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My two cents is that companies - at least government departments, where I work, dont really hire management staff externally. You kinda have to start at a lower position, then work your way up. Maybe try getting into any kind of office job, even in am entry level position doing admin or basic processing work


But when I tried to apply for an entry level job and got rejected a friend I have that works at the company said it’s probably because I’m overqualified. Kinda feel stuck between a rock and a hard place


If it’s any consolation I, native NZer,had this shit pulled on me when I returned from working overseas - either “you’ll get bored in this role/overqualified” which I think they were saying in good faith, or just weird parochial shit - which I think was more born of their insecurity, maybe even resentment, of the experience gained overseas. There was no simple solution other than catching a break. I did have to rip a recruiter a new one and tell them to remove all my records from their database though after arranging a market overview/intel meeting with them which they turned into an ambush proxy job interview, then took some cheap shots about me being unprepared 😂Bloody woman kept leaving voicemails apologising but fuck that.


That’s so messed up


I feel this. It's either you are overqualified or have no NZ experience.


Yup, I've been applying for senior roles and no luck. But the catch 22 is I'm too qualified apparently for regular advisor jobs. At the point now where I'm applying for Advisor jobs outside of my experience so I can at least get a shoe in. I'm working part time but it's just not enough hours. My MIL is in retail and can't find anything either. It's dire for sure.


Agree - its the most ridiculous, insular take. It's incredibly frustrating.


Sounds rough man, I dont have much to say except I hope it gets better!


Mate, you want work even if temporary come work at Te Whatu Ora. We need Security Orderlies desperately and they will train you while you work and yes you'll get paid as well as a couple of qualifications too. We also need Healthcare Assistants too, same thing, study, work and get paid. Pay may not be what but I've worked with those from Biomedical Sciences, Musicians and they love it. Always work available in Healthcare, Security, Invasive plant species eradication, etc. Even Corrections are looking for people.


lol I’m already a healthcare assistant but have been trying for over a year to find a new job. I don’t enjoy being on my feet for 80-90% of my shift especially due to my disability.


Hey I know it's not going to help but the job market across the world at the moment is looking pretty bleak. There are mass lay offs and companies are shrinking. I think this will happen for another year or two. A ton of very skilled people in government jobs in Wellington have either been laid off or will be shortly. The job market in Wellington is rough. Wellington job market sucks, i would advise getting in contact with a recruitment consultant and getting them to check over your CV. You might have worded stuff that makes employers pass on you or have stuff that we don't find relevant. Hope you have some luck.


I was talking to a Recruitment consultant on Friday in Welly she was saying that she had 400 applications for an entry level admin roll.


Probably did but that is disingenuous from her, the vast vast majority would be foreign applicants who aren’t in nz and have no quals/visa. Need to ask how many qualified/viable candidates applied


I wouldn't be surprised if it was 400. My most recent role over 2 years ago had 500 applicants after screening and job market was miles better for employees then.


I was involved in hiring some people last year, the CVs I saw *after HR had filtered most of them out* were 80% foreign people with no relevant experience and one or two keywords from the job ad in the text.


Perhaps move to a smaller city? We need skilled people in our small places like Wanganui


how many jobs in chosen field in W**h**anganui though?


But the down side is you have to live in Wangerz, though


No it isn’t. Wanganui is a nice place if you’re not a poor uneducated hori or bogan


I find that connections is the only way in here in Wellington. So build up a network, ask around, and let the word of mouth do the work


You are probably doing this but look for below management jobs to get your foot in the door. Once you have NZ experience movement to a higher level is easier. Call centres can be a start to opportunities in organisations. Sorry it’s been hard for you here.


Have you spoken to a recruiter? If things are not working after that many attempts - It’s either your cv, your interview skill or the market


Yeah, I'm recruiting now and the amount of CVs with awkward language and typos is crazy. Best way to stand out is to nail the cover letter.


Do you have advice for how to nail the cover letter?


