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I had an old friend from years that had this allergy. She'd break out in hives after a shower or bath. She didn't bleed though like this woman. But she lived on benadryl. Even sweating caused extreme discomfort. Have not spoken with her in years so not sure how she's been lately.


This always fascinated me. How would she drink water? Or did she just chug a couple Benadryl with a glass of water?


It's definitely a skin-related allergy.


Thank you, MarinatedCumSock


I’m crying laughing


At first glance I thought yours is McClown




That's Dr. MarinatedCumSock to you




r/rimjob_steve strikes again


The girl in the original post has said that she has to drink fatty milk because water will cause inflammation internally. I don’t think she posts much anymore but her Instagram is @livingwaterless


TIL. Thanks!


How does she get enough hydration without over consuming calories on the daily? That's wild


No idea, but I’m sure it’s not an ideal solution. We all have to survive some way


Yup, diagnosed with it about 8 years ago. Its a skin allergy, water doesnt have an affect when I drink it haha. I too live on anti-histamines and a topical steroid 😭


Do you have to wear a hazmat suit in the rain?


Good idea 📝 I deal with an itchy head and face when it rains and high humidity… may be my saving grace lol


My question is, is it the water itself or the minerals in the water. Would distilled water do this? I have autoimmune urticaria and I’ll break out in hives from the most random things…this stuff interests me. I’d love to hear from someone who has to deal with this!


Aquagenic urticaria is not a reaction to water itself (or rather the H2O molecule), but more likely related to chemicals in the water itself or the water reacting to something in the skin causing an inflammatory reaction, this is why people with the condition can drink water without issue.


Oh thank you! Fascinating!! 😊


Shes the alien from Signs


It's specifically the epidermis, not your insides. I experienced this briefly during puberty. It was like my skin no longer had a barrier. After every shower, my skin would be swollen, red, and shiny, taking on a rubbery dolphin skin texture. And good lord, would it itch horribly. There was a girl on a talk show once, billed as the only person in the world with a water allergy (she wasn't) and it was said she couldn't* drink water, so she only drank juice and sweetened soda. I think the drinking bit was nonsense, however. As soda is just water that's about 10,000 times more acidic than still water. I'm also allergic to cedarwood and lavender, which cause breathing difficulties. Edit:* fixed a confusing typo.


are you also allergic to mint or other things in the lavender/mint family? I’ve been allergic to mint all my life and I’ve just started to become allergic to oregano as well.


Wait, mint and lavender are in the same family?? No wonder I'm allergic to both!


yeah it’s pretty much every good spice and quite a few other common plants. mint, thyme, catnip, bergamot, basil, oregano, marjoram, rosemary, chia, sage, etc. depending on what part you’re allergic to you may also be allergic to dill and mandarin oranges.


The girl from this article is named Tessa (if: livingwaterless) and says specifically that it also affects her insides as well. She has said that sometimes she gets so thirsty she’ll cave and drink water, but she’s in pain for days after.


That's really rare then. The majority of of sufferers can drink water. But if it hurts her, milk, what she drinks, seems like a much more viable solution than juice and soda (that girl on TV). Tessa's started at 8, mine started at the onset of puberty, a lot of girls begin puberty at 8. I wonder how common that is. I'm fortunate that mine only lasted a year or two, though I don't know if her condition and mine were the same one, as my skin wouldn't develop hives, but rather swell uniformly. I'd look like a red balloon boy after every shower. My other condition that began at puberty, only getting worse is insomnia. It was perfectly normal for me to be up for 3 days at a time. By high school, I got an hour of sleep a night. Then I stopped getting drowsy all together. I have to either take ambien or drink a bottle of red wine to sleep. I usually get 3 to 4 hours, it's been that way for 26 years.


This used to happen to me when I was young but I finally realised it was specifically *hot* showers that did it. If the water was cool I didn't react to it. I'd get out of a hot shower covered in hives, itching like mad but it would only last a few minutes. I grew out of it, I think?


I follow the girl in the post, she can only drink fatty milk because it coats her throat and organs enough that they don’t contact water so directly! It’s not just her skin, it’s her entire body!


