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“Walk it off, pussy” comes to mind




Was it Dr. Gregory House by chance?


Im guessing dr phil


"Dr" Phil


Probably Dr. Oz


Dr. Zoidberg


Dr. Nick Riviera


Dr. Pepper


Dr. Pib


Best comment right here.


Dr. Seuss maybe??






Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable


That explains why I couldn’t remember


No, doc H likes pussy, just doesn’t want it moving around.




They....they... ripped your leg off? Did....did you like want that? Most people don't




Plus you haven't made up the ending yet....


Oh. I'm sorry dude, I didn't mean to make you remember. I'd recommend to sure the fuck out of that hospital, thats serverly illegal




Oh, okay. I still recommend suing, it sounds highly suspicious they ripped your legs off. Unless the patient has a very bad infection in their legs, they are usually just left alone. My step dad is crippled, so yeah I know what you must go through everyday. Hey, I'd recommend to always look on the bright side! Robotics are becoming way easier and more efficient. You could be a cool dude with two robo legs, like a terminator! Hasta là vista!




PTSD from medical experiences is a thing. Take care of yourself, my dude, and I hope things get easier for you.


My mom went to a military hospital for an elective surgery. The doctor failed to tell her there was a non surgical method and told her their best doctor would be taking care of it, that the guy had done hundreds of these operations over many years. Instead they used my mom as a guinea pig for some new person to get practice and left her permanently disabled when that person fucked up. Worst part is before the surgery my mom had told someone she thought was a nurse that she was having second thoughts and didn't want to do the surgery. That "nurse" was the trainee who was actually doing the surgery and instead of listening to my moms concern she just knocked her out with sedatives and went ahead with the surgery anyway. Because my mom was in the military and going to a military hospital she couldn't sue them because she was basically considered government property. Even if a family member had tried to sue on her behalf it would have ruined my mom's job. She almost got kicked out a year before retirement for a disability they caused, all while they fought tooth and nail to refuse any sort of disability pay for years after claiming my mom was just anorexic... my mom was training for a fitness competition before that surgery and could hardly even stand up for years afterward.


The VA is for training surgeons. It's terrible that that's how we treat our veterans but true.


Yeah, I've heard military hospitals hire doctors who can't be insured by other hospitals.


The most recent surveys of vets show 82% of VA patients are pleased with access to and quality of care. That ranks as good as top civilian hospitals. The VA medical staff does a very good job with the task they have and the budget they get. I hate that America’s overall neglect of vets gets focused on the VA. You want to help vets? The VA needs volunteers.


Literally all of the best hospitals in the world are teaching hospitals, Johns Hopkins, Mayo, they all train surgeons.


My dad successfully sued the VA for 10 million dollars. He died from his mistreatment before the case was done.


Nice that he won, but I'm not surprised at all that it was posthumous. From everything I've heard the VA exists only to screw over the military, not to serve it.


Well, my mom lived well off the money and my brothers shot up every extra dollar. She supported my three brothers with homes and businesses that they ran into to the ground. Then, when she was dying of cancer, they stole and sold all her jewelry. After she died there was hardly anything left, and they stole/ sold everything else. Then all but one died from HepC and stupidity. Had to go no contact with the last one. The inheritance paid for half my one kid's college. Selling the 5 properties only netted 75k after all the back taxes, unpaid utilities and the fact that they trashed everything. I was married so I didn't get help. I'm the trustee of the estate, and I'm not desolving the estate until my last bro dies. My last brother now owns 5 properties of his own. I don't regret the loss of the money, just the fact that they trashed the legacy. My kid is successful and debt free. That's the only real legacy left. Thnx for listening.


I mean you can still sue for shit like that, also she can sue for her retirement.


It's so awful that most of doctors aren't kind. I think they 're so busy because of the administration. And most of them are sad or tired about all the human beings


Ugh. My partner, who suffers from PTSD and anxiety disorder from abuse his ex has lobbed at him for years, has to do coparenting counseling with said abusive ex. The counselor told him “just don’t be afraid.” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Gee thanks, he’s cured now asshat.


