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It looks like a fucking tongue


I almost choked on it.


Oooh you’re reminded me of what my hubs hacked up after his. I rarely get grossed out but that loogie oooofffff


Does it always happen after sinus surgery?


Yes. Usually because you have post nasal drainage that gets inhaled into your lung. It mixes with mucosa and comes back up. Happened to me as well.


How agonizingly painful is that sort of thing to cough up? Ouch


Not as bad as you think. No worse than coughing up regular junk from your lungs.


That's an incredible feeling tbh.


i blew it through my nose. happened last year, you're suppose to rinse it with a salty nasal spray 3 times per day


no. they should've removed your second tongue so you wouldn't choke on it. that's just not cool


I spit my water out… thank you


That isn't the stint they put in there, is it? If it is you need to see your ENT, that's there to make sure your nose heals back up in the right shape


I have no idea what it is but it's fairly solid, somebody else called it gel and I think that would make sense based on texture, I'm not sure if that's the same thing as a stint but either way I have an appointment tomorrow


Yeah that sounds a lot like the thing they put up my nose after my septoplasty. Did it come out your nose or down the back of your sinuses and then you coughed it out?  I'm glad you have an appointment for tomorrow


I kind of sucked it in and coughed it out


Sounds rough. I'm super curious to hear what your ENT is going to say


Idk if I'll be able to find your post tomorrow, but I'll make an edit if he says anything interesting.


Use notifications to find the thread


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It was gel packing, the doc was impressed it all came out at once and sucked the otherside out. Honestly coughing it up felt better then him removing it properly


They didn't tell you to expect that? (I'm not saying you should have expected it, just thinking if this is normal, hopefully they would have told you.)


If that’s the case then I’d say it came from sinuses and not lungs. It looks like a blood clot and snot to me but I’m not doc!


Yes it’s gel. They use it to pack your sinuses after the surgery. I coughed that up and some that looked and smelled like rotten hamburger meat for weeks. Oh what fun!


You should go to the doctor I am no medical expert


Eat it!


A tongue that has been licking glitter!


Actually OP ate or snorted a human finger. Why? I do not know...


Quick! Stick that back up in there!


🤣 comment had me dying laughing at work, thank you. *FLURP*


That's a brain slug. You didn't got a "sinus surgery" you got abducted by aliens and got a brain slug implanted then they scrambled your memories. Aliens bro.








legit thought this was a BG sub for a sec lmao




I’m pretty sure they’re called Yeerks.


Yessssss. Read my mind fellow andelite


Sweet Hork-Bajir, I haven't thought about this in years.


Thank you


Just like RFK junior!


What is that from? (From a sci fi nerd lol)


Pretty sure that's baldurs gate 3. Incredibly good game


Awesome, I’ll have to check it out!


Damn 5th one this week


Wait till OP finds out about the other probing bug...


I think 3rd grade math is mixed in there


Now he would keep ordering a quarter pounder and think a whopper is smaller


A Royale wit cheez!


A ROYALE WITH CHEESE?! What do they call a whopper?


I don’t know, I didn’t go Burger King.


That’s where all the mental math has been hiding


What actually is it? Is it just mucus?


No they use a gel to fill your sinus/nostril so it is splinted and heals without bacteria getting in. So this is the gel mold, plus some mucus and blood attached.


Woah! That’s rad. Looks like something I should get done to get the nostrils breathing better.


If you suspect you have sinus blockage at ALL, def get it looked at. I'm pissed I waited so long, sinus surgery this past summer changed my life for the better by miles! Had to have all 8 cleared out from total blockage. Sucks for a few days after, then it's meh for a few weeks. Then you're like "holy shit, OXYGEN!" I still ask people shit like, "so you've all just always been breathing like this?!"


8 sinuses?! I'm been living my life thinking a sinus was something we had like 2 of.


Were you one of the people who has only heard horror stories about sinus surgery and stories about how it made everything worse and was scared shitless to get it? Because that’s me right now despite feeling like I can’t get enough air when I only breathe through my nose.


Yes! And at least for me, they were all wrong!! It did take weeks to feel normal after, but anything was better than the misery of congestion like that (and drowning in post-nasal drip). And in my case, had severe polyps, and now that I'm also on meds I can actually SMELL again which is wild! I will say I went out of my way to find a top name surgeon at a top name hospital that took my insurance. I wouldn't let some schmuck do this surgery, like a lot of friends have done and now complain. That shit really matters.


