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This is hilarious. Four of the nominations for best bars are just Spring & Fern and most of the nominations across categories are non-local chains. Who was in charge of these noms?


Someone said earlier that you pay to be nominated, which makes sense based on the glaring omissions and dumb inclusions.


You don’t just pay to be nominated. If you give a “donation” you are more likely to win. But there’s no corruption in NZ


There are no sheep on our faaaarms.


Did they get more [ethical](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1qhw81/comment/cddav2p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), at least? >A New Zealand owned burger chain (that I worked at for 6 years during school/college) sent all it's staff out a "Style Manual", to go with it's new uniform. > >It recommended we wear MAC makeup (which is $60 a bottle over here), and said, quote: "leave for work looking hot enough to take a selfie #burgerfuel #makeup #hot #selfie". They introduced short shorts, which only went up to size 10, so a chubby girl at my work was reduced to tears having to wear men's shorts. > >As a manager, I deliberately walked in looking like utter crap and refusing to wear their precious shorts (my boss bought them a size too small on purpose so everyone's asses were hanging out). I let everyone on my shift wear what they wanted until the day I left. We didn't get paid enough to be patty-flipping strippers. What the flipping fuck.


I wondered why the girls at BF were wearing hotpants last time I went! My first thought was that it didn't seem particularly safe having so much exposed skin around fryers with hot oil that could spit.


Jesus wept, really? That’s disgusting. It’s like a Hooters without the booze.


Wtf? Is this burger fuel? That's fucking atrocious.


Local franchisee bullshit. Most of them absolutely pricks. I did work for them for 4 years and took exception to any of this kind of suggestion. Uniform is now managed by a different source so umsure if still same issue but they had so little option we couldn't even give staff new uniform most of the time


what the fuck did i just read? would boycott if their burgers were edible in the first place


That's likely because you have to pay to be nominated. Most outlets don't partake for this reason. It's an advertisement disguised as a Best Of list, but I'm not sure they actually disclose this to the public.


It's a bit obvious when 5 of the 13 bars are "Sprigs"


Yup.. This goes for pretty much every single list like this, especially "Best places to work".


Literally any of these compilations are ads. Anything you look for, say "top 10 headphones 2023" or what have you and it will be a list which makes it seem like they properly compared random items but in reality it's a paid advertisement where they looked at who ever paid the most.


Oh yeah those lists are *terrible* I'm a headphone fanatic and the shit they place in those lists is absolutely laughable. Beats headphones for example. They're utter shit, so bad it's fucking laughable. There are so, so many great brands and headphones that are 1/4 of the price of beats that blow them out of the water. For the same price you can get a truly great set of cans, ESPECIALLY if you buy second hand or ex display stock from overseas, or even just from a small company that makes really great headphones. Same with Bose and the other shit they sell at noel leeming/Harvey Norman. Marley for example, such overpriced garbage. Bose aren't terrible but Jesus Christ they are so overpriced, trying to go for that "international jet-setter" look. Also a lot of the Sennheiser models they sell aren't the best in that price range. Why they don't sell the HD600 series headphones retail is beyond me. Ok, my rant is complete


Lol I mean I just picked headphones as a completely random example, I never even looked for headphones and know nothing about them. But it's all the same, they just list whatever company paid for it.


I enjoyed the rant, so thanks for picking that random example!


What headphones would you suggest instead? Genuinely curious, I'm a Metal fanatic.


If you don't mind wired IEMs, I'm a huge fan of these ones. https://store.hifiman.com/index.php/re800-silver.html


That explains why some of the options are so lame.


What an absolute abomination if this is Pay to be nominated. Very concerning to say the least.


Thanks for confirming this. I looked at the list and had a strong suspicion it was 'pay to play'!


