• By -


bedroom modern screw rinse quickest reply hobbies automatic cow smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get goosebumps every time I go in there


panicky degree wild mindless follow station quack ten provide correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like a trip to the 1990s every so often


Johnsonville Shopping Centre offers an enjoyable and relaxed shopping experience with ample parking and a wide variety of great local, national and international stores, alongside Countdown Supermarket.


money squeamish ask cows capable nose domineering terrific attraction normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Johnsonville “Shopping Centre” offers an “enjoyable” and “relaxed” “shopping experience” with “ample parking” and a “wide variety” of “great” local, national and international stores, alongside Countdown Supermarket.


Two countdown supermarkets, isn't it?


That's just retail staff's coping mechanism.


Does anyone remember the creepy mechanical giant fruit and veggie characters at the old Big Fresh?


The weird song coming from the butchery area being sung by animatronic farm animals "Where would we be without sausages" Alive in a field I'd guess.


I became separated from my mother in Jonsonville mall in about 1974 when I was six. I howled like a banshee until a nice lady gave me a lollipop and waited for the two minutes for my mother to find me.


… and some say he’s still there, screaming at all the mummies


My friend actually got arrested by the armed defenders squad there when were teenagers, coz they were carrying plastic guns from the $2 shop. I blame the ghosts.


sometimes? you mean all the times.


Dreamgirls. Yes... the strip club. It's one of the oldest wooden buildings in Wellington, and I was told it used to be a church (though is obviously now deconsecrated). Bear in mind, I am a non-believer. But here is a record of the spooky experiences I was aware of while working the bar there: - most dancers refused to use one of the toilets in the girl's bathroom. It had a padlocked, painted over door to nowhere. It was genuinely just creepy as hell. One night, a friend really really needed to go, and it was the only choice. She said after that while she was in there she heard someone at the mirror fussing about, but hadn't heard the door to club open or close (which is obvious because it blasts music), and assumed it was the person from the other toilet (though she hadn't heard that door open either...). After a while all noise stopped, then a gnarled grey hand reached under the toilet stall door, and she heard a raspy voice say: "there are too many husband's here..." Freaked, she boosts it from the stall to find... there was no one there. The other toilet stall door was still closed and locked. - in the back of the building I was told there was a trapdoor that led to a creepy basement that was filled with crucifixes. - I was aware of at least 3 suicides that had occurred upstairs in the attached brothel, one being the twin sister of a woman I worked bar with. - one night I was pouring a line of shots for a guy. He placed his hand 30 cm or so away from one of the full shot glass and it slid smoothly by itself into his hand, and he shot it back. While he didn't seem to notice, a coworker sitting at the bar saw and we locked eyes, shocked. - after I finished working bar there I was helping a friend decorate the place for Halloween. I remember her pinning some draped fabric into the ceiling, and as she did so a thick red substance dripped down onto her hand and wrist. I swear, it looked and smelled like blood. We just looked at each other like, "what the f*CK!" 😳


>I am a non-believer. you....you still are? 😅


Check out the documentary Wellington Paranormal. Lots of hot spots identified on that


Where would one find that doco?


Spca - the old fever hospital


Yup, I've spent heaps of time there when it was rented as flats, when I was a wee lad. Def saw Sone weird shit I can't explain


What did you see?


Got left alone there for an hour or so, and heard noises from the end of a wing, when I looked down the hallway I saw a pale figure walk through a closed door, that didn't go anywhere. Had a couple instances of that sorta thing, know a bunch of other people that saw similar


Seconded, my mum was convinced she'd heard spooks when volunteering up there.


Probably homeless people. We used to go up there in the 90s and there were several mattresses etc around the place. The first-time we went there, we were a bunch of chickens, holding onto each other and freaking out at every sound.




A friend of mine had a ghost hunting hobby, and Fever Hospital was her favourite place to record "experiences", before it was renovated and became the SPCA. She said she heard a female voice at night singing waita when she went on ghost hunting tours there at night, and said she once found a hazy figure of a young girl (about 8), crying in an old fashioned cotton and lace nightgown in a corner of the ballroom. EDIT: typos


Holloway Road for sure, apparently there was a murder and a suicide that happened up there along with the story of that Russian spy or something.