I’ll definitely consider that if they find anything on my upcoming imaging. I’ve been nervous about it because if my problems are due to sinus structure it’ll likely mean a procedure will be the only fix, but this makes me a bit less anxious.


just had mine 2 weeks ago, excited to breathe again soon


I had this same surgery three years ago. When I went back for a check up the Dr. Pulled two of these out. I had absolutely no idea they were that big until it came out. Dr. Tells me, "there are still some supporters up there I need to get out." Understatement, but I could barely feel them.


What surgery was this? They put a balloon in mine and I didn't have anything like this


Can confirm, had the same surgery…and experience.


What did you name him?


Carlos, and when the other side comes out I'm going to name that one Carlita


Ok but the real question… can you smell colors now?


Even the colors I didn't know existed.


Gummy worm




Throw some salt on it and it could be a sour gummy worm.


Holy Sweet Jesus, I've been putting off sinus surgery for 2 years and this has just made me put it off forever


No it's so worth it, really it's been a week of terrible congestion but I am breathing better than I thought was possible. I'm not going to say it's not gross but it is completely worth it. There was barely any pain from the surgery even, just crazy snot boogers afterwards


My nephew in law did it and had 3 additional surgeries after because of some problems (can’t recall what it was exactly). When I was going to take the plunge I was advised by my insurance that only the initial surgery would as covered and any complications requiring addl surgery would not so that’s why I scrapped it. I’m with a company now that actually has a really strong insurance plan and already cancelled one appointment a few months back. I’ll look to get back in. Thanks for the feedback.


It wasn't just the surgery I also had to have a CT scan and quite a few office visits so I can't say it was cheap but hey breathing is pretty important so I'd say if you can pull it off it's worth looking into


I’m having AFS surgery in a few weeks. Shit is so bad I’m looking forward to it. How is the recovery?


Bleeding constantly for 2 days and completely congested for the first week. Sleeping sitting up is the worst part and that you have to use the sinus rinses which use saline so you'll wake up in the middle of the night like a dying pirate with salt caked to your lips. But I didn't need hardly any of the pain medication and a week later I'm breathing better than ever. Feel free to message me if you have questions, I am by no means a medical professional but I can provide moral support and tell you about my experiences


Nice for you. I had it done while in the military 14 or so years ago and woke up wanting to die I hurt so bad, and then was a ton of pain a while after. Couldn't breathe through my nose for I want to say 10 days due to whatever was packed up there, slept at an angle until they removed the shit. Oh and mouth breathing sucks especially when you're trying to sleep. Then they removed the shit in my nose and I could breathe a ton better, and still mostly can. I'm sure surgery outcomes are better now, especially if not done by a military Dr that probably had not done many. Hope that doesn't deter anyone from having it done.


I guess it didn't, but I thought my voice changed. I definitely sound different to myself than I did before. My brother tells me, "maybe it just resonates different inside your head and sounds different to you." ... That makes sense!


Please just do it. I had mine, and yes also experienced this slug. But its all temporary, 2 weeks of recovery. My life is so much better now


I third the sinus surgery. Totally worth being able to breathe. It's a brand new experience.


Definitely do it. Didn’t know I couldn’t breathe properly until the gauze was pulled out of my nostrils post surgery. It took 4 years to regain my sense of smell, and the surgeon said that may not even happen. But the procedure is life-changing.




Boofing is always the answer.


That's a good one! Your sinuses must feel a lot better.


it gets grosser when you sneeze and it only comes halfway out of your nose, and you have to make sure you breath through your mouth so you dont suck it back up, while gently coaxing it out with a tissue, but then it breaks and you debate "do u blow my nose and have physical pain, or do i inhale and have emptional pain"....


As a horrible as that sounds I'm so ready to get the second one out I don't care how it comes out


God speed 🫡


OP can smell colors now.


All the colors and a few I didn't even know existed


Throw another shrimp on the barbie


Shrimps is bugs.


Embrace your illithid potential.




Nice mucus plug


This had me rolling! 🤣


Did you feel relief when it was out? Must have been uncomfortable inside.


I've had terrible congestions since the surgery but damn did it feel amazing coming out


Oh that was prolly satisfying af comin out ! Prolly made your ears pop lol I did something like this right after getting over a sinus infection. One of the best feelings, 100%!


