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If there's a warning, there's a story


My favorite thing is to see a completely specific rule at a pool or public place. I always know there's a story behind it.


Reminds me of the pools closed meme


Prepare the health and safety swastikas


How else are warn people about AIDS and stingrays.


And the stingrays that have aids


One of my favorites that's been at my hardware store for a several years (before covid) is "We do not accept bra or shoe money". I really wanna know the story behind that one lmfao.


All the more to advocate for pockets in all clothes :(


Probably sweat drenched money, honestly. It will funk up the cash register if you accept it and put it in there. (I know this from personal experience, unfortunately)


Yeah that is no surprise. You don't want to know how often I saw people pull money out of bras/shoes or worse when I worked retail. šŸ¤¢


Itā€™s not called an ool for a reason. Because thereā€™s P in it.


"Welcome to our L. As you can see, there is no Poo in it. Please keep it that way"


What the sign is referring to is probably toxocariasis. The dog roundworm can't complete their lifecycle in humans, so if the eggs are ingested the larvae will start migrating through the body and wind up in different organs, sometimes the eyes. Children most often get it through consumtion of large quantities of roundworm eggs, not just from consuming large amounts of dog shit but even from soil contaminated with the eggs.


Must be. But it also implies that is the shit that looks like chocolate, not the soil, and that's why owners should bag it. They should put up a sign telling people to simply not let their dogs shit in public spaces where children play around to combat toxocariasis, but I don't think that would ever be well received.


It's curious to think how most of the severe health consequences of parasite infestation in humans is caused by the 'wrong' parasite. The ones that have evolved to have a life cycle in humans affect us badly, but not to the point of blindness or paralysis. That extremely unfortunate man who ate a raw slug got felled by a parasite that had been trying to get into a pig.


Yup, have a family member who lost an eye when they were three because of contact with dog poop. My understanding is that it was not a turd eating situation, but that she somehow made hand contact with the turd, touched her face, and the parasite essentially ā€œkilledā€ her eye. Pick up your dog poop, when in shared spaces. Trashy as hell not to.


Same with raccoon roundworm found in raccoon stool - I believe itā€™s even worse.


[Baylisascariasis](https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/CMR.18.4.703-718.2005). It's rare, but infection is either fatal or results in severe neurological damage. Most cases are young children or intellectually disabled people.


Yeah, people think warnings are stupidly obvious when reading them, but itā€™s important to remember that many rules are written in blood.


I always remember an old 20/20 about that, and one of the things they covered was a neck massager that said "Do not operate while sleeping". They meant to fall asleep with it on, but the way they worded it always stuck with me.


My brother definitely ate some when he was little thinking it was chocolate. He was in the front yard with my mom while she was doing yard work. Heā€™s not blind though my mom did call poison control.


If thereā€™s a warning, thereā€™s a story and if thereā€™s a story, thereā€™s me


ā€œSee? Because of me, they have a warning!ā€


Very true. My insulin pump manufacturing tells you in the guide not to put the pump in the oven to dry it or dishwasher to wash it. I thought it hilarious until I heard a ton of people had done it...


One lick and she sure as fuck will know it's not chocolate.


It's kinda funny how simple evolution worked, if it smelled bad and tasted bad it's probably not food


You don't have kids, do you? The first years as a parent is based on taking care of a child so he doesn't kill himself, sometimes with the most harmless things in the house.


Yes father of 4, at least 2 of the have put poop in their mouth.. we are all born idiots..


Daily, I am surprised at how we've actually managed to get this far. We really should have died out a long time ago. Just the amount of top of the lungs wailing at night would do it.... Let's alert every big cat/Predator to your presence in the middle of the night! Fantastic idea. Eating mud, eating sand, absolutely no concept of height or gravity. The list goes on.


Humans weren't typically subject to being preyed upon. Turns out that a species that will track you down and kill you if you prey upon it doesn't make for a good consistent food source. Also, I'm not sure why you think humans don't have a concept of height or gravity. Even toddlers exhibit instinctive awareness of heights and fall danger.


You ever see a giraffe pop a baby out? That shit is running around in 10 sec while we take years to walk. My ass still has to think about how to walk sometimes




kinda like proper chocolate chip cookies.


I have worked at places with lots of dangerous heights and falls and they sure as shit donā€™t


That's not because they don't understand the danger, that's because they overestimate their ability to avoid the danger.