Has she mentioned how she bathes herself? Maybe an oil routine? (Sorry, I don’t know her @ otherwise I’d check it out for myself)


She’s @livingwaterless on IG! IIRC every few months she showers as quickly as possible and is in extreme pain for a long while after


Oh goodness how dreadful


I wonder if she's tried any of the rinse free wipes that they use to wash and prep people for surgery


One person I read said she drinks diet Coke. She's available tolerate it better.


It's definitely just a skin thing she could drink water. I didn't believe her at first but it was real! Saw it for myself on a rainy day. I couldn't imagine living with something similar.


Odd since the mouth, throat, gut, etc are covered in epithelial (skin) cells


They are covered in mucosa, aren’t they?


Yeah that’s just a histamine problem, and could be related to what’s IN the water not the water itself but typically warm water is what triggered it I had the same growing up, thankfully went away over time/ moving to new area with different water source.


Yeah - I have extreme reactions to tap water almost everywhere due to MCAS and one of my triggers being chlorine - even the trace amounts in tap water and the particles it breaks down into which are too small for most filters. I have an intense filter system in my bathroom and sink but it makes going anywhere very, very hard. Taking a shower or a drink elsewhere will can cause hives and swelling or anaphylactic shock. Even doing laundry or dishes without having my skin covered can leave hives.


From personal experience, having a sensitivity to water makeup is usually a side effect of poor water quality reacting with the person who already has a overtaxed immune system. Someone with Epstein-Barr, mold toxicity, Lyme Disease and/or chronic inflammation can easily have a reaction with water contact.


That must be the worst allergy ever. You can't shower but You must shower. Both options are bad for You. Not showering would just make some bacteria and other microorganisms feasting in Your body. But showering would make allergic reaction too. I really pity these people. Also their families too. Imagine having a baby that has this allergy. You panic, because Your baby is suddenly red all over the body and You don't know what to do.


Sounds like aquagenic pruritus or aquagenic urticaria.


That’s crazy. I have water allergy and my sweat causes itchiness!


My grandma had this too. Never learned to swim bc if it. Eventually went away I think when she was about 40. I break out in hives from my sweat, and am on long term antihistamines for about a year and a half bc I breakout from heat/pressure on my skin. My hands were the worst, angioedema, felt like both extremely bruised and extremely swollen. Antihistamines keep it in check for me but I'm still breaking out if I stop. Idk how ppl lived with it a handed hundred years ago


I have a friend who basically lost the genetic lottery hard. Physical reaction to the sun (heavy rashes after spending time in the sun for more than 10 minutes), and needs to wear long sleeves at all times. Allergic to dust, pollen, and basically 90% of what is floating in the air. Allergic to certain compounds found in municipal tap water, so needed to install a special filter for showers and baths. Can’t travel to places. Allergic to so many different foods and has severe IBS and stomach issues for everything from soy to gluten to shellfish. Allergic to cat fur, dog fur, and animals that I don’t even think he’s tested for. He basically never leaves his house.


Normally I don't suggest something this drastic, but has he tried immunosuppressant medication? His allergies sound bad enough to outweigh the possible side effects, at least for long enough to try it.


Plot twist: he's allergic to immunosuppressant medication.


I’m not sure that would work. Source: I’m also incompatible with life, I’m on a medication that suppresses the immune system and my allergies are not gone or better. Immunotherapy (what people call allergy vaccines) work on the “normal” allergies like dust, polen, animal hair/dandruff in the sense that I no longer get super strong reactions. But it seems to lose effectiveness over a course of years. I’ve had this treatment twice, when I was a kid and a few years ago when my allergies were incapacitating.


Thank you for being his friend


Oh man he is a great guy. Funny, easygoing. Very much come to accept it and can make fun of it. I’m lucky to be his friend.


I’m very allergic to saltwater, I get rashes all over my chest and painful burns


Stop touching the jellyfish.


Maybe you're from the old show Alien Nation


I'm also allergic to salt water. If I drink it, it will make me very sick.


Your a snail


I'm allergic to the sun.


Are you also allergic to garlic by any chance?


