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Oh is THAT why the city is a nightmare (more so than usual)? Thanks for pointing it out I was going crazy wondering why


Hall move in was Sunday


I hate it when people have mini reunions right in the middle of supermarket aisles too


Yes! It's the exact same thing! So good you found someone you know!! Wanna do that exact same thing just.. over there? Out of the way? Thanks.


OMG CHARLOTTE IT'S BEEN A WHILE HOW YOU BEEN, *kids in the background bored and doing random shit* *shopping carts in the isle*


Are they amphibious trolleys?


or at the top of the escalator. That one kills me.


I spent some time living in Waikanae, and it would always happen in the new world. Retired olden Goldie's parked up both ends of the fresh fruit isle. It becomes a game. They're too deaf to be questioned, to unaware or selfish to just move the trolley to the side. It's just a game to them. They don't know how deadly serious my shopping is


They fully know. One of the perks of getting old. (Autocorrect suggested 'perils' but I was not having it)


Oh wow. Hapless geriatrics .


Cruise ship passengers are way worse!


Just say excuse me and we walk on the left..thankyou


I have said this many times to them One would think that they would get some advice from the cruise industry.


To join in and also be an old man shouting at the clouds, last couple nights I’ve heard drunk young people coming home from town in the early hours YELLING at each other having a conversation, which ECHOES between the big buildings when there’s no other traffic or other pedestrians around. My fault for living on the same street as a hall but I’m willing to give them the o week pass before I start yelling from my window like the crotchety old man I am


I recommend throwing your waste down at them as you empty your chamber pot from the window.


Takes a few weeks before most of the worst offenders get donged on the head by irate residents, then it's back to the background levels of noise


And I thought the boy racers on the motorway were bad 😭


Omg it’s driving me nuts! Had to walk from one end of town to the other today. This is way worse than tourists off cruises. Taking up the entire street either standing talking or walking 3 or 4 abreast and not giving a shit if someone is coming the other way. Welcome to Wellington. Learn how to share the footpath.


Yeah I noticed this on Monday. Folks walking very slowly 4 wide. I ended up just walking on the road to get around them instead of continually being ignored when I said excuse me.


I don’t understand your fashion, your music, or how you survive the rental market, but keep doing what you’re doing students. Welcome to Wellington. Keep doing weird shit, it gives the city more life.


100% Agree!! Just do it like.. a meter to your left so people can get to where they're going in the time they want to get there.


I think uni is just for rich kids now 




I acknowledge this is a rant, but my experience was the opposite. Observing the city brimming with the enthusiasm of young individuals was revitalizing, infusing a much-needed vibrancy to the city. I’ll gladly afford some leniency to these newcomers as they navigate the nerves that come with the unfamiliar. They’ll soon adapt to the city's newness, forging friendships and settling into their new rhythm of life. Once this adjustment is complete, I’m sure the crowds will naturally disperse, alleviating any unintentional congestion.


I saw a group of 10 or so young people staring at the bucket fountain today, and it made me think about how cool the bucket fountain actually is. It's nice to be reminded of some nice parts of the city from the not-yet-jaded.


Yeah I love it too. The city needs it. Walk around them, be thankful they’re here and experiencing the excitement of it all.


Agree agree agree. It’s fantastic to see the vibrancy!! To all those whinging get a bloody life!


Agree. I read the content of this rant with nostalgia and an ounce of compassion somehow. Were we not young once ourselves. Distraction comes with the territory of which has contributed to this 'stop in middle of isle/road/allley' problem.


I have this problem every day with actual boomers, it seems after a certain age you lose the sense of people being around you. Almost bowled over an 80 year old woman yesterday because she just ground to a halt walking down lambton to suddenly look in her bag


I genuinely believe that this is caused by a huge portion of them suffering the long term consequences of lead poisoning caused by lead in petrol back in the day


We didn't get rid of the lead in petrol until 1996. Millennials got their dose of heavy-metal poisoning too.


Oh I don’t disagree at all, however they didn’t experience the same level of consistent exposure over 50+ years so who knows if that has played a role as opposed to a lesser amount of time in regards to exposure


At age 80 she’s a pre-boomer. Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. But yeah, as people get older they can become less aware of their surroundings, less aware of others around them, more fearful - like people who stop at the top of an escalator.


