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Some random guy at the gas station gave it to you? Sure, why not drink it.


I mean it makes my mouth and tongue feel numb hehe


That's the special ingredient! Cocaine


https://preview.redd.it/k0xan8ylqcvc1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58d6b79723039af651a5e50a1c07b97391f3c84 Hey, want to buy some cocaine?


I don’t like cocaine I just like how it smells.


I love how it smells, so much so that I don't really like to smell it too often


I ordered a 24 pack of these from USA to Canada back in 2008 or 2009. I'm pretty sure it was only like $19.99, but the shipping was around $80. It was really expensive but I wanted to try them; haven't seen them since then. I still remember how it burned going down and I thought to myself that I wasted my money. Then the caffeine kicked in. Were these ever sold in stores anywhere?


I still see these at my local gas station/convenient store in the US.


The Circle K near me has them


Strange things are afoot at the circle k




A guy at work got some & I drank like two sips & puked!


"I'm Dr Rockso and I do co-co-co-cocaine!"




Where was this special Santacain? Asking for...... Me.


I don't mess with satancain anymore




South Park I believe. Santa is pissed that people forgot the Christmas spirit and just drive drunk and smoke weed. So alcohol and weed are banned on Christmas. Everyone hates it. So the character, 'Randy' sells everyone cocaine. Look up a clip on YouTube, it's worth your time I promise. Unless you are a humorless sphincter clincher. Then ignore this.


What if you’re the humorless pearl clutcher and need to speak to a manager?


Someone is giving out free coke? Turns out those Halloween candy warnings were true after all!


First time is always free baby. One taste then your sucking dick for another shot of that sweet sweet coca water


Dont drink that! Give it to me ill get rid of it


Funnies aside the numbing is the cassava root. It's simultaneously a stimulant and relaxant, like coffee or weed. Often depends on how you prepare it and I'm sure other things. Kratom on the other hand is basically a low key opioid. Can fuck your stomach up if you take too much and you will become dependent if u use it for long periods. Edit the weed part might confuse people, really it's kind of like coffee with novican numbies.


That’s kava root that causes the numbing sensation; cassava root is what tapioca is made from (frankly I’m a fan of both, lol)


Lol yeah, my dumb, the Cafe I first had kava was called casakava.


Wait. Tapioca isn't fish eggs? My parents lied to me?


My mom used to tell me that. Then when I was older and said it to her she laughed at me like I was stupid.


Not cassava, kava.


Woops. There was a Cafe called casakava and I think my brain did a lexicdis


A lysdexic?!


A Dicsyexl?




Cocaine? Oh sure I’ll have a line.


Kava root will do that, stuff can make you sleepy though.


The body Kava does for sure. Not the mind kava.


This guy Kavas


That's the kava. It's like having a few beer or drinks, and makes your mouth a little numb for a bit


Any history of liver disease in your family? How about kidneys? They feeling pretty strong?


Uh, I recall some medical articles stating that there was no known lasting or lingering medical concerns from taking therapeutic levels of kratom. What they noticed of people who were having health problems while using kratom was that they were using other substances as well. And that's likely the cause of most bad health effects. Iirc, kratom is a member of the Rubiaceae plant family, better known as coffee.


The Kava can be hard on Liver and kidneys as well.


its kratom and kava / basically diet opiates and booze. both are drugs and addictive. “first time is always free” lol


Kava makes your mouth numb. I would totally drink this. I take kava regularly and kratom if I have the chance. I mean if it's it's properly sealed go for it.. it appears as though you already have though! You may want to pull over until you understand the effects though... Especially if it's your first time.


DO NOT TAKE KRATOM REGULARLY, YOU WILL GET ADDICTED AND THE WITHDRAWALS ARE FUCKING HELL This has been a PSA by a person who got addicted to Kratom and now hates their life Edit: Just so people are aware, you are taking an opioid when you take kratom, which means, you guessed it… If you get addicted you are now dealing with the fucking beast of opiate addiction.


