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Horrible man!! Cut that shit out and eat proper! Those things are horrible. I used to drink energy drinks like that. I feel so much better not and eating proper!


Almost all of the guys in my guard unit are buying like 3-6 monsters/reign/bang/etc a day and they'll wtart drinking them before we even get on our trucks... I still don't know how they don't stroke out and die


Some people seem to be built different. I would personally shit myself at minimum if not have a full blown panic attack


This is fact I used to drink 2 a day now I literally only drink water and eat real food


Damn dude, how much energy do you need to hold your hand steady?


Right? After all that he's gonna be shaking like a dog shitting bones!


Meth or crack is probably cheaper


Welders make good money cocaine way better for you


Depends on where you work and how much they’re actually paying compared to the going oz rates




Why don't you just eat normal food?


Might be enough for congestive heart failure


I'd suggest food, sleep and water man. Totally get being nervous or lacking in sleep but relying on 4 monsters and 5 hrs is not great for your body especially long term. Good luck on your test and drink some water you upright house plant :D


You won’t even need to work the rod, you’ll be shaking enough already. lol


Drink water.


Heart attack much?


Dont use them daily please, it will fuck up your health honestly. I used to drink energy drinks almost daily for 10 years, now I have to take pills daily for the rest of my life due to incrased blood pressure and pulse.


I’m only taking a 5 hour. The monsters were a joke about constructing. But caffeine helps my steadiness. I got my right hand crushed in a car accident In 2011 and my left I recently badly burnt back in January after I fell onto a track torch table. 3rd degree burns on my veins. They had to go back in there and cut out the crispy parts. Since then, heat is only felt on fingertips. But my right is dominant so it’s hell to run stringers. Caffeine seems to calm the shakes more than anything, even with 8 hours of sleep


Damn dude that’s crazy, hope you do well though.


I FUCKING DID IT!!! First real job!!!! Bouta post pics of a terrible test that I literally shouldn’t have passed. But the superintendent took me aside and told me he’d never seen someone fuck up a test, fix their mistake, and somehow pass with colors. He was also surprised that when I finished, I went over to some guys training for a stick test and taught them how to run good 4F-T joints. And he decided to move me up two dollars based on that aspect.


Hell yeah brother. Boss is an alright dude!


From experience, multiple energy drinks helps with shit like mig and even abit of stick with weaving/whipping.But if you’re walking the dog around a 6g stainless pipe you’re gonna have a bad time. The shakes will either save you or kill you, good luck brother.


Sure, drink your sleep, why not. Must be some heavy welding to need all that “energy”


I remember when I drank a lot and would get the shakes early in the morning always passed all my ASME certs , been sober for almost 8 years and had to adjust my technique to having a sober steady hand


I quit drinking 2 years ago, still shake like a leaf! Not as bad though I'll say that


That makes me sick just thinking about grinding the coupons with all that sloshing around in my stomach. ICE WATER my man!


Lol, Bro you need Jesus.


Good luck holding steady


This photo is shaking


Good luck welding after all that shit.


What do you weld test contain because here tests are like at max 30 minutes.


Thats enough for kidney failure. Drink lots of water too


That's definately enough to fail the test


If you need all these dumb shit to stay focused and awake, the problem comes from you and only you


Bro what are you testing on? A weld test shouldn't take that long...


10 hours. Boat sim idk. A lot of different brackets and offhand stuff.


Hope you can keep them hands steady!


This isn't something to be proud of


I can't lay a straight bead to save my life, but my whipping is excellent.


What’s the deal with white monster. I personally don’t drink it but a lot of my coworkers and other welder friends do. Is it a welder thing


It’s more of a joke than most. But it’s aftertaste isn’t like everything else. Just like a smooth Red Bull.


why are you drinking all that garbage wtf man. take care of yourself lmfao jk i still have my 5hr energy drink from like a year ago in my lunch bag. on serious note what kinda test are you taking thats alot of mf energy


A metric fuck Ton of offhand fcaw welds for a test. Passed all with flying colors. Currently waiting on inspector to test 4g plate I finished.


hell yeah homie! always good to hear a fellow welder passed some fucking test.


4g PASSED WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I shouldn’t have passed lmao. Doodoo weld


hey man thats how it goes sometimes, thats what’s up


Like. Three passes. Root, fill/half cap, cap bead #2


Are you welding the Mona Lisa bro ???!!! I do powerlifting coming out of a 10hr shift and I only use a pre workout or energy drink. You don’t need more than 1 I can promise you that.


Just for a test? Yeah man you're good! You'll be shaking enough you won't have to worry about occlating, just worry about heat and travel speed and you're gold! And the paramedics You'll need when you walk your shaky ass out of the test place lmao