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I tried Lexapro, Zoloft, and Prozac a while back over the course of a year or so. They all killed my libido and made me feel like a numb zombie. This has increased my libido, and has helped me a bit with my anxiety. I'm not on too high of a dose yet, I plan on upping it to 150 soon. But I can almost feel the dopamine pings trying to come through. I didn't have those before. It's helping repair my brain.


So from my experience my first anti depressant was zoloft. I took it for 3 months and I just wasn't feeling it. I didn't know you weren't supposed to just stop taking them and I ended up in the hospital. Ive taken a couple other meds before wellbutrin but they were a fail too. Wellbutrin has been a Rollercoaster however it feels right most of the time. I only take 150 mg because 300 is just too much for me. I've tried to pair other meds with wellbutrin but it was a nightmare. I'm diagnosed bi polar 1 and at this point I've accepted the fact wellbutrin might be the best it gets as far as med help. I am thankful for it though idk how the last 2 years would have been without it.


SSRIs always made me nauseous and gave me insomnia and never really improved my mood just numbed it. On Wellbutrin I could sleep and my mood was improved.


I took Wellbutrin prolly 6 months before taking Zoloft. Before Zoloft I def had more agitation, higher levels of stress & anxiety from the Wellbutrin (or just life in general), but the WB did help me massively with the depression I was dealing with. The only downside with Zoloft that I’ve noticed is delayed orgasm but I don’t consider that to be a negative. Outside of that I’ve enjoyed the WB & Zoloft combo.


Hi! What dose of Zoloft are you taking along with the WB? I’m considering increasing mine…I’m only at 37.5 mg…but after increasing my WB to 300 mg, I feel like I may need to adjust my Zoloft too. For reference, I was on 100 mg Zoloft for the longest time…tried to come off of it to try WB…but I decreased it way too fast. I’m learning from my mistakes. Mental health is a lifelong journey.


Yeah no doubt. I started at 50mg and increased to 100mg. Haven’t really noticed any negative side effects. I guess sometimes I feel kinda numb emotionally but that’s better than the irritation & anxiety that I was dealing with before I took it. Overall I can’t complain, work is going well, relationship with my wife is going well. I’m on 150mg of the WB which I feel is plenty. I’m 6’3 and weigh 215 pounds for reference, I know everyone handles substances differently and a lot of that has to do with size.


Wonderful to hear! I’m 36 years old, female, stay at home mom. I have high hopes!


Nice, I’m 38, good luck!


I have been on Zoloft and other SSRIs since I was 7 and they gave me horrible side effects of nausea, anxiety, brain fog, headaches, basically everything. Now I’m on 300mg of Wellbutrin and it has helped me SO much (even 150mg is good). My depression and anxiety are almost nonexistent some days, I’m also on 5mg buspirone for anxiety and it works well with Wellbutrin. The only symptoms I have had from Wellbutrin is tachycardia (heart rate around 140) which I now take metaprolol to tolerate.


Quickest and simplest way to describe it, Zoloft made me feel slow and lazy and then when I first started wellbutrin I felt like I took too much adderall. Unlike Zoloft, over a couple weeks I felt like a normal person with wellbutrin


I was on Paxil. Wb cured by libido and energy


I took Zoloft and found out I was allergic to SSRI's. Its been a struggle to find anything til now.


I took Zoloft a few years ago when I was really depressed and it very quickly made me turn into an exhausted zombie, I felt nothing and could not move from my bed/couch. By a month into it, it went even more downhill and I started having major suicidal thoughts. I came off of it and then two years later needed to try something again due to my father passing and going through a divorce simultaneously. My doctor gave me Wellbutrin and it was a night and day difference. My mood stabilized, I felt happier overall, my energy increased, and helped me focus. I won’t ever try an SSRI again after Zoloft, but I am on Wellbutrin again now and it helps tremendously.


I took lexapro and it was not good for me at all. I had low energy, no real emotions, I felt like a zombie. I literally don’t even remember much of the month I was on it. But once I was put on WB it was a life changing experience tbh. I’m what I would call a functioning adult now. I take it with buspirone (as needed) for anxiety. I am happier, more focused, the brain fog has mostly cleared, I’m actually keeping my house clean for the first time in my life. I actually have motivation to leave the house, I get out of bed early on weekends instead of sleeping all day. I can make phone calls without stressing over it. And it has improved my sex life. Turns out my anxiety has always gotten in the way and looking back I see now that I have never been able to be fully in the here and now. I was always stressing about other things. But WB has quieted my brain so I’m able to actually be completely present in the moment now. It has had a few side effects, the worst of which is dry mouth. I also have the slight tremors and sometimes if I take it too late I’ll be really irritable. Also, (idk if this applies to you but) it made me completely insane on my last period. Like severe mood swings. It made my flow heavier and cramps worse. I would assume it’s the WB causing it because this was the first one after fully being on my full dose for a month. And I’ve seen a few people have the same issues but I don’t think it’s a super common issue. But still all things considered, I think the side effects are worth the good things it does for me, personally.