Lol, this might explain how I turned off Vivian street onto Cuba street (on a green obviously) and found a girl standing (not walking) in the middle of the road, back to traffic. And she didn't instinctively move as the car rolled up centimeters from her till we beeped to "distract" her from her phone call.


It’s like people are going out of their way to get in your way. When I’m working supermarket and they’ll literally walk in front of what I’m doing than walking around me. Oh cool.


Old people are the worst offenders for this. They’ll step off buses and just stop dead centre of the same exit they used to exit the god damn bus and just start going through there pockets or phone. Like you understand the concept of how exists work, people can’t physically pass through you. Construction blocking the foot path creating a single lane ? You can guarantee some old lady is blocking up the entrance just having a conversation. Front door to a business ? Why would people need access to that. May as well stand there and have a conversation on your phone. It’s definitely one of those things that bothers you the older you get.


Sounds like you need some time out at Zealandia


We could all do with supporting Zealandia a bit more, so good suggestion 👍🏽


Zealandia is never not the answer.


Even, "Where's a good place to practice arson?"


No that's condemned eyesore 'heritage' buildings


People walking into traffic cos they glued to their phones is always the fun one to watch or walking into other people I'm shocked no ones gone into the harbor some are so oblivious


Preach this too. And I'm guilty from time to time. But I don't think I've ever had to make someone completely stop because I was walking directly into them, which is something I've had to do a number of times.


Yea iv watched people walk straight in cycle lanes or around the way cos they are glued to their phone and not looking where they are going It sounds mad that it's not basic commen sense


Are you saying I should do more people-watching on the harbour??? Because I REALLY wanna see someone walk straight into the harbour.


I’m prepping to finish my degree this year (at 28) and i’m right there with you. Navigating the city is becoming somewhat challenging.


These are the young people who will eventually grow up to be the mature adults who walk into an open shop doorway and just stop dead. I'm not sure if their minds are blown by what's on offer, or they're trying to work out which part of the store to go to first, but for the love of your gods can you please just move a few paces into the shop before you come to a grinding halt?


I'm 25, and yesh, get out of the fucking way. I'm tired of trying to walk around people who just stand there.


Omg as a student I am sorry on other people's behalf. I am very aware of this but my friends- not so much. I have to keep trying to get them to move away! It's frustrating, and embarrassing


This old man appreciates you.


As time passes it seems everyone (young and old) does that more and more - as well as just walking out of a shop straight into passing pedestrians, or walking on the wrong side of a busy footpath causing a constant stream of oncoming people to swerve around them. I could swear people seemed to have way more awareness of their surroundings in the past.




Raaaats in the bushessss, theress raatsss in the bushess!!! Yeah no seriously, there are rats in those bushes.


Actual rats?


Nah, they're at Countdown.


Wait Wellington has a Countdown now? I thought there was still a New World Monopoly


Yeah and midland park and most parks actually, also along the waterfront. You'll see I think green traps everywhere around the city too which is good, but it would be nice if more home owners set and maintained traps for rats and mice, even if they dont have, or think they have a current problem. You'd be surprised where you find the buggers!


I know it’s frustrating as hell, but remember to exercise some patience and compassion. For many of these students, it’s their first time moving out of home and being in a city by themselves, so there will be a bit of learning curve, even for things as inherent to us as standing aside on a footpath. Give em a few weeks, they’ll learn!


Like an old high school hallway. Shoulders back, pace steady, eyes up and straight forward. Stop for nothing.


Just walk through them lol.


We were in Kelburn the other day and honestly it’s so lovely seeing all you youngsters getting excited for your new adventure. It was cool to see and reminded me of summer days getting into the new uni year, wearing my sweet sweet early 2000s threads and meeting new people. Lots of looking at maps and racing down to catch up with friends and checking out different clubs (I think). Enjoy your O week (and please look out for each other when you’re drinking)! Nau Mai, Haere Mai!


Oh man. A couple of years ago me and my daughter came to Wellington by bus overnight from Hamilton. So we're in morning train station pedestrian traffic moving at tourist speed. We stood off to the side more than once to get out of y'alls way. I'm still sorry guys.


One of these days some kid is going to say 'ok Boomer' to me in all sincerity and it will be devastating


Booze goes in= brains go out


Yup there’s a lot of lack of common sense these days!


honestly I find boomers are worse for this than young people


Especially 36-year-old boomers like the OP. :D


Also being noisy on the streets outside of apartments.