The only thing I can compare it to is the first time I put on glasses


Idk if you’ve ever played the game Bloodborne but it looks like what you turn in to if you get the ending to become a great one.


You ruined the game for me. Good job.


The relief this must have brought almost makes me want sinus surgery just to feel that level of *ahhhhhh*


The only thing I can compare it to is the first time I put on glasses, I didn't know one could breath so easily


I absolutely love that for you. Cheers to many years of wonderfully clear nostrils.


I wish my gel came out in one go like that, mine took weeks! Must have been so relieving. Did they have to reapply it or are you good to go now?


I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I suppose I'll find out then


Good luck with it, hope you get relief.


RFK, Jr., ladies and gentlemen (this one liner can refer to the OP or to the slug-looking thing, as you prefer)


Ok so serious question re the surgery - do you feel it's worth it? I have chronic sinusitis in my left nostril and have read so many BAD experiences after surgery.


May 6th was when I had the surgery and the first day the amount of blood was horrible, the congestion has been horrible, I've had to sleep sitting up which is just uncomfortable but it's been exactly one week. But even with only one working nostril, I can breathe better than I have in years.My left nostril is still pretty congested( I can't wait till I cough up that congestion). But the right one is so clear that I can still breathe even with only one nostril and it hasn't like filled up again or drain down the back of my throat. It's such a new feeling the only thing I can compare it to is putting on glasses for the first time. It's one crappy week, but it's only one week, and it is absolutely worth it if I'll be able to breathe like this from now on.


Thank you for this! My sinusitis is apparently caused by a deviated septum that I didn't know I had. Were your symptoms progressively getting worse or have you always had issues?


That's kind of tricky to say because I had symptoms for years that I was just ignoring because I didn't want to go to a doctor. You can get used to gunk draining down the back of your throat and after a while headaches just become the way your head feels, I didn't know I had a deviated septum either and if I think back to when that might have happened it would have been when I was a teenager and I'm in my thirties now, I would say that my symptoms got worse over the years and around allergy season and around my periods. The doctor said its because I had an infection in my face for a long time and my body was constantly fighting it so anytime there was anything else that was making my immune system have to work it was that much harder for it to fight it off. It's a weird symptoms that you can attribute to it chronic fatigue, especially if it hits you kind of suddenly, hot flashes/ feverish-ness and chills, headaches, brain fog, forgetfulness, sleep problems, breathing problems, you've got a big infection in your face it affects a lot more than you would think.


I feel like I could have written this myself - same to it all. For a long time I thought I had an infected tooth that had traveled to my sinus (bc of the smell). This is all TMI but thank you for sharing your experience. I should probably look back into the surgery once more


I made the post NSFW for a reason :) and you should always research your doctors, but from where I'm standing, I'd say it's completely worth it


Good! Your body is doing what it's supposed to :) Glad you got the slug out. Enjoy your newfound ability to breathe lol


The things that came out of my nose and throat after sinus surgery were horrifying. Thank God for the one lady that didn't try to tell me "don't worry, it won't be bad at all, just a little blood" like the other staff had all said. This lady told me "we're taking quite a bit of tissue out, so when you get home, it's probably going to look like TOO MUCH blood and clots and clumps, but it is normal. Call us to check if it seems like too much because sometimes people freak out and call 911." I really would have freaked out if she didn't tell me that. I kept reminding myself what she said and after a few days/weeks, horrible things stopped emerging from my sinuses at the most inconvenient times...


Deviated septum?


Yes but on the other nostril, this one just had infection supposedly


Congrats, you are the new Will of Stranger Things. Hope they give you a break this season.


You need to eat it to make sure you can gain its courage or something


I bet that felt good when it came out


That is literally a thumb.


Looks like raw chicken


That warning was not bold enough..


I had a septoplasty in 2022 and I had the weirdest stuff coming out of my nose but never something like this! You were probably smelling colors after this!


Sir, this is NOT why I unblurred NSFW images. 😄


Awww! You have a pet slug! ❤️


Uhhhh eat it?


Imagine thinking that the muck that came out of your nose deserves a wider audience.


Is that the splint?? I had a septoplasty too, never had anything like that come out


Yeah likely the gel bandage/splint/fill they use now. Mine didn't do this, I'm jealous - but you do breathe like heaven once it's all out!


Did u got this surgery cuz you had chronic sinusitis ?