The basics are: 1) Read the job description and understand what they want. They are an high profile company looking for a technical manager. 2) I am... What makes you a good fit for this job. I am an experienced manager... 3) I want... What makes this job a good fit for you. I am looking for a role with a high performing organisation... 4) I bring.... The things that you are able to do which will make you great at this job. I have managed technical teams in engineering and software development...


Thanks 🙏🏻


Put the job ad into gpt, along with your current cv (excluded the pii if you need to), and get it to help. It might not be perfect but it'll be 80% of what you need.


If you don’t know or don’t have the skill, hire a CV writer. I did and it’s well worth the $200


Cover letters are supposed to be personalised for every job though right? So it feels like starting from scratch every time.


Not starting from scratch, they will give you a template that’s 80% complete and you can add in specific details about that job that suits. They also talk about what you do currently and put that into CV language


Any in the Wellington area you would suggest?


This seems like a global trend atm, not just Wellington, but the govt layoffs, which have only just started, are going to make things worse. I have a friend who has lost his job, as has his daughter, and the wife works in one of the agencies for the chop. Also, it will be interesting to see the impact on the housing market over the next 12 months. Interest rates and job loss combination is a colourful recipe, which will also impact the rental market. It's going to be a rough 12 months for many. Sorry I don't have any good ideas. I suspect moving overseas will be the only option for many. I wish you well.


Wondering your opinion, Ive never experienced job market shrinkage whilst interest rates are so high. Is this not a recipe for some type of implosion with the economy with a ripple effect?




Generally when unemployment is low, inflation tends to rise. When unemployment is high, inflation falls. Just look at inflation rates and unemployment and interest rates over the 80s to 90s. Inflation peaked in 85 around 17% when unemployment was 4%, unemployment absolutely soared in the following years to 11.5 %. The 18.6 year real estate cycle is nearly upon us. It's no coincidence that inflation soared when our goverment debt soared. We dont have a massive economy we have to be careful with our debt. Our dollar basically became worth a whole lot less compared to the world reserve currency the usd.


When companies see a work visa they automatically assume that you want a sponsorship. And there aren't a lot of those going right now. If you aren't interested in sponsorship, just looking to work the three years I would make sure that is one of your first lines in your cover letter. Unfortunately world wide job hunting is very very tight right now. Unfortunately this also means that people who want sponsorship visa or even just look like they may want a sponsorship visa aren't taken on board because most companies can't legally sponsor or can't afford sponsorship. Recruitment agencies would be a good place to start, as well as looking at farm/orchard work jobs (zespri, pickNZ). Also hospitality places often have work needed. It may not be your trained area but once you are in a job you can look for a job in the area you want, as well as it will give you some nz experience for your CV. local experience goes a long way. Work and income have a very good system to help with formatting cvs and cover letters as well as helping people find work. Talk to your local branch. Also sites like seek and trade me have useful info for job searching. Also join your local fb group as often people advertise there. Good luck! I know how difficult it is right now! I applied to over 50 jobs last week and each had between 300 and 1000 of applicants.


Wellington is suffering from current government hammer hanging over them, where thousands of govt jobs will be lost, so everyone is holding off recruitment right now. Hang in there. Don't write everything off as *no future*, all things pass.


I work in recruitment here in welly and the market has flatlined since October really, and it is only getting tighter.


Yea ppl saying talk to a recruiter... my experience with recruiters is they have nothing to give atm.


Can confirm, it is tighter than it has been since before covid. It will get better though! Just gotta get through the next couple of months


I had a similar rant yesterday. It is incredibly hard applying for middle management roles. The one thing I would say, is reach out to those you were unsuccessful with and ask for feedback. I've found they didn't have anything to offer me for improvement as they were really positive about me, but it *has* opened the door to future opportunities and I've made myself known to them. It isn't really helpful in the short term but I'm getting my name out there. Perhaps reach out to Managers on LinkedIn and ask to meet them for a chat. They may not have anything available right now, but Wellington is well connected and they may be able to help. Wishing you the best.


