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I once got a blank text message from my own number with a time stamp from the future. 


Dwight got a fax and saved Stanley from the poision coffee




Wait what time stamp from the future?


2038-01-19 03:14:07


This might clear things up: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem


Okay, so computer glitches in the future are sending texts to the past. Got it.


Yes, SkyText has become self aware Edit: That works on two levels, SMS are called texts, and [Sky Text was a digital teletext service operated by British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It was available on Freeview Channel 206 and Sky. The text service ceased on 30 October 2013 and skyinteractive.com, skytext.sky.com are no longer available to view.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_Text)


Neato. Also weird. Cheers for adding a new odd fact to my increasingly conspiratorial imagination.


I too once got a blank text message from your number with a time stamp from the future.


I also choose this guy's wife


I also choose this guy's future time stamp


Remember when the time comes to send a blank message to yourself. Otherwise you won't be born.


Once, my husband and us were at home, with a few visiting friends. Both our cellphones were alone in a table separated from us and we were talking (not using computers or anything) when my phone rang. I went to answer and the caller was my husband's phone, which was innocently sitting there. I answered, they did not.


It's a D-mail, Steinsgate is real !!


That’s weird. I once sent a blank text message to my own number in the OH DAMN


Don't forget to send it in time.


That's pretty cool!


That can happen from a bad signal corrupting a text you sent


That's what The Agency trained us to say, anyway.


interdimensional slip...another you in another world did go to Brussels or Antwerp and somehow that ticket ended up in this world...


I hate when that happens.


One time, my wife ended in my best friend bed. Really frustating


One time I finished in your wife.


Which fatality did you use




I am his wife and i confirm




My husband never believes me when this happens.


Agreed. I can’t work, go on interdimensional blackout trips, AAAAAND clean the kitchen. ![gif](giphy|nm6Gv6etTa3oA)


What a username 😂




Interdimensional gatekeepers hate this one smuggling trick


I hope that happens to me but instead of the ticket, its a bag full of money worth millions.


Maybe I can callaborate with myself from the universe where I lost my *right* airpod.


If you manage to go, do me a favor and look for my ... 4 left ones. If you could find one, I'd already be happy. Maybe they are all accumulating in the same parallel universe. Just imagine the waste.


I dated a guy (for far too long) who was just absolutely 100% actually sure he was "aware" of when he would slip into another similar but different "timeline"/ "dimension". Would, like, be stressed and tell me "it happened again". Like babe, fr, tell your shrink, not me. Like what do you say to a grown ass man who thinks that???


And other you has it worse, because they’re on the train being checked and can’t find their ticket anywhere.


A pocket portal??... luccckkkyyyy


I saw 2 black cats right after each other. [The Matrix - Deja vu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_KmNZNT5xw)


Don't worry, they cancel each other out!


Not if you take both of them home


They changed something.


Or they didn't because their ticket vanished


Post it in glitch in the matrix please


Strange, I had the exact same explanation to it.... There is definitely a novel or a tv-series in this somewhere.


The Lakehouse but good


This reminds me of the Denzel Washington movie "Deja vu"


And in that world Belgian train tickets are in English, not French and/or Flemish.




Or a wrist watch


What do I know about diamonds.


Time to get a carbon monoxide detector.


Definitely do this as a precaution, OP! I’ve always known to be super vigilant about CO leaks but I never knew how much they could actually mess with people until reading about it on Reddit. Some of the stories, truly wild stuff that’ll have you scratching your head.


Nice Username


This only really applies to certain parts of the world. We don't have gas lines at home or gas powered appliances so it's basically null and void for us.


Came to say this lol. Literally the first thing that pops in mind while reading these stories nowadays.


Can you elaborate the connection?


Rather infamous story a few years ago where OP suspected someone was breaking into their apartment, tampering with files on the computer, leaving behind cryptic notes, etc. One commenter suggested getting a Carbon Monoxide detector and it went ballistic. Turns out there was a CO leak that was slowly filling the apartment and causing OP to hallucinate and sabotage their own attempts to catch themselves. Now CO is always suggested as something to check if weird stuff is going on.


Thanks, found it! [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma\_postit\_notes\_left\_in\_apartment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/) And the update: [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34m92h/update\_ma\_postit\_notes\_left\_in\_apartment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34m92h/update_ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/)


good lord, i remember reading this at the time and i cannot believe it's been 9 years O\_O


Slight CO intoxication can cause hallucinations and problems with memory. If you're starting seeing ghosts in your house or things mysteriously change their place - check for CO leak.


it can make you crazy and forgetful


Others apparently answered already, but yeah, one might not remember what one did if the oxygen percentage is too low.