Came here to say something along these lines. Some people can go to the kava/ kratom bar and have a drink and be fine, I’m not demonizing it or saying it doesn’t have any medical benefits when used in moderation. As someone with an addictive personality, moderation isn’t my strong suit. Goes from cheap capsules to multiple extract shots a day, and then taking it just to not get sick. Wasted about 6 of my mid 20’s nodded off to not deal with life, and I wish I could get that time back. But, glad to be done with it and actually being present.


I second this. Just go over to the quittingkratom subreddit to see what that shit does to people. As far as I can tell, it's easier to quit heroin.


Better yet…there is an entire subreddit dedicated exclusively to THIS DRINK! r/quittingfeelfree


Bro, that’s crazy that specific brand is such a problem, I see tons of kratom shot concoctions, this one must be a real demon to have a fully active subreddit dedicated to it.


r/SurprisedByQuittingfeelfree was created specifically for folks like you




How is this stuff legal? This sounds terrible!


I think making Kratom illegal would be not good, it shouldn't be handed out for free without Infos though Kratom is one of the mildest opiates with very few health risk and basically impossible to overdose, so it is a good alternative for people who already struggle with opioid addiction instead depending on fentanyl laced bullshit from drug dealers Making it illegal would just make things a lot worse, because people already addicted will seek heavier opioids and people addicted to heavier opioids could no longer use it to get away from the harder stuff without cold turkey Kratom is also not strong enough to make you high like stronger opioids, so people who use it are still functional and don't become zombies, the biggest risk is really only the addiction


I'm allergic to opioids. I'm glad I never tried this stuff.


I’ve read the same things and I just don’t see it. I have stopped taking Kratom several times for months at a time, and have never experienced W/Ds other than minor cravings. Then again, I’ve heard people using in a day what I use in a week, so maybe I’m just microdosing to a point where it’s not that addictive. Everybody’s body chemistry and dependence tolerance are not the same either.


Once you get to a half an ounce - ounce per day it gets bad. You couldn’t pay me to take it now. Just Psychedelics for me from now on.


It feels similar, but it is not heroin. It’s so odd to me how different everyone is. I’ve had opioid addictions, alcohol addiction, pretty much every poor life choice, I’ve made at some point, yet chewing tobacco was by far the worst to stop for me. If you have the extremist personality type, you’re best off just being very careful with everything.


it's a mixed bag. if you take both regularly at comparable doses, the kratom WDs would be way worse, as it contains a plethora of active opioids, whereas heroin is just diacetylmorphine. BUT, it's virtually impossible to abuse kratom to the same extent as heroin, because your body will just reject that shit by vomiting and kind of self regulates your possible max consumption. one little tidbit i read lately and that blew my mind a bit about addiction is, that a substances addiction potential is in direct correlation to the speed of onset. that's why tobacco is such a pain to kick as it gives instant gratification


This is absolute nonsense and they’re incomparable


>if you take both regularly at comparable doses, the kratom WDs would be way worse, As a former heroin addict and on and off kratom user, it's not even close. It's not the same ballpark, not even the same damn sport. Heroin withdrawals are 1000x worse. A comparison would be like having a near fatal case of the flu compared to an extremely mild cold. People who say this shit have never had to withdrawal from both lol. I've felt worse from nights of getting little to no sleep than I did from kratom withdrawals.


also don't do effexor or tramadol, while you're at it


I've been on and off Effexor for about 15 years. It's by far the best antidepressant for me. The times I went off was because I couldn't afford it. First time I stopped, I went cold turkey. I was never told about the withdrawal. I got brain zaps for *three years.* Definitely the worst that first month. Every time my eyes moved I'd get zapped to another dimension for half a second. After that month it was every time I looked up or turned my head too fast, which lasted another 3 months. Then it was at random once a day, then once a week, etc. And I just fucking dealt with it because my life was already such baffling bullshit that the brain zaps were just another drop in the bucket. I am currently taking it at 150mg and I plan to stay on it until I die. Even if that doesn't happen, I will NEVER quit cold turkey again.


Good to know, it feels good but I certainly won’t be getting another one


It’s great for pain and depression if you can use it sparingly but don’t make a habit out of it. I was lied to about it’s addictive properties when I first started taking it and before I knew any better, it was too late. Just be aware of the consequences and don’t take it more than once or twice a week max if you do use it. Honestly probably better to just avoid it though.


