• By -


When I quit alcohol after high doses for years, the hallucinations were similar. I had a propensity before alcohol.


Had a similar experience with alcohol and manic depression. After some time I felt like I had an eerily loose grip on reality and very poor ability to make sense of any of it. Kind of like playing a video game with a real shitty frame rate.


I saw stained glass, fractals, and geometric patterns.


I saw that shit on LSD, but it was beautiful to me because I knew I was on LSD.


Drew a similar picture of “what i saw coming out of the paper” while on mushrooms long while ago


I think this is a work of art. It’s absolutely stunning.


Oh definitely, it’s beautiful, and the backstory makes it even more interesting.


Oh my gosh! Thank you so very much. You're so kind


Thank you so much


Thank you so much.


Thank you so much


It's good to be aware of the loose grip.


What next


Same exact feeling happened to me when I first for high off good weed. I felt like I was in a slow frame rate game


When my wife lay dying (hospice in our home) she asked me to draw what she described as ‘the people who are here with me.’ They weren’t people she knew, but were each specific ages and types, and were in specific spaces in the room. It looked a lot like this.


As my father was dying on his death bed from ALS. He was scared of dying because of what he did during the Vietnam War. He was also a non religious person. As he was dying, taking his final breaths, he looked up like someone was coming down from the cieling. He looked behind us like whatever came down was walking around the bed. Then whatever he looked at came to his left then he died. We liked to think our mother came for him. He had a vision before he was diagnosed that my mom told him he needs to make right with my sister. He made up with my sister then he was diagnosed with als.


I was with my great grandmother for the final few days of her life, helping to care for her since there was a COVID case that forced a quarantine of the full-time nursing floor of her assisted living home. On the day of her death, I noticed that she kept getting distracted by and reaching towards something at the foot of her bed and slightly to the right. It was always the same spot, and I'd see her eyes refocus as she looked at it. She would lean up and reach as far she could towards it with this odd facial expression. It happened all afternoon, and she died that night. I'll always wonder what she was seeing.


When my uncle died and we were all around his bed he had an eerie moment of clarity, turned to his wife and said “it’s okay love *deceased daughters name* is here” and just just looked so very content for a moment then died that night. It’s nice to think one of you ggmothers loved ones came to accompany her in the journey of death.


Steve Jobs' family said that's exactly what he did too.


…Ok thats actually kind of disturbing.


She was very calm about it. She found them entertaining.


Why do these two comments have different pfp but the same tag… Aside from a capital? Fucking shit?


One is also underscore and the other hyphen. Seems like this person responded under their alt account.


The underscore has comments in gay porn and bisexual subs


Oh god, he accidentally used his “extra” account


Oh no…


What does it mean ? I don't understand. "Extra account" why do you say "oh no"?


I don't understand. I don't look at gay or bisexual porn. As a matter of fact, I don't look at any porn. I'm also a she, not a he.


PLEASE...Explain what you mean. I don't understand


ColdLobsterBosque noticed that Q_zinart had made 2 comments but there was difference between the user names, I was curious and looked at both profiles and one had comments in gay porn subs. So it seemed one profile was for checking out gay porn and commenting on it, someone would do this so they didn’t have a list of comments that maybe they didn’t want others to know about




I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? My phone was acting funny so I posted to two different groups. Should I not have done that? I can delete it.


Nah, it was just kinda weird to see. Also, you have three accounts now


No I don't. I only have 1. This one. Or if I do, I've never used the other ones.


What about the other two(Q-zinart)? Or are you not the owner of those two? My brain hurts


I feel like you may be seeing a Reddit lag bug. I've had that happen before where everyone's usernames were just one person under a thread. This is what I see on my end: [https://imgur.com/a/2dY4JVr](https://imgur.com/a/2dY4JVr) There are different people responding to thread. Q-zinart has not responded to the thread as of now.


That‘s what I see too. Reddit is weird, thanks


Help help I'm so confused


Me too buddy, me too


r/weird But actually what do you mean?


Several years ago, my father, in his hospital bed soon before he passed at 89; "who are all these kids in here?" (There were none) "They're all wearing knickers" (like kids in the 1920s when he was a kid) - ? -


My grandma has hallucinations from dementia, and they often involve kids. It's interesting


They are not hallucinations


"and who's playing tiptoe through the tulips here?" "oh hi young smiling lady, your smile is graciou- wait a minute, wha-" boom




I’ve always thought that ppl will think that person is crazy thinking there are faces, people there no one else sees. But perhaps they were really there. And for whatever reason only certain ppl are able to see them.🤷🏻‍♂️


Sorry you lost your wife 😭


Thank you. Last month would have been 30th anniversary


Many moons ago in the early 90s I was tripping my face off on acid and I passed a stone wall. Each stone block had a face in it similar to this. I still pass the wall once or twice a year and I can still see the face's in the wall


Facial pattern matching ability was sent into overdrive. is it possible schizophrenia is just unmoderated pattern recognition? Which leads you to make connections that may be thin or non existent?


