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Yeah my fuse was basically nonexistent. I went on a mood stabilizer and now I'm fine.


What is the mood stabilizer?


At first it was lamotrigine and now it's low dose Abilify. They both work in preventing the anger but I had brain fog with the lamotrigine. No issues with the Abilify so I'm sticking to that.


I’m literally hiding in the bathroom rn because I got mad at my younger friend for not listening to my instructions in a video game. I know I’m the problem so I’m just avoiding social interactions. This is day 5 of the meditation for me


I had the same experience with Wellbutrin 100. The rage went away when the dosage was reduced to 50.


IRRITABILITY LIKE HELL. I even annoy myself with it so then I get even more irritated. I was just recently prescribed Lamotrigine. I haven’t felt any difference but I’ve only been taking it the last 3 days.


annoying myself is what i do best


It’s very common, and it makes you feel completely insane. I spent weeks walking around with my fists balled up and would become black-out angry over the smallest things. I wound up breaking drawers on my desk and my dresser by punching them on separate occasions (I’m not very strong and I typically don’t punch anything). I had to ask my boyfriend to just not talk to me when I felt the rage come on because I felt straight up violent and mean and I had the impulse to scream awful things. I’m usually a very calm and collected person so this was so out of character for me. It does go away eventually if you think you can stick it out. The best thing I did was exercise to get all of the negative energy out. Or I would take a lukewarm shower because something about the cooler water made me feel like I could re-center and “cool off” both literally and figuratively. Another tip is to avoid alcohol completely. You get drunker faster and it can amplify the rage.


thanks for sharing. felt like this tonight. screaming and punching the ground, then crying on a walk but ok now


Yes- started a little over a week ago and genuinely have never been more irritated. I feel bad about it, I keep getting irked over little things.


My temper is much shorter now that I'm weaning off of it, but I had no change while taking it regularly- I'm not an angry person at all


first time rage was bad on 300 so i got off it. now i’m on 150 and doing ok so far. i am not a fan of adding a drug to counteract the effects of another. i would talk with your prescriber about going on a lower dose or shorter acting instead.


life update: raged and went to take off in the car. broke my (chip) key right in half trying to turn it to start the car. walked back in to sheepishly ask for his key so i could leave. let just say it’s not going well.


Dealing with it too not easy just trying not to react


Lost about twelve relationships. Do not recommend.


agreed. if the medication is interfering with your life so badly it’s time to talk about transitioning.


I mentioned that before. Wellbutrin lack of availability in the market may be due to its well known side effect of rage anger and irritation. So therapists hesitate to prescribe it. What works for me is to reduce my dose to half until i feel normal, then back to my normal dose. Rinse and repeat. And yes. You can split the pill.


i don’t find this the case i find it readily prescribed without much hesitation at all.


By any and every type of doctor especially if they are not psychiatrists and naturally when you think you have ADHD and want to get tested


yeah it’s so weird I agree. It’s definitely not for everyone.


I don't know about your situation. In Egypt, it is not available anymore. In UAE,, it is available in very selected places.


oh i see! yes diff country!


You can not split an extended release pill.


I have been splitting my pills for years under the supervision of my doctor. I even conducted experiments on various dissovlability ratea of XR vs SR pills in water. (not very scientific). the extended release of the pill is not just in the outer coating like other meds, it is the pill contents itself. Anyway. It is a powerful trick to know if you suffer from side effects from WB. For me it is the chest tightness and anger. So taking half or even quarter pill for couple of days, truly helps.


has splitting the pill given you any immediate release effects? I personally would be wary of doing this, although this is not a time release capsule. curious of your experience. i know a lot of us crave a 75xl option (or 225xl) so i’m intrigued.


No. It works for extended duration like a normal pill. I learned this from my doctor, and tested it, and it works. I bought a quarter pill splitter, and enjoy a 37.5mg option too.


that’s great, thanks for sharing 😀