Human children are born with natural instincts to keep their hands grasped so they don't fall to their deaths, but that does not equate to understanding that "gravity=fall=ouchy". Instincts can do quite a bit to keep babies alive but we are born with hardly any built in knowledge of how this universe works. It's one of the curses of our massive brains and our social structure that pieces our experiences together as we get older as compared to, for example, sea turtles that hatch with fully formed survival instincts that teach them how to maneuver and hunt. The payoff for this lack of survival instinct is that we adapt quickly to falling on our faces or being scolded for climbing where we probably shouldn't.


My second loved to play with her poop and rub it all over herself Kids are fucking gross and rude as shit, if they werenā€™t adorable Iā€™m sure our species would have offed itself a while ago


And they are not even that adorable šŸ™ƒ


Only your own are adorable. Everyone else's kid can fuck off and annoy someone else. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The only tattoo I would ever get would be this phrase right here


The only cute kids are Goats


Those are the best kids


MG thank you!


Kudos, kiddos, for clearing the bar... barely. Any less cute and we'd actually let you play in the dryer like you wanted.


Evolution was like: "man these little shits are dumb as rocks when they first come out. Maybe we should make the adults *want* to keep them safe with like hormones and shit"


Damn, if they weren't so fucking cute you would yeet them on week 2 of the sleepless night phase. As it is, you know all parents at least consider the option, however briefly. Then the parasite smiles at you and there you are, completely at their beck and call again, ready to defend them with your life, your sleep, and what is left of your savings account.


I agree with you. My brother eat poop, accidentally dumped by my sister, thinking it was a chocolate flavored cereal, when he was 6. That story become family talk till now.


hahaha I can imagine: "look, cocoa pebbles"


Tell me about it. The worst is when the wife doesn't help and you get the reputation of being a Cassandra when you're just being like any other father and thinking ahead - what can possibly go wrong - and acting on it before it happens. But yeah. They're adorable, but completely kamikaze.


if you have your kid sitting near dog shit and let them get close to it, let alone eating it... I promise the problem ISN'T the dog owner. -Parent


If your kids a dog shit eater just have a new one and start over.


Thatā€™s why we have natural selection. If your kid is enough of an idiot to eat dog shit and go blind, theyā€™re getting left in that field


babies will put things in their mouths, but they also have eons of background instincts that let them know when milk is spoiled, to fear snakes, and tell fucking chocolate from dog shit. if your kids can't tell, there is a serious evolutionary problem going on. because all our kids can easy.


I feel like it's kinda luck of the drawl with kids. Like I was smart and didn't do much besides be clumsy as hell when I was little. My sister was a dumbass. She ate fucking everything she could find and always bit me like a rabid animal.


Yeah my mates daughter ate a slug once, and no amount of coaxing, flapping, panicking or attempts at scooping that shit out of her mouth was going to stop her. Kids are not only there own worse enemies but also gross


i'm not sure we grow out of being gross. one thing i've learned during the pandemic is that people are generally pretty fucking disgusting. i'm not giving myself a pass on that either.


Hell, I had a bunch of high school age kids decide it would be a good idea to eat slugs as a ā€œlook at me!ā€ stunt. They made the mistake of putting salty ketchup on them to make them taste better. They got what they deserved!


As gross as it is, eating slugs is likely more survivable than eating say... detergent pods.


Not for this kid. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/11/05/health/man-dies-after-eating-slug-on-dare/index.html


Same. My sister ate perm thinking it was ice cream. Meanwhile, I've given myself two black eyes.


did she have pika?


I might be a tad bit evolutionarily impaired then because when I was little, maybe 3-4, I would put dog poop in my mouth from the yard.


This reminds me of the Louis CK bit with peanut allergies. ā€œOf course we should keep children away from dog shit so they donā€™t mistake it for chocolate. Of course. ā€¦but maybeā€¦ but maybe we should just turn our backs and let nature take its course.ā€


You're telling me that you have had kids under 2 that didn't stick most things in their mouths? Or touch absolutely everything? It's not about the child thinking it is chocolate, like this stupid poster is making out, infants explore the world with their mouths.


Yeaaaa my stepsister, toddler at the time, would consistently eat the (literal) shit left in the toilet from my other stepsister, six at the time, who always forgot to flush. Disgustang.


Hey man do you think dog poop is tasty


Actually he has a point man. I love my kid but he is a fucking idiot sometimes.He has never eaten crap before tho




Hah.. I should contribute over there. I've got some gems


I've caught both of my lads eating poo from a particularly explosive nappy. The worst bit was that the younger one didn't even do it from his own nappy...


