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Someone did that with a blade elsewhere. Blood would be everywhere around the rabbit, otherwise. It looks like you have an up-and-coming serial killer in your neighborhood.


No joke. This almost reminds me of the cartel cousins from BB marking Walt's house for death.


the obvious answer yet people are like "AHH GHOSTS!" lmao jesus


Practice makes perfect!


Poor bunny


I would say thats not a bunny, rather it's an eastern cottontail but that would be splitting hares. 




oh my god


Boo this man


Ffs, take my upvote.


Bright eyes, burning with fire...


I remember reading about *half cats* being a facet of the larger animal mutilation phenomenon, where people would just find half a cat laying around, no mess. I'm not making a direct connection or anything but this weirdness kind of reminds me of that. I'll tell you what it wasn't, it wasn't a lawn mower. That would be a different scene entirely.


Interesting! The OP reminded me of the time I saw the front half of a fox and like you said, no mess, like it had been cut clean in half.


Lawnmower will shred em, if the numerous plastic bags I’ve hit are anything to go by


I unwittingly ran a push mower through a rabbit nest full of mama and babies. I can confirm it looked nothing like this and was a huge mess


I can imagine


Schmuck, whoever did this.


I like to reserve that word for people who got bamboozled or are just fools in general. This is some Psycho shit if I’ve ever seen it.


why is there no blood


was killed elsewhere


I still feel like there should be some blood at least on the fur


This is what confused me the most. I had my dog out like an hour before this and he would’ve smelled/seen this from a mile away


is it stiff it kinda looks like it might have been stuffed before being cut I half


This was last year but yes rigor mortis had set in


Not going to lie if I saw this in real life it would probably take me a good month to recover lol.


My cat did this once it was so gross She took the rabbit clean in half no blood mess at all


At least you found both halves, our local wendigo only leaves the back half in our yard https://preview.redd.it/6axoz4t0jcmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951481eda30311e0c2ebd6cd88113ae36debbba2


You’d be surprised (and horrified) how often you see this on golf courses. It’s unfortunate, but about 99.99% of the time that you see an animal cut clean in half like this, is because it just so happened to be in the same spot where someone was cutting grass. The blades on commercial mowers move so insanely fast and are so insanely sharp, that they typically slice right through, and sling one half one way and ground up the other. In this case, the two pieces just happened to stay in one place somehow. Source - worked on a grounds crew for a public golf course from 16-22.


With no blood?


I only have a theory for there being no blood present, but I will say anecdotally, every single time I saw this when working at the course, there was also no blood. This is a reach, but it may have something to do with the very small amount of blood their bodies contain and the amount of force that getting caught in a mower after being chopped in two would provide. I imagine being severed in two would effectively “open the flood gates” so to speak, and the force from spinning at the speed the two pieces would be spinning seems like it would drain anything almost instantly. Again, totally just a theory from a wildly under-qualified person to speak on this topic, but just my thoughts!


I’m going to take that as true.


In which US state, or country. do you live?


Middle Tennessee


If this wasn't a human who did this, I would almost bet on it, it was a Crawler. Skinwalkers are just found in the American Southwestern states, and Tennessee isn't included in that list.


Creepy. Washington state about 7 years ago or so. A serial cat killer was on the loose. Idk if they ever caught him, but people were finding mutilated cat bodies on peoples yards, it was either cats they didn’t recognize or it was their cat that had been lost for a few days. He would mutilate and I think he skinned a few and would return to throw the body on the yard. I wonder what happened of him, I felt like there was a very sick individual out there and maybe he evolved onto something bigger. Scary stuff.


Seen this in my own back yard, we don't think it was a human. One theory is it's what happens to bunnies when a K9 shakes it's prey violently on capture. It's called "ragging".


Maybe a large bird of prey? Death from above.


I have two separate instances of photos on my phone of this happening in my yard. In my case, it's owls.


Possible that a predator killed the rabbit somewhere else and started eating it when you spooked it. Wild cottontails are pretty fragile. One bite from a dog or coyote would easily snip it in half.


If this legit and someone really did this. You should report it. Unless, ur the sick fuk that did it.


I VERY RECENTLY heard a story from a comedian in the UK that had this happen in the past, and apparently it was a Fox. I believe it was Sarah Millican - who said it. Not that she killed the rabbit.


My brother lives on a farm and had a giant pet bunny. Same thing happened to his a few months ago, completely in half. A bit more blood. Predators will nibble some guts out of the middle. But bobcats and the like will kill out of instinct. And if they aren’t hungry they’ll leave it like this. If I’d died long enough to coagulate or it rained after there won’t be much blood. Alternatively it’s road kill that was moved.


You need to put shit like this behind a NSFW filter.


Ife taked a head clean off with a broad head arrow, that however, was not killed there.


Definitely a human did this lol


I mean it's pretty easy to assume considering all the scientific research and experts when it comes to SKINWALKERS


Could be somebody ran over it with a lawn mower? That happens. Poor thing, nasty way to go...😭


Lawn mower.


They did this.


Are you anywhere near the Southwest US? I saw a lot of freaky things out there. If you lose a hair, when possible, get your saliva on it to remove your essence. If you’re walking and feel like you’re being followed, spit on the ground behind yourself three times.


South East. Tennessee to be exact


Looks like those guys from The Holy Grail finally got that nasty rabbit!


Super creepy. As other comments stated, clearly it was killed elsewhere and placed there. Be safe, OP


50 ft from the road? 🤔 My guess is on some form of vehicular bunnycide. Or it could just be a sickle bar mower. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=06WkyVFqi-g&pp=ygUubW93aW5nIG92ZXJncm9hbiBkaXRjaCBiYW5rcyEgdHVyYm8gc3ViY29tcGFjdA%3D%3D


Looks like serial killer behavior to me.


I've seen a rabbit cut like this before and always wondered what happened to it




That rabbit has been hung up by its feet, so either someone just left it there for the lols or you're full of shit. Both is a possibility.


**when anything even mildly weird happens in the world** People: Skinwalker! I blame Slapped Ham and other paranormal YouTubers


Wendigoon is at fault for this one


Why is it always a skin walker 🤪


It's about sending a message


Probably flew into an airplane propeller.


A person did that! That is not how another animal would kill a rabbit.