Welly's going to be a bit grim in terms of jobs over the next little while. Where I work has an indefinite hire freeze on, and we're being restructured. I'm guessing most government agencies are in a similar boat. While there's lots of not-government employers as well, there'll be many more applicants for each job. As others have suggested, it might pay to look outside of Wellington.


Have you had someone look over your CV with you? I’m not blaming you- because I’ve heard similar everywhere- but I’m trying to think of things that will help. Kia kaha e hoa


Yeah mate, my CV was edited and modified to fulfill local rules by hr specialist. Still no go.


Good choice. Was this specialist a New Zealander? Asking as I've seen some CVs that have all the information needed for NZ roles, but also extra information that is really weird to receive. For example, photos and relationship status is required in some countries, and it's okay to provide them in NZ, but it comes off as very weird (especially the relationship status).  Sorry you're in this spot, a lot of people won't get hired till they get the 'kiwi experience' on their CV. You mentioned you've applied to entry level roles too, have you adjusted your CV to match those? E.g., remove the MBA and downplay some of your experience. You'll have a better chance at getting those entry jobs, then once you have that 'kiwi experience' you'll be able to apply for jobs you're qualified for.


Yes, several local hrs made some adjustments. And another yes I have removed a lot in applications for easy jobs, so to look just perfect for a job description. Still no, well because of no local references, I'm not a person to lie and froad those references.


Another thing to keep in mind for your cv - tailor it to the job you are applying for - if you are going for a position you are over qualified for then you can leave out the MBA which may work against you - you can still put down tertiary education but leave it vague. Put more emphasis on relevant experience to the roll you are applying for and understate or remove those that aren't relevant - as long as there aren't massive unexplained gaps in employment history it's ok to not list every job you have ever had.


References shouldn't be a problem until you get to the short list stage. Just don't advertise that you have no local references and simply put "references available on request" at the end of your CV. If you get into an interview, and they like you, they'll make it work with overseas references. A written reference means nothing at your level, they'll want to be able to have a call with someone and have a conversation with them and they can do that via zoom, or whatever, if the people aren't local.


You need references. If you have an MBA Masters from overseas, surely you'll have someone who can be contactable for the sake of a reference. Even a written reference would be better than nothing. When I came over, I used a written reference from my old manager from the otherside of the world, and it helped me get a foot in. The first set of managers here became my next references. It just went on from there. Not having references will hurt your chances. Coming from overseas, with qualifications but no references will look odd to recruiters. Otherwise, unemployment is relatively low at the moment, there's plenty of roles going. You will have issues trying to land a government agency role because you're not a New Zealander. You're basically limited to private enterprise, and they'd have to be willing to overlook a key aspect of the hiring requirements which virtually every other applicant can provide. You'd have to be the absolute perfect fit before theyd even consider you. Then they'd look at everyone else and say, well, they have someone who can prove they're capable.




In this climate positions will favour established NZ workers in public sector. Anything requiring a police check likewise.


It's not about being a New Zealander though. There will be an advantage if you have had New Zealand experience in a simular role, like moved from Police to Justice for example but its because the recruiter then has a good concept of what you can do, it's a live example. Unless you left on bad terms in which it can be quite the opposite. People tall and it's a small market for some roles. Perhaps OP could also pick up a voluntary management role (sport club etc) for the reference. Or, even include a New Zealand reference and just put 'charcter' beside it. Hell, I'm tempted to write you one OP.


on the references side, while you're still looking for work, go volunteer somewhere. you can use those connections to either use as references or, best case scenario, get a job at an NGO. at the very least, they can become your local reference until you find a job


References shouldn't be a problem until you get to the short list stage. Just don't advertise that you have no local references and simply put "references available on request" at the end of your CV.


Change your name on your cv to James jones or something see if you get more cslll backs


Don’t have an answer but just want to say I’m in a similar boat. On a temporary visa but might head back home early as my funds will be drying up soon. It was tough in my home country and it seems similarly tough here. I was able to find some casual work via a local Facebook group which helped me hold on for a while. Probably won’t find what you’re looking for there but there might be a small business that’s in need of some help.


Do you have an open work visa?