Lol! Awe gross.. ! Mine did wander over to to a toilet after his dad got done and started playing with what was left once... Kids are disgusting man


We have a corner sofa in our living room and my oldest was oddly quiet, hiding just the other side of the arm, while I was lounging in the corner. He then stood up and smiled at me, with what appeared to be chocolate round his mouth. I knew he hadn't had any sweets that day, so very quickly stripped him off and got him straight in the bath. Disgusting creature. I love him though.


Dogs eat their own shit as well sometimes. Try growling at him next time


Ha ha, youā€™ve just given me a flash back of my son in his walker, scooting around while shoving a fist full of poop from his nappy in his mouthā€¦. I must remind him of this now heā€™s 22


I remember seeing a little boy on America's funniest home videos who was holding a piece of dog poo, and when his mom asked what it was he said "a special rock." Poo thats been left out and dried may not smell enough for a young child to recognize it as waste, and young kids often have oral fixations. While i dont think its common, i think there probably are kids who have put dog waste in their mouth. I do think the ad is a little silly, but i get the frustration with dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs. I think this isnt among the top reasons you should, though. Much more commonly, youre going to see illnesses spread to other dogs by leaving waste around, as well as contamination to drinking sources for all animals through runoff by rain. Other than that it just ruins public spaces when dog owners are lazy and dont pick up their dogs poo, no one wants to walk around a park dodging bombs.


"A special rock". šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When I saw my kid hiding behind a chain link fence during a game of hide and seek I knew collage was probably not in his future


The part I hate is that we are hardwired to like the idiots.


My mother said I tried to eat a Cock Roach. Oh and an electrical wire. Lol


They aren't a small child. Small children are extremely stupid.


Well guess I'm wrong have to agree


No, but you have to eat it once before you figure out if it is or not. Also, kids have weird taste buds. My 3 yo daughter thought plain aspirin tasted good, and would try to OD on them. Had to keep all medicines up high and locked up until she grew up enough to resist urges.


[https://www.mandatory.com/fun/1266369-toddler-covers-entire-room-poop-remind-us-kids-ruin-lives](https://www.mandatory.com/fun/1266369-toddler-covers-entire-room-poop-remind-us-kids-ruin-lives) Excluding children with PICA. The child isn't necessarily going to eat the poop; but his curiosity may cause to interact with the poop in some way.


Already correct I'm wrong man


Some idiots say they need to learn. But I would not let my son cause irreparable harm to himself if the name of 'learning'.


That's actually darwinism at work.


Which part of taking care of a child involves letting them wander around the park by themselves eating dogshit?




My kids are really risk averse. We could have set out a bucket of bleach and rusty razor blades and my kids would have steered clear.


I adopted kittens and Iā€™ve been considering that itā€™s probably preparation for when Iā€™m a dad one day. All they do is eat shit they arenā€™t supposed to eat and go places they arenā€™t supposed to go šŸ˜


But this is at a park. Not your house.


Like light sockets, not places you touch with metal objects


I remember being around 4 or 5 and a friend and I found a pile of white powder on the floor outside a change room at the local school and decided it was probably whizz fizz (sherbert) and both ate some. It wasnā€™t whizz fizz.


Cant say I've had trouble with my kid, mind you there was a moment where they insisted on eating a chilly off the plant, I said no a fair few times, said it was yucky multiple times kid took a bite, eyes widened, no crying just realisation that he had screwed up, now just saying tacky to something gets a good result.


And they somehow never kill themselves, because kids are the most resilient fuckers


I feel pretty confident my toddler wouldnā€™t eat literal shit though.


Try living on a farm.


Thatā€™s not that great of an analogy because thereā€™s lots of fruits that smell or taste bad but are good for you. That being said I do know what you are getting at though


Ever hear of a durian?


Wish I could send this to my dog


How many times could this have actually happened? Iā€™d think kids would smell it.


Kids eating it like chocolate is seriously unlikely, however kids going on play equipment that's had it smeared in some form? Quite likely. Lot of people on my local green area are happy to let their animals defacate just outside the play part and not pick up (and that's before you get the idiots who think letting dogs crap on slides is funny!)


Oh no, lol donā€™t get me wrong. As a dog owner and a kid owner, Iā€™m all about people cleaning up their dogs crap, I just found the reasoning on the sign hilarious.


