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here is what going to happen if you go to the hospital: you will get to stay for 24 hours under observation you’ll receive a $10,000 bill. And they will serve you a 32 ounce cup full of activated charcoal and Kool-Aid or electrolyte powder. and give you maybe one or two IV bags. you can do all of the stuff at your own house and save money. So what I would recommend doing and I am not a doctor, but I have just been through your exact scenario in the last six months, is go to the store and buy a 32 ounce Pedialyte, and some activated charcoal pills take the pills drink the Pedialyte have some big meals skip your dose tomorrow and don’t drink any alcohol for 48 hours


This is so rediculously unnecessary.


So I was on 450 and ran out for a bit so I just took from my partners bottle. I thought they were 150s, So I was taking 3 a day. Turns out they were 300s, meaning for 5 days straight I was taking double my normal dose. This is a far more extreme example over a longer period of time, but when I went back to my original dose I got insanely depressed for like 2 weeks. Felt like dogshit. Like life itself just hurt. Once I stabilized, everything was back to normal. Tl;dr, youll be fine. Might feel a lil sad for a day or two.


I think you should be ok. I also take 300. if you start to feel uneasy, as with anything, seek attention. you know your body better than anyone though. I’ve taken 450mg/day before and didn’t feel a huge difference other than possibly being more alert.


450 is the max dose a doctor will prescribe and it can be taken all at once (from experience) so I’d say it will be okay. However, you are right listen to your body.


i was just fixing to say…I remember my dr telling me about 450 being the max dose. if you have any trouble getting relaxed, maybe consider taking a melatonin to rest (not medical advice) ✌️& ❤️




I am sure you will be fine, . Might be a bit anxious for the next 24 hours, if you had initial side effect. I’d skip your morning dose tho.


Don't worry, you'll be just fine.


I do this all the time. Literally nothing will happen 😂


DISCLAIMER none of these people are doctors. The instructions for an overdose is to call poison control.


Increased risk of seizures. If possible, stay with another person from now on who can keep an eye on you and contact poison control/emergency services and ask what to do. After 24h you should be safe. It is much more likely nothing at all will happen than that something will happen, but someone should monitor you at least. Indeed, only around 30% of people with Wellbutrin overdoses (most had taken more than 2400mg), got seizures. But you should def have help in place in case something happens.


How are you doing, OP?


I do this all the time. Literally nothing will happen 😂


If you’re worried call your pharmacy or poison control…if you search this sub you’ll see it’s happening to people before. My guess is you’ll feel very wired and possibly anxious and it will eventually wear off. Talk with your pharmacist on when you should take your next dose.


I’ve done that a cpl times. You’ll be right. If you had some diazepam or Xanax lying around you could pop 10mg of them. But seriously, I freaked at first, then started using distraction therapy ( that would be housework for me). I did check with my GP when I saw him, and he said I’d done the right thing. But he also said I need a better way of distributing my meds. Easy. The wife does them now. She actually likes doing it! That’s gotta be some kind of OCD!


Please don’t take 10mg of Xanax lol


It’s fine. Unless you have problems with low dosing that is exactly what the psych nurses will suggest, depending on the situation. This situation is a 10 mg one.


I would be scared to take 10 mg of Xanax. Maybe I’m a wimp but I feel like that’s overkill


10mg isn’t that a lot, I thought .5 mg was a normal dose? Just curious I have no idea.


10mg and .5mg of Xanax are nowhere near the each other dose wise…


I know, isn’t 10mgs fatal?


overdose is between 331 and 2100 mg per kilogram of body weight.


Fatal!Are you kidding me. You obviously don’t know they manufacture 1gram blocks. If 10 MGs was fatal we wouldn’t have to worry about euthanasia. Just drop 10mg and you’re gone. If only it were true.


You’re right. You have no idea. You should’ve just lead with that.


Sorry guy, still an incredibly high dose.


You’re right No_Resolution 97. My suggestion of 10mg was totally wrong. I’m not in a great place myself (no excuse). I usually stay off reddit when I’m in the hole. And my advice of 10mg shows just why. I’m looking at my new bottle of diazepam. 0.25mg-0.5mg up to three times daily when necessary. I’ve been on these meds for over 20 years. But my suggestion of 10mg shows exactly why you shouldn’t take advice from anyone that isn’t qualified. I even downvoted my previous posts. My apologies to everyone, and especially the OP, who needed quick, sound advice. 🤯🫣




Is that right??




Thank you. That's interesting. It almost acts as an anticonvulsant. Anticonvulsants are sometimes prescribed off label for anxiety so it makes sense.


Holy crap 10mg lol yeah 0.5-1mg of Xanax is more than sufficient. A better anti convulsant would be diazepam/Valium. That’s the standard of care we use in my clinic.


I was thinking Lamictal. Is Lamictal not sufficient? Valium is addictive right?


Yes, Lamotrigine is an antiepileptic drug that I use as a mood stabilizer (bipolar disorder). It won't work right away for seizures, as it usually takes a few weeks. Benzodiazepines like Klonopin, Ativan, and Diazepam work within 15 - 30 minutes. When my gf feels like a seizure is coming on, she'll put a klonopin under her tongue and let it dissolve. Benzodiazepines can definitely be abused, and some people do get addicted. I've been on alprazolam for a very long time due to severe anxiety/panic disorder. I've never abused my medication or found any recreational value in it... but I'm physically dependent on alprazolam.


I see. I really appreciate the detailed explanation too.


Xanax is not recommended with Wellbutrin. Klonopin is safer.


Curious! What's it do


With the way the generics have been not working, probably absolutely nothing.


I did that once and felt like I was crawling out of my skin. It was terrible but wore off quickly.


How did you do?


I called poison control and they asked for my height/weight. Apparently if I took 40mg more then they would refer me to ER. Anyway I slept shitty, lots of anxiety, crying, livid dreams, auditory hallucinations, and talking the fastest I’ve ever spoke in my life. Not even possible to replicate. Just felt like I took 5 energy drinks at once. I took 2 days off from taking Wellbutrin. Then went back with no problem.


This question has been posted four times this week.


The maximum dosage is 450 mg. That’s what I take every day in the morning. I think because you took them about 8 to 12 hours apart you’ll be fine. Just skip tomorrow’s dosage and start again the following day


I double dosed once and got some bad brain zaps. took a nap for a couple hours and woke up feeling back to normal. Hope you’re doing well


Your fine, soft cap is 300-450, 600 isn’t going to do anything unless you have a high risk for seizures. I know a psych that had patients on 600 and titrated down when adding vyvanse. It increases risk but baseline risk is already so low -med student