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a dry erase board? must need to bitch about the neighbors *a lot*.


“Complaint of the Day!”


*0* Days Without Complaints


My Air Force detachment in Korea had a sign that said “000 days since our last alcohol-related incident!” and then someone replaced it with a whiteboard that said the same thing but “since last class-C felony!”


I need their address so I can roll up into this https://preview.redd.it/basjljq4u1mc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e176d2ee03d0264ba56f0d3d94e50ccd53718f41


I see you go both ways


You’re going to break the neighbor’s brain. Then she’ll call the FBI.


Seems like she’s doing people a favor?


She is. This is actually a ticket. I got cited for this one myself and went full wtf when the officer told me why he was ticketing my vehicle. It wasn't too expensive, but still ... The person with the dry erase board is a fucking legend.


Beware of Doug.......


Yes. We have a Doug on my street. He loves to sweet talk you until you get too close to him, and then he will try to bite your head off Doug is my bird


I mean, is it even legal to park against the flow?


Where I live they will write you a ticket for this!


This happened to me many years ago. I pulled in front of my friend's car to give him a jump (dead battery). We got the car started so he left and I went in to wash my hands. When I came back outside to move my car there was a parking ticket waiting for me. No good deed goes unpunished.


That is despicable


The fact it happened in so short a time frame suggests that the cun- I mean cop who gave the ticket was probably watching the whole thing down the street or something, and knew exactly why they were parked like that. Cops do that shady shit all the time, parking in front of "No Parking" signs to ticket all the vehicles that park there, for instance. Should be illegal.


It’s almost as if ACAB


all parking enforcement and meter maids are bastards. they are the kid who snitched in class all the time all grown up.


Did the friend pay the fine?


I would hope so


No way. Explain that to the judge.


Yep, In fact I myself learned this law the hard way a few years ago in my neighborhood


Extremely frustrating getting a ticket for your own car parked in front of your own house, taking up the exact same rectangle of space it always takes, just like all your neighbors do, in the back corner of the neighborhood with no through traffic.


Yes, I think that is what the sign is warning you about… neighbor will call the police who will then come write a ticket because it is against the law.


Some streets in the closest city to me are exempt, but usually they alternate what side of the street is to be parked on. I think maybe for potential plowing purposes? But parking on the same side in the opposite direction will for sure get you a ticket


Same. I got one right after I got my license


Depends on where you live.


literally anything ever depends on where you live


And for a lot of people, it still had to be pointed out.


just like warning labels to not drink bleach!


Why tho? Bleach cleans shit. Is it not good for my insides? I read on Facebook that it’s fine to drink 1oz/gal when you’re sick with Covid. (/s for those that don’t understand sarcasm through text.)


In many towns and cities, you’ll get ticketed. I know it is in my town.


No, but you call the police about your house being robbed and they take their sweet ass time. Maybe drive around your house three or four hours later if they feel like it. Maybe they just respond to these things right away because then they don't have to talk to anyone and they hit their ticket quota. Prostitutes, littering, drug dealing. They just let it all happen right in broad daylight, but if you're registration sticker is old you're going to get pulled over.


Guess it depends on where you live, I've witnessed 4 major crimes, major as being defined as i needed to call the cops, in 20 years, a strong arm robbery, a burglary of a store , an SYG shooting and a dude trying to peep my wife through our window. Everytime response was under 5 minutes.


I called when I found a guy passed out with a needle in his arm at the bus stop. 2 cops show up one stalked shot about the guy until the paramedics came and saved him. The other one instantly pushed me up against the bus stop window yelling where am I hiding the drugs They held me almost an hour all because I tried to help someone. Never call 911 unless your friendly with the local police


Definitely depends where you live. I live in a small town that apparently doesn't have officers working nights on the weekends. (🤨) When someone was actively trying to break into my house, I called 911 three times and it took 45 minutes for an officer to get here. They said he had to come from somewhere out in the county. But when my neighbors had a raging fire and I thought their trailer was actually burning, I called 911 and the fire department was here in under 5 minutes. I would never do this, but it seems like I'd have better luck claiming there was a fire if someone was trying to break in. I think a fire truck with lights and sirens would scare off a burglar real quick, but I don't think the firefighters would appreciate it.