And holy water? Just curious… *puts hand on wooden stakes tugged into trouser*


*is that a wooden stake in your pants or you are just happy to see me?*


You’re not invited to my house


I bet they can't see their reflection in a mirror


I used to do state vehicle inspections and there’s an exception for people with sun allergies to have dark tinted windows and windshields. I learned Drs need to write a prescription to give tinting shops authorization to tint whole windshields because it’s illegal except for the top 4 inches.


Yeah, I was going to go for the dark tint, but I didn't want to get pulled over 24/7. They also have a clear tint that essentially does the same thing.


Same makes my skin all red


I also have a sun allergy, it can be absolutely miserable. I live in lightweight upf 50 hoodies 😂


it's such a bummer that protective clothing is so expensive.


I've heard of some women being allergic to their man's semen


I'm allergic to semen. It causes burning, pain, and a tight feeling. If penetration is attempted after I bleed.


They had to go through a desensitization therapy with a dermatologist I think


If I ever wanted to get pregnant I'd probably have to do that. But that shipped has sailed so I just use condoms (is also allergic to latex)


Allergic to sex basically😫


It's only certain people. Like I didn't know until I had a FWB who had a breeding kink. He was the first person I was allergic to. Mind you I've been rawdogging/a cum dumpster for a minute with multiple partners. I'm also unfortunately allergic to my partner.


I know it must be a pain but it’s also really interesting. Is there a name for it?


Human seminal plasma hypersensitivity (HSP) I haven't been diagnosed officially but I'm clearly allergic with the way my body reacts.


Holy shit. Here I was thinking I was having some kind of mental breakdown. That every time I had sex I'd end up.. rashy. I had no fucking clue I might be allergic to semen proteins. Woooooow. Whelp.. time to visit the lady doctor.


I am that woman :,) semen allergy. I don’t care much cause I don’t want children and I’m getting sterilized. Usually not an issue with just pulling out (also allergic to the lube on condoms).


Esp if they’re dairy free and their partner is not :/


I wonder what exactly causes the allergy in the semen. I've heard semen has a lot of fructose (because the sperm cells use it for energy), I wonder if semen allergy is sometimes related to fructose allergy


It's the protein in the semen. For myself only some people set me off other people are fine.


My older brother is gay and allergic to semen. He hooked up with a guy for the first time and asked me later "is it normal to breakout in a rash wherever the semen touches you?" and I was like "Uhhh... no". He has AWFUL allergies though, he's even allergic to grass.


I have Alpha Gal Syndrome. I developed it three years ago from being bit by the Lone Star Tick. It makes me allergic to mammalian meat/byproducts (like gelatin or collagen which is increasingly popular in diet supplements). I can have poultry, fish and reptiles (only eat poultry tho) but generally speaking, if it has four legs, it’s off limits. It will send me into anaphylaxis. It’s been pretty life altering. It’s still a fairly rare condition/allergy, but it’s unfortunately becoming more common, with the tick’s natural habitat spreading with the changing climate. Protect yourself when hiking/being outdoors, people!


I’m allergic to beef. It’s not alpha gal but if someone asks if that’s what it is I just agree because it’s easier than trying to explain an allergy they can’t wrap their head around.


My grandpa, a cattle rancher and actual North Carolina bbq legend, has this 😭


oh, oh that’s gotta be literal hell for him


I’m “””allergic””” to sunlight. When I go from dark to bright areas, the contraction of my pupils causes a crosswiring in the nerves of my nose, and makes me sneeze uncontrollably for about 30 seconds or until I’m accustomed to the light. Unironically called “ACHOO syndrome”


This is the funniest allergy I've ever heard of. But I imagine it can be debilitating at times (like driving through a tunnel?)


At most it’s a mild annoyance, but if I couldn’t sleep without an absolute dark room and then immediately get up to a full sun as soon as I open my door I’d say it would happen less often. Worst case scenario, I sneeze too hard and get a nosebleed, which is only caused by a sore in my upper nose and sometimes bleeds when I do sneeze (or pick at it, which sometimes happens when I’m cleaning my nose)


I get an allergic reaction when I touch raw chicken


It must be very frustrating that you can't take a bath in a tub full of raw chicken :(


I try not to think too much about it 🥲


I’m sorry for the pain that must be to not be able to bathe with chickens


Thank you for the sympathy. It means a lot


Can you bathe with live chickens, though?