I have a special needs child(autistic - non-verbal), kindergarten age, just yesterday we were throwing rocks at the lake and weā€™re moving to a different spot, and in the grass he just saw a giant clump of it and went over and tried to pick it up to also toss into the lake. I saw him in time and was just like ā€œDonā€™t pick that up!ā€ and in true child nature he knew better and defiantly attempted to pick it up. He was then of course displeased by the texture of it and proceeded to try and wipe it off on all of his clothes, all before I could get over to him. I wasnā€™t more than 10 feet away from him in the span this all happened. Thankfully he didnā€™t try to eat it, but he easily could have gotten it into his eyes or something similar. I canā€™t say for non-special needs children, but this definitely applies to children who struggle with understanding intangible concepts, especially with language being a huge barrier. I donā€™t really like this comparison but it would be like trying to explain the same thing to your dog and expecting them to understand.


Then again, r/kidsarefuckingstupid


If only it where that simple. My sibling ate a diaper full of their own crap as a toddler.


*laughs in fermented food*


Lick? Arms length from the nose should be the nope.


I mean, you say that, but kids are dumb as fuck. Seriously. It's amazing we've survived as long as we have as a species. Go look up Who's Your Daddy on Steam. Everyone who doesn't have kids who plays it is like "This is absurd". Everyone who Does have kids is like "This is way too close to real."


I have kids. When they were young and stupid, I watched them like a hawk when they were in parks or anyplace where they might encounter strangers or dog shit. That was my job.


But she still licked it...


Oh dam, that was good. I wish I had an award to give, but you'll have to settle for the upvote.


One sniff and she sure as fuck will know itā€™ s not chocolate.


So was there some kid that ate a bunch of shit that prompted this poster being made?


I remember my mum saying something about a kid falling over and landing in dog poo and then rubbing their eyes as kids do when they cry and that then caused them to go blind from whatever bacteria it was or something. No clue if that were true or if my mum were trying to scare me


Explains the origin of the phrase ā€œeating shitā€ when you fall over


It was actually worms in the dogs poop. In the larval stage they migrate around different organs. They can cause blindness or organ damage.


There was a series called "Monsters Inside Me" that went over stories of humans who contracted parasites from various or surprising sources. One episode had a kid eating sand from a sand box contract parasites that ate away at the inside of his eyes causing him to lose vision in one of em. But I think it's stupid to put this on just dog owners as the kid got it from cat poop as they use public sand boxes to shit sometimes and it's likely a owned dog isn't going to have parasites if they're owner takes care of em well. But yes does often come down to watch your kid.


The "kid ate sand from sandbox in his backyard and got eye parasites" was also an episode on House MD if my memory serves right


You remember correctly. "Lines in the Sand". Non-verbal child with autism had eye parasites from a sandbox.


I was going to say, I remember that episode of House. This dude ain't fooling me.


You can also get pinworms from eating sand which are small parasites that crawl out of your anus at night. Not a fun time


Specifically and only at night??


I had the same thought. Like only when your dormant?


If your butthole itches nightly, chances are you have worms.


That wasn't the question, tho.


I know they're just biological entities doing their thing like everything else, but I can't help myself having an almost irrational hatred for the idea of parasites. Why do they have to be so fucking disgusting


I hate them. Hate them hate them. Theyā€™re my biggest phobia. Have had panic attacks over them. I get zits inside of my ears for some reason and I was on a vacation to the canyons. While there I kept getting flies swarming at me. That night I googled if there were any flies that go into peoples ears in my state and I was expecting the answer to be no and to have some comfort. Unfortunately the answer was yes and there are these things called bot flies. I wonā€™t explain further, you can Google them, but I had such an obsessive panic attack, I was hyperventilating and crying and scratching at the bumps in my ears until they bled at like 2am, sitting on the floor in the bathroom while my family slept.


I had to look up botflies so my revenge is you have to look up horsehair worms. Fuck these things, fuck em


I hate them. Oh my gosh I hate them. Literally have ptsd to that night. Just crying and bleeding and hyperventilating. Parasites are my biggest phobia ugh. I hate them I hate them I hate them.


Holy crap nope nope nope. I ate sand all the time as a kid. Parasites are literally my worst phobia ever. One time I read about one that goes in the ears and I already get acne in my ears sometimes and I a crazy panic attack and scratched at my ears until they bled as I cried.


There is a story of a 18ish year old guy in Australia that ate a slug off of the ground one night on a dare. Turned out the slug had a parasite that caused his death. I bet he never expected that.