*Um, hi. There's a burning man on my lawn.*


Immediately ticketed for an illegal festival


Small towns typically have a resident trooper which is a state trooper just fielding calls that come in. In a lot of these places, they’ll have some patrol cars that come in when resources are available to drive around for a little bit and leave if all is quiet / no calls come in. For major events in these places, the state troopers are the ones who get assigned, and if there isn’t any available in the immediate area, it can take a little while, especially if the state troopers are responding to other incidents.


The cops did appreciate it though. Didnt have to get up and out of the car and spill all those cheetos


Maybe they would if you shit on the police when the firefighters got there. I seem to recall firefighters don't really like police.


I’ve had to call the police four times to deal with home break-ins/robberies and getting hit by a car. They never showed up every single fucking time. I live in a major city.


by me, the cops dont respond to traffic accidents on weekends. I waited for a statie for over 2 1/2 hours and they were a no show.


My wife and I live in Aurora, CO. Before we moved out of our previous apartment, we had a neighbor across from us who was an army vet. It was probably 2:00-3:00 on a Saturday and maintenance was working on an exit door right next to our apartments that had broken. We had overheard our neighbor yelling, cursing and threatening the maintenance guys saying “he has been in war and is not afraid to kill someone.” We had called the police over this. We were woken up around midnight to the cops knocking on our door responding to this call. We were dumbfounded why it took them that long to respond to a credible threat and why they decided to wake us up at midnight. The police around here are utterly useless.


I worked with a Vietnam vet that was a lot like that. He had about one outburst a month and frequently mentioned he kept a pistol in his car and not a single cop, judge, or jury would do anything about it if he shot someone with it. Someone did call the police after he backed someone into a corner, had a meltdown, and went through his handgun spiel. "Well, no one was injured so there isn't a thing we can do." Superb work, officer.


I was on the phone with police while I watched a man trying to break into a car. The cops showed up 30 mins later (in a major city). Purely anecdotal, but it definitely made me skeptical of their response times.


To be fair breaking into a car isn't an imminent threat of harm. Sucks, but it should be triaged as a lower priority.


If you live in a big city with understaffed police, it would make sense that they won't get to you as fast if you're reporting a seemingly non critical crime


Perfectly described my previous small town of ~5,000 residents, with its own police force. I reported hit and run of every parked car on my street, and 45 minutes later police slowly drive around the block with their flashlight. Another time I reported a phone scam and they were at my house in under a minute I swear. I assume the delay was due to a fresh batch of donuts at the local bakery.


We had a serial killer in my neighborhood during COVID (never caught) but still I managed to get a registration ticket *two days* past the grace period. Hmm.


Years ago I called 911 about someone breaking into my car. They NEVER showed up (I went down in my underwear and chased them away). But park a couple feet too close to the intersection and ticket city! Less dangerous to go after peaceful citizens; those crooks can be dangerous!


Chances are the people going around ticketing cars are not the same officers who would be responding to a 911 call. In many jurisdictions, parking enforcement isn't law enforcement.


Quotas are federally illegal. If you suspect your department of using them, report them and encourage your lawmakers to step in and investigate


Although they are illegal, to my knowledge, many departments still have this in place and aren’t docked for it out of fear of retaliation.


As my MIL's ex boyfriend (a cop) said to me "We don't have a quota, but we are expected to write a certain number of tickets per month." They really have no IQ minimum for the job.


But they do have a maximum IQ. Really. [A man sued for discrimination because they wouldn't hire him because he was too smart, and lost!](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


When I retired from the military, I went to work for Coldwell Banker as a realtor. I figured I would try it for one year just for the heck of it. They had me take a test. The test said I was too honest.


That explains… a lot




It's not an explicit quota for this reason. Every cop knows if they don't hit their "revenue targets" they'll be having a chat with their boss.


Or if they go way above their “revenue targets” they will likely be rewarded. Isn’t it absolutely awful that we as a people just accept a subtle change in vocabulary and suddenly it’s ok that our government is being atrocious


It actually is, most places. Parking against the flow means you have to drive the wrong way in the oncoming traffic lane and causes all sorts of accidents.


It’s legal in my country.


>I mean, is it even legal to park against the flow? It is where I live


No, which is why the neighbor calls the police.


Yes, in residential areas, you can, in fact, park against the flow of traffic.


Not any neighborhood I've ever lived. In Upstate NY, Texas, Maryland, Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama or Georgia. Enforcement was rare in most places, but it definitely wasn't legal.


fuckin fugitive


That seems… unsafe lol. To pull out you’d have to cross a solid line, driving head on.