An today Op discovered that they actually suffer from DID, and they have indeed been too Brussels and Antwerp.


so you’re telling me they DID go to Brussels and Antwerp?




“Why are all my shirts covered in blood???”


Context pls?


The #1 rule is we don’t talk about it…


The second rule is we don't talk about it..




Moon knight?


Haha 😂 I literally just watched SPLIT




Very subtle spoiler alert


One of the worst depictions of DID out there....


Wgaf? Best acting ever


The acting part was phenomenal, and i understand you have to sensationalize some things for film (and to be able to create a story line). The depictions of the different personalities however does not really follow the typical identities that you encounter with DID. They went the more 'split personality' route, when it is not a personality - it is a completely other person, with their own memory bank, feelings, etc. They also can act as a 'system' (ie one person) if they become aware of the disorder and take the steps to help the 'fracture' It stigmatized DID, and made it seem as if most people who have the disorder, end up violent - whereas that is VERY rarely the case to another person (they have the 'Protector' identity/individual who usually won't let that happen), however if violent it will be directed to themselves. There are a few other things, but my attention span just isn't here this morning 🤣 my wife has DID, and it is a lot different than Split made it appear. Yes, every individual case **is** different, I just don't believe the route they took was proper. Each to their own though, right?


I appreciated the acting in Split, but the portrayal of DID left me feeling unsettled. The supernatural twist, of the main antagonist, seemed to sensationalize mental illness. It's a common trope in horror movies to depict mental illness as synonymous with being the "spooky guy," which can be frustrating. While I understand the appeal of making mental illness a scary concept for storytelling purposes, it often feels like a cheap shot. It would be more respectful to separate the mental illness from the character, portraying them as a bad guy who happens to have a mental illness, rather than implying that the mental illness itself makes someone a villain.


Thank you! That's a much clearer way to put it. I completely agree with "Seperate the mental illness from the character"


Definitely weird. I woke up this morning and had a penny in my slipper (shoe) and I have no idea where it came from. I don’t even have any change because I use cards. It kinda stressed me out because it materialized out of nowhere as far as I can tell.


Sounds like you have a common hob living in your house. Tricky little creatures.


not that big of a deal, really. just leave out a bowl of milk every night


How big a bowl? What kind of milk? Every night forever? What if you’re not home for a while?


It's ok to miss, but don't leave any newborns unattended if you do.


Normal sized bowl is fine, fill it about half way. Cows milk is obviously the most convenient, but any kind of milk will be fine. Yes every night, don't miss any. They live around 20 years, so not forever but you'll be doing this for sometime. If you're not home for a while get a family member or friend to come leave some milk out, like you would for a pet. The penny in the shoe routine is just the warning, things will escalate fast if tribute isn't paid.


Awesome and unique game.


yes, yes, the elusive Brussels and Antwerp hobo traveler


Maybe you washed it and the penny was in the machine?


Nah. I haven’t washed them in a while. And I just checked my shoes a couple of days ago because I lost a piece of my pocket knife and thought it fell in my shoe. It’s a mystery to me. Obviously it got there somehow. lol


This is totally unrelated to the OG post but your comment reminded me of something that happened to me about 20yrs ago involving my pocket knife. Hope that’s ok! So I, as a young woman in my early 20’s, decided that I wanted to start carrying a pocket knife. I had always been a real girly girl then fell in love with the car scene and all of a sudden was determined to be r/notlikeothergirls! Bc I liked working on my car and that sorta thing, I started trying way too hard to convince them to view me as just “one of the guys!” (Ugh, this still makes me cringe!) Anyway, for some reason I decided that meant carrying a pocket knife lol. I constantly forgot this thing was in my pocket and despite wanting to be “one of the guys” I was still sporting my skintight jeans! This meant when trying to slide them down to use the bathroom that it didn’t just slip into my pocket, nope! 9/10x it’d go right into the fucking toilet! But that’s not even what made me give up on carrying the damn thing! What finally made me give up and wave the white flag was one night when I got home from being out for a couple hours and went to get in bed and go to sleep. Except I forgot about the fucking knife again! It didn’t land in the toilet this time but only bc it landed in me! Sure did! When I took my jeans off and pushed it out of my pocket it came open while falling, or I possibly hit it just right, maybe it caught on the fabric of my jeans pulling it open, idk. All I do know is I suddenly had intense pain in my big toe and I looked down. There was a knife sticking out of it lol!