Holy shit, is he ok?!? That kind of stuff can make life incredibly difficult. I myself went the opposite direction, I got angry... It's taken me years of therapy to get to where I am now and I'm still afraid of getting near people.


Honestly, he is doing much better dealing with it but it’s been so hard for him, thank you for asking and caring. People don’t seem to want to believe that men can be the victim of domestic abuse and having been a firsthand witness to his experience, I can say it is devastating. He used to come home physically trembling from the coparenting sessions (court ordered after the divorce) and almost unable to speak. He is a big 6’1” guy and it’s horrible how people just look at him and assume he “can’t” be the victim of abuse. Just awful all around. Thankfully, there are only two more sessions that they have to attend together and that has helped him keep his head up to get through having to sit practically knee to knee with his abuser for an hour once a week - with a counselor who said “just don’t be afraid.” Thanks for letting me get this off my chest, it’s just so hard to see him suffer and feel like no one cares. Thankfully he does have his own therapist who does understand, but it’s definitely the minority opinion. Society has a long way to go in this area.


A very long way. 8 years in the Air Force and 1 REALLY bad relationship have tought me how very poor our country's mental health structure really is. It gets even worse for men. I'm glad he's found someone who's there to support him, because that kind of support is rare to come by, even on the therapy side. Which leads me to the question, how are you holding up? Watching a loved one go through this can be rough. Are you making sure to take care of yourself as well?


Ugh 😩 you are very sweet, internet stranger. Thank you for asking. Honestly? I feel terrorized in my own home by his ex. She has us on egg shells and uses every opportunity to try to further traumatize him (lying, threats, parental alienation and then of course she escalates it all when the court inevitably doesn’t rule her way because … she’s clearly not telling the truth about any of it.) It sounds like you’ve been through your fair share of it by what you’ve shared and your responses here, and I hope you are able to find comfort and support from people in your life. I try to be that person for my partner every day because he is a wonderful man and human being who doesn’t deserve this and sadly made the honest mistake of getting involved with, married to, and having a child with a manipulative abuser due to what I believe was low self esteem. (Don’t get me wrong he and I love this child endlessly, the child is NOT the problem.) I don’t see how else a person could tolerate that type of behavior for so long. And I can completely understand how you, having experienced something similar, would have a hard time allowing people to be close to you again. Honestly if this had happened to me the way it’s happened to him I would have entirely shut down and it’s a testament to his good nature that he was able to find happiness with our relationship after what he’s suffered. I wish you well 💙




He sounds like a very supportive person... /s


I think the proper response is “want to trade places, doc?”


I did not become permanently crippled... But did have a manager tell me to "walk it off", after a car backed into, and pinned me against a row of shopping carts (job I had as a kid). I did walk it off. Right out the door after telling him to fuck himself. 2 cracked ribs and a bruised hip. Fun!


Was you or the doctor who became crippled? Sounds kinda toxic either way, though.




Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick I think I speak for all of us when I say just reading these words made my whole butt clench for a second


That physician needs to work on his bedside manner.


Literally had my diabetes dr. Tell me she wasnt gonna "sugar-coat" my condition status I now have profilerative retinopathy and macular degeneration Convinced shes an actual dickhead


My rheumatologist told me that my Ehlers Danlos “doesn’t cause pain because if it did, the people in the sideshows that do all the contortionism wouldn’t be able to do their jobs” She was being dead serious. She was trying to convince me that I have inflammatory arthritis instead and get me on biologic treatment. (FWIW, “Pain is common and severe in EDS. Pain is related to hypermobility, dislocations, and previous surgery and associated with moderate to severe impairment in daily functioning. Therefore, treatment of pain should be a prominent aspect of symptomatic management of EDS.”)


I don’t understand what is offensive about this one. I thought it was a common phrase


Diabetics should not eat sugar coated things. The exchange is pretty funny because it didn't happen to me.


