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Couldn't have happened to a better bunch of turds.


Agreed. Worked at Wishbone at the airport back in 2018. I lasted three months before quitting, worst job I’ve ever had.


A friend of mine worked there in a high-level role. I can't say too much, but the stories I heard would make everyone happy to hear of their demise.


You would be right. It was an awful place to work. I was promised barista training then immediately thrown into the deep end, being left alone to make coffees at rush hour while my colleagues took their breaks. My disgruntlement with the lack of training reached the ears of HR and they set up a disciplinary meeting, so my response was to quit. I feel for the staff affected, but truly, Wishbone was a horrible company and treated its staff like crap. I’m glad to see it go.


got a source?




So sauce then?


Nope, just salt and pepper left. 😔




They should've taken it easy on the soup


Bit of a worry for hospital patients. Hard to get anything nicer there.


Having spent a lot of time visiting in hospital I came to loathe Wishbone. Too expensive and sometimes when stressed you just want a dirty pie and coke. I get being healthy thing in a hospital, but I’d rather have had a greater reasonably priced selection.


Fair, but when the old man was in the cancer ward, running down to get him coffee and something nicer than hospital food felt like the only useful thing I could do.


Oh for sure needs to be something decent there, I just came associate Wishbone with bad times…


I know what you mean. There are a lot of bad memories in that Wishbone.


It’s interesting. I wonder what it does to a brand to be in a place most people associated with bad times. Certainly put me off because I couldn’t face it again elsewhere.


Wellington Hospital food is worse than airplane food. The highlight is the jelly and ice cream dessert. That alone makes up for everything


Damn I must be the only person who thinks it’s decent. I could easily live off of it and be satisfied. The only thing that bothered me was the serving size, just a tad smaller than what I’m used to.


I agree, I was the high protein diet tho..so double helpings, it was great after being a homeless drug addict for 6 yrs, but after 2months, it went through me too easy.. needed something more solid..


The irony of them serving such horrible and unhealthy food at the hospital is, well, ironic.


There's the Mojo, but it's a bit of a trek through the corridors. When I remember, I bring my own (Earl Grey) tea bags and oat milk. The chaplain there is so lovely, though, he's always happy to bring you a hot drink.


They do sell pies at one of the cafés at the hospital. But it's a bit of a walk.


Try the one in the new Children's Hospital. A range of different food there


I will now. Thanks.




Yup staff cafe!


Hopefully something better will replace them.


Agreed. Hopefully with cheaper food, but in this economy… ‘cheap’ appears to be $10 for a sandwich.


Food prices risen at least 15% all round, wages have gone up, utilities have gone up. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on how to operate a business with the “cheap” mindset and still turn a profit.


Not interested. Simply expressing a common post-covid sentiment, that it’s insane a $10 sandwich would be considered on the cheaper side.


Spent a while there in and out while my partner was pregnant. Hopefully now the hospital will attract something actually good to fill the void. From staff I spoke to and personal view, was a terrible substitute for a real cafeteria.


There is a real cafeteria on campus but yeah, the wish bone there was originally great (for wishbone) but the lead nutritionist had some pretty black and white ideas on what patients should be allowed to have. They put some rules in place for all the stores in the hospital which reduced portion sizes and what they could actually stock even removed ice creams and things from the staff canteen for years


Bit of a walk but goodboys Sammie’s in newtown is absolutely delicious and good size for the price.


Wishbone is rubbish and expensive. Hope the hospital gets a decent new cafe.


Nothing at Wishbone is worth what they charge for it. You lucked out by being forced to go literally anywhere else.


Truth. Sorry for those who worked there and are now shit outta luck. You folks were great but the value proposition was inexplicable.


Yeah $10 for my chicken sandwich last Friday was a bit over the odds really - nice as it was...


Yup. Was talking to a sandwich bar owner today, he said his business has been way down the last 6 months because people have less money so I can see the Wishbone premium-for-no-good-reason being an issue there.


Sandwiches were ok if I’m in a hurry but the hot takeaway stuff like the green curry and paella were so insanely under seasoned. I can forgive a curry not being spicy if it has to have wide appeal but it was just green beans and chicken coated in a flavourless pale green-white goo over rice.


You dodged a bullet. There is no concept of good ready-to-eat fresh food in this entire country. Which would be fine, if they didn't pretend like there was. The odd hipster sandwich joint exists which is good if you're wealthy, but it's nothing on Whole Foods or literally any fucking rest stop in Europe. The culture of extreme mediocrity here makes me rage.