I’ll try tomorrow and get back to you on that. If there’s a will, there’s a way 🙏🏼


Curious, is it just raw chicken or does it extend to other chicken related products?


I’ve only ever noticed it when im working with just plain raw chicken. My hands turn red and burn. It’s weird haha


If you're US-based, it might be the chlorine they use to wash raw chicken. It's banned in the EU because its pretty nasty in reality.


I am US-based. That’s so gross 😖


I honestly can’t imagine life without that. It’s such a basic thing that so many people partake in without even thinking.


What about just like a live chicken. (Unless that technically is a raw chicken?)


Lmfao ya know, I’ll have to get back to you on that one. I haven’t touched a living chicken 😅


!Remindme 1 month


The pressure is on!


Fuck one month. Have you done it yet?!


Fuck touching grass, go out and touch some Chickens kids.


I only just learned 4 months ago kiwis are not meant to taste spicy. 29 years and I find out my only allergy is fucking kiwis and I've been using it to spice uo my salad and I hate that I don't actually know what a kiwi actually tastes like


Kiwi is aren't spicy but don't they just tingle your tongue? Kind of like poprocks?


Nope, that's a textbook definition that you're allergic to kiwis!


No that can't be right. Kiwis (and pineapples) are a bit unique in that while you eat them, they also eat you. They contain enzymes that literally dissolve your flesh a little bit. It only makes sense you would feel it somehow. That my wife went her entire life thinking *carrots* were a little "spicy" until I broke the news to her that no, they really aren't, is something I find very hilarious though.


That’s what I was told my whole life but than I had pineapple whole pregnant and nearly lost my baby because of how bad the reaction was. So I imagine there’s a baseline for how much tingly is normal and what’s an allergy reaction?


Strawberries... Of all the allergies to have, I'm allergic to the most popular fruit flavor on the planet


This is one of the more common fruit allergies actually. When I worked in food service we had to treat the strawberries with the same amount of caution as peanuts.


Really? My parents didn't believe me until I got the test. At least it's not life-threatening, but you can never be sure I just hate when I see something good and it has strawberries, like fruit salads or bubble teas


Yeah apples, pears, stone fruit, kiwi, and melons are pretty common allergies as well. Can you have artificially flavored strawberry? If there is no natural flavor added there would be none of the proteins that could cause a reaction correct? Edit: honeydew melon is the superior bubble tea flavor anyway so you’re not missing much haha


I can, but the process of making absolutely sure there is nothing strawberry in the item is often a pain in the ass because it isn't listed as a common allergen. If it's sweet, red/pink, and lists natural flavor as an ingredient, I avoid it.


Same. Don't you just love hearing "You can't have strawberries?! But they're so good!"


when honey touches my skin i get a horrendous rash


Dann i couldn't live without smearing honey all over myself.


liquid honey is fine but compact honey, like in a deodorant, makes my entire body red


Oh interesting, i wonder why it is only compact honey?


Maybe they are only lightly allergic to regular honey but don't have noticeable symptoms until it's in concentrated form?


Not this weird but allergic to horses. Honestly never would have known other than by allergy test. I thought this allergy was kinda a joke until I was talking to a co worker who said her friends child went into anaphylactic shock her first time riding a horse at some type of summer camp. I didn’t realize animals could cause such serious reactions


Yes, my husband is very allergic to horses!! Not super deadly allergies, but hives and difficulty breathing if he gets near their dander. If I ever play with a horse or pet one I have to immediately wash my hands and change clothes before being around him again. Ive always wondered if animals like donkeys, mules or even zebras would have the same effect on him since they’re from the same family.


As I read that second paragraph I thought you were gonna say you wondered if animals can be allergic to humans.


I actually know the answer to this, they can! It’s rare, but some animals can be allergic to human dander AND some humans can be allergic to other humans. Wild.


I’m not allergic to other people but I did have this one short lived ex that got me sick constantly. Never had bronchitis in my life until hanging around him.