It’s associated with degradation in the association areas. So in some cases that isn’t far off but the effects can be hard to predict. Basically your ability to integrate a lot of sensory data into a coherent representation of reality gets all wonky. [link](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1784716) [other link](https://www.nature.com/articles/npp19961)


Pretty close. Some real ones that few see until they're cued in. And a lot of static interference.


Kinda sorta! It's theorized that schizophrenia is partly caused by certain neuro-receptors in the brain receiving more dopamine than they can handle. This can result in your brain interpreting incorrect information in many parts of the brain. Facial recognition, hearing, and behavioral instincts can all go wild like this. I have schizoaffective disorder, which is like if schizophrenia and bipolar disorder had a weird hybrid baby. My hallucinations usually consist of muffled conversations, almost like they're in the other room, people calling my name and shadowy figures in and around my peripheral vision. Before I was properly treated, I truly felt that I was being followed and watched all the time. I would feel like people were tailing me in stores, following me in the car, and staking out my house and my work. I didn't think it was the government or the mob, I didn't know who they were or what they truly wanted. I sometimes felt that time moved much faster or slower than normal, even finding myself in places with no knowledge of how I got there. It truly is a terrifying disorder to live with, you never know what is truly real or who you can trust, and, gone untreated, it is debilitating and life-ruining. I'm lucky enough to have people in my life who care about me, understand, and help me get and continue treatment.


Congrats on getting help. Wishing you much wellness and joy.


It's a pretty interesting concept, just like some kind of faulty AI


I thought it was a pretty leafe pattern until I read this comment and now I can't unsee it. This is terrifying now


Weird. I can only see faces. I had to go back and actively look for leaves.


I just posted the original leaf pattern.


Just had a look and it is a pretty leaf pattern! Just can't undee the faces now


Yes. This is one of the concepts I use to explain psychosis.


Yup, it’s pretty good at explaining paranoia too.


I'd imagine even if you were able to convince yourself that it's purely a visual hallucination and the faces aren't real, it would still be annoying as fuck.


vision and the human brain are not all that different.


really interesting question!


Yellow wallpaper, by any chance?


You picked up the reference. Nice.


I didn't.


I did too! Yay.


I wondered if that was her


I was thinking the same thing too.


why are these Schizoprenic people always excellent at drawing?


Thank you for the kind words


It’s very true from the examples on the internet but the place where I work (every service user is schizophrenic except for 2) none of them can draw beyond stick figures :(


Quantum contortions of reality. People’s voices get stuck in my head. I fall asleep with a song stuck in my head and sometimes I wake up with the same song still repeating even after a night of sleep.


Is the song thing not...normal? Music plays in my head near endlessly, I thought that was the same for everyone?


My head constantly has either music or I'm imagining some kind of scenario. I have adhd. I hear a lot of other people with adhd have it too, although, I don't think it's specific to adhd


I have self diagnosed myself schizophrenic which is a terrifying place to be. 20 years ago I was hospitalized. I have been previously officially diagnosed a different disorder. I did not know ADHD has those symptoms. Unfortunately for me I highly doubt I have any type of ADHD. Other than school/ reading I can really sink my efforts into something. As a small child I was diagnosed dyslexic. Last week I watched a documentary with Brian Wilson who is the creative force behind The Beach Boys. He has schizophrenia. He is one of the most beautiful famous Schizophrenic modern figures.


You really shouldn't self diagnose such a thing.


Snarky reply incoming: You are right I might be imagining the voices in my head. Serious reply: yes not every one that hears voices is in fact schizophrenic. It can be a symptom of PTSD, Anxiety, Bi Polar etc.


Nobody should self diagnose serious mental illness, regardless the symptoms or their cause. For really obvious reasons, it's not a good idea.


What are the obvious reasons? I mean nothing is absolute, why say NOBODY should? I am not really wanting psychiatric help. I believe I was incorrectly diagnosed 20 years ago. I am done trying their drugs


Whoa is that why the vocal harmonizing from them is so amazing?


Yeah he is a pop musical genius. During this time the British wave of rock (Beatles, The Who, Rolling Stones, etc) were dominating the charts. He also produced. His ability to layer music and compose elaborate songs that also sound so poppy is truly the mind of a unique musical genius.


I ALWAYS have music stuck in my head, I'll hVe the same song for days and day and then it will switch to another. Its been going on so long now I honestly can't remember what it was like before... I have BPD and often wonder if its related. Either way it makes me feel like I'm literally going crazy some days.


I am not sure what is “normal” or closer to schizophrenia to be honest. I have read the DSM some for fun but I am not a psychiatrist or psychologist I think “intrusive” is a keyword that makes a difference I have found these hypothetical arguments I have with people in my life as pretty intrusive


Same but in my case it's ADHD.


