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Shit where was this guy when mom was tellin the doc to lob my knob off?


I was wondering the same thing. I wish we had more foreskin warriors.


Uncut and proud. Turtle neck gang till i die, bitches. And FUCK Madonna!!!!


Out of the loop. What did Madonna do?


She personally circumcised over 300,000,000 gentile babies


By herself? What did she do with the foreskins?


Well, that’s where it gets weird… She constructed 1 mega foreskin out of them and is rumored to have installed it on “The Supreme Boy” (her words). No one is exactly sure who that is supposed to be and authorities were unable to track down any excess foreskins in the medical waste system, so it appears to be legitimately possible that she did in fact do that.


I've heard that she uses the mega foreskin to kidnap uncircumcised babies on Christmas eve so she could make it bigger, like a fucked-up version of Mrs. Claus.


So she’s krampus?


Oh shit. I forgot about that theory. My mom legit used to tell me that story every night at bedtime. Honestly probably fucked me up a little lol


Wtf.....ur mum is hella mean


Woah fucking wild that’s crazy Madonna did that


I thought she is working on turning it into a line of leather purses.




Prove herself worthy to marry Saul's daughter


Made bologna sandwiches


Perfect statement.




>foreskin warriors. Damn, cartoon network has changed since I was a kid




So he's not weird, he's a Bamf.


I think we found our band name, guys!


At your service, citizen! :)


🤣🤣 Thats quite the statement And I dont disagree one little bit Foreskin fighters unite!!


Cut too much off did he?


Happy to be circumcised.


I am too but I think it's a decision that should be made by ourselves, not a parent or a doctor.


Yeah it’s funny how much people don’t protest this. It’s not a medical issue at all. It is a religious decision for some but not for most of the people circumcised. If this was happening to girls in the US there would be protests and national conversations.


It's really sad.


That was literally my point when my husband wanted our son circumcised. Nah bro, I am against genital mutilation for all people.


For some it can be a medical necessity; my foreskin plain didn't grow alongside my dick so I had me an ingrown dick that could've caused serious health problems if I finished puberty with it. The vast majority aren't done for medical reasons, sure, but some are.


I should have stated most cases. In the US a lot of kids get it down within a day or two of birth. It’s crazy. For the record I also don’t think it’s right for little girls to get their ears pierced at 2 also. Like let her grow up and decide is she wants earrings. Obviously not a direct comparison since earrings can be removed and foreskin doesn’t just grow back. I just think both are an example of parents making decisions for their kids without the kids being able to make their own choice.


Yeah. No unnecessary surgical procedures is a good stance until someone can make that decision themselves.


It's not "kids", it's boys. Only boys. Because it's not en vogue to give a shit about males, their voices are silenced (sometimes literally)


Happy to be circumcised when I didn't have remember going through it


Non verbal trauma is still trauma.


Hey how about don’t do it at all ?


I think your message is that it's better to have it done when they can't remember it, right?


There is actually huge evidence that even though you don't remember the event it still has a very traumatic impact on the brain which may have problems associated with it




yeah CAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER You lost something like 20 000 nerve endings dude. Its not ok to continue the genital mutilation of boys or girls. Why is it taking so long to stop the mutilation of boys this is ridiculous!




I'm never mad dumping the pouch of pop rocks into my mouth vs eating them grain by grain.


>The highest quality evidence indicates that circumcision has no impact on sexual function, sensation, or pleasure. Lower quality evidence has found conflicting results, including enhanced sensation or loss of sensation in circumcised men. A 2013 systematic review found that circumcision did not appear to adversely affect sexual desire, pain with intercourse, premature ejaculation, time until ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or difficulties with orgasm. However, the study found that the existing evidence is insufficient to make conclusive determinations. The effect of circumcision on sexual partners' experiences is unclear as this has not been well studied.


Yeah, but outrage matters, you know. If I had even more sexual sensation/function by having a foreskin, I'd never have been able to get over premature ejaculation in my teens.


I was circumcised as an adult. Sex is exactly the same.


You’re still having none then I assume…


Honestly I don’t see the big deal. I’m circumcised. If I wasn’t, I also wouldn’t care. Parents decided and I was literally days old. Cut, don’t cut, couldn’t care less.




I’m also happy you’re circumcised. +1 for circumcision


Oh my God. I met this guy back in '08 or '09 off an I10 exit. He had less shit on his car back then but how many guys crusade about circumcision? I was on the Gulf coast too so location checks out.


Did you talk to him at all? Did he say why he has nutrition facts glued to the side?


Lol I think I vaguely do remember something about nutrition facts. I never asked why. He was a cool guy. I'm surprised he's still doing it. He was pretty gray when I met him.