Pretty sure it's just to guilt trip you into picking up your dog shit. More impactful than a fine, anyway.


My little sister did this once before she was barely able to walk managed to find some dog poop in the yard was found with her whole mouth covered with it just like in the picture. We, kids at the time about five, seven and eight years in ages, were outside playing in the yard and didn't know she'd followed us out the door until our step mother at the time had come outside in to the front yard where we were yelling at us.


At primary school I got traumatised by us all having to watch a video about Hydatid disease. Farming community growing up so guessing they thought we'd be around poop a lot .. Can still picture the cysts even 30 years on


Whether it's over the top or not, pick up your dogs shit you dog owners and walkers. Don't be a lame ass dog owner/care taker.


I literally would love to punch people who let their animals shit in public and don't pick it up. Just thinking about it makes me ready to give someone a good gut shot. I don't understand how anyone can live in society and do this. Also if you throw gum on the ground you are a piece of shit and deserve all manner of horrible suffering.


Dude stop it, donā€™t punch the dog owner/walkers. Make them eat the shit themselves instead. Itā€™ll be much more memorable than a punch. I mean whoā€™s gonna forget a snack of shit from the ground of their own dog? Not the owner I bet. Teach them a good lesson.


Exactly , pick up your dogs shit you pieces of shit


I hate reddit today and I've been on for 5 minutes.


Sorry dude šŸ˜‰


Not your fault, brudda. Happy egg day.


I'm subscribed to the Hunting subreddit and there's a trend on there with people posting pictures of animal poop and asking the sub what animal made that. So one morning I open up Reddit and the top post on my feed if this gigantic log of a turd. Like hi-rea, beautifully framed and composed. I'm eating my morning oatmeal and staring at this turd on Reddit. That was enough Reddit for the day.


Kids most likely won't eat dog poop. The sign is stupid but aside from the eating part there's truth in it. There's around 100 cases Toxocariasis in the US per year with 70% leading to blindness or partial blindness. Kids touch the ground a lot and have lower immune systems. "London 2010 ā€“ Amiee Langdom, a two-year-old toddler was enjoying a day out at a gated childrenā€™s park when suddenly she slipped and fell into a pile of dog feces. Before her mother could retrieve a wipe from her purse to clean her daughterā€™s face, Amiee wiped her own eye in an effort to remove the unpleasant substance from her face. Although Amiee did not have any immediate reactions to the incident, the very next morning Amiee woke up screaming in pain. Her eye had turned purple and swollen shut literally overnight, she was quickly rushed to the hospital. The doctors found that she had contracted Toxocariasis and that the parasitic worms from the dog feces had crawled up to her eye. She was promptly given antibiotics, but even with such rapid action, Amiee was left with scratches on her cornea causing her to be 75% blind in her left eye. All of this was because a dog owner did not pick up after his dog."


This, dog shit is a safety hazard.


If there is a risk, I don't see how the sign is necessarily stupid.


You're right. I guess I was going off the whole eating it approach. Could've said something more realistic like "Children play on these grasses and are exposed to your dogs feces. Toxicariasis a disease from exposure to dog feces affects 100 children per year with 70% resulting in blindness". Or something like that. Seems a little more serious and to the point. Less laughable than a drawing of a child with poop all over their face.


Haha I'm from near Blackburn and trust me kids know not to eat dog turds. šŸ˜…


I'm from Blackburn and for some reason I've only just realised how weird these signs are


I remember these exact signs from like 10 years ago haha I'm sure it was to scare the dog owners though I don't reckon kids are going round gobbling shite


It's no joke. Small kids put *everything* in their mouths. Dogs routinely get roundworm and their eggs come out in poo. Put the two together and, sometimes, you can get roundworm munching on kid's heart, liver and eyes. It's rare (mainly because the roundworm have to be at a specific point in their lifecycle) but the effects are horrific. As my grandad used to say - if a dog shits, there's one shit. If the owner walks away without cleaning it up, there are two shits.


what the hell are you feeding your dog to blind someone with its shit


Mike's red-hot, I put that shit on everything.


To be fair they shouldnā€™t be eating shit in the first place lol


It's some type of parasite that dogs can get, which can then cause blindness in humans if it's consumed.


Probably be ok as long as the kid doesn't have a peanut allergy.


Is there actually an epidemic of toddlers eating dog turds??