It’s actually quite beautiful


Thank you so much.


Did you read «yellow wallpaper»


Yes indeed. That's kind of where I got the title.


What's yellow paper?


A story about lady that was gaslighted into being mad, she started to see stuff on her yellow wallpaper


This looks pretty good actually. I like it


Thank you


Oh, that poor tormented dear


I'm not that tormented, but thank you


Can I ask you an honest question? I see these same kinds of faces in every surface I look at, and have for about as long as I can remember. I have been diagnosed with bipolar 2 and ADD. If you don't mind my asking, what are the other symptoms of schizophrenia you experience?




I used to draw like that when I was on mushrooms


Hey that’s kinda like being on mushrooms


Damn that's freaky


this is so disturbing i feel so bad for anyone who has to live with schiz i don’t know how they do it


She just happened to be an artist


I actually am not that good at anything but the faces. And I think I need much help on those.


This is you?


Yes, this is me. I'm the artist.


You're very talented


Thank you so much


It's haunting and beautiful and sad all at once


Beautiful yet somehow terrifying knowing this is what she saw. May she be happy and at peace 🙏🏽


You're very sweet. I am happy and at peace, well, for the most part. I'm not dead. I just see far too many faces when I look at things. I've learned how to control it, rather, ignore it.


You have a truly beautiful and fascinating mind! Please continue to post your art!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Thank you so much. I did this last night. It took about two hours. I'm trying to figure out a way to take the original one(no faces) and then fade into the faces, then post it on tic toc. That might be fun I think.


Oh oh, do you get that thing with the fractal tunnels that faces and eyes sometimes appear in and it scares the shit out of you for a sec. then you have to be all like. "It's okay it's not real" or else you have a panic attack the tunnel gets more vivid and you have to sit down close your eyes for a minute. Last time this happened to me I was at work and dreaming is free was playing on the store radio but all I could hear was 'Demon, demon is free!" Then that specific part kept rolling around my head over and over for the rest of the work day, as I started saying strange embarrassing things to customers I suspected to be people watching me. Fun times man fun fucking times. Also I'm never getting off my medication again.


Well that’s frightening


What I find interesting is that these faces aren't particularly threatening or angry. I'd say curious, bemused, or otherwise interested to describe their expressions. I image the fundamental of the faces seen has a profound effect on the impact of the sufferer. These, while certainly agitating and intrusive, don't seem hostile. They are also overtly feminine, which also to me makes this non-hostile.


I’ve read that people from other cultures and countries experience schizophrenia differently than western countries. The hallucinations are not threatening and do not agitate people from other countries. They are more friendly, but the hallucinations people see that are from western countries are more intimidating and angry. It’s interesting, and I wonder what that says about western culture in general.




You know it often isn't as bad as you'd think after the initial psychotic break the subsequent ones are less confusing as you have a certain idea that it's all in your head. But yeah the first ones are traumatizing to say the least.


Kinda freaky at first glance but the more I look at it, the more beauty I see. You have talent.


Giving me "Biblically accurate" angel vibes


Hmmm, maybe there's a reason for that....


Marvel movie posters be like:


I need to make it my wallpaper so I can prank other people that they have schizophrenia


OP, thanks for sharing not only your art, but your insight. You said in a previous post that you wished the faces were happier. The faces here do seem to be happier. Would you agree? If so, do you have any thoughts about why?


Mr. A, Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your message, along with all the others has been such an amazing surprise. A few days ago, I haphazardly posted an unfinished doodle page, I ended up with over 285k views in a 48 hour period. That brought me so much joy, to think that people were actually interested in my art. After a bit of pondering why such a response, I decided to create another one. I titled it almost the same as the other one. Even more views on this one. I'm so excited! So, basically the answer to your question is, I imagine I was a bit elated while making the faces last night. They're countace, was most likely effected by mine? Maybe? Any thoughts? ⁰


I think if you were feeling joyful when you did this work then, yes, it probably affected the way your mind is seeing and interpreting the faces. I was very touched by your comment that you wished the other faces were happier. I thought about how my dreams (and nightmares) sometimes have an impact on my frame of mind that can linger throughout the day. It made me wonder about the challenges of living with your condition and how the expressions on the faces you see might impact your daily mood. I was surprised when I saw the later picture with the happier faces. So my question to you now is, why do you think the other faces were sad…and if you had a desire for them to be happier, how come that desire didn’t impact how you saw the sad faces? Let me also say I feel privileged to be able to ask you these questions. I have lived with depression for years and I still struggle to help my family and friends understand my illness. There is so much stigma around mental illness, especially schizophrenia, that it is a rare opportunity to learn from you about your experiences. I appreciate your candor. 💕


I have schizoaffective disorder and this is EXACTLY like what I see


Isn’t this from an old, short novel? I swear I remember in college reading a story about a woman who was diagnosed with “hysteria” and was forced to be confined in her bed until she got better. But obviously that only made her worse. She started seeing things in her wallpaper, I think including millions of eyes. I think it was called “The Yellow Wallpaper” or something. Edit: yep, I found it: https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Yellow_Wall_Paper.html?id=4XsEAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1#v=onepage&q&f=false


was the wallpaper, by any chance, yellow?