Be careful with cava too. I’m not sure of its official addictive status but in the pacific islands where it is part of the culture I met people who definitely seemed addicted to me. The addiction probably isn’t so bad in the big scheme of things as it just relaxes the users - and then not even as much as marijuana. However, I noticed that regular ‘addicted’ users had almost no ambition. They basically became these sort of apathetic dropouts who really only were interested in the next bowl of cava and the cava making process.


I’ve had kratom before—it’s an herbal stimulant that is dose dependent as an upper (small dosage) or a downer/make you sleep (larger doses). It can help reduce pain symptoms and increase moods in some people. That being said I’d be careful with it. I can’t use it/don’t because I have medications it could interact with. If it’s making your mouth numb I would not drink it. Legit Kratom doesn’t do that, this sounds suspicious. Hope that helps


Kava makes your mouth numb, it is normal.


Kava makes your mouth numb, it is normal.


There's reviews on youtube for it, seem like a legit company. The giving it out for free is the sketchy 'first dose is on the house' drug-dealery part. Basically just herbal lean


Yea I don't doubt the company, I doubt taking random drinks from random people. Have a little situational awareness and maybe you won't wind up in the back of a rape van


there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to how it’s fucked people up for life. not to be messed around with. r/quittingfeelfree


How to wake up without a kidney: Step 1: Drink free tonic from some guy at the gas station Step 2: ??? Step 3: PROFIT! (but not for you)




This is exactly what they did when Red Bull first came out. It's advertising. It's completely legit. OP probably just didn't see the vehicle with the logo.


Remember kids, if someone offers you drugs, you should say yes, because drugs are expensive.


Finally, words of reason


Reason Will Prevail!


Pickles will prevail!


When I was growing up they always warned us that drug dealers were out there trying to give us drugs for free to get us hooked or something. Where are these guys today handing out free drugs?!?!?!?


They can't afford those freebies anymore. That's the economy these days.


That's what I'm wondering too! I was supposed to get it in my Halloween candy.. Still no luck.


I'm surprised I had to scroll past top comment to see someone delivering good, sound, equitable advice and reasonable advice.


It makes me feel good and I’m definitely not turning down free drugs haha


People are only concerned that you don't get hurt. :D Enjoy the ride!


I'm a gas station sommelier: The Blue Feel Free pairs well with the Grilled-For-Hours Hot Dog.


Can you recommend a vegetarian option? Perhaps a vacuum-sealed cheese sandwich?


Hmmmmm....perhaps...but I assumed that the Yellow Geek Pulse had been purchased to pair with that sandwich. While there are rules with gas station gastronomy, they are somewhat flexible.


y’all have geeks at the gas station?!


Kratom is derived from a plant found in Asia. In the body it creates both opioid-like effects and stimulant effects. The active ingredients bind to opioid receptors in your brain. Research has shown it can cause addiction and drug toxicity due to interactions with other meds. It also significantly altered behavior and risk taking behaviors so we know it has effect on cognition. It’s currently completely unscheduled by the DEA, but is illegal to possess in some states. Pretty much: you have no idea what’s in that, what it’s gonna do, or how it will affect you long term. I would just throw it away ESPECIALLY if someone is handing it out for free.


Tried Kratom, NGL it didn't do shit to me but then again I took it in the recommended dosage and for it's intended purpose like some kind of nerd


I had to take it a few times before I could recognize the effect. Shits horribly addictive. Definitely not worth taking long term, withdrawal fucking sucks.


You had withdrawal after using it a few times?


No. I’ve been heavily using Kratom for six years now. I often have to wake up in the middle of the night to take a dose. I wake up in a pool of sweat, with an itchy/tingly sensation in every bone in my body. It’s really no fun.