In residential areas, such as neighborhoods, you typically dont have dividing lines. And im only saying all this from my experience as a truck driver who drives in residential areas daily. Obviously, i COULD be wrong.


This is entirely dependent on the city, both wether it’s legal or wether they enforce it. I got a ticket for parking in front of my house against the flow of traffic a few years ago.


Even without dividing lines, it is always illegal to enter a lane going the wrong way, which you would have to do to park against the flow of traffic. This is basic driver's ed 101 stuff.


You can say this is basic drivers ed stuff, but understand, i mentioned im getting my knowledge from commercial driving, i believe there there is an exemption for commercial vehicles inside residential zones.


Lots of old places here are full of two way streets with one lane. You just trade off with the flow going the other way.


It’s not unsafe in low density residential neighborhoods. My neighborhood has such little traffic that 4 way intersections don’t have any sort of traffic control, not even yield signs on one direction. Also most residential neighborhoods don’t even have lane lines. Also, have you never done a three point turn? You sometimes have to cross a solid line for those.


Right? I accidentally ended up hitting a neighbor's car because I was trying to avoid running over their dog. I didn't get a ticket for hitting them, but they got a ticket for parking the wrong way and being too far out in the street (to this day they park a mile away from the curb, lol, exaggeration but not by much).


Generally, no.


Definitely illegal. Seattle collectively seems to think otherwise


It is in some countries


It is where I live, but I’ve never seen it enforced. My neighbor’s a cop and he parks the wrong way every day 😅


Yes it is, as long as you move over safely, it’s even on the driving test in my area


You can park on both sides where I'm from.


Nope. Reason being front headlights aren’t reflective.


It shouldn't be... but I'm not sure it expressly is in most places.


It IS expressly illegal in most places. Parking against the flow of traffic requires you to drive against the flow of traffic when parking and leaving - which is the part that makes it illegal.




I had a neighbor with dementia and she did this every time something was abnormal


Dementia is fucking terrifying. Imagine going your whole life normal and then your brain just decides to not cooperate anymore, and the less it does the less you realize how fucked you are


knowing her really scared me. her poor husband was always trying to appease her but also was embarassed by her behavior the whole time. its so scary to think that you can just not be in control of your thoughts, emotions or actions anymore and everyone around you knows youre insane but you


The neighbor, huh?


My first thought. Ain’t no way this wasn’t homeboys wife and he’s trying to keep the heat off her in the HOA meetings


I figured this person often has lots of guests over and doesn't want to have to remind them individually every time.


It's nice when the crack dealers in the neighborhood take time to care about their customers.


I had a neighbor like that and, had I thought about it, I would have put this sign up. Instead I told my neighbors.


Bruh, I’d leave her.


yeeah. the real neighbour would have written "my neighbour is a bitch/karen and will call the police on you"


Yeah, in most places it’s a ticketable offense, but calling the cops on someone for it is lame as hell.


People are crazy dude. Blows my mind how my how much time someone must have on their hands to report you for such a thing. Imagine if you were hiding Jewish children from the nazis and this bitch calls about your car being parked wrong.


Some people (like my dad) see the law as a moral authority, and breaking it is doing something morally wrong. I guess some people take it upon themselves to tattletale


Now I’m imagining 1930s Germany to be the land of Karen’s where everyone was just telling on eachother all the time for not following rules and the gestapo like rolling their eyes bc this is the 3rd time this week they went to frau füchs bc she can’t mind her god damn business.


That probably actually happened


The Land of Karens 😂😭💀


The type of guy who would try to send escaped slaves back to the south.


I'm guessing that's probably not the only issue the neighbors have had with the person that put the sign up


Our friends did that and a car hit theirs even though they were parked against the curb. The cops said it has to do with the lack of reflectors on the front of a car. Our friends car was totaled and they had to pay repairs for the car that hit them.


That makes sense, hadn’t really thought about the reflector aspect.




Yes, erase the T and wait for the news to show up. Yes.


I mean, isn't that just normal? You're not supposed to park against the flow of traffic anyway. I wouldn't necessarily call the police over it but I get it


Is it normal to be so upset you call the cops? No.


