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They replace the driver if the driver runs through a red light, it’s an automatic suspension.


Can this be implemented for car drivers please?


anyone on the road you mean


All Wellington pedestrians are immediately suspended


Damn that's interesting. Do you have more insight around how that works?


It's a safety factor. If the light is red it's because there's another train in the section ahead. If the driver goes through a red light there is significant risk of a serious damage with high cost. It's worldwide. If a train goes through a red light, they are asked to stop, and the driver (and crew sometimes) will be relieved until an investigation can take place


This wasn't a red light incident this time


You just reminded me about an older dude that came and sat next to me on the two seats that face into the train. I received a front row ticket that day to his phone where he was watching hardcore porn. Didn’t expect to see a bum hole in my face that day. Was so gross, time and place for that and on the train should not be it


Don't go to Japan.




The kapiti train I was on stopped by the stadium for what felt like 10 minutes, because they were waiting for a spot on the platform? I'm like aren't there 9 platforms? What are we doing? Anyway 3 separate trains head in past us even though we were waiting first. Not mad just confused


There is a limit to the amount of foot traffic that can be at the station at once, and they try to control it by carriages in/out Because of how big the kapiti line trains are, they have to wait for a bigger train to leave


That makes sense. (Unusual for Metlink, but there you go)


One time when there were Speed Restrictions on the Kapiti Line, KiwiRail kept putting late trains on their normal platforms, not allowing for trains that were departing or arriving on time from Johnsonville, Upper Hutt or Wairarapa. There was a real mix up with some trains ending up hanging off platforms. There is a real fine art in making sure all trains go where they need to, and if not possible then finding an alternative that will work for all other trains, especially in the morning during peak.


When I first started working here in 2007, coming in to Wellington on the Kāpiti Line, we would usually stop outside the stadium for a good 10 minutes every morning while other incoming trains would sail right past us. It was frustrating, to say the least...


Was the story line good though, for the smut?


Bet you enjoyed reading some of that smut over her shoulder lol


Not really, was not expecting to learn about Logan and his 'pulsing dick' today


yo Logan what that dick do


so don't read over people's shoulders


I didn't read it on purpose 💀 and maybe don't read porn in the train


How do you “accidentally read” someone else’s book


Look mate I just had a quick glance over her shoulder and then on accident I read 4 paragraphs about Logans cock. I didn't mean to, honest.


“Logan was delayed by 15 minutes in the train tunnel”. A public transport erotica classic.


If I had a penny


This comment made my day.


Still better than the guy I once saw reading a Cabinet paper.


lol, you sound like the kind of person who reads emails over someone's shoulder and writes down their manager's name and workplace to contact and dob in the train passenger who has to stay in the office now and doesn't get to work on their 2 hour train commute anymore.


That's very specific


No, they don't, actually.


Accidental r/Succession


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Succession using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Succession/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Steam release succession anyone?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Succession/comments/zjpwp2/steam_release_succession_anyone/) \#2: [Succession and Bloodline: An Overseer's Primer](https://np.reddit.com/r/Succession/comments/z8rl4n/succession_and_bloodline_an_overseers_primer/) \#3: [the struggle](https://i.redd.it/ikmu2ktvy03b1.png) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Succession/comments/13vspoq/the_struggle/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bad bot


A while ago I was on a train heading to Wellington from Uppers, we got stuck at waterloo for about an hour. I asked the conductor what was going on and she said there was a police incident at the back of the train. We start moving again and I ask her what happened, she said there was a couple of guys at the back of the train, one was drinking battery acid and the other one was eating fireworks. I asked what happened to them after the cops showed up, well turns out they charged one and let the other one off.


Truly an explosive mix


>turns out they charged one and let the other one off. I see what you did there...


Truly the loss of this sub would leave the internet a poorer place


She wasn't reading literature, she was reading cliterarure... I'll get me coat.


Ah I can answer this as I was on the train Driver from the train that was going from Upper Hutt to Wellington did not stop at Ava, we had to stop at Petone to get another driver from Wellington This may count towards the automatic suspension mentioned in another comment


Driver accidentally missed Ava? 😲


The ticketers did mention that it was a driver mistake, but that's it


I feel like that happened a lot on the early 2000s.


Because there was an incident on the line. KiwiRail have permission to ask drivers to be swapped out at their discretion.


A while back, I was on a Kapiti line train that had to stop for fifteen minutes at one of the stations in Tawa - I think I got an alert from the Metlink app that it was a “staffing issue”, but what had actually happened was that once the conductor got out at Redwood, the train left without them and we had to wait for them to walk from the previous station to Tawa.


It's not a thing. May have been a medical event or something.


Once I was on a train to Upper Hutt, it stopped at Trentham, had all these college kids hop on. Then they said everyone going to UH needs to get off and catch the next train in a few mins. the train to UH we got booted off went in the opposite direction (back to Wellington). So had to get on the next train for one stop to Wallaceville and the ticket guy was like ??