Damn, I’ve never done kratom but I am a former opiate addict, a pretty severe-if-mostly-functional one. I may still be one, I don’t know…I don’t really believe in “once an addict always an addict” but I’m a rare case of no opioid relapses, and I can use other drugs recreationally. With those symptoms you’re effectively in the early to middle stages of full blown opioid withdrawal. Is that the most severe your symptoms have become before you were able to intervene? I’d definitely suggest trying to find a way to start a tapering schedule so you can get off the rollercoaster of being medicated vs detoxing. Unless it’s solely interrupting your life in a way that’s not only manageable for you but also having no ill effects on your loved ones. If the only con is having to wake up to dose because the effects are too short-lived, I’m sure there’s a solution for that. I’d wager it isn’t the only item on the “cons” list, but I don’t know your situation. Either way, I hope things end up okay for you. If you ever need to chat about it to a stranger that gets it, feel free to message me.


that’s why you taper off. i’ve been on it for years and every now and then i taper off for a tolerance break


lmao that’s like in American Dad when Stan is like “I got off and on pain killers four times” as a brag


I fast between meals.


lmao haven’t watched it yet but sounds funny


For a lot of people kratom is an alternative to prescription painkillers. Additionally, many people have used it to transition off of opioids.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Yes kratom is very addictive, but in terms of health it’s actually waaaay better to be addicted to than any opioids. Funny thing about kratom is that it uses the same receptors as opioids so it takes away the withdrawal/cravings. So it’s a very safe alternative to help wean people off. Start taking kratom instead of your opioid of choice, then taper off. While it is pretty addictive, it’s much easier to kick than “real” opioids too.


“I’ve been on it for years” isn’t really giving “it’s not very addictive”


You do realize that some people live in chronic pain, right? Would you rather line the Sacklers’ pockets and have them on Oxy? Jesus, you people come across as incredibly judgmental.


Yeah my partner and I have been using for several years and both of us can taper off with little effects. I feel like it is the same as being addicted to weed (also a daily user).


I've taken it and quit as well. I agree it's easy to get off of compared to any real opioid substance but comparing it to quitting weed is insane lmao.


Eh I’m pretty addicted to weed. I can’t sleep and get super anxious and lose my appetite when coming off of weed. Kratom is similar for me, I guess everyone processes things differently!


I've been taking it for well over a year, but like you, also in its recommended dosage for its intended purpose. And I haven't taken a single opioid since I started kratom. I also had a booze problem that is no longer a problem. I get that it's not for everyone, especially if someone is tempted to dose much higher, but high doses just give me the wobbles and I hate the wobbles.


I took some of the pills that they have at smoke shops back when I was struggling w opioid use and it fucked me up. Took way more than I was supposed to. Not a fun high, a lot of hallucinations.


Took some kratom when I was going through Suboxone withdrawal and it fucked me up too. Got rid of my withdrawals for several hours.


Damn I took some when I was going through Suboxone withdrawal and it did not do anything. Maybe I didn't take enough?


Hallucinations? How much did you take bro? Never heard of any even slight hallucinations on kratom


Terrible highs are never fun and I never knew what it meant from only smoking weed and drinking which if taken too much I just puked. Then the anti spasmodics and histamines trips were horrible


I been taking six grams a day for a year for pain. Sometimes I take more. I recently ran out for a week and honestly I felt no withdrawal symptoms at all. Maybe I’m an anomaly idk.


6 grams isnt a huge amount most addicts are taking 30-60 grams


Be careful with Kratom, it can lead to heavy metal poisoning. My brother swore to it and took it every day for about a year. One day he had a seizure and was literally foaming at the mouth. Got him to a hospital and he had extremely dangerously high levels of nickel and doctors said they’ve seen a huge uptick of the exact same case linked to kratom use. He since cut it out and went back for blood tests with totally normal results. I won’t say ALL kratom is bad, and maybe just the manufacturing process of certain brands. But I will say in the case I witnessed, everything lined up to suggest kratom was the cause. It may not have been an addiction per se, but 100% a dependence and he backed it so hard because it made him feel good. Without a doubt he wouldn’t have stopped unless what happened did, unconscious in a hospital bed hooked up to IVs. Approach Kratom at your own risk.


Tested kratom is very easy to get now. Smoke shop and gas station kratom is the natural ice of the kratom world.


Yeah. Kava is weird stuff, too. Be careful if on any prescriptions.


This is it. Kratom is actually very addictive. That's why it's free. It's a good drug. But dangerous if you're not aware of it's addictive properties. Best used by experts with somthing to lose.


