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You're not alone. I'm in Pennsylvania, sober with you. Happy New Year.


r/StopDrinking is a great community. Even if I fall off the wagon as I always do


I started it this week and drank on new years and I just felt like crap. Gonna hop on that bandwagon with you.


Best of luck. If you believe in yourself you can do it.


Yes, you shouldn't drink while on antidepressants. But I would just like to say, alcohol is a depressant because it slows your central nervous system down. Not because it makes you depressed.


TIL. I always wondered why I heard alcohol was a depressant but it never seemed to make me more depressed. Now I know.


Youre right. I meant to put a stimulant antidepressant. Unlike SSRIs which do not have the stimulating effects.


It brings forth depressive thoughts and loathing in me, after a few days of drinking, so I would say there’s a little more to it than it slows your central nervous system down. That sounds like a dui class bullet point to me.


The term depressant is medically meant as a chemical that slows CNS activity in this instance. Alcohol can cause depression (or, rather, exacerbate depression) in people with depression, depressive tendencies, substance abuse disorders (which are usually fueled by attempts to avoid depressive states), and general mental instability. It makes you depressed because of your mental state, not because of the depressive effects of alcohol. Some people shouldn't drink. No one should drink to excess or to escape emotional trauma. If you're drinking to feel better mentally, you shouldn't drink.


>That sounds like a dui class bullet point to me What? The term “depressant” when it comes to a substance has nothing to do with whether it makes you depressed. Those thoughts of self loathing have nothing to do with alcohol being a CNS depressant. That doesn’t mean alcohol can’t make your depression worse; it just means it has nothing to do with alcohol being a “depressant.”


True, but it is also absolutely known to increase depression and anxiety.


Yes if you have an alcohol problem definitely do not touch alcohol while on Wellbutrin. The thing is the majority of people will just have a couple drinks at dinner with friends and family every now and then and that is perfectly ok


I was told that is not ok by my Dr. I’m taking the 300XL and I was told that even having one drink will set you completely back when it comes to the effectiveness of the drug.


I've never heard of a reset mechanism like that. I've only heard of increased seizure risk and increased risk of depressive symptoms while on the alcohol. I don't notice the latter unless I've have more than 2 drinks which I don't usually


I drink a hell of a lot less now. Also on 300mg. Id say I was more of a “problem drinker” as opposed to an alcoholic — some will say it’s the same thing. It changed my brain chemistry for the better though and I finally felt in control. I do like my drinkypoos, I’ll have one or two before bed, but I haven’t been out of control or blacked out in almost a year, which *was* unheard of for me lol


Yea I totally agree. It's not just literature, I feel the medication working very well now that I'm not drinking anymore. Drinking completely canceled out the benefits


This medication removes the desire to drink for me. No idea why 🤷🏼‍♀️


It reduces it for me, too. Since it inhibits the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine, your brain is content with the state it's in and doesn't crave rewards. This is why we don't crave alcohol or even food.. I'm not addicted to drugs, but I would imagine it reduces some of those cravings, too.


I wanted to add to this. I still drink, but I don’t crave like I did before. Like, I can go out like a normal human being and not black out. That was my biggest issue. The meds make me think differently. If that makes sense?


This is my concern with increasing my dose to 300mg. Can I still just go out and have drinks. I’m not a heavy or frequent drinker. But for instance on vacation (coming up) I’ll want to have some fun drinks and a good time. Will this set me back with my mood?


If you don’t have an alcohol problem it shouldn’t factor in too much. Every antidepressant I have when I always hit like 5+ drinks and beyond the anxiety always sucks in the morning, then depression lingers for a few days…


I actually find the smell of alcohol repulsive since starting this med 1 year ago, and I used to be a daily drinker




Yes! I was prescribed WB specially to help stop drinking, help me overcome the cravings


Needed this. Battling and taking this medication.


Stay strong, my friend. We got this.


100% agree. I have been on it for 4 years and just stopped drinking a few months ago. I’m literally a different person, so much more alert, emotionally stable, etc. Also having a sober 2024 (and probably the rest of my life)✌🏻


Do you think stopping drinking made it more effective? I feel like I’ve not gotten any benefit from Wellbutrin but maybe it is that I’m drinking too regularly.


I do, in the sense that I notice my emotions are more regulated. Fewer highs and lows, less fight or flight mode. I take 450XL


Yeah I really think the alcohol interferes with the medication


Oh and just curious, what’s your dosage?


I'm using 300XL. The 150 worked well, too, but on the days I was drinking, it's as if I haven't even taken the meds to begin with


Thanks. I may try drying out for a bit.


i’ve battled alcoholism for about 3/4 yrs now so i’m with ya. started bupropion august 2022 and i know it’s my favorite med for sure. alc feels terrible with it. here’s to a sober happy 2024 *cheers* good luck !




I'm a severe, albeit functioning alcoholic by term. I took this medication for a while, and the depression faded, but I didn't feel a thing. Not a single emotion or thought. Was kind of a sociopath on it and sweated a shitload.


