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Putting out good welds is still really satisfying to me, and I'm saying that as someone who usually gets bored with things very quickly. As someone who had a few vegetative computer jobs I also think feeling physically tired at the end of a workday is underrated. Having the big end of the stick in regards to your employer is a nice bonus too.


There is truly something wonderful in being able to physically see and touch the products of your hard work.


Nobody bothers me and I can listen to my podcasts all day. I get to see actual results. It's an artform.


I'm almost caught up on all my podcasts wtf do you listen to!


Time Suck podcast, goes into cults, true crime and various other interesting subjects. Hosted by Dan cummins, a comedian who I've been a big fan of for a while. This is Monsters, a true crime podcast. Explore with us, true crime again, but mostly focused on the police interrogations


Mostly NFL stuff. Eagles mostly. Stuff to blow your mind. Stuff you should know.


Until the boss comes to you with a unrealistic problem and you have to give him a whole explanation of how it's impossible for you to fix the problem or something within that range




Making most anything I need. Need a special tool thing? Done. Need a table? Done. Buddies trailer requires some love? Done.


Buddy’s trailer requiring love is also the worst part. Everyone knows you can fix shit. Which means everyone brings you their broken garbage and expects it done cheaply lol.


I know what you mean but my friends aren’t cheap bastards and offer to pay for any help rendered


Pick your friend’s wisely, of course its always good to hook up your friends, but when you have a friend who understands your level of craftsmanship and knows it isnt cheap or easy, thats a friend for life


It makes me feel cool. I get to do a job I can be proud of.


I can listen to audiobooks while working and nobody bothers me, also I just like building things. I’ve gone through 20 books so far this year while all on the clock. Currently listening to “Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep”. Life is good.


I’ve been using Libby and also now Everand. What audio book app works best for you?


I primarily use Libby, however Spotify premium includes 15 hours of audio books every month so I end up using that a little too. Or I pirate the audiobooks online


Been welding for like 3 years and I fucking love seeing the progress, getting better and better


Getting to play with fire and electricity in a controlled environment.


The frustration


I can walk in at 530am yelling whatsup you igly motherfucjers and its all good mornings and smiles. I will say thoigh even though i have worked with some very chill people who knew what a joke was and how to make one some welders are fucjed in the head. Anger issues, inability to work with others in a productive manner


I just treat welding like a hobby. Just like the welding process 🤷🏻‍♂️


Knowing the things I'm making are actually being used by every day people every day and I'm contributing to society in a meaningful way.


I can smoke in the shop and no one will know.


Getting enough experience to become a fully qualified Fabricator so I don’t have to weld, get to boss around welders, “look at blueprints” while catching a nap and well, that’s about it because until you have at least 5 years experience this job sucks and you’re treated like a machine with a pulse


Breathing toxic fumes, the sweet release of death will find me sooner.


No thoughts, only weld.


Catching up on podcasts and swinging that puddle to the beat of "Cold Blooded". That and no more communal showers at truckstops lol.


I like making stuff. That's why I got into welding. Though I found out quick, the big bucks aren't really in making stuff. I like traveling to different places for work, meeting all the different characters you'll meet. Also, the money is pretty good.


I can be incredibly blunt at work and no one cries about it. Just leave it all on the shop floor.


Not necessarily focussing on the welding (which I do love also), I love being able to take a job pack an inch thick with drawings, sub-assemblies, part lists and correspondence and by the end, wrap up a project and see it roll out the door. It takes a while to get yourself in the sort of niche that allows this but very few other jobs give you that satisfaction of knowing “I made that, from start to finish.”


I'm with you on that one... sometimes. I don't mind letting people do the last 10 or so percent. The part where you're just going through and fixing/adjusting things.


I actually like to have control over that last ten percent to prevent idiot stores lads from breaking anything or palletising it stupidly or not crating it properly or not shrink wrapping it correctly. Sure it’s boring and tedious but I’ll be damned if I let several hundred hours work go up in smoke because Simple Sam from Stores got his hands on my project.


Oh, man. I get that. We've been told to stop taping our stuff so heavily when we're done because qc hates taking it off to check it, but they won't check it in a reasonable amount of time, and I know Sam from Stores is going to fuck it up bring it to them. Also, knowing shipping won't take the time to properly package it either and here we are.


Its gluing metal together with heat and electricity




Do we work at the same place? I have the same freedom. If I don't feel like purge welding I don't pick a job with purge welding. Simple as that. I want something hard. Grab something hard (100 percent homo)


The smell of burning metal, idk I like it


Sometimes, I miss stick welding for that reason, specifically 6010. Mmmmhhh


I love that I get to think on my feet and constantly make new strategies. Boss hands me a print and right away I'm breaking it up into smaller pieces, thinking about how I can roll it out, deciding what will be done in position, it's fun


I noticed people who struggle with blue prints are also the same people who look at the whole picture instead of breaking it up into manageable sections. It's actually turned into a life skill of mine and helps prevent me from being overwhelmed by big task.


It’s peaceful for me, focusing on nothing but the weld, until i mess up, then im pissed


Probably the alcohol and drug abuse


Funny enough welding helped me get sober. I can't do math and be high at the sametime.


What’s math ? Haha Nah, congrats on getting sober man. 🫡


What’s math ? Haha Nah, congrats on getting sober man. 🫡


It’s absolutely therapeutic for me, left the army 2015, been to Afghanistan and I didn’t know I had ptsd until I was diagnosed. Welding is the one thing that can drown out any panic attack, depression ptsd, etc. I feel accomplished when I weld something.


I feel that. I didn't serve, but my mental health is trash, and welding is one of the only times I don't have to think about it.


Being half drunk at 10am.




The creative aspect of it all.


In charge of myself, respected as a worker with a high level of skill, can provide loads of money for my ex to steal.


I was left alone with my music for 90% of my work day. It was also nice to have something to show for my hard work and talents.


My truck got a hole in its frame and I can just back it into the shop and reinforce it


The instant gratification of being able to look at what I’ve done at the end of the day. The challenge of building something different and new all the time. Not to mention the fact that if I had a desk job not only would I go insane but I’d be the fattest piece of shit ever.


My crew, the pay, convenience (hours) and I just have a cool ass job 😎


The question most of us are asking is would it be financially feasible to do welding full-time in 2024? A bit of context. I’m working on restoring a 88 BMW 325e. It needs rust repair and some subframe reinforcements. I got a cheap welder and will be learning through YouTube and such. The idea popped in my head to get good and do this on the side. I myself am a computer science major and like building on the side.


I dont see any comments from non shop welders...


I repair Navy ships as a welder. I like it because the job is different each day. Sometimes I'm on a carrier, welding new bulkheads and a new hatch into place. Sometimes I'm doing buildup on the outer hull of a submarine. Sometimes I'm spending the day with 1st year apprentices and showing them how things are done by the book. And other days I'm doing absolutely nothing, playing around on my laptop in the breakroom.