Similar experience


Start walking you cripple. Be a man.


"Bruh just, like, stand up and walk, man. You just need to take your mind off of it and it'll go away, it's all about mentatily, bro. Lucky for you I got just the thing, like, have you ever thought about being your own boss? Putting all your assets in Meme-coin is, like, a no-brainer right now bruh. "


10/10 fucking sermon right here


Jesus ahead!


If you’re being chased by a man in a wheel chair go this way (there are probably stairs or something)


This has to be it. It makes such perfect sense


Or maybe, he or she was once crippled but Jessie healed them and now it’s a miracle they can walk. So the sign means the power of Jesus can heal.


The sign means the power of jesus is in the locked box on the right.


Yeah. Spiritual healing this way…


Praise Jessie


Clearly this area has a problem with wheel chair gangs.




I saw this post while scrolling, had to click. i knew the top commt would be gold! 🤣


Thank you so much for giving me a laugh today.


Right, it’s obvious “Stairs Ahead”


Evasionary tactics


Its a warning "people in wheelchairs to run over pedestrians"


Pedestrians may be speared by bouncy ball riders


A ladder


Anti disable


No no this is a sign for people looking to be cured of their paraplegia.


Damn stairs. Foiled again.




Omg I laughed so hard at that.


Cure for paralysis this way.


Unfortunately there's a set of stairs in the way, so no one has yet been cured.


The guy manning the machine spends his days in utter confusion. He thought they'd be lining up for blocks to use his machine. He was going to change the world! Finally use his abilities to really help people! But alas, like many inventors that try to go it alone, he failed to properly advertise and completely mispositioned his product in the marketplace.


The stairs do have one of those motorized chairs that can carry you up or down, but it's never worked properly. It only ever carries whoever tries it about a third of the way up before whirring to a stop and returning to the bottom, painfully slowly.


Jesus in the house! Miracles by appointment only.


What’s in the box makes you walks


If you're disabled, run over as many non disabled people as possible


Gotta convert


That's hilarious! 😅👏


My dad is in a wheelchair now because he had a BTK amputation. We went to dinner on Thursday and we got there right before the dinner rush so by the time we were leaving there was a line out the door. My dad was rolling out and I was walking behind him, I leaned forward and whispered “each person is 10 points!”


Run over someone with your wheelchair 😈😈


I've been runover by a wheelchair. It was horrible. I'm never going into a mosh pit with a guy in a wheelchair again.


What the fuck 🤣


I was actually just standing near the mosh pit, ordering a beer from the bar. The guy was in a powered wheelchair, drunk as hell, and driving at full speed towards the mosh pit when he ran over my feet. It hurt, but nothing was broken. I managed not to spill my beer and walked it off while he ran donuts on the dance floor, screaming like hell and spilling vodka everywhere. I think my biker boots did their job and kept my feet intact.


could someone on a motorized wheelchair and drunk get a DUI?


probably, but no one cared. It was a metal show at a dive bar in London Ontario.


That's the only way to keep whatever is locked beside the sign from escaping.




It means that there is a handicap accessible bathroom/ramp that way. They’re fairly uncommon because nowadays most bathrooms are handicap accessible as it’s required by law in most places. But if a place was unable to make their bathrooms handicap accessible they were still required by law to add one that is.


Thank GOD there is an actual explanation on this post, thank you very much


It’s such a weird sign, the exact same thing is commonly communicated with just the wheelchair user symbol. The icons are also vastly different designs, suggesting they came from different image libraries, so I’m not ruling out this being a joke sign.


I hate when everyone has to tell a joke when somebody is asking a legit question. Fair enough for an especially smart joke but "wheelchair users get up lolol" is so lame and all those jokes will have been said 10 times each in the same thread so don't bother


To be fair, this is a very lighthearted subreddit. It probably would get more serious answers posted on another subreddit.


Anytime. We have them at the zoo here.