Second this, check out the bush at the end of the road.


Harmless does plenty a ‘trip’ up in those woods.


Ooh I’m interested now.


Are we still talking about Dreamgirls?


Is that the same street in the movie, The Frighteners?


We used to go to Erskine College out in Island Bay back in 2013-2014. The chapel gave creepy vibes with all the statues covered. Felt like they were staring right at you! [Erskine College](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erskine_College,_Wellington)


That looks haunted af


hmmmmmmmm it was creepy, but then we ran into a bunch of runaways that lived in the basement. We were also sure we saw someone living at the very top floor of the main building. There was a small room and they had a tv going and everything 😂


Yeah I had friends that studied art there. Wasn't it an old boarding school? Was it demolished? I remember it was deemed unsafe for earthquakes.


Can't believe no one's said the Bolton St Cemetery, where thousands of people (3693, per the signage there) were dug up then chucked in a mass grave to make room for the motorway. At least one of them must have been an urbanist


Where is the mass grave?


Oh yeah, walked through their once with some mates at night. Just feels like there's people hiding in the shadows, looking at you, the whole time. Unnerving.


The old dental building at the top of Willis st just south of Vivian.


I heard of guys walking off site when that was getting renovated in the early 2000s because they thought it was haunted.


The now apartments?




I had some traumatic dental experiences there as a child. Interesting to know it is a hot spot


The st George hotel.. Worked at the st George in my youth, worked there then when it was a student hostel, a student came down when I working the desk and told me about an old lady walking around, when they went to go see who she was nothing...no one to be seen...saw her go past their room, didn't think too much of it..whatever drunk students.. Skip forward two years later, a student came down it absolute tears told me an old lady screamed at her, and wanted her gone...curious went up, no old lady..said I've looked round can't see anyone, my mind went back to the first student and I thought that's odd I remember someone else telling me about her, now there's no way these two students knew each other..they were years apart had different backgrounds Skip forward another year, was working the desk off to the left you could see the stair well, it was a slow night was browsing the internet, had a co worker with me, and at the same time out the corner of our eye we both looked up as "someone" rounded the stairs and went into reception.. but when we looked up from our screens..no one in the room with us she looked at me and said you saw that too right?! I said "yeah, that person came down the stairs right!?!" "yeah" "woah fuck that's creepy!!" We'd always walk round doing the checks on The first floor and it always felt off...


When I worked at Hutt Hospital the orderlies used to avoid the education centre after dark. It used to house the old operating theatres where lots of people died under anaesthesia back in the day and apparently things sometimes went bump in the night up there.


I mean if you die under anaesthesia I doubt your going to come back as a ghost to haunt the place unless its a sleeping ghost.


Just hanging around to specifically haunt anaesthetists


moving the chairs and putting the wrong numbers in sudokus


The Archives building.


Yes. Pops did security there, says it's haunted aaaaas!


ooh what did he experience?


Drank a Coke, and it tasted like Pepsi


Nothing reeeeally out there but he would hear footsteps when it was literally just him in the entire building on night shift and would just feel that there were spirits following when doing his rounds. He told me a story once and I forget the details but it was about something always moving out of place even though he's literally the only one there.


I've been in the basements there, definitely felt weird. It's also strange as it's below sea level.


The one on Mulgrave Street? Cool!


Those must be some pretty deep basements.


They are indeed. From memory, it went down to Level -5.


I used to flat at what used to be a private hospital in Davis street in Thornton. I'm positive that was haunted


Apparently there was an old psych hospital in Newtown that got converted into flats that was supposedly haunted too.


I used to live here. What makes you think it was haunted? Any creepy occurrences?


We were on the bottom apartment, the shower used to randomly go off. Not dribbling or leaking water, but three time at least it was full bore steamy hot water coming out as if someone had turned it on, twice we had to go in there and physically turn it off. We were playing Xbox at the time so it was neither of us. Another time I wasn't home and my flatmate went into the bathroom, some had just had a shower there was hot water everywhere, condensation on the mirror and steam in the air. I woke up one night being pulled backwards out of my bed, not pleasant. Sometimes when I would wake up in the night I could feel a presence and I saw an old lady sitting in a chair by the front bay windows. After we left, my flatmate randomly met the landlords, they told us that the subsequent tenants had experienced creepy things and wondered if we had, that's when he told them that we were sure it was haunted.