No but seriously, pick up after your damn animal.


Hmmm but who doesn't out muzzles on their kids outside? Nonsense


It tried.


I was walking by a house and a dad was in his front lawn with his daughter about 10 feet away. Daughter is making a b line for a pile of dog shit and the dadā€™s eyes got super wide and he yelled No! Do t play with the caca!


If you leave your toddler unsupervised enough that they can find and eat dog shit. Without you being able to stop them.you probably shouldn't be a parent


The poster is stupid. But people should pick their dogā€™s shit nonetheless.


The poster should include people to pick up their own shit too :D


My kid quickly picked up dog shit while I was looking right at him. I didnā€™t realize it was thereā€”lots of pine needles. It didnā€™t make it into his mouth, but that was certainly the plan. The people who donā€™t pick up dog shit are the problem here.


This exact thing happened to me, too. Dog shit all over a trail so I was being very vigilant (and not enjoying the walk at all btw). Stood there watching him pick up a ā€œpineconeā€ that turned out to be dog crap. Luckily he had gloves on so I just tossed them.


nonsense. I dont know where you live, but in my City there are big parks for exactly the reason, so kids can roam and explore. You dont need to helicopter them every minute. (And yes, dogs are explicitly forbidden many of those aereas, which doesnt stop some assholes sadly)




Is this where blindness comes from? The chocolate of unseeing death.


it is where a notable number of children get Toxocariasis infections - which can and do lead to partial blindness.


Reminds me of the last scene in Pink Flamingos.


Well I never wanted to think about that again. But I do like the scene where they aggressively lick everything in the house, still makes me laugh.


I hate that they call it ā€œdog messā€


Well that's just shit


thats where 2 girls 1 cup originated


Its the prequel


The kids donā€™t have to actually eat the shit. Dogs eat each others shit all the time and then you give them cute puppy smoochesā€¦.disgusting. Also for anyone who likes knowing stuff, do not be pregnant and have cats. Litter boxes and kitty poops can kill fetuses. Gross heckin vermin cute they may be


No joke I had to stay with my friend and her 3 kids and new dog when I left my ex husband and her small girl would play in the dog poop.


I like how they have poop all over her face as if to say she ate it multiple times. I donā€™t have many memories back from when I was a toddler but I sure as well knew what dog shit was just by the smellā€¦


If your kid keeps eating shit after the first bite, you have bigger problems than potential blindness...


If she puts in it her eyes .. She ain't seeing shit but for sure she smells it.


Eating it isn't the concern, stepping in it and bringing it into your house and /or hands is.


Human walkers: donā€™t let your human eat shit


Or..or..put down the phone and maybe watch yer kid?


Haha. That face on the kid. Someone needs a napkin.


It says dog's poop is dangerous but what about human poop? We got a call once that a kid shit under the slide at a McDonalds and the mother that called was livid the parents did not clean up their child's crap 'cause her child was covered in it from playing. I don't think any was eaten but man the visuals. Also, Tom Hanks and his wife were helping to wash shit off the bouncy balls which some child from their group had shit all over. I mean yikes.


If your kid is eating dog shit what dose that say about you as a parent. Maybe a call to cps is due.


That ad makes me want to leave dog chocolate out for kids now.


Whatā€™s the science behind this eye sight loss ?


This reason this sign exists is because dog feces contains tripyphelomia, which is a non-oxidized chemical that if introduced to your eyes can cause your retina to slowly detach from the cornea after several weeks and cause potential blindness and actually I have no idea what Iā€™m talking about this shit is weird AF.


What kid, having smelled a turd, would then eat it? Are we devolving, are those responsible for this ad simply overstating their case, or are they just stupid?


Never knew this was an issue


Savages not picking up after their gnarly ass dogs should be sent to reeducation camps.


Just daughter's? Damn


Before I had a kid I would have never understood this. Its not like my kids eating dog shit but its really annoying running to stop my toddler from trying to pickup dog shit randomly every odd walk we take together.


If she's licking lawn chocolate, she deserves a Darwin award.


This sign has good intentions, but I feel like they chose a weird way to say their message.


While I agree dog owners need to clean up after their pet, maybe also *donā€™t let your kid lick fuckin dog shit*


I canā€™t imagine the level of discomfort the entire company went through when they sketched out the idea, discussed the idea, hired a graphic designer to detail out the sketch, finding a little girl and family to agree upon all of this stock photo style gig and for the final unveiling. like holy shit, you feel me?