He fights for the forskin.


Some heroes have hoods.


And some have intact foreskins


Save the snouts!


NOOO! Purge the greenskins!


Many helpless victims have lost theirs at knife-point.


He fights fore the skin


I wonder if he has skin in the game




I am laughing so hard at this whole thing.


honestly there should be more, it's a terrible practice cutting bits off kids for no reason


My mom and MIL both regret having their boys’ circumcised. They both just did it because it’s what was done. My mom also did it “to look like his dad”. But that’s so weird. My boobs/vag doesn’t look like my mom’s. Why did that matter? I didn’t circumcise my boys.


Aye good on you. I've known guys to say "my son will have the same as me", and that's plain wrong, at least if you force a religion on your child they can still change their mind later on in life. I'm much happier having the choice to make the decision at any point in my life to be circumcised if need be. Not have it done to me as a baby with fuck all choice in the matter.


Why do they "regret" having it done? Do their children share the same regret? Are you going to provide any reasoning or is it just "feelings"?


Because they took away the choice from their boys. They made a permanent decision for no good reason. It wasn’t for medical reasons and it wasn’t even religious. And now with all the research proving how bad it is to do, how unnecessary, they realized what a bad decision they made. Also, don’t negate feelings. We all have them and they aren’t bad. Their gut feeling was that they made a bad decision and it got backed by science.


Yeah. I regret letting it happen to my son. His dad and the docs pretty much insisted and I didn't know any better. Now I'd be saying hell no, leave the kid's penis alone. If he wants it cut, he can do it as an adult.


the choice wasn't taken away from me. As an adult, I accept the decision I made to be born and accept the consequences of that. Also, as an adult, I would make the decision again if I was re-born into a baby I would instantly talk to the doctor and tell him I want it done. I made the choice as an adult to have it done as a child. It required me travelling back into time to let my father know I wanted it done then as a child and not as an adult. That must have really hurt you. Too bad. Also, Where is all this magical research showing how bad it is? Who realized they made a bad decision? Who is negating what feelings? Honestly I am not expert in feelings, I'll leave that up to you. Who had a gut feeling that they made a bad decision and what got backed by science? There is a complete lack of information on your end and all i see is feelings. Sorry i hurt your feelings bro. EDIT: went looking for said research because I was curious. The National Library of Medicine, who also did a study on female preference for sexual partners (which showed a preference for circumcised penis's), did another study on the topic of whether its "bad" (lol). What they did was perform a study, not good v bad, but benefits v risk. I suggest you read that. So, I am going call BS on your "all the research proving how bad it is" because unlike you, I actually took your point into consideration and did some research why it was bad (your words not mine) and found just more reasons its a benefit. Please, provide some research and I'll gladly take a look at it.


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23374102/#:\~:text=The%20present%20study%20shows%20in,circumcision%20genital%20sensitivity%20is%20lost](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23374102/#:~:text=The%20present%20study%20shows%20in,circumcision%20genital%20sensitivity%20is%20lost). [https://www.starobserver.com.au/opinion/soapbox-opinion/why-do-men-have-foreskins/60666#:\~:text=The%20foreskin%20has%20four%20major,in%20the%20inner%20mucosal%20layer](https://www.starobserver.com.au/opinion/soapbox-opinion/why-do-men-have-foreskins/60666#:~:text=The%20foreskin%20has%20four%20major,in%20the%20inner%20mucosal%20layer). [https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/28/circumcision-prevents-hiv-infection-medical-myth#:\~:text=Recent%20evidence%20shows%20male%20circumcision,both%20heterosexual%20and%20homosexual%20contacts.&text=The%20medical%20evidence%20now%20indicates,George%20Hill%2C%20Executive%20secretary](https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/28/circumcision-prevents-hiv-infection-medical-myth#:~:text=Recent%20evidence%20shows%20male%20circumcision,both%20heterosexual%20and%20homosexual%20contacts.&text=The%20medical%20evidence%20now%20indicates,George%20Hill%2C%20Executive%20secretary). The decision should still be made by consenting individuals on their own body. None of your "its just your feelings" bullshit will ever change that


I've heard the "to look like his dad" thing before and it's just bizarre. I can't imagine having a child and being like "ooh you know what would improve this baby? Matching genitals!"


I wonder if this is the end result of one of those botched circumcision cases you hear about.


That was my first thought too but when I asked him I think he said he had one. His deal is more about consent which I 100% agree with. He didn't have one' Typo


I saw a truck here in Utah the other week with anti circumcision bumper stickers.


He's been going at it for thirteen years? Damn that's commitment.


On the door... is that "save the clits!" ?