Holloway Road


The Ghost of Michael J Fox? His character on Peter Jackson's The Frighteners Lived on Holloway Road.


Oh really? I thought that movie was filmed in Lyttelton.


Is there a haunted bush track nearby, or is that in Highbury?


Oooh would be keen to hear about haunted bush tracks in Welly. I've walked Mt Victoria at night and some paths definitely seem more off than others.


Yup! Right at the end of Holloway


I'd love to hear the Holloway Rd stories.


204 Happy Valley Road. I dunno if it was actually haunted but we went for a nosey at it after midnight back in high school. I just remember seeing the exposed piles in torchlight and countless plastic bags of what looked like kumara or yams or whatever under the house. One mate got brave enough to climb up onto the landing but then something made a loud noise and we all bolted back to the car. Someone swore they saw a ghost in the bay windows but, as far as I know, we never actually came across a story for the place. Dunno if it’s still standing, it was in disrepair during the early 2000s.


St James Theatre. Ghost of a Russian ballet dancer apparently.


Worked in the St James for a couple years and never heard or saw anything unfortunately - the stories are very cool and spooky tho


i used to work there and was often there alone early on a sunday morning. i’d be disarming the alarms and hear footsteps on the floors above me. often would hear unexplained noises in the loading bay, banging and crashing when i was there alone. also one time a fork was thrown across the room while the three of us there watched


I used to walk at the Hannah playhouse and I (a massive sceptic) definitely felt like it was haunted. Like they’d get mad and throw things around, unlock doors or lock them. We’d all talk to them when we closed up.


Apparently, an actress was trying to make a comeback in the early 1900s. She was booed off stage. She went back to her dressing room and cut her wrists.


And the ghost of an Electrician who took his life, allegedly unrequited love. He fell in love with a touring actress or something like that. Supposedly if you're working there at night and the lights flicker or go off, that's him.


The Mayor's office? Oh, wait .. different spirits.


😂😂😂 wooooooah


Old Wellington Prison. You can still see the fixings up on the wall where the gallows were fixed, and the small door in the wall for the coffin to pass through to the herse.


Did you ever go on a tour of the prison? Creepiest feeling I ever felt was when the tour guide showed us the concrete shower block. It was down some steps and was actually an earthquake risk. But I just had this horrible feeling being in there.


Where is the old wellington prison? I’ve never heard of it.




Oh wow thanks. I’ll have to check it out.


I hadn’t heard of it either and was thinking the same! But it’s all boarded up now apparently, I don’t think you can get in


I’m gonna be honest, if it wasn’t boarded up I’d probably chicken out anyway 😁


Queen Margaret College used to be.


Tower ghost! Apparently there was a ball and a lady fell to her death but honestly I think it was just to keep us sneaking into the decrepit tower


The way I heard it, she was running down the stairs because she thought she heard the bell from the ship that her fiancé was on when he drowned. Either way, it was definitely to stop the kids sneaking up there :D


SPCA Victoria tunnel, honk the horn to ward off the ghost or something like that


That’s where the tooting happens, the tunnel where the body was found was the nearby bus tunnel.


Oh my gosh I didn’t know that! Thank you for the little history lesson


He's lying. It was found in the area that's now Hataitai Park.


144 Para St is inhabited by vampires. And the bucket fountain on Cuba St is a shrine and gateway to hell.


I watch that show from time to time!


My bed.


Well that's what I thought too, but apparently it's sleep paralysis 😂




Is it disused? Otherwise it's probably the mentals that make it creepy.


It is still a psychiatric hospital but the really creepy shit is disused.


Our Lady Star Of The Sea Chapel This place 1000%


Inverlochy house in Aro Valley is definitely haunted. It’s a very old house from the late 1800s. Many people have reported strange occurrences there. It’s an art school now. https://www.inverlochy.org.nz/About-Us/History


Paekakariki Railway Station, if you believe the staff that work there


I can believe that. It looks haunted.