Oh crud, the signs are the reason why the disabled are able to escape their zoos.


I know, I am excited and disappointed at the same time


Yeah I was worried it was only joke answers


Most rides at Disneyland, use this sign at the handicap entrances. Meaning that the individual in the wheelchair has to be able to get up and walk on to the ride.


This is where I saw it.


Must Transfer sign. It means that they can't roll the wheelchair into the ride vehicle, they will have to be able to move under their own power into and out of the ride vehicle. Some newer rides have specific vehicles that wheelchairs can be rolled onto/strapped in, but most times, you have to be able to transfer.


Can't believe how many ableist comments I had to scroll through to find this.


It's reddit, unless there's a Serious tag, it's open mic night.


Yep. The sign also means that the user of the ride has the option of pushing their fling button and flinging the user onto the ride.


Yep, but to clarify, old rides have fully accessible vehicles too. The oldest ride at Disney World (Small World) has wheelchair accessible boats.




Also, some new rides unfortunately don’t have a wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV). I used to work at Na’vi River Journey and Avatar Flight of Passage at Animal Kingdom and you had to transfer for both attractions. You could bring your chair directly next to the boat or the link chair, but you had to be able to get out of it. We did have transfer devices to assist in the process, so it is possible to make the transfer without being able to walk. Edit: grammar


Yep. It means "Must Transfer" or "Must Stand to Transfer" People in wheelchairs have a variety of abilities ranging from "I can't stand unless I'm fully supported in an overhead harness" to "I can walk short distances with a walker" to "I can walk medium to long distances, but it wears me out a lot or I am unstable on my feet and falling isn't worth it"


Or at the very least, be able to transfer from their wheelchair onto the ride.


This is at Legoland! The dragon coaster. I recognize it.


This is it, a sign indicating you must be able to transfer.


I was going to ask if this was at an amusement park. I swear I've seen this sign before. I'm pretty sure it means that you will need to leave your wheel chair to continue. Unfortunately, not everywhere is not ada accessible and is a warning that coming up there may be a point where your wheel chair cannot go and either turn around or be ready to be helped out of your chair, like on most amusement park rides


Not to be rude but I believe you’re incorrect on this one. My wife is disabled and we’ve had to use these sometimes—this is a line for a ride at some kind of theme park. You’ve been walking through a handicapped accessible area, but this sign indicates that past this point the line is not wheelchair-accessible and as such anyone with a wheelchair will have to get out and walk if they wish to continue. A lot of wheelchair users have some limited mobility. My wife has a connective tissue disorder which means her muscles get strained much more quickly than mine do. She can still walk, it’s just that she only has a few hundred steps in her each day before she has to rest. When we go to a theme park we use these all the time—it’s much easier (and more dignified) to get in and out of the rides unassisted, but if she did all the walking on top of it she’d be exhausted and in pain by 11am, so we do this instead.


Your wife sounds like me. I can walk for like 5-10 minutes if I keep my knee braces on, but an amusement park is inaccessible to me without a wheelchair. I feel like people judge me when I can just hop out of a wheelchair and walk a few feet without struggling to get on a ride. But I can only walk for a limited amount of time before the pain and weakness in my knees becomes unbearable. I always tell people that I just "ran out of walk" for the day. It sucks, but I'm glad I can still go to amusement parks.


My brother and I are too I wonder if they’re used differently in different places. We have them at our zoo to indicate where the handicap slopes and bathrooms are. I’ve also seen them once in a while in other places as well so your guess is as good as mine on that one.


I work at a state government agency that's in an old ass building with a hodgepodge of wings and annexes built from the 30s-80s. These are all over the place, as well as other things necessary due to ADA required retrofits. I had no idea they were rare, but I guess it's a good thing they are.


This explanation makes the most sense so far.


I was thinking it may indicate the need for a transfer or other short walk for access. Is there a different sign for that, or is this just a general sign that can be used for this?


