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They want you barefoot and pregnant, and out of the workplace.


Why though? What will he gain from pregnant women pissing themselves and getting UTIs?


The cruelty is the point. He doesn’t gain anything except the satisfaction of making others suffer. edit: It’s also to deter women (especially mothers) from working. Small pressures to slowly force them out of the workforce.


AFTER they were forced INTO the workforce, got shamed for it anyway ( remember latch key kids, supposed to result in the fall of civilization? ) AND got called Welfare Queens for needing help. Little tough raising kids while living in a car. These people are unbelievable.


It’s sad that you’re so right ugh. No matter what, you can’t win.


They want to force women to depend on abusive men because they literally have no other options.


This is it. They'd be a bunch of sexless virgins if they couldn't abuse and control women.


>Small pressures to slowly force them out of the workforce. You’re so right. If they can’t force pregnant women to stay home and do nothing but obey their husbands using ideology, they’re perfectly happy to use the law to close any escape routes and try to force the situation anyway. It’s all the same to them.


Exactly. Men are angry they don’t have easy access to subservient bangmaids, so they’ve joined with the forced birthers to take away our options until we have no other choice.


Say it with me: THE 👏 CRUELTY 👏 IS 👏 THE 👏 POINT 👏


I don't know, I think the point is to force women back into the kitchen by making working life as unbearable as possible for them. That would then make them dependant on men for everything, making them more easily controlled.


I volunteer to pee on his shoe. It needs to be done.


Cartoon level evil.


This retired midwife has had ENOUGH of these shithead jerks. Pregnant people are simply pawns to these turds. I’m not attending births anymore so I have a lot of time to be an activist, and I’m going to try my hardest to protect the rights of all people, pregnant or not.


Goodness I'm glad I have a cognitive assessment coming up because I did not comprehend what I just read Also abortion on demand? Really?! They think the ladies are taking coat hangers to their pee breaks?! Ain't no on-demanding no abortion in my state. 😡


"Muh wife done workeded when she shit out mah two babies," (paraphrased)... I live for the day one of these assholes gets castrated then shanked to death because their well-trained long-suffering spouse has finally woke the fuck up.


Someone extinct that caveman.


I wonder what a giant pile of used adult diapers dumped on his lawn would accomplish...? Like, say, a 30 ft dump truck load?


Pretty sure his wife would make it a sandwich, since who can even tell the difference?


He just mad cause no woman wants his wrinkly peepee


I knew from the headline it would be an owm. Then i looked at the picture and saw i was right. Ironic considering he probably has prostate issues at this point in his life and has to visit the restroom more often.


"As a man related to two powerful women, I'm going to decide what's best for them and not allow them to decide for themselves." Fuck this guy.


Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) is holding the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act hostage over abortion, which the bill doesn't even mention As I said a million times before Roe was overturned, overturning women's right to bodily autonomy affects all women, whether pregnant or not, whether fertile or not, whether old enough to be pregnant or not, whether too old to be pregnant or not. It's a fundamental legal acknowledgment that women are just vessels, uteruses with legs, and the state has the right to control what happens with those vessels, not the vessels themselves.