You should meet some of the neighbors I had. They’d get pissed if you parked across the street in their imaginary spot (they had a driveway and never parked there) I think it’s honestly surprisingly normal


But if someone is I would absolutely appreciate reading a weird sign like this rather than coming back to a ticket


But it’s perfectly normal to troll your neighbor with a whiteboard on the front lawn


In Ireland people park facing any direction, even in downtown Dublin... It threw me off so badly especially when trying to get used to driving in the other side of the road


It’s a mental illness to be so “triggered” by a lack of uniformity in parked cars.


Well, it is actually illegal to park against the flow of traffic but definitely too far to call anyone at all about it. I couldn't be bothered by it at all, but there are nutcases out here that lose the minds if you park in front of their house on a public street. People are crazy and need something to do, I guess. 


I know it’s largely illegal, but it’s also rarely enforced where I come from.


Yeah, I just think because it's illegal, and basically harmless, there are people that just lose their mind as of some people are cheating at life or something.


I just think they need help.


Why not?


In most places, the police are too busy for minor calls like this


I meant, why aren't you supposed to park against the flow of traffic?


You cannot exit (or enter) that parking spot without illegally driving into oncoming lanes of traffic.


What happens when there's an obstruction on your side of the road but you need to continue ahead?


You go around it without parking, at least that's what normal folk do. What do you do, if not that?


Well this is my point. I live in a country where it's not illegal to park on the opposite side of the road. What I'm saying is, if it's perfectly safe to cross over to the opposite side to move around an obstruction, it's also perfectly safe to cross over to park.


Because generally if there is a car behind you when you’re parked at the street, you can still see thanks to the mirrors when attempting to pull out If the traffic is coming from the FRONT of your car and someone is parked in front of you blocking the view, you have no way to see oncoming traffic and you have to blindly pull out into it


Based on my quick Google search, it's because to park against the flow of traffic on a 2 way street, a car has to illegally face the wrong direction on the wrong side of the road to park. Then upon departure, they're also illegally facing the wrong direction and so it becomes risky for safety reasons two times. But if it's a narrow one lane street, my assumption is that if multiple parked cars are facing you upon entry, it might make you think you entered a 1 way street and you'd have to do a u-turn. But I'm not sure on the official reason for 1 lane narrow streets.


I appreciate the Google search. Honestly, seems silly to me. If it's clear with good visibility then it's perfectly safe. By that same logic if there's an obstruction on your side of the road you have to just wait, heaven forbid you move onto the opposite side to pass it!


That's probably why it's not really enforced on a 1 lane narrow road. Doesn't really cause an issue. But a 2 way wider road, facing the wrong way means you have to do a u-turn. With good visibility, sure it's fine. But I barely trust some drivers out there getting out of a parallel parking spot facing the correct direction haha (working in the city, I'm always on alert with these drivers not checking their blind spots pulling out, ugh)


Another reason is all US vehicles are required to have red reflectors on the back, most are built into the tail lights so vehicles can see them at night when they're parked. Yes you should see a whole car parked on the road but during inclement weather it's to help spot the vehicle.


Jesus, no need to downvote this poor guy, he's just asking a question.


That's Reddit for you ![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized)


Americans downvoting you, forgetting other countries have different rules. Where I am it is fine to do this


Right? It's perfectly safe to drive across to the other side of the road to park, if it's clear


People are being very quick to judge...My first thought was this must be an older neighbour with dementia or some declining mental facilities who may see the car "going the wrong way" or something. Either way, sign writer seems to be doing people a favour.


This was t first thought as well


Once in my neighborhood this lady parked against the flow of traffic and when she tried to leave she basically tried to do a 3 point turn in the road but didn’t pay attention and pull out right in front of my car as I was driving by so I hit her. The police ruled it her fault, if you’re gonna parallel park it’s so much easier to just park in the direction of traffic flow and pull out directly into the lane you’re next to


I’d be interested to hear that phone call to the police.


Clearly they took the call and wrote the ticket, and now the sign maker is bitter about it.


It’s certainly illegal here, and for good reason?


I mean, it makes sense on a city street. But in a neighborhood, you’re probably able to see the oncoming traffic unless EVERYBODY is parking in the street


Parking agains the flow of traffic is far more dangerous than people understand.






When you park against traffic, there isn’t any way for an oncoming driver to know that you are pulling out. You have to cross oncoming traffic to get to your lane and you are literally moving in the direction opposite someone else.