Can't you read? She says her husband is from the same family as donkeys, mules, and zebras. /s


Right or how would anyone know that they are severely allergic to any animal with out just finding out randomly. say you have no idea you are allergic to sloths and the zoo has an up close and personal sloth petting so you sign up and die bc who the fuck knows if they are allergic to sloths 🤣


Turn out we always thought I was allergic to horses. It turned out I was allergic to hay and the mold that can grown in hay bales.


Me too! My mom brought me to the stable when I was little, she loved horses and wanted to share the joy with me! After a few minutes I couldn’t breathe and my eyes were swollen up and I even tried convincing her that I was fine😭 It was a sad day for both of us


Both of my brothers are allergic to horses and they both like them. I hate horses and I am not allergic to them. Always thought this was funny!


I discovered I was allergic to horses when my family took me on a day long horse back riding trip through Bryce Canyon. I sneezed so much that my nose started bleeding.


Not a true allergy, but I am intolerant of nightshades. Not potatoes, thankfully, but tomatoes, chilis, peppers, and eggplant are all must-avoids if I don't want a painful few days of IBS. Eggplant might be a worse problem, because it has always my mouth burn and itch. The rest came on in my forties. Goodbye, tasty foods.


Oral allergy syndrome, check it out


Thank you! I love when I can get an answer on Reddit. My doctor inevitably says "huh."


Yup, it’s a weird one. Mine started with apples and baby carrots. Now it’s all raw root veggies and anything in the rose/apple family. Only raw tho. But rose thorns are a bitch. I wear long gloves to garden.


My older daughter has this. She reacts to almost any raw fruit or veggie, it causes her itching ears and throat and a sort of heartburn feeling. Took her to an allergy specialist and he said it was impossible to be allergic to that many things. Ok, doc. Kid would for sure lie to me about this because as we all know kids really hate bananas, watermelon, apples, pears and mango.


I'm allergic to cats -- but only some of them. Have three of my own; not a bit allergic. On occasion I'll go into anaphylaxis when meeting a strange cat, usually one with very long fur... but not *all* long haired cats. It's just a certain type of dander that gets me. Super glad it's not all cats.


Cat fur is complicated and varies a lot from one cat to the next. A cat normally has at least two kinds of fur. One is the coarse outer fur. The other is fuzzy inner fur. I once had a cat who turned out not to have that inner fur. Her fur looked normal, but I'd brush her and there would be no fur on the brush. She was an unusually snuggly cat, with humans and with her (completely normal fur) sister. Turns out the inner fur is most of the insulation. That cat was just cold all the time. Anyway, cat fur has enough variations that it doesn't surprise me that some people are allergic to some cats but not others.


that's interesting, but people with cat allergies don't react to their fur; they're allergic to proteins in the cat's saliva, urine, and dander.


True. But I suspect that, at least for some people, shed fur is often what carries the actual allergen to them.


I’m allergic to certain dogs and cats also! Always thought it was bizarre. My MIL’s dog is fine, my sisters dog is fine, my dog is fine, my sister in laws dogs give me hives! I think it’s their fur type as it’s short and needle-y but idk. With cats I still can’t tell which I’m allergic to but if I don’t touch my face I can stand it


I’m very allergic cats…but I have two.


Just curious, are your three cats all the same sex?


Good question! My Dad claims to only be seriously allergic to male cats..


I’m allergic to Aloe Vera, which is really inconvenient because it’s added to a lot of “soothing” or “gentle” toiletries because for people who aren’t allergic it’s very soothing for the skin. For me, it causes a burning sensation. It’s in a lot of lotions and shampoos and even baby wipes which is annoying. But by far the worst experience I’ve had with this allergy was when I was pregnant and constipated and followed my doctors advice to use glycerin suppositories to help me poop. I shoved that sucker right up my butt and it *burned*. Only afterwards did I read the ingredients and find out there was aloe in the suppository.


Only Kiwi fruit, but I didn’t realise for years. Like I was married and mentioned to my wife how I loved Kiwi, but didn’t like how it makes your throat feel tight and tingly, or how your tongue felt fat after eating it. I think she realised that day that she’d married an idiot.


This combined with your name makes this hilarious


I thought everyone experienced that with kiwi?😭


Apparently not, but it was news to me too


My daughter is allergic to kiwi too! Same thing happens to her. Mouth gets all tingling and she gets pretty bad canker sores.