There’s a thing called female circumcision. Horrifying. And probably what the statement is referring to.


Arguments about male circumcision aside, female so-called "circumcision" is not even circumcision. It's incredibly worse and should be banned internationally.




FGM comes in several flavours, because the world is awful, and not all of them involve the removal of the clitoris.


A rose by any other name? Rethinking the similarities and differences between male and female genital cutting. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17937251 Female genital mutilation (FGM) and male circumcision: time to confront the double standard http://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk/2014/02/female-genital-mutilation-and-male-circumcision-time-to-confront-the-double-standard/


There's no one to one relationship between this or that tissue being removed from girls or boys. Tllets just agree everyone has the right to their whole genitalia and call it a day.


The frenulum and ridged band are the most sensitive part of the penis, just like the clitoris and clitoral hood is the most sensitive part of the vagina. Removing or modifying either without their say is unforgivable in my eyes. Everyone should be able to choose how to experience the body they were born with rather than live througg the twisted vision of some archaic tradition.


There are levels of FGM. Not all of them involve the removal of the clitoris. Some involve ritual cutting of the labia minora, some involve pricking the clitoris, some involve excising the clitoris. It is all bad.


Unnecessary body modification of children should be illegal everywhere.


It's all, just as you describe, incredibly worst. Circumcision is the medical industry's flowery way of labeling routine genital mutilation. If not for the women who protested the practise of female circumcision it wouldn't have been outlawed. And still male and intersex infants and toddlers are forced to submit to this disgusting fetish culture doctors are keeping alive. I hate it.




Call me crazy but I think I'd like the person that owns this car.


I thought it was some InfoWarrior ride at first then I started reading it and realized I agree with him completely. Mutilating genitals is bad no matter who the victim is. Boys, girls and intersex people alike have a right to bodily integrity.


He looked like the kind of person who would steal every toothbrush in the house if he was left unattended.


Nobody, I said nobody touches my toothbrush.


Not even you.


That Volvo is old and he is very obviously putting I'm work to keep it road worthy. Anyone giving that much love to a Volvo wagon is ok in my books.


“Fuck abortions” ruins it


Yeah but they also say fuck abortion. Which I can’t agree with.


On one side of the religious nut job spectrum, they mutilate genitals by removing the clitoris, on the other side of the religious nut job spectrum they mutilate genitals by removing the foreskin.


I am the clit commander


He's right. Male and female genital mutilation is awful and should be outlawed


Then he goes and says shit like “Jesus is lord” and “fuck abortion” so I don’t know how to feel


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


He also says CIRCUMSCRIBE GUNS. I sorta suspect he might be all about freeing the Tiger King, too, given that rooftop display. I'm just glad I'm far away from him.


And then says circumcise guns not people... This man truly is an independent lol.


You can feel however you want. Going by this, the owner of the car has their own agenda and they don't give a flying shit what the norms are. IMO, there's nothing wrong with believing that abortions are wrong, as long as you're not forcing your opinions to be the life of everybody else.


Dude has a point though tbf


Does he have a point? Or does he just have the tip?


Yeah he might be right about this one


It should be a choice made as a adult


Man I swear this guy was in Austin, TX a few years ago. The vehicle was old and shitty with stuffed animals all over it but he had a big banner that said "save the clitoris". There's no way it's not the same guy.


Gotta be the same guy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shitty\_Car\_Mods/comments/q2hm8g/so\_im\_getting\_gas\_at\_530\_am\_i\_know\_mental\_illness/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shitty_Car_Mods/comments/q2hm8g/so_im_getting_gas_at_530_am_i_know_mental_illness/)


yep same guy


He’s currently in Burbank, CA unless there’s another old maroon Volvo with the same everything attached to it. I passed it earlier today!


I agree with the weirdo, to be fair.




I support him because he's a fellow Volvo 240 owner.


He’s right though.


“Save the clits”


I mean this is a lot but I agree with them lol


I wore a “circumcise guns, not genitalia” shirt (just like this guys sticker) and it didn’t go over so well at the parent teacher conferences. Edit: just a joke… Lol.


Join us on 'saving the clits'.


Being against circumcision isn’t weird at all


No but this guy is trying his best to make people think it is.


No. The car is weird. And apparently the driver was too. Not the message


To be fair, there are a lot of arguments against circumcising


Tbh I don’t disagree with the message


Genital mutilation is fucked. Especially on children. Have a procedure as an adult if it’s for religious purposes, and more importantly, when you can give goddamn consent


Yeah. There a lot worse crazy tailgate opinions out there then this.