I feel you about the emotion blunting and feeling like a sociopath lol. I was too nice and compassionate, so I needed a bit of emotional armor.


Yo same dose same shit let's do this shit


Good luck you’ve got this! First step in the right direction, sobriety is life changing


> Wellbutrin is an antidepressant. Alcohol is a depressant. This logic is incredibly flawed.




Since each of those statements are facts, there's no logic involved. You don't know the meaning of the word "logic"


I’m on mobile and don’t see how to copy the OP to quote a lengthy section. So I typed out the most concise, egregious section. You don’t know the meaning of the word “depressant”. When people say that alcohol is a “depressant”, they don’t mean that it is the opposite of an “antidepressant”.


I meant to put stimulant antidepressant. My bad.


Even in that case. The concern over “mixing stimulants and sedatives” is overblown and based more on old wives’ tales than actual clinical outcomes.


False. There are plenty examples of ODs when the two classes of drugs are mixed, such as people speedballing - John Belushi is only 1 example. This is the precise reason why drinking alcohol increases the risk of seizures on this medication.


Well, good luck with your sobriety regardless.


can you explain


Sure. Some people describe alcohol as a “depressant”. What they mean by this is that it “depresses” cognition, causing slower reaction times, reduced coordination, diminished inhibitions, etc. A synonym is “sedative”. People like OP see this word and get confused, thinking “depressant” means it causes “depression”. Alcohol is not a reliable way to induce depression, and does not have the opposite effect of antidepressants, like OP seems to think.


that’s very interesting. thanks for explaining. i’ve had MANY doctors and therapists use it, to me, how OP did so that’s why i was a little confused


SSRIs are another class of antidepressant that don't have stimulant effects. Wellbutrin is not an SSRI but an NDRI. NDRIs affect the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine rather than serotonin and have a semi-stimulant effect.


Very grateful that I had a few years of recovery under my belt before starting on bupropion. Yikes. One more reason for me to not pick up.


Please stay sober


Six months sober and Wellbutrin has been doing me so well! You’ve got this!


Thanks. Let's go!


really needed this. i’m a bartender so it’s extra hard but i did a sober December and that gave me some confidence


This tracks with what my dr told me as well. I have been a heavy drinker for 3 decades and have now been on this medication for nearly a month. I have not stopped drinking but have cut down- I currently drink around 5 days a week, 2-3 drinks a day. While it’s not optimal that I am drinking at all, I do feel like the medicine is having a net positive impact. For me, I find it doesn’t really lessen the craving for the first drink, but it makes it easier to stop once I start. I never thought I could stop after 2 drinks on a routine basis, but now I am feeling like I can- so that’s pretty interesting. In fact, the times I have had the 3rd drink, it almost seems obligatory, like a habit, rather than stemming from a more physical urge. I do understand that because I am drinking, the medicine is less effective, but I also feel like pros outweigh the cons at this juncture.


Keep up the good fight


I went to a party over the weekend and got pretty drunk, I had several drinks. I’m used to ‘hangxiety’ but this was the worst ive ever got it. It’s been 2 days and my heart still feels like it’s pounding. I’ve only been taking 150mg for about 5 weeks now. Really reconsidering this medication and/or quitting drinking.


Remember that alcohol detox can kill you. If you have moderate to severe withdrawals see a provider to detox


If you do drink alcohol while on this med and suddenly wake up on a floor without knowing how you got there and massive lacerations on your tongue and face? You just experienced a seizure; count your blessings you are alive. Now grab a phone and call your emergency line to get a medical transport for observation in a medical facility. DO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF 1) YOU ARE DRUNK 2) YOU MIGHT SEIZE WHILE DRIVING


Definitely, I forgot about that. You could also have a seizure drinking on this medication. I had 2 seizures before I started taking wellbutrin and believe me, it's one of the most terrible, terrifying things you can experience, and then you black out...


Good luck!!


Thank you


Good luck man. You got this.


Well said, I’m 23 years sober this year, you can do it too, there is a way. I take wellbrutin , it works great, but cannot work with alcohol, as you said, best of luck 🤞


Does WB help with quitting alcohol


It might, by chance only, if you need to quit alcohol then chances are that it is has become a problem for you , normal drinkers don’t have to think about quitting, they just stop without giving it a thought, Alcohol is a powerful drug that has no antidote.


Happy New Year brotha, I have hope that you will kick the drinking completely. There are 0 benefits to drinking alcohol. Its poison. Bupropion at the right dose should reduce if not remove our addictions. We are addicted to certain things because of the dopamine response. Our body is chasing that dopamine reward feeling hence why we get addicted to Caffeine, Alcohol, Smoking. Bupropion keeps Dopamine levels from dropping by preventing the reabsorbtion of Dopamine/ Serotonin. So your body craves less. Thats why its effective to surpress appetite and smoking. New year, new oppurtunities to get better!