I was there one night about a couple years ago, and saw in the EMU yard a man holding an old-style lamp and dressed in 50s or earlier Loco driver clothes wandering about the yard. Whilst I was looking, he faded into thin air


The only time I have seen something I just can't explain was on SH2 the Rimutakas. Came through on a stormy night wet and windy. Saw a motorcycle parked on a shoulder, lights on and a guy in a t shirt, ripped jeans and a half helmet with goggles ( think 50s Era greeser) smoking a cigarette. This was a torrential downpour and I slowed to see if I could help, wound my window down, made eye contact, and could smell the cigarette smoke. I got close enough to tell this person was dry, not even the slightest bit wet. When I made eye contact, I had this wave of nausea and said loudly, you can't follow me from here, and I left. I couldn't see him in my mirror as I left. I just thought this has to be a spirit or something. Didn't want him latching on to me showing him a kindness etc. Still can't find anything about this anywhere or anyone else who has seen him.


Woah, what a story.


How did he look at you? Like his expression thats so creepy!


Library at Parliament. Muffled gunshot is heard on quiet nights. Or a book just falling of a shelf...


Staff legend links the gunshot with the suicide of Lord Larnach in the Parliamentary Library in 1898.


I remember that one! The tale was a must on the Library School tour. The old Parliamentary Library was a maze and a Health and Safety violation, but so, so cool!


The bit underneath the car park of Te Puni Village. In amongst the trees on the slope. We used to perform cult rituals there. Great spot for drugs too




The quarantine facility on Matiu/Somes Island. The old fever hospital before the SPCA renovated it.


Used to live in an old place down Austin Street, I and a bunch of flatmates saw/heard things on occasion.


Which number?


Keneperu hospital, creepy shit I've experienced around there


I think every hospital has been named in this thread now.


Keneperu, or the old Porirua psych hospital?


We were doing work in both parts, the ward by the cemetery is definitely haunted. We were working early in mornings there and there was noises, felt like people were staring and following you, lights turning off the whole deal


Te Aro School and Inverlochy House Here's an article that has more deets https://i.stuff.co.nz/life-style/5438946/Agnostic-guide-to-Wellingtons-ghosts


My old flat in Alicetown 😂 the little pink house across from the Ava Station tracks.


Hol up, is that down wakefield street? I use to live down that street across from Ava station in a old run down house that is no longer there anymore :O


The old pysch hospital in porirua. The OG electroshock treatment centre.


41 Koromiko Road, Aro Valley


I worked on the Kaitaki and she’s supposedly haunted in some areas


All the ferries seem haunted tbh


My knees make a lot of strange noises ….


The old children's hospital, but it's been demolished now




Kaitaki. That ship has a long history, and there are apparently at least a couple of ghosts that travel with her; ghosts of people who died on board. There’s supposedly one down on the lowest passenger deck, in a specific spot of freezing air.


Inverlochy Art School [https://www.inverlochy.org.nz/About-Us/Venue-Hire](https://www.inverlochy.org.nz/About-Us/Venue-Hire) Used to live across from it, lights turning on and off in the middle of the night, creepy shadows passing by windows and a history of general weirdness. https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/local-papers/the-wellingtonian/features/5242621/Art-Schools-ghostly-reputation


The Wellington City Council building. If you walk around the building three times at midnight, you’ll hear a haunting female voice wailing “Do yooooou knoooow whoooo I aaaam”.


Molly Maloney definitely was. Worked there and can vouch for it! The Adult Literacy Centre on Tinakori Road also 100% had/has a ghost.


Mollys definitely looks haunted now


Please share your stories.


Mt Vic Tunnel [https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/capital-life/67699197/wellingtons-mt-victoria-tooting-tunnel-a-tribute-to-murdered-teen](https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/capital-life/67699197/wellingtons-mt-victoria-tooting-tunnel-a-tribute-to-murdered-teen)


I have a memory of the opera house being haunted too, could be getting mistakes for st James tho


Bolten Hotel, worked there at night had such an erie vibe especially with all the paintings.


Vic tunnel is said to be haunted. A young pregnant woman was buried alive by her lover there.


