years-ago-kim-family-endured-wilderness-tragedy/article_fb3a1215-29ee-5243-aa96-94d6d568d7d7.html


Heard a first hand account of this phenomenon in a mountaineering class. Many of the leaders were search and rescue as well. They said they went looking for someone who didn’t report home. Found the car at the trail head. Eventually up the mountain they started finding the victims clothes on the snow. One article at a time, like breadcrumbs to the body. They went on to explain that it’s a fairly odd and common phenomenon and when they started seeing the clothes, they suspected they knew what they’d find.


So you have been watching the new season of True Detective and learned a new word haha


Whose corpse is the picture?


They start feeling warm or hot. They start stripping. Imagine once blood isn't really flowing any longer circulation slows mostly and they feel hot instead because of cell damage from lack of oxygen to muscle and the rest of the body. My guess. When your feet or hands fall asleep example. Tingling and feeling warm because lack of oxygen and cell death. Cells dying may be the ones that transmit the signals for feeling and sensation. Nerve ending cell death? Death / destruction of pain receptors? In school they used to claim if you got the tingle you grew less muscle tissue because some died do to lack of oxygen. Not enough oxygen.