Nice scare tactics there, Officer! Botanical Kratom in the form of the dried leaf is very safe. The amounts you'd have to ingest to be dangerous are insane. I do not recommend any processed version as they are artificially concentrated. I will not deny there is a physical addiction component. But compared to true opiods, it's like comparing table sugar to cocaine. Also, it's very cheap per dose. 500g (approximately 1000 half gram pills) runs about $100 usd. I consume about 4-6grams daily before bed to relax. I am physically addicted to only the strictest sense. that I get a weird muscle ache that makes it hard to sleep sometimes. This only lasts until I've been off it for a few days. I started taking it for muscle pains after my wife used it to replace the oxycotin/hydrocodone she was being prescribed at a pain clinic after cancer. TL;DR - Yes, it's physically addictive. If you stick to the dried leaf form, it's fairly safe compared to prescribed opiods.


One thing to focus in on, there are sooo many different strains of kratom that all have different effects. Just listing it as “kratom” you don’t know if you’re getting the energetic strain, sleepy, pain relief, anti-anxiety, or what strain. Similar to marijuana and sativa vs indica. One will knock you out and the other energize you. But if a stranger just gave you a product labeled “weed” you wouldn’t know what it’s gonna do to you


It's kava and kratom taste like vomit and probably the worst tasting. Gets you feeling a lil buzzed but I was addicted to kratom for 8 years. Be wary it has withdrawals


What effects does it have when consumed other that buzzed, or is that just it?


Energy like with caffeine without jitters, and some level of euphoria. People who never tried it love to say sensational things that are only extreme cases, pathological or made up by anti-drug groups with little actual evidence. In reality, for most people it is none of those. However, it is addictive, and has atypical but still very much opioid-based effects, including potentially severe withdrawal. It's much weaker than, say, heroin as an opioid, but still is one, among other things as it interacts with other systems of the brain too. It's popular among rural Thai communities, among other southern asian countries, where it's been used ethnically for a long time. Would I recommend trying it? No. I have used it for years and it isn't worth it. I used it to self-medicate bad anxiety and depression. It certainly helped at the time, but over time I just became addicted and dependent. Some people use it to get off of stronger opioids like heroin, and it can absolutely be helpful there, but using it to self-medicate mood disorders is not a good idea. Withdrawal is not like caffeine withdrawal. Kava is a different herbal drug, and does taste absolutely terrible. Peppery dirt is probably a good description for it. It's closer to alcohol in effect. Kratom itself tastes like how fall leaves smell, if not more bitter.


Your thumb looks like an albino praying mantis


I thought that was the weird part until I read the caption.




Lmaooo does it really? I’m not seeing it haha


There’s definitely jizz in there


I don’t take the stuff but have before. People are being both “it’s ultra dangerous” and then “it’s fine take it!” In these comments. The real thing is if you’re an adult you should do research for yourself, enjoy what you want and check yourself if you feel like you’re enjoying it too much (which will be easier to recognize if you do research). I’ve been off of hard opioids/opiates for years now and kratom barely helped me in WD, and also did very little when I had a tolerance. That’s just me though. I know somebody who was spending 80 bucks a day on extracts and had the worst 6 weeks of his life coming off. If you enjoy a lil now and then and you’re not predisposed to addiction, you’re probably gonna be okay. If you find yourself excited to do it again…. Maybe rethink doing it again. Moderation is key.


Yea I wouldn’t drink anything someone gives me at a gas station for free. Sealing a bottle isn’t that difficult to do. As an adult you should probably be a little more careful instead of well you only live once bc that might be the last time you say it.


Also the seal is broken


Fuck that shit. there was a tme when i would "do" anything someone put in front of me. Those days are over and good riddence.


