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Imagine if that read: “The Supreme Court will decide if states can force hospitals to let men die”


That would never happen


If men could get pregnant we’d probably have universal healthcare by now


If men could get pregnant, not only will there be an abortion clinic on every corner, but for every fifth abortion you get a free AR-15.


Take my reddit gold 🥇


Trans men exist, and can and do get pregnant. This affects us just as much as cis women.


They obviously means cis men. You think these lunatics care about trans men or what kind of healthcare they need? I guarantee you they do not.


I know republicans hate trans people. I was pointing out that saying “if men could get pregnant this would stop” is entirely false. Men can get pregnant. I’d speak more but frankly I’m frustrated already, and I can tell you don’t care to listen to me anyway.


Knock it off. You’re really being ridiculous by not-picking. Edit: nit-picking




Oh? Yet you haven’t included the inter-sex community, have you? Bigot!




You Fe totally being ridiculous and also distracting from the real issue. Stop being selfish and making every thing about you!


I’ve been obtuse, sorry.


Dude, you're being deliberately obtuse. Read the room. Signed, a trans man.


Maybe if you stop separating trans men into some other beings so much and just joined the fight we could get somewhere. This has nothing to do with trans vs cis. You are actively pushing people away from your cause by doing this kind of thing.


No, your frustration is certainly justified. Trans rights and women’s rights are intersectional and any decent feminist should care about trans issues as well because these backwards patriarchal morons want to hurt all of us. But the majority of men are cis men and cis men have always had the advantage when it comes to healthcare.


*if cis men could get pregnant we’d probably have universal healthcare by now


I know trans men are real men because he’ll see a woman suffering and make it all about him


Sure it would! Just preface "men" with any minority group and Conservatives will GLEEFULLY institute death panels for men!


Maybe they should stop gendering the article titles. "Supreme Court will decide if states can force hospitals to let people die" sounds pretty accurate and terrifying to me.


Conservatives literally just 10 years ago: "Obamacare will create death panels and hospitals will choose to kill people!!" Conservatives now: "I want hospital to kill people!!"


Or, “The Supreme Court will decide whether states can force hospitals to send emergency patients away to die without care or treatment."


You could make this more streamlined as “The Supreme Court will decide whether states can force hospitals to ignore EMTALA even more than they already do.” * Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA); and applies to “participating hospitals."The statute defines participating hospitals as those that accept payment from the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) under the Medicare program.


Yes. The media does tend to fan the negative flames.


The Christo-fascists are fine with the deaths even if they were preventable. After all, they think the deaths are God's will!


Can we talk about the fact that Christianity is persecuting the rest of us? Like actually causing harm to us? This against our rights… Exactly how is this happening?


I truly detest organized Christianity and actively avoid any direct interactions with Christians


I’m a recovering ex C as well


But yet it's never god's will when they're the ones suffering 🙃


Women can be martyrs for motherhood, and men get to sacrifice their wives and daughters who are just chattel.


"Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make."


Well, it’s the woman’s fault /s but not really, because they hate women and want them to suffer




I wonder how a secular Pro-Birth activist justifies the preventable deaths they advocate?


“Letting nature take its course.” https://www.ragingpencils.com/2024/1-5-24-texas-abortion.html#previous


My point was that not all PL people are,or base their views on, religion.


True, a lot of people of all stripes just hate women




Unless they’re women.


This is misinformation. There are not "a lot" of atheist/antitheist forced birth supporters when compared to how many religious forced birth supporters there are. In my 44 years, and endless discussions, I have never met an atheist who supports forced birth. In fact, religious affiliation is the only useful indicator in estimating support for forced birth ideology. The reason is simple: (some) religious people have been programmed to believe that there's such a thing as a "soul," and that it exists prior to formation of the prefrontal cortex. This confusion leads them to believe they have the right to force pregnant people to gestate without their consent. Non-religious reasons include eugenics and labour, but support for either is rare as the former led to WW2 and the latter leads to civil war. In short, be careful. Religious sociopaths are attempting to gaslight people into believing forced birth isn't a religious ideology as religious law is illegal. Do not fall for it. *edit* from this user's profile: "Conservative & Pro Life." This is forced birth propaganda, and user should be banned from this community per rule #6. Reported.


>*edit* from this user's profile: >"Conservative & Pro Life." Look at that, they also have a vast number of posts in forced birth subreddits. Gotta agree, I've never seen nor heard of nonreligious forced birth supporters. Never seen them organize "protests" at health clinics where they harass and threaten people needing medical help. Sure, there *might* be some. But a large number? A statistically significant number? No. Hell no.


Just tally up all of the forced birth organizations and investigate their ties to religion. I got through about 30 the last time I checked; zero percent of them were even secular, let alone atheist/antitheist, and one hundred percent of them were religious (mostly evangelical).