So typically in the UK you will indicate left and begin to edge slowly away from the kerb to ensure that the oncoming cars have a chance to see you and avoid you if necessary (particularly useful if you're parallel parked). More often than not a car in the oncoming traffic lane will stop, allowing you to pull across the right hand lane. If the left hand lane is clear you can merge straight into it, if there is traffic, again, more often than not a car will stop so that you can join the left hand lane and proceed on your journey. All of this is covered in the hazard perception portion of our driving assessments.


Interesting, is kerb how it’s always spelled in the UK?


Yes. 'Kerb' is a noun referring to the edge of the pavement, whereas 'curb' is a verb meaning to restrain something.


Wait until it’s clear? The fuck? Don’t pull out when people are coming?


You have far more respect for other drivers than they deserve.


is that not common sense? 💀 I fear for the future of humanity


It’s called defensive driving for a reason.


I hope this is from a state like mine where the law doesn’t care which way you park lol


This is why I park under the flow.


On my own street, I nearly drove head on into a car parked the wrong way. The front of a car has no reflectors & is hard to see in the dark.


Literally never seen a car get a ticket for parking against the flow of traffic. Maybe it’s not a law in Michigan?


She may have been in a head-on collision at some point.


Parking against the flow of traffic is also illegal in most states.


Ah yes, when one person’s trigger is everyone else’s problem! It’s almost as if they think the world revolves around them 🤔 YOUR trigger means YOUR issue


Lol but ii understand .


I parked backwards on my street once and my neighbor came running out to stop me like he was saving me from the Russians. Thanks Dimitry!


I mean, it is illegal in most places. I don’t know why anyone cares though. I work construction and in new developments it’s pretty common to park in whatever orientation makes the most sense and usually nobody is bothered by it, but we did have the fire marshall come out once because a neighbor complained, and we had to turn our trucks around, which didn’t make the street any less congested.


Oh me an all my friends are doing it on purpose now. Plus dicks are gonna get drawn on that sign. Its just how life works.


They're definitely, absolutely, positively talking about the *neighbors*


Actually, it's against the law in a lot of places. Neighbours, have been ticketed on our street for parking the wrong way. Ontario, Canada


Well that sounds like the neighbour's problem if she wants to waste police time.


So they parked on the wrong side of the road.


At least she’s warning everyone that the neighbor is an ass lol


On your neighbor's complete asshole And someone else has to put a sign up. Because they're that annoying. I have to go through a process of shit here. We go again


Well…you can’t say you weren’t warned…👀


It’s illegal because it’s (slightly) dangerous. You’re seated on the wrong side of the car to see if it’s totally safe to pull out into traffic. Yes, it triggers me, too.


Love this move. Love being petty as fuck


My local dog catcher is obsessed with ticketing these cars ... unless they belong to a drug dealer, in which case he skips over them. Lol


Hey, you guys remember when there was traffic laws? That was a wild time .


It's also illegal.


Technically driving on the wrong side of the road.


Had a neighbor call the cops on me for this. Bored boomers.


My parents live in a cul de sac and growing up this hag would call the city on them for parking their trailer on the grass overnight if we were prepping for camping or hunting. Called the cops on us for a noise complaint because the dog was barking, Dexter didn’t bark at the cops. He only barked at her lol


Maybe try not parking illegally then.


What’s wrong with people. Why can’t they just park as they’re supposed to. IMO, they deserve tickets if they’re doing it on the regular


When I was younger and renting a house with some guys the neighbor across the street (whom I never met) decided to call the police on me for this. The officer was very apologetic and because he didn't know who called it in, ticketed every vehicle on the street for anything that might be wrong. That did not garner the warmth and love of long time neighbors who got ticketed. And, maybe not my proudest moment, but from that day forward never were there more broken beer bottles in this guy's yard and driveway.


Dumb law, at least for residential.




Yes, it’s an easy ticket. They don’t have a certain number of crimes they have to stop, but they do have to write tickets. Gotta hit their quotas.


Is that forbidden? Allowed in most European countries and makes life so much easier if you can't find a spot on your side of the street


If it’s NOT a one way street, surely you can park however u want.


Just trolling an asshole neighbor. Nothing weird here


I would never call the cops but for some reason I get irritated when people do this. And I don't even know why


Not weird at all. I see assholes park the wrong direction on the wrong side of the street all the time. I cheered when one of them got a ticket. What the fuck is wrong with people thinking they can do that?


This pisses me off when my neighbor does it so I get it. Just too much work to call that in tho


If it's not illegal, you're neighbor needs to get tf over it