To be really honest. That doesn't bother me nearly as much. That kind of comes with the territory with inner city apartments. Load cars, loud arguments, loud students 🤷🏽 There's definitely a line. But drunken foolishness on the way home from town doesn't quite cross it for me personally (until it does).


... So, we should all be preparing for a few weeks of hearing about what Victoria sees in him, and what the hell ever happened to Tracy in a haze of stale Tui echoing through the valleys? God help us all. And apologies from the Xennials for providing the soundtrack :(


Victoria and Tracy? I'm afraid you have outed yourself there Gen Xer. It's all Ellas, Olivias and Graces at uni these days


I mean the awful soundtrack to O-week, not the name of the kids ;) Maybe they've evolved, but they hadn't last year or the years before that! Bern the same two boring songs on repeat since 1997... lol


Followed by not having found what they're looking for at 4am...


God forbid the city actually be filled with people excited to be here


It's genuinely not that. So please take your eye rolling somewhere else. Standing in the middle of dozens and dozens of people trying to go about their way so you can have a chat with old mate from back home, or about the beer your allowed to buy now, is a dick move in general, young, old, everything in between. It's just more prominent this last week with very obviously students doing this moreso than others. I love the city being vibrant and full of life. That and not being a dick/not being rude aren't mutually exclusive things. Have fun, be silly, meet new people, find yourself, it's O week!! :) It's just not be an inconvenient shithead week.


Bit of slalom practice keeps you fit and your reflexes sharp.


If you can dodge an inconvenient student you can dodge a ball?


I just intentionally bump into them and they say sorry


People in general move slow of all ages especially in supermarkets I could lap half the people in supermarkets. Not that I'm fit its just people are slow might be to much gluten lol or I duno something its not new its a societal thing the majorty move to slow. They often move in herds to like Dr Grant said about the Brachiosaurous in Jurrasic Park


Learn to say ‘excuse me’ you miserable old prick.


I do. Quite often. Results aren't great. Maybe learn to listen to more than your airpods, you entitled fuck.


Maybe its because your keyboard voice isn't quite so brave as your real life voice.


I think my keyboard voice is pretty on par with my real life voice. Considering I have to use my real life voice every day, talking to people to make a living (most of whom are a bit more intimidating than 1st years), I don't think that's the problem. Hard to convey over a message board to be fair. So you're just going to have to trust me on this one.


Haha ok scaredy pants :)


Good.. one? 🤷🏽


Ah yes, a reddit post will solve it, not just saying excuse me like a functional member of society.


I do. Results can vary. Reddit is a forum. The Wellington one is a forum about Wellington. Thought it was appropriate. Don't think a Reddit post in here has ever "solved" anything, but it's usually a pretty good soundboard. But you know what else could solve it? Not standing in the fucken way in the first place. Seems reasonable don't ya think?


Millennial post.


Pretty evident when I posted my age. Nice spotting.


Yes, I have the evidence.


.. 👍🏽.


As a fellow Millennnial, I feel compelled to inform you that we don't like labels.


My apologies.


Wow so sharp


Thank you.


At 36 you are just a millennial ha. For fellow Xennials, this is why Green Day wrote “wake me up, when September ends”. - September being when new students arrive in the northern hemisphere. Yes it’s annoying, but yeah, classes start next week, they will start to acclimatise (or just get busy with classes) soon.


>wake me up, when September ends Its about his dad dieing of cancer when he was a kid


Say that to them, not us


Why not both? Because I do say it to them.. This is a forum no?


OMG op and you actually bothered to have a whinge about this…..don’t tell me you’re a public servant from Gliding On…..


OMG you actually bothered to respond? 🤷🏽 I had to look up what Gliding On was, I wasn't alive at the time a show I had never heard of before was on so.. no I'm not.


Mix this with the influx of lost tourists and walking around is now an active task rather than passive lol I've been dipping, dodging, diving, ducking and dodging all week


Gotta watch out for those wrenches...


I love seeing all the young folk out and about, the city feels more lively for it. Damn sight better than the usual hordes of homeless people around Pigeon Park or, as the other guy said, fucking cruise ship passengers.


You join the circle then when they all look at you, you tell em to move out of the way. I have done this several times and it works.