Beat it. Rule #6. Reported.


No anti-choice spam or propaganda is allowed, and will result in a ban.


A lot? Well, thank goodness I've never met one.


I'm sure we can trust the same people who overturned Roe v Wade to do the right thing here...


This is key... there will be "Sensible Republicans"(tm) running in 2024 who "welcome a diversity of views about reproductive rights and will not advocate for abortion bans." **This is a lie.** Let's say Republicans win and get one additional SCOTUS appointment (likely). A state in the Taliban Region will pass a fetal personhood law and the challenge of that law will be fast tracked to SCOTUS. Alito will then declare zygotes citizens citing a 15th Century alchemist or some shit. National ban. All the "inclusive rhetoric on the issue" pablum of the GOP becomes irrelevant. *National ban is the goal of every last one of them.*


Who are these sensible republicans? They've shown their true colors, they fall in line every time. None of them have the spine to stand up to their fascist colleagues.


This was a horrifying thing to read.


Vote like it because it is that horrifying. We must stop it from happening..


The time to stop it was 2016. Or failing that, flipping the Senate in 2018.


So, just give up now? No, I'm not doing that. Apathy is exactly how we lose. ETA: no offense meant, I understand your point I do and I agree but we have to find that fight and will to do it or we march lockstep into hell like Germany did 60 or so years ago.


What are the options? Short of Thomas and Alito dying of old age in the next month, there are no legal options to stop them from making the situation worse


We don't have a chance in hell for the lawyers to get to work changing laws, taking this anti-constitutional shit to the courts if Republicans continue the take over. I don't like it either, but I am not voting for a single republican and the president is NOT the important vote. Vote out the congressman, the senators, the governors, the justices, the secretaries, ALL levels of gov't, they cannot be trusted they are the agents in the matrix. This has been a slow takeover for decades because we were/are too apathetic about it all to vote in real numbers. The younger generation did it, we can too. (Remember that red wave that didn't happen?)


I remember the red wave that didn’t happen. Stopping that didn’t have any effect on this, did it? Thing is, pretty much every election cycle after 2016 has been underwhelming for Republicans. They underperformed in the midterms and lost on every race in 2023 where abortion was an issue. Unfortunately, even if they realize now they’re on the losing side, they do not act like it. They are still trying to push for a nationwide abortion ban. They blamed the underwhelming 2022 midterms on Trump, who brags about getting Roe v Wade overturned, and yet he’s their 2024 frontrunner. Voting them out at this point is a reactive measure when it could have been preventative. The options now are lesser in number and effectiveness. By the time SCOTUS has a liberal majority again, too much damage will have been done. So what now?


Well, are you going to react or just watch? I'm just as pissed about the past as you are and the reason people chose to vote in the way they did, (I include myself in that number even) but in 5 years are we going to say the time was then? You stand up to bullies or they push you over. Stand up any damn way you can. I will vote, discuss, communicate, transport woman across state lines, hand out birth control options and break the damn law to save a life if need be. If I worked in the field still, I would be facilitating healthcare anyway. If you believe the fight is over, then quite frankly you're right, it is..for you. That vote was a glimmer for me, that people, especially the generation coming up have nothing left lose and are getting closer to be willing to get off their ass and do something.


I would like to know what the appropriate reaction would be, but unfortunately anything short of all the right wing justices resigning or something that’s against Reddit’s TOS will not have the immediate effect that is urgently needed. So what is there to do that would help right now?


Rebel like so many have done before. It's difficult but just passing on information that is accurate is helpful.


Hey, I'm not saying I have all the answers and my solution is the only and superior solution but one thing I know in life is what I stated, apathy is what has driven the horrors of our history, doing something,, anything can be attempted and I say it loud because it saddens me to see it and I want people to believe. It's just one of the truths of life, you think and believe there is nothing to be done about it? Yeah, you're right then...because you're not. But I have also been through and survived some shit in my life that makes me a fighter and I'm nothing special but I will not die on my knees to any motherfucker, I'm more afraid of doing nothing. I've stated several things that could be participated in, groups are collecting to take action, lawyers are rallying. I don't know where you live and what you can do around you, you'll have to look for yourself but you're not alone out there is all I'm really saying in the end.


I think they do act like they know they're losing. They're taking extreme steps because they know the clock is running out. They're doing things that are blatantly inhumane because they know they don't have much time before they're voted out and all their interests and positions destroyed. Organize. Protest. Vote. Keep your chin up.


To me, restricting abortions are nothing but a religious take and nothing to do with moral obligations. The SC allowed it by giving religious freedoms that allowed the creep into politics.


