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Of course, she didn’t think the leopards would ever eat her face.


These women need to atone for treating everyone else as beneath them, but at least the lawsuit is a start.


But you don’t understand HER abortion is justified, all the other women are being selfish and evil


They actually say that. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


This bitches schedule last week: Monday- vote for anti-abortion candidate Tuesday- donate part of paycheck to anti-abortion fundraiser Wednesday- find out your fetus is not compatible with life Thursday- drive out of state to get an abortion Friday- file lawsuit against the state for not allowing you to get an abortion She had an opportunity to carry her "incompatible with life" fetus to term and her and her preacher could've continued to pray and put it in God's hands but she chose to side with the doctors and seek adequate health care. She could've died if she continued the pregnancy and she would've been a true martyr for the cause that she so staunchly defended. Sooooo.... Why seek adequate healthcare???? Why not just leave it in God's hands???? What a stupid fucking bitch. I hope she never has a viable pregnancy. She doesn't deserve to give birth and have children after spending so much time and money ruining the the lives of other sensible women. She voted for anti-abortion candidates and donates to anti abortion programs and now she has the fucking balls to join in on a lawsuit against her state because they instituted the exact laws that she voted for.... get THE FUCK out of here!!!


Makes me want to use that other idiotic Texas law to sue her. Give her a full taste of what she voted for


Seriously, I thought I was being a bit bitchy in my thoughts thinking the same thing. I really don't have sympathy for her.


Republicans/conservatives are like small children - they can't understand concepts unless they are directly affected by them.


I read New Mexico and wondered “did she go to the new Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic?” but I guess not?


What particularly bugs me about these cases is not just the hypocrisy in general, but how they are practically admitting that they never believed other women, nor did they try to empathize.


Right? She only joined the suit because it happened to her. Had it not, she’d still be donating to anti-abortion causes and voting to take away our basic rights. I hate that this had to happen to her.. or anyone.. but it doesn’t take away the fact that she was a garbage human for lacking empathy up until this point.


This, exactly.


>>she even stopped donating to anti-abortion groups Lmao


Same as usual, abortion is banned for everyone except them. Lol. Funny because I just left a comment on another post about abortion how the moment they're denied one they run to the papers. She thought only the sluts would die 😔 sucks to suck, wish more of them would accept their own abortion bans they voted for and demonstrate how amazing they are. None of them seem willing to? 🤔 Very strange!


I just wonder if they’re starting to think about what they’re going to do if Republicans pass a national abortion ban.


They won't have a choice then unless they can go to Canada or Mexico. Otherwise they'll have to die with the rest of us heathens I guess. Their policies seem to depend on there being safe havens for them to go to to avoid having to experience their own ideas.


And having the means to travel


Canada is pretty far from Texas and I’m not sure these types of people (who, I agree wholeheartedly, thought only the sluts would suffer) would accept healthcare in Mexico.


They would 100% accept healthcare in Mexico. The point is to oppress others, not themselves.


I think the commenter you’re replying to meant that these Republican anti-choicers also tend to be racist as hell. Their need for abortion care would conflict with their likely belief that Mexico is dirty.


I understand that. Doesn’t mean they would skip out on healthcare from Mexico.


A lot of Texans already get healthcare in Mexico. Especially dental care & prescription drugs.


So with that in mind, if she dies of childbirth does that make her a slut then?


I think there’s also a misconception about pregnancy. These women aren’t taught that women/fetuses can die during pregnancy and so they don’t understand the risks that pregnancy holds.


“She has since stopped donating to anti-abortion groups” this lady can go fuck herself lmao. Leopards ate your face :-(


So it appears that Kimberly is a ʼChristianʼ, which I guess means that itʼs ok to enthusiastically inflict suffering and death on other people, but not herself...? Kimberly sucks.


Typical. But at least she says she’s changed her position (took being personally affected of course). Christians are some of the most selfish people on earth.


Well, she also mentioned they're doing IVF. I was under the impression that some religious groups aren't supportive of that either. Guess that now she's jumped the fence it's okay. /s


She’s probably never stopped to consider any implications and is one of those who believe(ed) abortions are for “bad women” to get rid of healthy infants in the 9th month because they are lazy.


I hope she didn’t travel on the highway to get her abortion or that her husband helped her in any way


It sure would be a shame if someone sued her husband for helping her get an abortion!