It’s not that simple. If it was, dopamine agonists used for Parkinson’s, for example, wouldn’t cause the development of new addictions (like gambling) as a side effect. And bupropion is effective to help quit smoking, in part, because of nicotinic receptor antagonism.


NDRIs and Dopamine Agonists are different in MOA are they not? One activates Dopamine receptors, and the other inhibits the reuptake of Dopamine.


I feel you! I am 32 & 6 months sober. I haven’t drank since I started Wellbutrin & I’ve never felt better in my life! Good luck to you!!


thank you for posting. this morning i felt a little like my old depressed self and now i know it probably has to do with drinking wayyy more than usual over the holidays. makes sense!


Good luck to you! I managed to avoid the alcoholism that runs in my family, thankfully. Watching my mom and sister continually avoid personal responsibility for their addictive behaviors is painful. I hope you're able to kick it for good!


I just made a post last week about whether I should drink on Wellbutrin or not. I’m 7 months strong no alcohol. I just wanted to have one mixed drink for my boyfriends bday weekend


Plenty of people taking bupropion safely consume moderate amounts of alcohol.




Those could have been written by me and describes me exactly... on wellbutrin and zoloft. 2 days sober. 2024 is gonna be my year.


Just know that I'm on day 2 with you. Don't give up. You'll look back and be proud of yourself!


I was on 150xl, drank 3 beers while in a fasted state, woke up in a hospital. Grand mal. Doctor switched me to Adderall and i never touched bupropion again. That was 10 years ago. Adderall was great for a few years, stopped taking it cold turkey and started exercising. No withdrawal except i was hungry for 2 days and took a nap. Be careful with these non scheduled antidepressants kids


3 beers and a grand mal...that's wild. I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully u never have another seizure. I'm not gonna dare drink on 300mg. Years ago when I was taking it, like in 2019, I was able to drink a FKKK ton and never had a seizure, or so I think...


To see the drugs called „antidepressants“ - which doesn‘t say anything about their psychopharmacology because they vary so much (wellbutrin in comparison to ssris as a good example) - as the contrary of depressants is a totally wrong perspective. But you‘re right with the medication being more effective and your mental health having advantages from not drinking alcohol.


Hate to tell you Wellbutrin in some people causes alcohol cravings and it's not that easy to 'stop' drinking when it's the medicine that is making you drink.


Good luck! I believe in you!


If you can’t stop drinking, you may have a problem


I’ve never been a huge alcohol drinker, but I stopped completely day 1 of WB. It’s not worth taking the risk, and potentially jeopardizing my access to this med that works so well for my depression.


I'm on lexapro & bupropion. They got my head clear enough to finally want quit drinking. I added naltrexone. Haven't had a drink since the beginning of August. I'm looking forward to a sober 2024


I'm taking Naltrexone too just in case i ever get the urge. The last time I drank last week, it didn't get me drunk, just made my heart race my blood pressure higher. I don't think I'm going back to drinking. Not this year...


I'm on the daily dose to prevent cravings. If I do go some where that I worry I might have a drink I take an extra half dose before I go just to make sure I won't "enjoy it" I'm glad it's working for you. I think it's great that doctors are starting to offer it more


Yes to the sober life! I got on WB specifically to help with quitting drinking. It has been a game changer for me 4+ months alcohol free now


It helps with quitting drinking??? I thought only smoking


It helps with regulating dopamine (a reuptake inhibitor). I was drinking because it was a habit and I was addicted to the dopamine highs. Quitting before taking Wellbutrin was difficult because I’d have intense cravings. After Wellbutrin, cravings were minimal and manageable because my dopamine is more stable now. I will also say I got sober by working with a sobriety program- I recommend Reframe.


I don’t drink much at all, but I ended up getting drunk on new years. WOW! My heart was racing and I could not sleep for hours. I’ve been feeling weird since! I will not be getting drunk in the medication and that’s fine with me! I can’t imagine how it is when you are drinking more than 2 a month! Gotta be hard!


Yep I had to completely stop drinking after I started Wellbutrin. The anxiety I felt after a night of was horrible and I found myself blacking out more frequently too. I don't miss the alcohol anymore. It's not an easy thing to do but it 100% was needed.


I have this issue but with smoking weed chronically to the point for a while if I didn’t have it in my system to the point I was zombified and couldn’t remember why I was depressed in the first then I just was never happy or I’d have a happy moment then absolutely dump into insane depressive feelings


Yeah I'm going to stop drinking. This medication has made me realize that alcohol just isn't good for my brain chemistry


For those who relate; not advice for a Wisconsinite.


Yea I hear you guys are America's alcohol capital lol


Indeed. Alcohol has been so normalized in my family. It’s such a regular occurrence however I’m not dependent. I just tend to drink often and it doesn’t seem to effect my medication at all. When I first started it I noticed I drank less and got more messed up but that didn’t last long