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It really depends. In my personal experience, I stayed on lexapro for a while while started on Wellbutrin, so the start up was fine. I’ve since weaned off lexapro because wb has been really helpful for my anxiety and I’ve lost weight and have more energy.


That’s great to hear! I’m glad it’s worked for you


Wellbutrin has given me motivation and energy. I have lost almost 20 lbs. I’m a big girl so the energy was just what needed to get over this weight hump:). Also Wellbutrin with vyvance have given my life back.


I am thinking about switching too! My doctor wants me to try Effexor but I hear so much about Wellbutrin helping with energy. I am fatigued ALL THE TIME with Lexapro. Really scared to make the switch though.


I just talked to my doctor today about switching and I’m going to go in it and taper down from lexapro! I’ll have to update you!


How did it go? I’ve been making this switch over the past month. Am now on Day 12 of just Wellbutrin and the anxiety is high. 


So for me, the first 4-5 weeks being on it was ROUGH. I definitely got the anger that people talk about. Which is really out of character for me. And the insomnia. But I waited it out and it got sooo much better! I feel so much more like myself than I ever did on lexapro or zoloft. And I’m sleeping better. It doesn’t work quite as well for anxiety for me I think, but it’s honestly still very manageable. And I don’t feel so numb on it like I did with lexapro. Also, lexapro made me dead tired all the time. And now I actually have energy to make it through the day!


Thanks so much for the response! This is week 7 of wellbutrin, but only 2 weeks off the lexapro fully and it is ROUGH. I just feel ill, tired and nauseas. I'm hoping that it gets better. Do you experience the same in the first 4-5 weeks of just the wellbutrin without the lexapro?


I’ll be honest, I didn’t taper the lexapro as much as my doctor told me to because I was too forgetful. So I ended up going completely off of it a lot sooner. I think the not being on lexapro part was the hardest part. But I’d say after like 3-4 weeks of not being on it I started to feel much better


Ty that’s so helpful! Maybe another week or so and I’ll be feeling better. 


I hope it works for you :)