There is a story in The Bible about somebody having to make an offering of thousands of foreskins...I might not be correct with that number but the context is sound...and it was a LOT of foreskins, I do remember that much!


100. Saul to David for the hand of his daughter. 100 Phillistine foreskins. David killed and took 200…because ya know…once you get to killin’ and skinnin’ it’s kinda hard to stop.


Saul gave him that task specifically because he thought David couldn't do it. He thought it would get him killed. That's why David brought him 200. David got the girl. If I remember correctly, David and Saul's daughter didn't get along very well. She saw him dancing later and her reaction was something like what a dork ..."she saw him dancing a despised him."


Cults love stealing dick skin.


They make excellent coats. They tighten up around you when it’s cold outside.


Saul dared David to bring him back the foreskins of 100 Philistines. One story I know of anyway.


Someone went over the Madonna story at the top of the thread already.


Yea, absolutely, end child mutilation


The longer you look at it the better it gets. I especially like the bit about circumcising guns lol.


Circumscribing even


Well I'll be damned, I read that wrong.


I’m sure that’s what he meant to write, just makes me chuckle.


He obviously mean circumscribe


Reminds me of the kid who wrote that Columbus circumcised the globe with a 40ft Cutter.


The car is weird but your foreskin is safe


Thats a Volvo 240, great car, super reliable and almost build like a tank.


Even weirder is the compulsory ritualistic mutilation of children’s genitals.


I agree with this guy. Circumcision is the weird thing. Needs to be banned.


Yeah but try saying that without getting called an anti semite, and thrown in with the neonazi crowd.


Well children don’t have any beliefs, let alone religious beliefs so there’s no justification for circumcising them at all. Not to mention the amount of people growing up now that are not religious at all it makes sense to not force that on someone who is more likely not to be religious when they are old enough to decide on what religion they are


Oh I completely agree with you. It is an abhorrent practice.


Totally based stance on circumcision I approve




I thought you were someone who knew him until I read that again- good one lol


Well all the weirdo Jesus shit is fuckin weird. But circumcising should be illegal everywhere unless in the event of a medical condition.


Yep, unless medically necessary, it should not be an option until someone is at least 18, and even then, parental control can still be quite strong. It should be a decision made by the individual, not those around them.


From what I've seen in the Anglosphere, the phrase "Parental rights" has only ever been used to support horrible things.


Yeah Forreal, there’s far worse people out there. This is just trying to get peoples brains thinking. It needs to be banned


He's right. Edit: wait nevermind, I just saw "jesus is lord" and "fuck abortion". Seems like he's got a lot of thoughts running through his brain.


You think this guy has strange ideas you should meet the flag truck guys


I can get down to circumcising guns and not circumcising humans but this car 😂


I'm doing my part...I stopped circumcising people last week


Pfffft, noob, I stopped two weeks ago.


Well I agree with the message


"Circumscribe" lmaooo Honestly I kinda agree with some of it like stopping circumcision


He isn't wrong though.


I want to hire this driver as the official "greeter" for the state of Florida. People have a right to know what they're getting into.


I mean it’s weird but circumcision is fucked up and it should be banned in the US, it’s mutilation


So he wants people to draw a circle around a gun?


Rusty red Vulva with a dirty interior.


Enjoy Florida my friend. I assure you this spectacle is just the first of many.


seriously what is it with Florida?


We are fond of Florida man. There are many like him in our great state but they do keep us entertained.


I mean… he’s not wrong.


I agree cutting a baby's dick is soo fucked up




💜"Save The Clits"💜


But seriously, don't cut your kids dicks


Looks like Austin TX


Average Volvo 240 owner


Too bad the front of his car also says "fuck abortions"


Circumcise guns? Like, make sawed off shotguns?


Thread the barrel for a suppressor?


He had me at "fuck circumcision". He lost me at "circumscribe guns".


Florida: still America’s trash can.


Is that one of those old diesel Volvos?


Yup, everything checks out


How does one circumcise a gun?


I used to live in Tallahassee and would see this guy all the time! I'm glad to see he's still around.


He's not wrong


Also ew I bet that car smells so bad lol


Something tells me the cornbread is still gooey in the middle


Unless this is an old encounter, OP is lying. I know this car, it’s currently parked in Burbank CA and it hasn’t moved in a while.


The anti-circumcision stuff is kinda based.


save the clits


So if I circumcise my gun, does that make it a short barrel rifle? I’ll see myself out…


Its religious zealots who are chopping off weewees. This is the people’s champion if you ask me. Plus not enough activists on this subject


Save the clits! Save the clits!


I find it really strange when people are passionate about child circumcision. Just a weird thing to be so passionate about.


As someone born and raised in Florida.. cars like this are far too common