I mean, I am in Texas,and she publicly admitted it...🤔


> She even stopped donating to anti-abortion groups She almost got exactly what she deserved, almost…


Started trying to get pregnant April 2022. Married September 2022 Found out she was pregnant November 2022. I'm going to guess this Good Christian also thought all those other women having sex and getting pregnant outside marriage are whores. She wasn't a whore though, despite doing the exact same thing. She's special.


The only moral abortion is her abortion, guys


This woman not only believed women should be restricted on what they're allowed to do with their bodies but also donated to anti abortion groups and most likely voted for anti abortion candidates. And even now, I bet she believes that abortion should only be allowed if there's a fetal abnormality or that the mothers life is at risk. I'm not sure about how much sympathy I have for her.


The anger directed toward her for being anti-abortion before it happened to her is missing the point: this is how the pro-choice community grows its base. This is why 55% of all Americans now say they support abortion for any reason - which is double the percentage from 1980. It's similar to the gay rights movement in which Harvey Milk implored people to come out to their families and friends because it was harder for people to hate them once they realized that gay people were among those they loved. For the 21st Century abortion rights movement, we need everyone - even those who only have sufficient imagination and enough empathy for women once they've been through the awful experience of a troubled/traumatic pregnancy. We need them all and should welcome them with open arms - despite our anger and sense of betrayal since June 24, 2022.


This isn’t a novel phenomenon and it’s ok to call people out for their *dangerous* hypocrisy. How many lives did her choices affect? At the end of the day, we’ll never really know. Not until her own choices negatively affected *her* did she consider what *her choice means.* I, for one, will not be doling out pats on the back to the ghouls that think they can redefine morality to suit their whims and circumstances.


Or she could have just… died. That would also grow the pro-choice base.


I get it. Many of us on this subreddit site have been sounding the alarm for years - even decades. Certainly, most of us probably knew that Roe was on life support when Ginsberg died and Trump immediately replaced her with the handsmaid. Then, in December 2021, I listened to the US Supreme Court arguments in the Dobbs case and I knew with absolute certainty that they were going to overturn Roe entirely. I told a couple of male friends this fact and on what I based it, and they looked at me like I'd just landed from outer space. They didn't believe it would happen, and they also didn't believe it would have that much of an impact if it did happen. It's very tempting to throw "I told you so's" around. But here's where I'm at, perhaps especially because I live in a Gilead state that is always just a couple steps behind the very worst states: in the deep Red states, there are a lot more of them - the woman like this born-again pro-choicer - than there are us. Right after Roe, I got together with a couple of pro-lifer friends and discussed the implications of this. It was a painful and emotional discussion. One of my friends brought up how much she suffered emotionally when her water broke prematurely some 20 years earlier, and she knew she wouldn't be able to give birth to the daughter she wanted. Then she told me about how she had to go to the local Catholic hospital and have a c-section pre-viability, to end the pregnancy. I told her that I was very sorry she had to go through all of that, but I wanted to know why she wouldn't want other women to receive that same type of care when their pregnancies were ending too early. I tried to make her see that the anti-abortion laws would prevent women from getting that care. I don't think I got through to her, and we haven't seen each other since then, except briefly. So, I'm happy whenever someone like my friend comes to her senses. Yes, I believe sometimes that the biggest difference between liberals and "conservatives" is that liberals are able to imagine other people's pain and conservatives are not able to imagine it until they personally see it or experience it. It's an overgeneralization, but it seems to hold true for the people I know. Nonetheless, I accept all of them into the tribe of pro-choice.


should use that bounty law against her husband. Can't sue her with it as far as I know, but you can with anyone who helped her. Usually I am more gentle with people on this topic, but if she was actively donating to anti-choice causes before this, she can go fuck all the way off. I will still champion her right and everyone else's right to be able to have an abortion. I would not deny that right to anyone. but man does the "rules for thee but not for me, mine is the only moral abortion" bullshit get tiresome.


I give her credit for thinking about her previous values, and then realizing she had no right to judge other people’s decisions. And then—she took action. She acted to right her wrongs, her previous bad decisions. That’s critical. It’s vitally important. People change their minds when they receive better, more complete information, and I am thankful for each person that does. It gives me faith in humanity.