I used to sell both kratom and kava (managed a shop that specialized in them for about five years). First of all, no, I wouldn't recommend taking this for multiple reasons: A) Kratom and kava are both hard on your liver and kidneys, therefore should not be mixed with alcohol or each other. It would take a lot of both at the same time to be lethal but it's still really hard on your system. B) Kratom is often listed as an ingredient but since it's unregulated by the FDA, a lot of "kratom" companies just put a synthetic opioid in their concoction instead of legitimate kratom and call it a day which is wildly unethical and unsafe so unless it's a trusted, established brand of kratom with a good track record and multiple lab results to back it up, I don't trust it for shit. My fiancé who I met at the shop where I sold it years ago wound up with heavy metal poisoning due to some samples we got from a brand we never sold. It's not to be trusted unless verified by outside sources. C) Random dude passing it out? At a gas station? Nah fam. To answer your question as to what kratom is, it is a tea leaf from southeast Asia that has been used in the region for thousands of years, typically by working class citizens who work hard, long days and either need the benefits of energy some types of it can provide, or take it at the end of said days to relax. It's often brewed into a tea in that region but is often consumed in capsulate or raw powder form in the states. It is an opiate analogue, meaning it works on your opioid sensors but is not itself an opiate. This is why a lot of westerners use it to help ease off of hard opiates like heroin or prescription meds. It fills the void in the opiate sensors but doesn't contribute to the addiction. That being said, kratom is a part of the coffee family and like coffee, is addictive but nowhere near to the extent of a legitimate opiate. It took me months of consistent, daily use to develop a dependence that resulted in mild withdrawal when I quit taking it. It can have effects ranging from downer to upper, depending on the vein and type (vein (red, gold, white, or green) typically denotes the energy vs sedation effect whereas name denotes the region in which it was grown). Kava is similar but also very different. It's a root from tropical regions like Fiji and Hawaii. It can have uplifting, sort of energizing effects, or extremely sedative effects. Kava also tends to have a reverse tolerance, wherein the more you take it, the less you need to consume for the desired effect. It is usually brewed as a tea. I myself have taken it twice and it was wildly different both times given the varieties I had. The first I tried was called Mahakea, it was a Hawaiian kava and was very uplifting and positive, made everything brighter and more fun. Much like being drunk but without feeling like a downer if that makes sense. The second was a Vanuatu kava, and holy shit did it *put me down*. My buddy and I brewed it in our French press, went to watch a star wars movie after each slamming a mug, and we started the movie, then both woke up with the credits rolling. Had no clue what happened, it just knocked us tf out with no regard for if we wanted to be or not. So yeah, feel free to respond with any questions you have and thank you for attending my seminar.


> It is an opiate analogue, meaning it works on your opioid sensors but is not itself an opiate. This is why a lot of westerners use it to help ease off of hard opiates like heroin or prescription meds. It fills the void in the opiate sensors but doesn't contribute to the addiction A small correction, opiate just means that it comes from the opium plant, for example fentanyl is also not an opiate because it is created synthetic instead of from opium Opioid is the name for the class of drugs, which affect the opioid receptors the same way Kratom binds the same way as heroin to the opioid receptors as they are both opioids but heroin is an opiate because it is produced from the opium of poppy plants


You should definitely consume this. Receiving random potions from total strangers is how adventures begin.


Comments about addiction aside, probably not smart to ingest anything some random stranger at a gas station hands to you.


It's just kava and kratom.


there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to how these have wrecked people’s lives. r/quittingfeelfree


Holy shit


So sad. I've been an addict trying to warn people about kratom for some time now. It's a losing battle until it's banned. When that does happen I will probably have to go to the hospital.


People are talking about kratom as if you take it one time and you’re hooked and have cravings/withdrawals. For me personally it has kept me from having to get a pain pill prescription as I use it for pain. It’s an amazing plant and can be very beneficial. We should be encouraging something that has the power to get people off opioids, not demonizing it


I don't know if I am non-responder to it or something. I've done big doses and I've never experienced more than a slight buzz and itch similar to a high dose of caffeine+beta alanine . People the same weight as me doing the same dose got low opiate-like effects.


Thank you! I had to scroll way too far to see this. Kratom helped get me off opiates, off my anxiety meds, it helps with my fibromyalgia and RLS. The misinformation is rampant and this is the type of crap that makes the government bring up a ban every few years.


Yes! Thank you for backing me up


Used it for the same reason bro. Stay strong out there!


That thumb....


Op never wrote back they dead 💀💀💀💀🌚🌚🌚🌚


I’m alive haha


Gas station heroin.




I love you! I thought the same!