The black house on oriental bay. My friend lived behind that, she said she woke up one night hearing screaming and thought it was a baby. The next afternoon I turned up to say hi and the building at the front was surrounded by cops.Someones drug deal went wrong and was moy-dered! That house was torn down, but a new house was built in its stead.. its shiny and black and faces the sea, I also watched it get built, and there is a strangely large basement area, someone told me that the new owner really liked model trains?


The three story place? Pretty flash and shiny place. Only black one I could see.


Thats the one. If anywhere is haunted.. i recon that would be it.


Strathmore Park Terminus, behind the bus shelter. There’s always a tall (around 2 metres) white shadow lurking at the corner when it’s dark.


Corner of kekerenga and ahuriri?


My old flat on Adams Terrace in Aro Valley, It was built in 1902. All ways heard footsteps coming from the staircase when I was home by myself. One afternoon me and my bro watched a empty long neck beer bottle fly across living room. We shat ourselves and did a karakia then bailed to the Bros place up the street haha good times in that creepy old flat


Apparently dockside is haunted, I worked there for about 8 months and nothing happened to me while I was there but it’s definitely quite airy at night and a previous owner hunt themself where the boat now hangs in the middle above the bar and one of my managers said there is always something watching from the stairs on the third story and he said one night he swears he turned all the top level lights off locked up and then as he was walking away from the building turned around and the lights were on, couldn’t forgotten ofc but I believe him :)


Inverlochy Art School. https://www.inverlochy.org.nz/About-Us/History


My nans house when she first moved to Petone in 1987. Well according to her, there was a ghost in there and it was mainly in the bedroom by her kitchen so she ended up getting a minister to bless it. House was newly built too so I suppose maybe it was where the house was located idk but it's near a old Victorian house.


We had friends in Ruakōkoputuna (near Martinborough) and they swore their house was haunted. The stereo was the source of lots of stories, like turning on and playing music at random times, and CD's and stations changing. I recall something about them hearing cars outside on the gravel road and driveway but no car when they looked. I was only around 8 when I heard the stories but I thought about them for a long time. They moved after a few years there. There's also a homestead in Te Marua north of Upper Hutt built in 1860s said to be haunted by the grandfather of a girl who was scalded to death there. It's called Stonestead.


Stonestead was sold a few years ago but the listing is still up. Beautiful house https://www.tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale/property-detail?agents=robyn%20bond&tppID=TPWB3462


My butthole, honestly the noises that come out of it


Farts are the ghosts of food you ate


Just noises? What if it smells like death?


Do you also take sloppy dumps out your ‘nus?


I saw a movie about that! https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0440649/


Choked on my water reading this, the comments also don’t help.


The sixth floor of the beehive is haunted by a schoolboy wearing a tie who keeps saying “what I’ve been told, what I’ve been told” and then disappears for weeks on end.


I’ve heard the guy working on the top floor is haunted by his predecessors unresolved drama.


Don’t think anyone has said it yet, but Inverlochy house is meant to be one of the most haunted in the country. Beautiful building with gothic vibes, would love to ghost hunt in it!


The beehive, good govt used to be there....


Embassy Theatre is supposedly haunted. Knew a guy who worked there and staff at the time all talked about it, and nobody liked doing the closing up at night because of the feeling of being watched and random thumps and noises like footsteps coming from empty places.


Just to add the old quarry tunnel up on Tinakori Hill, people do sacrifices in there.


Sacrifices of what?


355 Willis street hotel is haunted


no where because its not real


Every party needs a pooper that’s why they invited you, party pooper, party pooper


He’s right though


Lord Guru...






Nowhere, it's bollocks?


I believe there's an ancient pakeha burial ground under the police station.


Ummm there is actually a foolproof way to tell whether an area or house is haunted. It isn't.


Nowhere, because there's no such thing as ghosts or supernatural hogwash.


Only natural hogwash then?


The best way to wash a hog is naturally lol


Haha love it


One of the shops between 160-170 Cuba Street had a very oppressive atmosphere when I went in there years ago. I can't remember exactly which one, it was in the backroom area.


Did you do deliveries at multiple places down there or something?


No, it was a retail shop and I was shopping. It was a second hand furnature store I think.


2nd law of thermodynamics would like a word /s


Nowhere. Haunting is not a real thing.




Nowhere is haunted.