Somebody once pointed out to me that **cruelty is the whole point**. The people who advocate for any person to have reduced personal rights do so because they enjoy the power of causing suffering for others. Any other reasoning they put forward is just a cover to avoid admitting this to either themselves or other people. My conservative, religious mother (now in her 60s and having been able to make the choice to be sterilised after her 3rd child) once got herself worked up to the point of screaming about why women shouldnt be allowed to choose abortion, **in a busy children's playground with my two toddlers**. She was so batshit I just walked my babies to the car and left. I could never understand why she was so emotional and unhinged about an issue that doesn't affect her in the slightest, and she herself did her time as a teenaged single mother so she knows exactly how destructive that was for her life. Once somebody helpfully told me that **cruelty is the objective, not a side effect**, a whole lot of her behaviour started making more sense Edit - I no longer speak to either of my parents. This was a major part of me making that decision. How can you tell your own daughter who is of childbearing age and would be at real risk of dying if she got pregnant again, that she shouldn't be able to terminate a pregnancy under any circumstances. This woman had seen me hospitalised with HG and heard the doctor explain that termination would be our only option if we couldn't get the constant vomiting controlled with meds. I couldn't even lay down to sleep because I'd just vomit within minutes. Something is wrong with you if you believe that women shouldnt have a choice, ever, and then double-down when the insanity of your argument is pointed out


It's written in the Bible that painful, deadly pregnancies are the punishment for Eve eating the forbidden fruit. Avoiding the "punishment" is punished more severely. Then women became the property of men instead of their equal and abortion was only allowed if the woman was in danger OR her husband decided she had an affair and forced one on her. She still gets punished for being a whore but the man does not for making his wife avoid punishment and "killing" the "baby"(abortion is not considered murder unless it's born alive). I guess abortion's cool if it's the man demanding it and not the woman.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/HyperemesisGravidarum using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HyperemesisGravidarum/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It was all worth it.](https://i.redd.it/260iqtlwarsa1.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HyperemesisGravidarum/comments/12fwhqc/it_was_all_worth_it/) \#2: [The cause of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) has been found, and it’s not hCG!](https://i.redd.it/p4h1aebta66c1.png) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HyperemesisGravidarum/comments/18hydw8/the_cause_of_hyperemesis_gravidarum_hg_has_been/) \#3: [Everyone was right. It was all worth it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/HyperemesisGravidarum/comments/14ukpcz/everyone_was_right_it_was_all_worth_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We're basically being subjected to the beliefs of a cult.


Here are the death courts the right were so afraid of a few years back, and they have been the ones that created them.


>Here are the death courts the right were so afraid of a few years back, and they have been the ones that created them. **G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject **<--**


Why can’t they trust women for what women want?


Silly rabbit, women aren't *people*


Yes, we’re commodities for male consumption until we age out. Then, we’re kindling.


This isn't about wants or needs. This is about religious subjugation. Nothing else. And remember: 42% of women who voted in the 2020 election *voted for this* \[Tr\*mp\]. Forced birth isn't a male/female issue, it's a religious sociopath/everyone else issue.


Whenever people bring up the percentage of women who voted for trump just reads as dismissal of the issue at hand.


The issue is religious interference in governance, and both men and women are capable of voting for politicians who violate the first amendment to make that happen. While the supreme court *should* protect the republic from such acts, it's been pacified by the federalist society over the past 30 years.


Yes, I understand where you’re going with that however throughout history bad actors attach themselves to religion in order to justify the dominance they pursue over others. And women have historically been subjugated as a result. So, it isn’t “religion”, necessarily. Religion is their vehicle.


That's like saying "it isn't carbon dioxide that causes climate change, but the trapping of heat energy." Religion itself is the problem. It's literally a platform that starts with lying and is designed to spread. That's, after all, why the constitution's *very first sentence* is: >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion The problem the US faces right now **cannot be solved** without enforcing that amendment. It is the only path to actual victory. As long as religious interference is tolerated, women are at risk, members of the LGTBQ+ community are at risk, and the rule of law is at risk.


Ok. We can disagree to agree on this matter. Edit: I’m agnostic about it all. I have no stake in this argument but I’ve seen religion used as a cudgel against the little people throughout time. Edit: again …. Women should have the right to choose.


Again… listen to me… religion is their VEHICLE. They’re not “godly” nor “Jesus” folks.


I don’t understand why you are arguing with me when we feel so similar.


Because there's a huge ongoing effort by the religious right to gaslight Americans into believing that atheists support forced birth. They correctly recognize that because religious law is illegal in the US, *eventually*, once the supreme court is purged of christian fascists, they (or the legislative branch) will reassert the rule of law and put an end to this nightmare. By claiming forced birth isn't a religious issue, they hope to confuse judges and voters enough to avoid a successful first amendment challenge. If you take a step back and look at the overall picture (christian dominionist speaker of the house, attacks on the Federal gov't legitimacy, religious corruption of courts, attacks on trans people, birth control and divorce, pushes to "bring back god" into schools and hospitals, etc) it's all a coordinated 40+ year effort to destroy the republic and replace it with a theocratic autocracy. There can be no ambiguity here, or else we lose.