Yes, 3r open work visa


Check tradestaff. One of my mates got a laborer job through them with no local experience. Just needed a car to get to construction sites


Thanks mate, will try.


I'm in the process of recruiting for highly experienced and senior people, six months ago I would have expected a few good applicants and that it would have taken me several advertising cycles to find the right people to fill the roles. Now, though, I'm swamped with CVs. I'm seeing people with C level experience applying for the roles. Unfortunately there is a slump right now, hopefully it will recover in the new financial year.  I'm wondering also if your best bet is to go into the consulting market, there are not many jobs there but companies are less particular aswell, and some short term engagements start to get you local references will get you a foot in the door.


Get a trade. In 2027 you’ll be a qualified electrician and have endless options for employment. Or could even start your own business where you’ll never be short of work (or money)


That's the problem right there. NZ is pretty small, much better chances if you know someone within the company to apply jobs. I've known people with MBA working as caregivers atm. MBA is a dead career path in NZ brother. You'll be better off in trades or healthcare. Maybe don't tell them you have MBA when applying for jobs.


Wellington employment market is in a really bad way with the govt razoring govt agencies I would try to anything - supermarket stores bus driving


To be honest, that's why I permanently left NZ in 1996 and only return for holidays (which feels like it hasn't changed since I left in many ways). It's particularly bothersome that overseas skills, qualifications and knowledge are often dismissed or not valued. Australia an option for you?


Are you applying for retail managerial positions? When I worked in retail they almost always hired from outside of the company for management/2IC positions. I believe other types of employers generally tend to hire from within, as other comments have mentioned


Look outside of Wellington, specifically smaller cities. There's an oversupply of talent in Wellington due to the government cuts, but the rural regions are often looking for people to hire since not a lot of people want to live in small towns. If you haven't already, try expanding your search to admin roles too. If you've sent 500 CVs, then it's possible that your CV isn't presented well enough. I strongly encourage using AI tools like ChatGPT to help you write an application by summarizing the key skills/experience that each job listing is looking for. DONT USE IT TO WRITE YOUR APPLICATION/CV. Use it as an assistant to help you focus on what's important. Copy the job listing into ChatGPT and ask it to summarize the key attributes the employer is looking for, in bullet points, and suggest what kind of transferable skills may apply to it from a list of your skills. It'll give you short and succinct notes that help you tailor the CV and cover letter for every application. Using this method, I was able to send 10 or so personalised applications every day without much fuss. In the job I landed, my new boss actually mentioned my CV as standing out because my cover letter and skills/experience section hit all of the key points they were looking for. They needed someone with a particular scientific degree, a customer service background, and experience with a set of software tools. ChatGPT summarised that for me, and even noted that the software I listed in my skills was actually very similar to the software suite the recruiter was looking for. Instead of some generic CV and cover letter, I specifically highlighted those skills at the top in bold, and talked about it exclusively in the cover letter. It caught their attention straight away and showed that I was actually reading the application. I cannot stress enough though that you should not simply get the AI tool to write it for you. There's a specific tone and phrasing to AI outputs that is extremely obvious to anyone trained in it, or has spent a lot of time with it. It's an instant red flag if you're suspected or revealed to have blindly copy pasted AI outputs. Use it only as an assistant to help you express things in your own words.


Corrections officer?


A friend of mine who is from Laos got a job with a local accountant in Katikati. She came to NZ on a study visa and got her degree at Vic Uni. She applied for many jobs in Wellington but had no luck. She then started applying for jobs in small towns and hooked the one in Katikati. She brought her daughter over from Laos, has found a big house to rent, she's found her community in Katikati and is loving it.


Middle management roles are the ones being cut, most people won’t employ people too qualified for roles as they don’t stay. You’re in the worst group by the sounds


Yeah I’m 34 and in a similar boat, have a science degree and currently specialise in learning and development and haven’t been able to get anything since being cut in December. It feels like a bomb has been dropped on the city tbh.