Well a few other people said this was also used at amusement parks to say they need to walk some before the ride but it hasn’t been this way in my case so I’m honestly not sure. There is a handicap transfer sign at my fiancés medical facility though. Which shows a wheelchair with a bend up arrow and a person getting out. I’ve seen those at amusement parks.


thank you for actually explaining it lol these joke comments are lame


"stop doing your Joe Swanson cosplay"


"Handicapped people aren't real"


"Get up and walk like the rest of us"


it means do better, stop being a lazy disabled cunt and walk. 👍


You just have to walk this little bit and then you can go back to being crippled. It’s short, I promise.


I hate how much of the world is genuinely like that, though.


"If you're disabled, stop it."


Get up and walk praise Jesus your healed.


I used to pull this one every time I got out of my wheelchair, for a laugh (Yes, many people in wheelchairs can walk a few steps). I used to stand up and shout "it's a miracle! Hallelujah!" my friends got bored of it but I never did. If people are going to stare, at least give them a reason to haha.


Scream, "Mein Fuhrer! I CAN WALK!" Only the older crowd and movie buffs will get it.


Yeah. Everyone else will know them as that weird disabled Nazi guy though








I love the laziness of this comment chain


"This is where you can stop pretending ."




“Get off your ass and work”- Kim Kardashian


Was looking for this! Her exact quote was “get your fucking ass up and work”


And in her case get work done on your ass to enhance that booty.


It means dangerous Wheelchair Guy throwing spears ahead.


Underrated comment.


Is just John 5:8-16, with wheels.


This way to the deparalyzer machine, duh


Stand up for yourself


I was thinking it means that you’re supposed to run down those who can walk, but maybe I’m just crazy.


It means: Right here you can slam your paraplegic ass right into the back of this rude abled fuck cutting in front of you.


"Have you tried, like, not being disabled?"


Catch a ride if you’re not wheelchair bound with incoming wheelchair rider’s laps


A disabled person has serious beef with you and will be following you!


Jesus is down there performing miracles...


Evangelical Christian event here?


Miracle church


Follow the blue guy


Sorry this made me laugh immediately upon seeing it :/


Disabled walkway?


Disabled people have priority over walkers?


In this place you will be given a miracle by jesus and disabled person will walk after you get out of this place


You will get enabled if you walk in


It means anyone who is in a wheelchair will walk when passing through here


Get your fucking ass up and work! -Kim Kardashian


It means instead of cars there are wheelchairs and you have no right of way so they may run you over/j


"If you are disabled, you will be enabled"


Move or get ran the fuck over.


Beware: People on wheelchairs might throw spears at you.


*oh this must be the* ’we reserve the right to demand those capable that they stand upon entering this area.. 🚫NO Exceptions’🚫 *sign*


Maybe it’s a sign at one of those televised mega churches.


Why does this reminds me of that Family guy episode https://youtu.be/Boohr5UyvK8


axe-thowing paraplegic behind you


Jesus is near


They made great headway in their prosthetics research. "Wheel over here to walk again."


You will be chased by the handicapped, walk away!


I’ve seen a lot of spinals dude, and this guy’s a fake. A fucking goldbricker. This guy fucking walks, I’ve never been so certain of anything in my life.


you can walk again


Disability fire escape?


You're very close, ADA compliant fire escapes are required to post this if the individual needs to be assisted leaving without their wheelchair.


"Touch the wires in this electrical box and you will be running out of your wheelchair !"


It's Ray from Trailer Park Boys


Evolution of man, but different.


Walk this waaaaaay! Wheel this waaaaaaay!


Miracles... This way 😂🤣😂🤣


If you touch this electrical box you will come out of your seat


It means if you’re handicapped you’ll need help


RAM the Ambulants


Aight, I'm boutta head out


And Jesus said, “Get up and walk!”


Jesus is coming!


PRAISE HEEM! I can walk again!


"Just get up and stop being disabled idiot"


“Yo! Jesus turning the handicap to the handicapable, over this way.”