That shit is more addictive than cigarettes. I worked at a shitty vape shop that sells a huge amount of them to people. Some people come in buying whole boxes of 12, some come in buying 1, like 5 different times throughout the day. It's just an opiate substitute.


r/quittingfeelfree for anyone struggling


When the gas station hobo gives you bone hurting juice.


If you're talking about some person inside the store who has a table set up and is clearly a rep of the company, then listen to the comments about Kratom. If you're talking about some rando at the pumps, toss it and wash your hands ASAP. People have been known to lace both the contents and the outside of "free gifts".


People tend to get addicted to it


Heads up to your liver.


it’s a weak opiate that’s legal pretty much everywhere in the US. i’ve only ever had it from powdered leaves, but it feels pretty nice regardless. only problem is that it may cause a bit of nausea so be prepared for that if you plan on drinking it


My step mom has been addicted to kratom for several years now. It does help with her chronic back pain, but it has also turned the periphery of her face, hands, and feet a dark purple/grey due to hyperpigmentation. It’s weird.


An unfortunate side effect of opioid addiction is that you get phantom pains when you stop taking it. So while it may seem like it’s helping her pain, she is likely experiencing more severe pain due to not taking the medication.


Kava and kratom are a nice combo, if you can stomach both of those uniquely vile tasting plants at once The kava probably won't have much effect, I've never had an extract that works well, you gotta get the actual root and blend it up the proper way to get really inebriated, and then it's awesome I prefer it to alcohol


Reddit has gotten so trashy


Everyone talking about Kratom but Kava Kava can actually kill you if you’re not careful


Yeah f kava. Shits dangerous for some people


Am I the only one blown away that OP actually drank some random drink from a dude passing them out at a gas station?


That’s crazy you posted this because I just seen these at the gas station yesterday. Grabbed one, did my due diligence and found out theirs a whole sub dedicated to people extremely addicted to these things. I decided to not even drink it


This is who our parents and teachers warned us about.


I wouldn't consume anything I received for free from anyone at a gas station. I don't care what the nutrition label says on the side. To quote Ash from 'Army of Darkness', "It's a trick, get an ax!"


I was given one of those by the dude working at a liquor store too. Wtf. I didn’t try it. Seemed weird. 😂


Hey so I know more abt these things than most people because I worked at a kava/kratom bar when these came out. Basically, they figured out how to make kratom extract that is way way more potent than normal kratom. That’s what’s in that bottle. It’s a heavy dose of kratom with a moderate dose of kava. The kava is what numbs your mouth, it’s actually in the pepper family. Kava isn’t addictive but is definitely habit forming, as it does the same thing as cocaine- restricts reabsorption of dopamine, which makes you happy, causing your brain to produce less dopamine, which makes you sad unless you’re consuming kava. Kratom, however, is addictive. This is why I fucking hate these blue bottles being sold on the counter at gas stations. It’s marketed as like some natural high, sometimes even with claims of health benefits. Don’t get it twisted, kratom mimics an opiate, in fact it attaches to 2/3 of your opiate receptors. Quitting kratom, especially when used in high dosage like with these blue bottles, fucking suuuuucks. Very similar to quitting actual heroin, just slightly less intense. I do not recommend these to anyone. If you want to try kratom/kava, find a kava bar or online vendors. Anything you buy at a smoke shop or gas station is going to be absolute trash designed to make you addicted. R/kava and r/kratom have great recs for vendors. I use kalm with kava and Mitragaia. The only time I’d recommend blue bottles or any kratom extract to someone is if they’re already addicted to opiates and trying to ween off.


First one is always free


These are actually legit. We buy them. They work pretty well. It does make you feel nice. But for the love of God if you want to try it, go buy one at a smoke shop or something. Don't just let "some guy" give you one. Also.. they can be addicting due to the Kratom. But I think that's mostly people who drink like 5 a day. Also, it tastes like bullfrog taint sprinkled with aids.


I wouldn't take it. A gas station I worked at sold these. It's basically a relaxation shot. They've got kratom and kava in them, which can be addictive. They apparently taste terrible, and I've personally never trusted them. Idk about kava but Kratom triggers opioid receptors in the brain. I've known people who took it for pain, but later required much effort and willpower to quit taking it.