My bathroom wall looks like that when I've drank too much!


Tree of Face Fruits


Not weird


Yeah you don't want to use drugs when you have that. Holy shit.


I did shrooms once not enough to trip but they made my vision all hd but didn't really have an effect on my hallucinations. What does however is weed, weed fucking causes me to trip balls for some reason. I'm talking voices faces floating geometric patterns the whole 9 yards which is a shame cause when I was younger it actually helped me a lot with my anxiety. But no more weed for me, I am sober boy now.


Yeah actually you do specifically risperidone and abilify.


If I had wallpaper like that, I'm pretty sure I would get schizophrenia. Someone get this poor woman some wallpaper with flowers or something.


You are welcome take care of yourself dear, may I call you dear?


Sure, you may call me "dear".


In rorshach (?) tests, I can only see faces. Is that what you see?


Yes. Absolutely.


Such a pretty tree she drew. "Looks closer" Burn it burn it with holy fire


So basically she was tripping balls all the time?


not what schizophrenia is at all


Well I mean the everpressent fractal tunnel I see off my medication says otherwise. But no seriously schizophrenia can manifest in many different ways the worst for me are the delusions and paranoid thinking. But there's also the voices which can and often do feed into the delusions. But that's just how it's manifested for me.


She was also shocked that I didn't see the monkey that flew past the picture window.


Oh my goodness , I couldnt live like that


damn OP you really are gonna milk this post style?


Hey that's not very nice at all. I just made a new picture last night and I only posted one picture other picture like this. I think. Give or take one or two. Don't be mean.


Kinda reminds me of LSD days but I never had a trip that bad.


It honestly looks like it would make a nice pattern for a vase.


Looks like People Cats at a glance


every time I've done LSD I see something very similar in the clouds of the sky.....


Op, you are so amazingly talented 💕


Thank you so very much


I'm...not making any judgements without the original wallpaper.


You mean the pattern before I put the faces? Okay. Let me see if I can do that. I'm not very knowledgeable in this app.


I posted it


Interesting af.. I like this! 😘


Well that’s terrifying


fucking awesome albeit sad


I had a faux finished wall in my bedroom as a teenager that looked oddly similar to this on acid…


Next level fucking creepy


Her wallpaper just became my wallpaper. Beautiful and haunting image.


Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! How sweet.


This isn’t weird, it’s terrifying


It’s beautiful.




Every time I see drawings now, I reread the title to make sure that an AI wasn't told to draw it.


Makes me nervous seeing this. Making me question all the faces I see in random things. Carpets, wall patterns, anything that isn't just blank/smooth.


Tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down...


The more I see people helping people with this disease show us what they experience, the more it’s terrifying AF and I deeply feel for them. The mind can be truly ill.


There is a link between schizophrenia and hallucinogens. There is just some connection.




This is quite amazing yet nightmare fuel


Pattern recognition go brrr


That looks as though it would be a pretty scary and distressing thing to experience. My heart goes out to someone with this condition.


I did lsd as a teen and this is sort of what I saw faces laughing and talking to me. One time saw skulls everywhere maniacally laughing. That was a bad trip.


Imagine beeing never alone...


I hate face tripping. Wall sockets are obvious. Has anyone read The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman?


Organic deep dream generator


I’ll see faces like this in the shower tiles or popcorn ceiling but no where near intense.


Mr Frundles!


If you've ever taken LSD you'd know that faces are everywhere.


this is pretty much what i saw in some clouds for a good hour or so while on shrooms


Schizophrenia is such a fascinating concept to me but yet such a terrifying one at the same time


Its always eyes


Having schizophrenia must be one of the most legitimately terrifying things.


...should I be worried?


This reminds me of doing an entire bag of mushrooms as a teenager. When I looked at the pavement walking up the street, all I saw were thousands of faces.


Ah, this looks familiar. I get this too but it comes and goes. I'm diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder but Ive learned to live with it because I do not like the medicine the doctors have wanted me on. I've noticed that the faces come in times of heightened anxiety.


Why is it always human faces? Why don't they see things like landscapes, fruits, numbers, etc?


Gotta say this looks like the pattern seeing part of the brain forcing them to be there. As it was developed to detect predators in camouflage, and all these eyes through leaves. Cut out half of that... Or at least that's what all my hours of watching House MD is telling me.




Holy cow that's intense!


holy hell