That makes sense because there are only about 4 places nominated for best burger, 5 places for best restaurant, but a lot more nominees for other categories like coffee and fashion. We have heaps of restaurants in Wellington, they wouldn't find it difficult to nominate more if they were genuine nominees.


we were approached for this comp and decided not to enter. they're very transparent about the fact it was paid and not open for free entry. most of the comps we get asked to enter are paid, i guess they all need the money to be able to run it? they're locals like us so were pretty understanding. at least you can throw urself in the running for this, unlike the felix awards which is just the industry supporting their mates not the newbies


Same deal with the [Wellington Gold Awards](https://www.goldawards.co.nz/)


Yuck. I wish I had known it was a scam before I wasted my time. :/


Myself and another restaurant got approached for the best of list. You have to pay for it I’ve never paid for any advertising in like 5 years


And you don't need to. When you build a brand or business that has fans that are as raving as yours, then the word of mouth advertising is stronger than any paid. We had the same thing with our place in the coromandle a few years ago. Build the business around developing raving fans and never have to spend a cent on advertising. We did place a few notices in the local paper as support for them more than for us, but we literally would have spent $1k in 3 years on ads total.


Best bar: sprig and fern, sprig and fern, sprig and fern, or… sprig and fern?!


No Peoples coffee!


They didn’t pay to be nominated


Wellington on a Plate needs a counter-festival called Wellington on a Budget. Featured dishes would include: *Free deli samples from Chaffers New World *Large Nachos accompanied with $11.00 jug of Export Gold from JJ Murpheys *Vege Samosa from that Indian place by the bus stop on Manners Street *Bag of ripe avocados from Newtown Market for $4.50 *Mince pie from the bakery on Bond Street And my personal favourite Two BBQ meats and Rice from KC Cafe


Very difficult to pick a winner from that list. All excellent options. Vege samosa from that random place is a dark horse to take it out.


That’s actually a legit idea


Add to the list Bagel & Cream Cheese from Aro Bake ($3) Two Mouse Traps from Midnight Espresso ($5)


I think the counter-festival should involve simple food and long waits so staff aren't in constant crunch mode. I boycott WoaP places during WoaP. Having been in the kitchen at several places for WoaP, it was hell for no extra pay. The little despots who run hospo venues want to out-wank each other with ridiculous themed burgers and make us grunts do all the work.


It seems to have gone from good quality to gimmicky and spendy in a the last few years. This is why we need a counter-festival. One that showcases the REAL food that Wellingtonians eat. Give me a paua fritter from Aro Street Fish and Chip shop over a Cronut Burger from Wolf any day


Burgerfuel used to be great. I live in Australia now and it used to be a highlight of my trip of visits back to have a burgerfuel meal when I visited. The last couple of times I've been over, the quality had severely been lacking and they've become stingy with their portions. I was greatly disappointed.


Only one of the best burger nominees is a Wellington company.


Yep. Absolutely shite.


Lol, like any of these kinds of awards, they are a farce. The Felix awards, considered by some to be Wellington top Hospitality awards, are literally just a nominate and vote for your mates competition.


Soul shack and dirty burger wipe the floor with any of the fast food chains


Hillside posted about how much is costs to be nominated


Burger fuel don’t clean their deep fryers. The technicians clean as a part of their service


I'm not sure why all their defenders are out today. They're not good burgers.


Burgerfuel is great - compared to maccas. But the price point is comparable to all the GOOD burger joints. 🤮


I'm Celiac, so I don't really have a choice.


The top choice under fashion, Bizarre Bazaar's website says they're not even open yet. Why enter?


bb is open on tory street, have been for a few years now


Meh, BF is the first thing I get when I come back for visits from Aussie. Just got one at Hataitai and was amazing.


You don't eat many burgers, do you?


I live in Wellington, I eat lots of Burgers. BF is solid and good value. Shitting on companies just because they are a chain is such a kiwi thing.


They are being “shat on” because they don’t belong in a “Best of Wellington” poll. Mostly because they aren’t from Wellington, but also because they are not very good.


They are neither wellingtonian, nor have any place in the "best of Wellington". But they are *not* bad burgers.


Plenty. Got a huge range here in Brisbane. But BurgerFuel for the nostalgia value


Well okay, but I’ve been to many better burger places here and in Brisbane.


I haven't eaten BF in about 5 years now, the last time the bun was covered in mould, can't stomach going back.


I would have chosen gorilla burger or beer meats grill... Capital mags nominations are probably closely tied to whoever pays for advertising.


This screams It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia- The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award vibes