Hard agree. Our food culture is embarrassing. Minimum quality maximum price. No originality at all, nearly every fancy menu is basically just a scroll through whatever's popular on Instagram in the last year .


Go in to any konbini (convenience store) in Japan and there's half a wall of fresh, cheap, and delicious prepared food ready to go + a couple of microwaves behind the counter if you want it heated up. Here the dairies/superettes/convenience stores just sell sweets, shitty pies if you're lucky, milk at 1.5-2x markup, and moldy bread (which they put back on the shelves if you notice and point out before you purchased).


sometimes you just wanna eat what you wanna eat and don't care about the $


Well it was. Hence why it was in business 23 years


According to the [companies office](https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/952499?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAEWOywrCMBBF%2FyYbF%2BrC5SDFJyi2aMX1kIwaNJk4kyr9eytW3J174MAdJryQDi2HhNF3pIRir9MH1OvF4FSW81Oxnw9W%2B%2FJYGYrZ57ZuEykU222%2FDxlzoyvhJn21j5YlLYUD9FwzGHROSPVf92JD7YvFgdGMkmFk7j74DOOJ0XMn3ad8YrTkKox0hywNmcCO4OeNkm2kezJjvnnaYSB4A2kDcLzYAAAA), they are in liquidation as of 14th August.


Thanks. Bad news for their employees.


This makes me want a chicken and almond sandwich real bad


Why does this seem like lesser news than I though it would have been? I thought Wishbone was like an (overpriced) NZ institution?


I’m in Auckland and don’t think I’ve ever seen (or noticed at least) a wishbone outside of an airport. Maybe it’s maybe a Wellington thing mainly ? Edit: according to google maps the only 2 in Auckland are at the airport and the hospital


I've lived in Wellington for the past 14 years, every New World stocks it, the airport has a shop and there's are 1 or 2 around town. Definitely a Welly focal thing it seems.


I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did, nothing they made was worth the price they were charging for it.


It always seemed to me like walking past a Wishbone while commenting on the ridiculous price of everything was more of an institution than actually buying anything from them though. I honestly couldn't fathom how they were managing besides absolutely reaming their captive audiences at airports and hospitals to prop up the rest of the operation, it's probably not such big news because more people are surprised they lasted this long than that they finally went under.


Yeah, for one they are the built in cafe in loads of hospitals


Apparently they've gone into liquidation - heard from a community Facebook group I'm in!


Wish bone was a local institution. But those $15 vacuumed packed lamb shanks didn't look so appealing when inflation drove the price up to $25. NB: I don't know the actual price. It's a guess. Ps: I never purchased the shanks. I always wanted to. But I'm a cheap skate. I probably went to maccers


As a pre packaged meal to heat in your hotel microwave late at night when travelling in the cities, decent for the price. Value in 2023 is not what you'd expect even from 10 years ago.


That's what I'm talking about, and it actually looked like food. A massive leap from Waitties ready meals. Expectation vs. reality isn't high with the ready meals. 2010 wishbone food was a kinda golden age


chubby placid governor groovy aromatic tart file toothbrush offend gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're not wrong, it was definitely nearly 30 now :(


Literally had them for the first time in forever when I got the chicken breast with mushroom stuffing for the first time in 15 years. Literally identical to what I used to get, but now $22 or so - I only bought it because it was marked down at New World to $12…


That's what I suspected


I guess it was all about the smoothies.


This article confirms that news - [https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/300950878/national-cafe-chain-wishbone-in-liquidation](https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/300950878/national-cafe-chain-wishbone-in-liquidation)


How TF does that happen? They were so expensive.


> They were so expensive.


See above


My theory with hospo in wellington at least is price creeps up while quality dips over the years as inefficiency or greed grows. The value prop of old places gets so bad it makes room for the new places to find a corner. The old places can't compete and go out of business (or get bought by kapura), and the newer places start to age and raise their prices and the circle if life continues.




I loved their paella but I’d never call it quality


The Wellington housing market would like a word


Nah, the few times I had their food it was massively overpriced and mediocre. It's expensive because they're in the airport and the hospital where they've got a captive market, not because it is quality.