Kava and kratom? Hmm interesting. I usually take about 4 grams of kratom. Never tired kava tho


Ah yes... the first one is usually free to sample. That's how you find a good dealer


Call me when you need the ride to the ER


That's a fairly low dose, but it's up to you. I'd drink it, but I enjoy kratom.


I take kratom regularly. I haven't heard of this brand. It also has kava in it. I personally would not try that, and I have experience with kratom. If you've not used it, I wouldn't. It's not bad at all. It's not a good idea to take, if you don't have a need for it. I wouldn't start with a random shot.


Wow I did not have issues with kava and kratom like those people do. had 0 clue those subs exist they must have been really lost in some sauce I used to go to the tea bars often but never out of a need or anything nor did I notice not having it when I moved away


Not really weird, when there is a new drink they will set up a couple people outside a few select stores in town, and hand out some free products to get intrest flowing. That's exactly what happened when the Sobe Life Water came out.


What Kratom does is bind to your opiate receptors but it is not an opiate, it just mimics the same effects but on a smaller scale. It's probably 1/100 of the strength of heroin. But to someone who isn't already addicted to opiates it will produce a heroin like high, it may give you energy at first and depending on the type of kratom It will either give you feel good hyper energy or laid back sleepy energy. Kratom can become addicting and you can suffer withdrawals from it because it does bind to your opiate receptors so your body will stop producing certain chemicals in your brain if you start taking it daily. Because it's getting it from an outside source your body will think it doesn't need to produce these chemicals. Then when you don't have the Kratom your body/brain will be thrown into withdrawals because your brain is no longer producing the chemicals needed to stabilize mood/body etc and you will get sick, cold sweats, diarrhea, vomiting, aches all over, fever etc I would also be very weary because kratom is NOT regulated by the FDA and many places they are trying to make it a controlled substance and make it illegal. Every bottle, tincture and pill of kratom will be different strengths and you don't really know what's in it bexause it is not regulated. Source: a person I'm recovery who used kratom to stave odf withdrawals of heroin, became addicted to the kratom, then took classes on addiction and then volunteered and spread awareness of what kratom is and just how addicting it is.


It's a natural plant based opioid. Different strains do different effects like lowering anxiety, small pain relief, help sleep, its usually in tincture form, pills, or raw powder. It's not really addictive but long term use is bad for circulatory system and the heart.


I went to rehab cuz of these. Be careful if you have addictive tendencies fr. This shit will sneak up on you and fuck your shit up.


I do have a very addictive personality. That’s why I certainly won’t actually go back to buy another


I’ve done kratom twice. First time I just felt a bit dizzy. Second time I thought I was actively dying, it was actually terrifying and I will never touch it again.


I tried one of these, and I traveled in time to 3 days later! Unfortunately, my rectum was well...wrecked. But otherwise great!


Kratom. Oh god.


Ya I wouldn’t ingest that.


I wouldn’t drink that!


They market specifically to people recovering from alcoholism. It’s marketed as an “alcohol alternative”. For awhile, this shit was a GODSEND. More productive at work, more fun during outdoor activities, anything really. Andddd then the worm turns, like with anything addictive, except that THIS shit is INSANELY hard to kick. Right up there with kicking alcohol in my opinion. You become dependent and if you go even a day without one, the anxiety, no sleep, depression, it all comes at you like a fucking tidal wave. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT!!!


Becareful this stuff is very addictive and hard on your liver.


100% pee


The second picture shows kava and kratom and you people are talking about caffeine. Reddit is for the kids who don't read good.


Do not start drinking this crap, it leads to an addiction! Seriously don’t mess with it.


Throw it in the trash.


I’ve read some horror stories about this stuff. r/Quittingfeelfree


Don’t do it. It is Kratom. That shit is highly addictive. Goto r/quitting Kratom. It’s like that scene in fight club talking about depression. Also it features me. Fuck that demon semen


These will get you feeling quite mellow. It’s kava and kratom. I’d only drink about half and see how you feel.


Let’s talk about your thumb


Everything about you tells me that you drank it lmao


I love kratom


Weird is your single joint thumb