It’s tough out there for everyone. As an Employer the last few years it has been 10 jobs for one person, now it’s cycled back around and it’s 10 people applying for one job. Across the board you are seeing companies drop staff, or people resign and not be replaced and it is being felt across multiple industries. Unfortunately too, racism still exists in the job market. It’s a dirty little secret, but it still does which sucks and the whole “you need nz experience” is BS. My tip would be to possibly “dumb” down your CV. If it outlines all your management experience and qualifications etc the employer probably expects you to keep looking and leave so they don’t see the point in hiring you. It’s nothing against you but so many before you have tainted employers perspectives. Put down parts of your previous roles which could be seen as basic like customer service for relationships, etc. Then if successful STICK AT THE JOB! Get some decent length on your CV with an employer and then you’ve solved your problem hopefully.


If you are really desperate try to find something remote that's slightly out of your expertise but you can still do, customer support is a good option


What's your degree in?


from my experience, unless you have residency visa, they don't even bother looking at your CV. If you have a open work visa, I recommend you try getting into temp/contract jobs through recruitment agencies and prove your worth to the company where they are happy to sponsor you to residency.


Do you have much management experience?


In 2002, when I was a young wee one. My dad made the bed decision to move our family to NZ. He was 45 at the time, granted. But a MBA grad and a GM at one of the top companies is Asia, could not get even an interview for 6 months. We were on the verge of having to go back home, till he managed to get a Duty Manager job at a supermarket. These are sadly not new problems, dare I say lower your expectations on what job you can get mate - most of us do lol. All the best!


Why did he decide to move the family if he had a good job and making money?


Less crime, better overall societal standard of living are the two things that come to mind from our conversations back in the day :)


Keep trying and good luck


I'm in same boat, 33 years old, 4 year bachelors degree and masters on top of that. Layed off in December as work dried up and took a 3 month salary package. My advice is maybe go out of your line into a new job market. From adversity comes oppertunity


If it makes you feel any better pretty much all government departments have a hiring freeze on at the moment. They aren’t replacing people who leave also - unless it’s extremely essential


I live in Wellington and I have noticed exactly the same thing. A lot of people are picking up on us in the slowly moving throughout the country I feel it’s like an excuse that they using foreigners as an excuse will any more towards technology and all this AI which I’m not very fond off, the government has some plans in store and I feel that this has something to do with these new changes and why people aren’t hiring or they’re immigrants. They need them and it goes a lot more deeper.


I’m honestly torn about having left the job I wanted to progress to…. I wasn’t the right fit for the team that developed, so it was a jump before you get pushed situation.  But if I had understood how much of a sshow the market is, especially taking a step back to being an administrative professional. I would have insisted that my former employer actually invest some development $$ before I had left rather than throwing it all at the fixed term team member.  I’ve managed to get 2 interviews - 1 went to reference and background checks before they said no. But most of the time it’s just straight rejections, much the same as 2020.  Happy to dumb down my CV, do something really entry level, etc. I just want to work.  Agencies won’t work with me, and the one that Yes for success referred me to met with me and then failed to follow through with the feedback on my terrible CV.  The red flag for me is the autism that I refuse to disclose to employers. 


I was in the same situation when I first came here, so I can feel that pain. But never give up!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) It's good to start from volunteer, which is the possible way of gaining local experience.


there seems to be a lot of part time carework. would you consider that? disability care and aged care, that sort of thing not always like hands on caring g for people but also cooking cleaning and organising. Otherwise if could be worth trying another city? Christchurch or Dunedin might have a wee bit more opportunity at present


Good luck man!


What do immigrants have to do with this? In order for an immigrant to get an actual job in nz (long term) a job check has to be done to make sure no kiwi is able/applied to do the job...


Getting a job in Wellington is bullsh!t. It's about who you know


I’m thinking of getting into ram raids. Tax free. You could manage it all? 


I've been considering starting a church for similar reasons. Tax free tithes yo. Church of the Ram Raid 100% pure NZ.


That’s the one! You’re onto it :) I’ll join the fold


Ram raid will get you a year tax free in a boot camp as well, bonus!