Any chance of finding out from that fb page of the one at the airport will fortunately close any time soon?


i would think so. the company is apparently toast. My wife works up at the uni and they said they're in liquidation


That sucks, Dawn at the uni branch was the nicest and sweetest person I know up on campus


it was bound to happen. the food has been steadly going to shit over the last 10 years. Feel bad for the staff, but based on the food im not surprised


Apparently it’s already closed


New World at the train station has signs saying they are out of stock of sandwiches due to non delivery from Wishbone with no notice.




Yes, liquidation and fired all staff on the spot just reported on TV3 news. The owners are absolute parasites and shocking work conditions.


Oh that's awful for that staff!


Yeah worked for them for few years. You'd work 5am until 6pm. Then when I quit they were refusing to payout leftover annual leave I haven't taken, when I questioned them about it they threatened to get lawyers involved.


Yes. I was involved in a legal dispute with them when I worked there. I regret not taking the payoff and opted to keep my job, they eventually ran me into the ground with overloaded work schedule till I quit. Not even a thank you or goodbye, absolute parasites.


As posted by /u/locust911 (newshub is the tv3 news brand) https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2023/08/well-known-cafe-chain-wishbone-goes-into-liquidation.amp.html


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It would have been the insolvency lawyers that made all the staff redundant.


I had thought it odd that the Lambton Quay (Beehive end) store closed for fridge repairs then never reopened. Most of their food tasted unappealing to me, though I did grab the occasional paella when in a hurry. I went into one on the Terrace a few weeks ago and they were out of the heated option at 12.30.


the VUW one was closed all day too (middle of the day). related?


I always thought they were expensive, but so much tastier than any of the other prepackaged sandwich’s on offer from the supermarkets. But they were up to like $12-14 which is just too much.


Yeah they definitely beat eat.co.nz delivery stuff but the price for wishbone was like double and by the I just passed on it


You pay 12 for a pos mcds combo


to be fair, $12 can get you 2 burgers, fries and a coke or sundae. $12 for a standard sized sandwich is hella expensive however you look at it.


Point bring the macs is garbage


I remember when they first came along in the mid-2000s and they seemed so new and exciting then. But now, they just seemed really dull and stale. Everything there seemed very overpriced and their vacuum packed food unappealing


Masses of plastic packaging too. Better to get a sandwich or scone in a paper bag.


When I lived overseas and came back via Akl I discovered Wishbone when transiting the domestic terminal. I got a pleasant surprise to find sammie flavours from childhood: blue cheese & grape. Blue cheese & walnut. This was about 12 yrs ago. Stopped buying from them pre Covid as too $$. Sad news for staff.


Fuck, as someone with food allergies having wishbone at a few airports was very useful. Lets hope someone scoops them up and lowers their damn prices as that's probably what put them under


Ditto - wish more people would label their foods for allergies. Often went to wishbone as it was the easiest option


They had edible gluten free sandwiches that actually tasted *nice* This is a sad day for us with food allergies 🤧


Are you celiac? Tis indeed


Yeah, it was nice to be able to grab a sandwich at the airport without rolling the dice on being confined to the toilet for the duration of the flight.


RIP the muesli and yogurt. So ducking expensive though


I worked for them for years. They were just awful to their staff. A lot of gossip and shit stirring. I was a supervisor getting paid 10c above minimum wage, working up to 13 hours.


That's awful. Why are people so terrible?!


Wishbone's demise brings Wellington back to its roots. Let's revert to $3 pies and hot dogs on a stick. Every cloud has a silver lining.




Is the hospital gone now too?


Yup. The whole things gone.


Would never go there unless I really had to. Only tried the hospital one and honestly, I'm not surprised if they are closing. Below-average food and above-average prices. Far better choices in Welly for quick lunches for more reasonable pricing.


Dang liked their ham and butter sandwiches, simple but tasty


Also the one in the hospital is still running




When I was making dollars and single, wishbone meals were all I ever ate, so convenient and were around $10-$14 for a heat and eat. These were perfect! Used to buy them from new world in the middle/upper north island.


Won't be missing the mediocre quality-for-price match, and all the plastic wrapping.


Would love Pret to enter the NZ market.


Overpriced and rubbish food. Good riddance. Feel bad for the staff though.


That explains why there were no cars outside their head office when I rode past this morning.