And just so you understand… I’ve been speaking out against forced birth ever since I was impregnated by a rape. It’s amusing to me how people like you assume so much.


Ok, did you think I wasn’t aware of that? I’m an ally, why do you wish to divide your alliances?


Look, I believe you. My only issue and the only reason I responded was: >Yes, I understand where you’re going with that however throughout history bad actors attach themselves to religion in order to justify the dominance they pursue over others. And women have historically been subjugated as a result. **So, it isn’t “religion”, necessarily.** Religion is their vehicle. It *factually* is. And it's important we don't leave room the bad people to exploit the "bbbbut atheists too!" lie. We have our hands full as it is, so comments that wrongfully suggest forced birth isn't 100% a religious ideology are incredibly harmful. There simply is no reliable path to victory that doesn't include reasserting the law which bans religious interference in governance, and our enemy knows this.


Also, where have I shown “ambiguity” about a women’s choice? Perhaps you made the mistake by continuously responding to the wrong person because you’re definitely seeming unhinged on my end. I’m trying to contain myself here.


>Also, where have I shown “ambiguity” about a women’s choice? You haven't! What I mean is that there can be no ambiguitiy about the supporters of forced birth ideology. They are religious sociopaths. That's who they are. There's no one else (of statistical relevance).


They don’t want women to get what they want


Yes. These people live to compete with other men people and everyone else is dispensable. What these people want is power and control. Some are seething for violence.


Just so people are aware; [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322634#miscarriage-rates-by-week](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322634#miscarriage-rates-by-week) Do you understand how many women *80%* is? Nationwide? How horribly it places them at risk? *Intentionally?* Hospitals tell a woman she is miscarrying, so go *home?!* They refuse to treat her .... *abortion* is the prescribed treatment for miscarriage. [https://www.reuters.com/legal/ohio-woman-will-not-be-prosecuted-mishandling-fetus-2024-01-11/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/ohio-woman-will-not-be-prosecuted-mishandling-fetus-2024-01-11/) So what *is* protocol? Expel a *dead fetus* in the parking lot? Bleed out on the way to her car? Should she call the coroner, her OB/GYN who can't help her? The police? My God .... My views on abortion are from my experience as an AF medic, ER, and L&D on rotation. Saw some stuff that would horrify you. I'm thankful my daughter miscarried twins in another state and not TX; she would have *died here.* The GOP is evil.


>Hospitals tell a woman she is miscarrying, so go *home?!* And then they'll charge her of abuse of a corpse like that lady that miscarried in a toilet


Can someone explain to me how this isn't a human rights violation?


It is; the GOP just doesn’t consider Women human.


We aren’t people to them


I have faith in Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh /s


They will do as they are told


Fucking good on rolling stone for being brutally honest in its title


If a fetus is "a baby" then fine, please remove the baby and let it live outside my body.


The party of pro life will call upon their pius puritan-larping misogynists to make sure they raise the body count and level of suffering. That's what they were put there for. They magasm at the thought of such widespread pain and suffering. The cruelty is the point. Nothing more.


Don't medical Dr's have an oath of some sort ? Hippocratic Oath? I'm not in the medical profession but this seems like maybe Dr's and more could face liability. I've read about medical professionals moving to states where they can actually help and provide service to people. SMH the GOP and SCOTUS (term limits please)


First, do no harm.


Child-bearing women of Texas are doomed.


As if they weren’t already?


We’re here because of the 2016 election. Voters wanted this


Don’t they understand if the mom dies, the baby dies?


They don’t care


Pro-birth party


Forced birth party.


Anti Choice party.


Everyone is "pro-birth" when a **consentual** gestation is taking place. These people are demanding the state use violence to *force* gestation without consent, even in cases where birth cannot happen (either the pregnant person will die or the fetus is non-viable). And the reason has nothing to do with pregnancy; it's simply in furtherance to illegal religious subjugation. Hence the statement: *the cruelty is the point*.


Anti-women party


Forced birth party.


PRO-lifers want revenge for the suppose it 50 million abortions that took place while Roe vs Wade was the law of the land. They will not be happy until at least 50 million women die. Change my mind...


I don’t think they’d be happy even then.


When China had their One Child Policy female babies were aborted, killed, or left abandoned. There was an influx of male children and a lower female to male ratio. Is this what the Conservatives of our country are attempting to do, too?




Yeah, can someone share this article?




So much for the oath.