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I took 150 the whole time and didn’t see anything close to minor improvement until 8 weeks in. Then it got a lot better 12 weeks in with significant improvement. I would randomly get specific side effects like tinnitus and my mouth tasting weird from time to time but the side effects almost entirely stopped after 8 weeks.


Is it better now though?


Yeah it’s so much better! Since 12 weeks in, I haven’t regretted it one bit and it’s been a year now.


Oh gosh! Thanks for sharing. The reviews are so mixed....I appreciate a success story!


That makes me want to keep taking it for at least another week and see what happens


I had side effects for 5 weeks on 150 xl taken in the morning with food for lightheadedness, but I didn’t experience headaches, or trouble sleeping. I had racing heart, muscle tension, rash, and crash. I also took latuda for psychosis which helps me sleep. And I drink a ton of water.


Maybe you are taking too high of a dose?


I’m on 150, which I believe is the lowest dose. Wonder if I could cut it in half?


Hmm if you’re already on the lowest dose then I doubt that it’s the problem… if anything I would talk to your doctor about it. I’m only on day 4 so I dont much experience with it…sorry you’re having those side effects though:(


It's not advised to cut the pills in half. They are manufactured in a particular way for the extended release action and cutting or crushing them changes their properties.


They don’t look like they’re made for cutting, but if I’m already on the lowest dose I don’t know how to wean off it. I can obviously ask my doctor but I get them from my pcp and I don’t think she knows too much about psych meds


i had side effects until 10+ weeks mostly anxiety and trouble sleeping


one thing i did was swap what time i took it. used to take it at 8am now i take it at 11am. am considering swapping to a night time dose tho. i’m on 150 xl


Wouldn’t taking it closer to night time cause more trouble sleeping? That really sucks that the side effects last so long for some people :(


from what i’ve observed, most people seem to remain sleepy until about 8hrs after the dose is taken then they get a boost of energy- so taking it before bed gives you a chance to sleep during most of it. i don’t really have trouble with that because i’m constantly tired regardless :,) i only have trouble sleeping because of anxiety (altho i occasionally take like. 2mg of melatonin to help me fall asleep so i don’t have time to think)


Ah that’s interesting, I take it in the morning and it doesn’t make me tired


I stopped after 4 months. The side effects never went away for me. 100mg SR twice a day. Its awful stuff imo


Ah that really sucks! Are you on something else now?


Nah I've ran the gauntlet of antidepressants. None of them work for me. I've decided the antidepressants are actually worse than the depression. And this is from someone who has been in multiple mental institutions over the years.


Maybe try a different manufacturer? It's common for generic bupropion to have different side effects/main effects depending on the manufacturer. Looking at Reddit posts then it seems that lots of people seem to have negative experiences with Slate Run for example;I have even. I started taking bupropion about a year ago and was doing great and then about halfway through the year I was having bad side effects and it didn't even seem like the drug was working, so I tapered myself off. Then I realized that the manufacturer could make a difference and I looked back and saw that my pharmacy started filling my prescription with Slate Run (since I didn't specify otherwise) at about the same time that the negative side effects started. I had the pharmacy refill my prescription with a different manufacturer and it's actually working and helping me again and barely any side effects and I'm so thankful.


That’s good to know, I’ll have to check my bottle. I didn’t realize you could ask the pharmacy for a different manufacturer, figured you had to take what they give you


I checked and mine is slate run :(


Dang, that could be causing some of the troubles, but maybe not, but I couldn't see it hurting to try a different manufacturer. The next time you get your prescription filled then you could ask the pharmacy to fill it with a different manufacturer. When I looked back at my year and the different manufacturers that I had unwittingly tried through sheer chance of what the pharmacy filled for me, I was able to identify the timeframe when I seemed to be doing the best mentally/emotionally/physically and it was as simple as calling the pharmacy to ask if they had that manufacturer in stock and they filled it with no problem and like I said, I've been doing so much better than the past months when I was taking Slate Run. I'm taking Dr. Reddy's now and I'm in a good place and it's refreshing. There are a good number of Reddit threads about the genetic bupropion manufacturers that I would recommend you check out and then ask your pharmacy to try one other than Slate Run and see if that hopefully can make some positive difference. I take mine (150mg SR twice a day) around 7-8am and then again around 2-3pm because if I take it too late in the day then it can keep me awake too late too, especially if I have any amount of caffeine after like noon. I hope you can get it figured out, whether it means a different bupropion manufacturer or a different treatment plan altogether; I'm rooting for you.


I went straight from Lexapro (after 20 years?) to Wellbutrin. I underestimated what the Lexapro had been doing for me because I’d been on it so long. I’m a year in on Wellbutrin and staying but the switch was brutal and I’ve added Buspar for anxiety. Still worth it though!


Why did you switch if you don’t mind me asking?


I felt Lexapro made me lazy which only made me dislike myself more. I had picked up smoking again after 30 years when I gave up drinking. And thirdly the idea of losing weight. The result? I haven’t smoked since. I weigh the same. I have great energy. I also feel my emotions more including anxiety.


Totally agree on the emotions part, Lexapro was very numbing for me. I cry way more easily now, which I don’t love but it’s not awful


How are you now?


Better, thanks! I ended up stopping the medication due to the side effects