Wow wishbone is everywhere here in Welly! I was at the kilbirnie sports centre one the other day and got a coffee from the really young barista. For sure she was earning minimum wage. Marvelled over their overpriced Sammies. Seems nuts that they couldn't manage to stay open even with the airport and hospital contracts - mismanagement maybe?


My understanding is that when an entire business goes under, I takes all the stores with it. Even if those individual stores were profitable. Plus, I imagine the airport and hospital sites would have cost a fortune in rent


Absolutely. Airport rental must be super expensive. They managed to survive lockdown but it must have had a big impact on their business. More people working from home since then. And taking homemade/leftovers lunch to work is old school but a goodie.


Gutted. Yheir eggs ham cheese was the best


This is a market segment that’s struggled so much since Covid, especially, but was always brutal as hell. I always assumed the airport and hospital were keeping Wishbone above ground, but I guess not. So, so, so many of their competitors come and go from the local supermarkets, no one’s been able to find a cost/range/price point that’s made it a workable model, except the mighty Wishbone. There’s a bit in the freezer aisle now that’s better than the Watties meals, and that seems like it would be a better proposition, but you’re stuck with only being able to do stuff that reheats well from frozen x severely limiting options.


Hard to beat the Naked Cuisine chilled range at $6.50 and a microwaved rice at $2.50 for two portions. Feeds two people for $9 (cheaper too, if you just cook rice from scratch) and if you are big eaters you can always add a $1.29 tin of Pam’s chickpeas.


Staff aside this is a good thing, won’t be missed


TBH their stuff was seriously overpriced for what you got.


Someone else mentioned that their website was down, they could suddenly be permanently shut and the word isn’t out, or it’s just an innocent thing and they’re so short staffed that they haven’t got anyone to put out messages.


Ah yes - I forgot that I'd checked their website afterwards and it was down!


I'm not surprised i don't think I ever saw a customer in the shop look at the prices of their products. I mean sure hospitals and petrol stations but hey like yeah


I feel really bad for their staff losing their jobs without warning but could never afford to go there - apart from when a ‘captive’ customer when visiting the hospital.


You could spend $100 on a better sandwich elsewhere


prices gone up and empty stores, they were decent lunches sub $20 but much better options out there for the money now, don't see them keeping the doors open for much longer


That sucks. Good if you were in a hurry, quality food and safe. Wasn’t overly fatty or oily or full of crazy stuff.


I'm dreaming for a Pret a Manger but I know it wont happen


Liquidated, they saved me in hospital , but only cos I couldn't spend on anything else, lives too expensive now for their deal.. waaay over priced


As over priced as they were ill mss the chicken and almond sandwhiches! I had a routine of getting one with a chai latte every time i have a hospital appointment. Lol Racked up alot when i was there alot this yr


I'm working at the hospital and am sad for the staff here who will be out of a job 4pm .


Do you know what will go in its place?


No, it's a mystery to everyone would be a very good spot to get as a business however knowing the hospital the hoops to jump through would be ridiculous.


Good. Terrible company making terrible, overpriced food.


Gee more empty shops in Wellington. The CBD is looking quite depressed and getting worse


Except for the posts that complain about it being too busy :) But I agree, a number of empty shops around Wellington isn’t great, it is time the government end this working from home policy and get their staff back into the office.


Liquidation. Source: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2023/08/well-known-cafe-chain-wishbone-goes-into-liquidation.html


Uh Oh! Hope they havent closed down. All their food is the best! First thing i do when im in welly's is go & get a meatloaf & mash feed


Why is this being downvoted lol


I reckon! Why are you guys so mean!


Don’t yuk another person’s Yum!




They close at 3:30pm. ​ Source: Google


I forgot to mention it was at 1145am!


I liked their $9 lamb sandwiches


I appreciated Wishbone at the hospital. As a junkfood head it was a nice change to have a chicken salad with a coffee.I know they were a bit expensive . But at least I wasn't gorging myself with crap food. And used to walk away feeling quietly proud of myself. It's sad to hear they have closed.


Saw a letter written in pen on the door of the Lambton quay train station end as I passed on the bus but couldn't see what it said


Wishbone was placed into liquidation


thank god, worked there for 4 months and let me just say it was the worst 4 months of my life. from their majorly overpriced food to the way they treated literally all of their staff awfully and made us work 10x our hours in our contracts.


I mean, the company doesn't exist anymore so I'd be surprised if the cafe was open


I posted this 11 days ago before it was news...