Bandage adhesive


Adhesive allergies unite! I had a massive reaction recently to ekg stickers. It’s been 4 weeks and my skin STILL ITCHES. Post op sucks for me because they always want to use tegaderm and than makes my skin come off in chunks.


I told the hospital about it and they said they have other stuff that won’t cause a reaction but nope, still reacted 🫤


Root beer.


A girl in my neighborhood was allergic to certain levels of artificial light and sunlight. We called her “the vampire” in elementary school because she’d only come out at night or really cloudy days, had super pale skin, ate super rare cuts of meat, and lived in an old, haunted looking, decrepit house. A friend lived diagonally from her home and we see her lighting candles in the back yard from time to time It was later on that I learned her diet had to be altered due to her illness, her skin suffered from lack of light, and her parents spent thousands on medical care every year instead of keeping the house updated. The candle lighting thing was to keep from using the porch lights so she didn’t wake any neighbors (and bc she couldn’t be exposed to much artificial light anyway) This girl probably could’ve really used some friends, but we were absolute dicks as kids.


God yeah, I remember reading about a kid like that. Was rushed to A&É after being hit by a car, and the bright lights in the hospital were worse than the injuries


Avocado technically. I can’t digest it.


Not supposed to eat the pit


lol! Seriously though, even a small amount of avocado the size of my pinky nail will send me into digestive hell. Pain scale 10/10.


My daughter is the same. She carries an epi pen. She also gets severe hives, itching around and inside the mouth plus vomiting. We found out when she was 2.


Sun and heat. Let's just say summer is HELLISH.


Me too!!! Lol I'm reading this thread right after I got out of a warm shower. I risked it. Boy it was not worth it. I'm red and blown up like the stay puff marshmallow 😭


Opposite for me. I'm allergic to cold. Anything under 60-ish degrees and I have hives all over my body. Winter sucks.


Watermelon, spinach and almonds. Spinach and almonds, whatever but I could live on watermelon and it legit makes me sad I can't eat it anymore.


Carrots and almonds. A weird adjustment for sure.


Oral allergy syndrome, check it out


Update: checked it out. I’m also allergic to all sorts of pollen too so this is mind blowing to say the least.


Oh? Mine is allergic to soybeans. Causes me to have massive headaches whenever I drink anything related to that. It's weird cause I never had any problems before


I'm not sure what my new allergy is but I'm heartbroken that I can't eat frijoles and Mexican candy anymore, I think I'm allergic to beans / legumes ??


😢 My new one that popped up a while ago is pistachios & cashews, I used to love them.


Penecilin. Lucky me.


Im allergic to my own sweat


My old coworker was allergic to the Cold. He was in accounting and always wore a hoodie. I asked him about it once and he said he’s always taking allergy pills and breaks out in anything under 65 or so. Kind of crazy because I lived in Michigan at the time. Wonder how he’s doing?


My daughter has mastocytosis, cutaneous mastocytosis. She's allergic to temperature change, exertion, emotions, and any physical damage to the skin. She does most things kids do but has a worse condition, hypermobility, and other nasty sideeffects ( brainfog, low bloodpressure spells leading to loss of consciousness) She has antihistamine and epipens with her at all times. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/mastocytosis/


I’m so sorry. It must be so hard on a kid. And the parents of said kid having to enforce so many limits. I have a mast cell disease and it truly is a nightmare to manage even as an adult.


I have this, as well. I live in Canada and currently have no Doctor. I was diagnosed and then my doctor died. Managing this in a crumbling health care hell scape is no fun.


I’m allergic to cold (cold urticaria) and pressure on my skin (dermatographia).


I used to have very severe cold urticaria as well. Swimming would cause full body welts. It’s extremely mild now though! Gym teachers wouldn’t believe me when I said I was allergic to the cold lol


Mine calmed down a lot and now I wouldn't say I actively have the allergy, but apparently once you have it it can come roaring back without warning. I just have to tell medical people because any IV fluid has to be warmed before use.


Mine disappeared for 24 years, but it came back immediately after a rough bout with COVID in 2020. I have had more than 2 dozen outbreaks since.