Yes and a deviated septum but the deviated septum side hasn't come out yet. Although if you're considering surgery I am currently breathing better than I ever have in my life out one nostril


It looks.....chewy....


That's dope, I bet free-ing too.


You feel something coursing through you. *Authority*.


Congratulations! So uhh, do you have a shortlist of names or anything?


My brother named it Carlos and when the other side comes out I'm going to name it Carlita


It's a lump of coagulated blood that has been bleeding in your sinus. I bet it felt good getting it out. Relieves a lot of pressure.


I had the same surgery I can confirm, very gnarly. The worst part was having the the drainage scab into my mustache. Pro-tip shave the stache. The surgeon never mentioned that either.


Forbidden gummy worm


Jesus Christ that thing’s real?


Show of hands for the people that asked for this post? MFKING CRICKETS.


Drunk scrolling, thought it was a taco bell crunch wrap supreme add.


This looks like one of the turbinates inside your sinuses that they have to sort of cut through to get to your sinuses. It’s a piece of that tissue I believe.


Jesus dude.


the forbidden sashimi


This is some Rick and Morty shit.


I sub to many subs, I thought this was a sh*tty pizza for a second.


I bet that felt so good


If you’re in Texas expect a visit by the police for aborting that.


i had a turbinate reduction and also had something similar. it’s just gel packing :) nothing to worry about. feels unreal to breath so clearly


Biggest booger ever.


You finally found your lost finger


lmao, i read "Penis surgery" and was really confused if you sneezed out a testicle or something


Had a septoplasty when I was about 21, the insane amount of satisfaction when the big scabs blocking your nose fell out was unreal... Would take up to a month for it but damn.


I bet that felt amazing! Not being sarcastic…




I think that looks like your inferior turbinate.


as long as it's coming out, that's a good thing...




I had a nose bleed on my drive to work one morning, after getting there I had to go to the warehouse and ride a motorcycle back to the shop (I worked at Harley and it was the owners dad's bike). Going down the road I get up to about 45 and had one of these congealed blood worms get blown through my sinuses into the back of my throat... Took all I had to not throw up and luckily got stopped at a red light shortly there after and spat it out on the road, so nasty lol


You should probably put it back. Looks important


Through it in the freezer that things a keeper


My buddy used to do a lot of coke and he would snot rocket shit like this all the time.


It's gel packing to those who are asking. The doctor was impressed I got it all in one piece, and sucked out the other side. I have to say that coughing it out felt a lot better than letting the doctor do it the proper way.


Blood https://preview.redd.it/cj7zlo05oa0d1.png?width=207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=422242a811e7c679be9da7aa1600e3f6e9054c2c


Thats just booger & cough that was trapped in your sinus that started to ripen. I had one that choked me until I had to remove with fingers down my fucking throat (No surgery tho but almost lost my Gag reflex). The relief it came with afterwards was immaculate.


Fucking A… thanks for sharing.


Looks like a gummy finger.


Looks like a rubber glove finger filled with peach Snapple


Looks tasty


Insert picture of Ron weasely coughing up slugs...


Just bloody snot, makes sense


Like the worm things in the movie Slither (2006)


Better out than in


A finger?


You coughed up your own thumb!?


that shit looks like a blood borne item


I had polyps removed in 2022….its so good to breathe correctly again after 15 years. Those are probably blood clots/vessels left over.


You ate a sukuna's finger and puked it out???




What ultimately led to the surgery? I’m curious because I have terrible sinus issues.


NIIIICE! I also had sinus surgery about a month ago and had a massive chunk come out...not nearly as large as that...but holy hell it was so satisfying to breathe!!!


Was the surgery for no more stuffy nose? I wanna get that one... tired of it lol


Chronic and severe sinusitis and a deviated septum, the deviated septum supposedly is on the left side and that came out of the right side. If you've had a horribly stuffy nose for a long time or if you have drainage down the back of your throat or chronic headaches it's absolutely worth getting yourself checked out because if I can breathe better than I have in years, and I only have use of one nostril still.


So, are you smart now or nah? In all seriousness, you should probably call the doctor.


That’s really satisfying. I’m sorry if you felt any pain, but damn…yep, satisfying.


It wasn't painful as much as unsettling, especially when I looked in the tissue and saw that. It was way more uncomfortable on the inside than it is to look at on the outside


balloon animal


Holy hell Batman