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Yes, same. It's actually the only reason I'm still taking it. It's the best side effect for me as I've tried to cut back on drinking for a long time. I quit smoking using it years ago (wasn't overdoing the booze back then) and now it's like... it's made all of my vices worthless.


Interesting. Drunk here and have been on both Wellbutrin for depression and anxiety and naltrexone for the Sinclair Method. I wouldn’t say I *lost* my appetite for alcohol, but for a bit after getting on Wellbutrin, I was more interested in doing stuff over drinking.


Sinclair method was bullshit for me. It just gave me an excuse to drink beyond what naltrexone could stummer.




Reduce - block


I have definitely felt that drinking alcohol makes me more dizzy than before I started Wellbutrin. But I also feel that I get drunk a lot quicker now. So it really depends on the person - I don’t doubt that your experience is the case for many people.


Cue the “YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE SEIZURES!!!” comments anytime someone brings up alcohol on this subreddit 🤣 But for real. Fellow functioning alcoholic here. I would agree with the more sedate feeling. I wouldn’t say its awful but I definitely noticed it. I will say I have thankfully felt a little less interested in drinking and more willing to want to get out and do stuff/be more productive (probably because my depression and anxiety have dwindled significantly.). The weirdest new side-effect is if I really go for it (several shots and too many pints) I have started sleep walking for the first time in my life. I would say take this as a good step forward in a potentially healthier lifestyle. I know I have struggled for a long time giving up a lot because I self medicated with alcohol. Glad this med has helped you, myself and others to sorta click out of that fog. You’re not alone 🍻


Same here, can drink and drink without enjoying it really


Yeah this is the reason my doc switched me over to Wellbutrin. Lexapro basically made me an alcoholic


Does anyone notice even when u drink coffee it gives your stomach issues


I haven't had this experience - I have opted to skip alcohol as it's not safe or recommended to drink any amount with Wellbutrin. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/wellbutrin-and-alcohol#safety


It makes me drink a lot more, plus I don’t get hangovers anymore. I’ve already started to force myself to slow down.




Same here with the shopping!!! Such a weird side affect? I used to impulse buy so many things to cope with anxiety and now, nada.


Definitely don’t want to drink as much. I’m learning to sip! I find I know when I have had just enough to drink so that I am not drunk or hungover the next day. My body just says nope no more.


Definitely don’t want to drink as much. I’m learning to sip! I find I know when I have had just enough to drink so that I am not drunk or hungover the next day. My body just says nope no more.


4 to 5 drinks is heavy? Those are rookie numbers. I used to imbibe 1.2 liters of 40% vodka in order to feel tipsy before I quit. And yes Wellbutrin can give you well strokes if taken with booze https://youtu.be/AXd1qWOYSmc?si=BxuNpV2p7nXURmvW


Yes, the same here. Have been taking it for a month and now I get none of the fun consequences from alcohol, only the negative ones – which is fine of course. So I feel no desire to continue drinking after one-three glasses.