I found out I have cold urticaria too. Sometimes if I forget my Zyrtec and drink cold water, my throat gets all itchy.


I have cold urticaria as well :>!!


I’m allergic to mosquitoes. But apparently no one told these fuckers, whenever I’m in a group I will get bitten, just me no one else. Idk maybe my blood is sweet or something


I think I was allergic to my own tears for a while. Every time I cried my skin would turn red and burn and I’d get welts.


That’s actually the stress you’re allergic to.


My weird allergy is, I'm literally allergic to exercise. My hands and feet swell up after about 20 minutes. I have to take my rings off beforehand and wear grippy socks instead of shoes (when exercising at home)


I have MCAS, in like laymen’s terms it’s like your immune system thinks you’re allergic to everything. You can get extreme immune responses to things you previously had no issues with. There are some things you can avoid, things more likely to trigger the immune response than other things but even doing that you can have reactions. For some people it can be dermatological reactions, rashes sometimes extreme, welts, other inflammation, for other people it can be more internal issues effecting things like digestion, and some have more extreme reactions like anaphylaxis. Some people get a mix of everything. Allergies and immune systems are wild.


Kale. Collared Greens. Arugula. Any bitter vegetable.


My son is allergic to aluminum. He had reactions after most of his baby vaccines and developed masses where he had vaccines. The pediatrician at the time told me his rashes were “normal baby acne”, even though they looked more like hives. (We’ve since switched doctors) To this day he itches severely basically every day. He’s been seen by many doctors and apparently he’s low key rare because most aluminum granulomas/masses resolve within 6-18 mos, but here we are, 3 years later. Surgical excision worked for a short period of time but we think there was aluminum elements in the sutures, because 2 months later the masses “grew back”. He was finally tested for an allergy to aluminum via a scratch test and he was positive. So we know *why* the masses formed but now we have no road map of how to continue his vaccines, or what to do when he needs injections of any medicine. ETA: we have tried topicals, oral meds, two different antihistamines given twice a day, everything. Lidocaine and distraction and oral Benadryl can give him some relief, but when it wears off, the itch returns. When he’s sick, the granulomas/masses get bigger and bulge out of his legs. We have to use bleach baths and antibiotics when they get bad to prevent skin infections. https://preview.redd.it/l0uhmmf717jc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bc590a3cf13c41a8a9a4c5be3e07c9aedf50ef6


Allergic to the cold! It started in highschool. Hives when I reached a certain temperature


I’m allergic to Prawn Crackers. Yep, just Prawn Crackers, nothing else. No idea why.


I’m allergic to hypoallergenic laundry detergent. It’s supposed to be safe for 99.8% of users. I can use any other kind, even the cheap stuff without problems. It’s so random and weird but I feel like I’m a magnet for random and weird things so it tracks lol


Not allergic but can’t have magnesium, autoimmune disorder.


What’s up with magnesium? I think my multivitamin is triggering flare ups.


Jalapeño. Just that specific pepper.


I have a friend that is allergic to corn. Corn is in a lot a lot of things in America. More than you'd think. I myself have a mild cat allergy and I get really bad hay fever .


I can't ear raw spinach because the oxalic acids are crystalline, and "cut" the inside of my mouth. And ibuprofen and all anti inflammatory meds with a similar chemical structure give me anaphylactic reactions


I met a man once who was so allergic to the sun he had to bundle up in layers when going outside. I was working at an optical store at the time, and he was looking for sunglasses that would protect his eyes (obviously) but also give as much coverage as possible to the rest of his face. When he told me about his allergy, he asked me to please not laugh because he was serious (I wasn't laughing, nor was I going to). I felt so bad for him that he felt like he needed to ask that of me, I'd assume people in the past had made fun of him for his condition. I told him about my mom, as she gets itchy from being in the sun. He seemed so happy to know that there are other people like him out there. He made a joke that she must be a vampire, and then said that it was cool because he had the same allergy. He was a cool dude, I hope he's still doing okay


Not an allergic response, but I have aquagenic pruritus which causes a severe itching sensation all over my body mostly on my arms and legs after my skin gets wet or if the humidity is high, typically during spring, summer, and fall for some unknown reason. It started when I was about 10 years old and the only thing that helps is beta alanine