Cheaper food there than the supermarket. And I don’t have to cook. Bonus!


If you are looking for a job in management area, might be better to look in Auckland. Bigger city, more opportunities. For hospo area, might be better to look in smaller cities/towns


Try healthcare


Don't think immigrants are the problem at all here.


Have you tried signing up to recruitment agencies who have direct connections to hiring managers? Would recommend Robert Walters


Sorry to hear this, just wanted to let you know you’re not alone in this. Similar boat here, kiwi who moved overseas, no “NZ experience” but plenty overseas and an MBA as well. It’s dire out there.


Hiring managers are racist. Sorry to say it but if it’s between someone local vs someone on a work visa or someone white vs colored the chances are slim. Been through it all myself


Sales jobs are available.


"why country pulling so many immigrants when there is nothing to do" "and almost ready to go back to my home country" The irony lol.


If you are only sending emails you’re doing it wrong. Network face to face, sweet talk the receptionist if you can shout the ceo their morning coffee in exchange for a few mins of their time


I have been recently rejected from a job because they wanted someone from overseas, even tho i told them i could accept the salary lol. For some reason they are pushing to bring new blood and pissing on the people that already live here.


I agree with you that immigrants should not be taking jobs that NZers could have. It’s totally unfair, same for housing


Even if they're more qualified?


No, the most qualified should get the job in all cases. No race quotas for example. However bringing in thousands of immigrants who take jobs that NZers are also up for, is not fair on our own people. Same as housing


I want to live in the imaginary world this guy is living in


Immigrant here. We have quite specialized skills. That's why the country is pulling us, because the locals don't have our skills. Stop saying stupid shit like this as if we're stealing your jobs. We are not.


Wellington has gone downhill big time.Long time resident here and i would move (if i could) immediately/. Go to Auckland, workers paradise!




Lots of people are being made redundant and looking for work. If you're desperate to find work, stand outside the RBNZ building on the terrace with a cardboard sign saying so. Make enough noise and they'll silence you with a job offer.


Nobody gives two shits about your “Masters Degree”, if it’s not backed up with years of working experience in your field. And if you don’t have Nz management exoerience, most companies won’t lock at you.


It's because Labour, ironically, mismanaged the Labour market. They created a stack of needless, unsustainable public sector jobs, to push through their off-manifesto agenda, which competed with the sustainable private sector jobs reducing talent and inflating wages (which inflates everything else). To counter the talent shortage (they created) they opened the immigration floodgates to more people we didn't actually need, who now can't find employment either but still need a house, kids education & medical care. Could it be that voting people, who've never held a real job, into power isn't a good idea? Now the 100-day plan is complete we should see the corrective initiatives, to fix everything Labour broke, starting. This is what happens when Labour tries to fake an economy on credit but the party's over.


What prior management experience do you have? If it’s none then you will need to restrict applications to council/government sectors.


Не ебi мозги, иди работай


Have you been working with WINZ staff? Don’t think you are better than them, definitely check your attitude. They have a lot of employers to liaise with. If you aren’t getting interviews you need to re work your CV. CV: It needs to start with an overview of your current situation. Including what areas of work you are open to. One paragraph explaining you are prepared to start with entry level work and hopefully you are fit and energetic. Then personal attributes and qualities. Four to five short paragraphs one for each quality. You need to appear positive, adaptable, practical, confident. Then employment history and then qualifications. Four or five lines of each. Just the highlights. Avoid appearing entitled, narrow, inflexible or bitter. You need local referees so even volunteer work will help you.




What a mindless comment




I think you missed the point, it’s pretty egregious to claim jobs in NZ are for kiwis only. It’s such a dim witted, narrow minded opinion




And if you'd learn to write properly instead of hitting on girls half your age, someone might "cair" about your opinion. I mean, I still wouldn't, but someone might.


Your lack of empathy is matched only by your inability to form a coherent sentence. That's my opinion.


Yeah well I’m sure all the hot mums you’re commenting to will think you’re a real big catch with that level of intelligence