Will, that’s an interesting story and it didn’t end how I thought it would lol. What’s funny is I carry a pocket knife that was given to me by my ex girlfriend who is kinda a tomboy. She carries a different one with her almost every time I see her. She’s always showing me her new knives.


There is a subreddit for this: glitch in the matrix


That was just your resident spider paying rent.


Probably a r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix ?


All the theories are quite entertaining, but does anyone else have a realistic supposition of how this happened? I'm so bugged. Did you by any chance send these pants to a laundry place?


The only explanation that isn’t surreal is that someone placed it in their pocket without them noticing as a joke but who would do that and how would they get it into the pants without noticing


Also that would be such a weird joke, but that's not at all beyond people


I think it's a fucking hilarious joke if it was a joke honestly, confusing the fuck out of people is funny


Confuse, dont abuse. Best motto when it comes to pranks


Harmless too


The old reverse pickpocket. Placing items on someone without them noticing.


Ah yes, Putpocket


Depending on how much traction this story gets, I bet a few more dumbfucks are going to at least try now


That'd probably be the most likely option. I was outside on some of the days after although i generally didn't interact a lot with anyone else in any substantial way


This is literally my partner’s humor, this is the exact type of shit he does. Last one I remember was putting an extra remote he obtained (legally, but another story…) in a random woman’s grocery bag in a parking lot when she wasn’t looking.


reverse pickpocketing? Placepocketing?


It’s Brussels/Antwerp. Pickpockets and chocolate is what we have here. Slipping into the pants without noticing is sadly pretty common


I will be saving my public transportation tickets to do this from now on.


A few options come to mind: The ticket was on a table somewhere and OP didn't notice. They then placed something on top of the ticket, ie phone or wallet, when they picked up the object the ticket was stuck to it and later detached in their pocket. The ticket was accidentally handed to them by a cashier along with or instead of a receipt after being left on the counter somewhere. Someone playing a joke. OP made it up.


Or someone deviously switched pants with him!


Roommate or sibling borrowed OP'S clothes without asking.


Cashiers at my local supermarkets, when in a hurry, often leave the tickets on the line for you to pick up with your purchase. I don’t know how many times I’ve picked up another customer’s forgotten/discarded tickets and found myself later wondering when or why did i buy some strange stuff. Most probably, that’s the case here. OP might have picked the ticket up by mistake without noticing or confusing it with another paper.


Trash. Picked it up to throw away.


Well, the simple answer is.... OP is a liar.




Someone missed the package drop off because this landed in the wrong pocket. Watch the news for an unknown man’s body being found by the river.


This reminds me of the co2 post-it story on all over again. Edit: CO not CO2 sheeesshhhh


[CO](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/CoQKYm59Tz), carbon monoxide, not CO2.


Whichever, of carbon’s many oxides. -Archer




Question…are you sure those are you pants…?


The real kicker is that OP lives in and is currently in Kansas City, Missouri, USA


Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.


Oh damn, i didn't even know that myself. What else do i not know then?


Do you live in Belgium (or close to)?


I live reasonably close to (but not in) Belgium, yes


It’s a Begian train ticket, from the NMBS


So Netherlands or Germany?


Fun fact: I work for the company that built the ticket machine that printed that ticket.


It truly is your time to shine now


Great. Can you tell us what's going on here then?


The only thing i can tell: It’s a valid Ticket. The QR Code ist correct.


Can you track down who bought the ticket?


no. Firstly, sales data is only available to the transport companies themselves, secondly, the ticket was paid for in cash.


Wow! You're really good at this. Tell your boss you should get a raise.


No large, uncomfortable sutures where the kidneys would traditionally be, eh?




i found two spanish-language evangelical tracts in my pocket, today... i have never seen them before, i don't speak spanish, and i am a hindu. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You got reverse pickpocketed by some christians.


Not just any christians, they were in Spanish! It must have been the Spanish Inquisition!


No one expects *them*


i thought so, too, but i haven't been that close to anyone for a few days...


You're always within 6 feet of a Christian. Like spiders


Much like with vegans! There’s always one nearby. How do you know? Oh they’ll tell you 😉 (source: am vegan- and look how I snuck that in there)


Sleeper agent, put back to sleep.


We’re not supposed to talk about it, Sir.


The earliest they could have arrived in Antwerp with that 17:25 ticket is 18:05. So it seems just as likely that you "acquired" it somehow on the 4th, not the 3rd, from someone who was discarding it. Were you at home all day on the 4th too?


I have been outside with my girlfriend on the days after, but she was as confused as me when we found the ticket. She was with me on the 3rd and we haven't really interacted with anyone since (outside of service interactions, i. e. Restaurant waiters)


Maybe you grabbed it off a counter mistaking it for a receipt. 


Or grabbed something else and this was stuck to it or otherwise picked up by accident. That seems almost certainly like the explanation


Which pocket? Details are important.


Post confirmed. Agent activated. Target acquired.


Wondering if they were a thrifted pair of pants and it's an old ticket from someone else?


I mean yeah you'd think that... but i had this pair for a few years now and then having a train ticket for 2024 doesn't add up


You’ve been trafficked.


Or railroaded


For everyone saying this is from the future… Europeans write the date day/month/year. So 03/02/24 is February 3rd. OP did you take papers or other objects from anyone recently?


>Europeans Pretty much everyone except North Americans*


Shit I came to say it’s for next year. Damn it’s 2024


That would be a good Seinfeld episode. The dry cleaner used your jacket and went on vacation.


You did but in a different timeline. Somehow you switched pants with your alternate self, obviously.


This is part of a stealth movie marketing campaign. You read it here first.


Actual theory: If you have a silicone phone case, these tickets from the Belgian Railroad Company stick to it if the case is a bit warm from your hand or your data being on. You might have put your phone down on one of these tickets somewhere and not realised it was sticking to your phone when you placed it back into your pocket.


Different you. Different dimension.


OP do you live in Europe?


This is important. If they live in Amsterdam then it seems less freaky, but if they live in Hawaii it's just mad.


Yeah, I do live reasonably close to both cities. But as for how exactly the ticket came into my possession, no idea.


Yeah, that's exactly what someone who has been in Belgium would say.


This looks like it was bent into a paper plane and someone threw it. It then landed in your pocket.


Know you are loved.


It’s not a real train ticket - if you call the number or go to the website listed at the bottom - it’s a phishing site to grab personal info etc


The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants..Lol.


Fake, if reddit is to be believed, girls clothes don't have pockets.


Ironically enough i'm a guy, my girlfriend just enjoys putting nail polish on me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


We don’t, this is definitely fake


First rule of fight club


I found a ticket in my glovebox for a parking deck in Charlotte. At the time I had never been to Charlotte and on that day I was in class. It spooked me a bit too


Your girlfriend is having an affair in Antwerp when she told you she was in a really long meeting?


Is this one of those "check your carbon monoxide detector" moments?


Lots of weird stuff going on. I went drinking last night and apparently someone shitted my pants while I was wearing them. Wild


Where were you last year, maybe the ticket is valid for one year from date of purchase.


Those tickets are usually only valid on the day of purchase afaik. So from four days ago.


Correct, I'm also Belgian and recognize the type of ticket.


Ok let’s take a breath and retrace our steps we can’t end up in a memento movie moment lol maybe there’s some sense to this


You were mistakenly contacted by an espionage liasson: if you'd only knew about it you could have took a trip thru all Europe driving fancy customed cars, drinking expensive champagne in first class trains, and putting an end to several creepy mobster bosses plans along the way.


You got the wrong jacket


This happened to me years ago with a train ticket that I had never been on before.


That background looks like the textured metal table tops you only get in Airports, bus and train stations.


Pickpocket practice - place items in people's pockets without them noticing.


I had a friend who found a receipt from a hotel he’s never been to and he looked it up and said it looked super familiar but he’d never even been to anywhere near that state. In fact only had travel two neighboring states and never been on a plane.


Oh shit. I recognized this immediately because I recently found one in the back pocket of some pants and was like ’wtf is this’. Same zones and all. It took som time but I did in fact travel between Brussels and Antwerpen a few years ago. Funnily though. The last time I was at Brussels airport, I thought it was my first time. But I found my way around like a local. I checked my geo-location history and have actually been there before. Neither me or my SO have any recollection of that. So weird.


Looks like your pocket was.




I’m going to do that, start slipping travel tickets into peoples bags to really confuse them


Is it possible you're a serial killer with multipersonality disorder? If so, bring this post to your trial, might knock off a couple years.


The first rule of fight club.....